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Chapter 572 [573] 5 ancestral precepts of Lijia Village, ancestral precepts that have been almost fo

Chapter 572 [573] The five ancestral precepts of Lijia Village, the almost forgotten ancestral precepts

Holding Xiao Xiaobu in his arms, he fled from Jiao Mengyu's side.

Li Bu let him down to walk by himself, and said to him angrily, "Son, are you stupid, why do you have nothing to provoke such a tigress?
And don't you see that she is pregnant like your mother now? You go to provoke her now, what if she gets angry and won't leave, what should I do if she stays at our house? Do you want to give up your things? Give her half of it? "

"I didn't want to provoke her. She captured my Xiaobai and refused to give it back to me. I just went to ask her to bring Xiaobai back, but she refused to give it back to me, and wanted to take me into custody. What can I do!!
Then I also have a temper, so I asked someone to block her. Who knew that my sister and the others were so unkind, they abandoned me after taking a few candies from others, and I was arrested.

If I had only known that this big fat auntie was good here, I wouldn't want Xiaobai, I would just give Xiaobai to her. "After getting down from Li Bu's arms, Xiao Bu imitated Li Bu's splayed gait and swayed towards the house, while complaining dissatisfiedly about Li Ranran and the others' lack of loyalty.

Facing Little Bu's complaints, Li Bu directly pinched his little cheeks, and then said angrily; "If you hadn't told Dad that you were arrested by that aunt, Dad would have rushed over to save you , and you said what to do if you are arrested, maybe you will really be arrested and go back to be your son."

"I don't want to be taken back by her to be my son. I'll just be your son. It's enough for me to have you as a father. I don't want anything else, cluck cluck..." Hearing Li Bu's words, little Bu Immediately hugging his thigh, he cheerfully flattered him.

After being so funny, he stretched out his arms to pick up Xiaobu, and Li Bu walked towards the house while holding him, and asked him with a smile; "Little Bu, in case your mother marries someone else in the future, do you want to marry someone else?" Your mother lives with them, or do you want to live with your father?"

"No, my mother said, she will never get married in her life, it is bad enough to meet a bastard like you, if she meets another one like you, she will be bored to death, so she just like this Well, she told me herself.

So Dad, you have to make good money in the future. Look, you have six children, two wives, five elderly people, and twelve mouths waiting for you to eat. "Hearing Li Bu's words, little Bu was in his arms, and he started to educate him like a little adult.

After taking a blank look at his son, who was neither big nor young, Li Bu carried him directly to the broadcasting building of the village committee, and then shouted the broadcasting from inside.

[Ahem, cough, good afternoon, everyone. Those who are eating should put down their rice bowls first, those who are sleeping should prick up their ears, those who are playing around should stop first, those who are watching TV should stop first, I am Li Bu, here I have something to ask Make an announcement.

First; because tomorrow is the full moon of the New Year's Eve and the four little guys in my family, and because there are many guests in our Lijia Village today, I decided that we will have a reunion dinner together with the big guys tonight.

So tonight, everyone, don't cook at home, everyone, come over here to help prepare dinner, and then we will eat together tonight.

Second, all the villagers of Lijia Village and the guests who came to visit, please abide by the rules of our Lijia Village, do not take pictures, do not spread rumors, and do not publicize what you see on it.

In Lijia Village, we are one family. According to the ancestral precepts of our Lijia Village, betraying one’s family is like betrayal. This is to be kicked out of the house, so I hope everyone can abide by the ancestral precepts.

Third, after dinner tonight, we will play a large canvas movie, and our Lijia Village Committee will also provide you with free snacks such as melon seeds, peanuts, popcorn, dried fruit, and tea.

Well, that's all I want to announce. Everyone who eats continues to eat, those who sleep continue to sleep, those who play around continue to play, and those who watch TV continue to watch TV and say goodbye! ! 】

After Li Bu's broadcast, Lijia Village immediately became extremely lively. All the chefs in the village started to go to Li Bu's orchard, started to catch chickens, ducks, and fish in the fish pond, and had nothing to do. Yes, they all sighed happily there.

The old people sighed like this; "Hey, there is Xiaobu, the lucky star, and our Lijia Village is holding his blessings. This year has been a prosperous year. Hahaha, the ancestors are in heaven!!"

The middle-aged man laughed like this; "Hey, I am a little embarrassed to eat Xiaobu and the village every day, but this Xiaobu is really a good person, and he is worthy of being the next generation patriarch of our Lijia Village. candidate."

The young man smiled like this; "It's great to have Li Buge here. Now we not only have a house, we don't have to worry about work and so on, and our reputation is much louder. Now when people hear that we are Li Bu Everyone in our village thinks we are amazing."

The children shouted happily; "Uncle Li Bu is so kind, we can eat a lot of delicious food and watch good movies again tonight, haha, so happy!!"

And when the villagers in Lijia Village were all laughing happily, Jiao Mengyu, who put away her luggage and followed her assistant, took a little white dog out for a walk, and suddenly asked a boy from Lijia Village who asked her for an autograph; "Hey, brother!" , can you tell my sister, what are the ancestral precepts of your Lijia Village, why do I feel that your ancestral precepts seem to be very strict?"

"Ancestral precepts, there are five ancestral precepts in our Li Family Village.

First of all, we must unite, fight with the outside world, and not allow blood and blood. Violators will be driven out of Lijia Village, and they will not be able to enter the family tree of Lijia Village after death.

Second, you are not allowed to be robbers, thieves, flower thieves, traitors, and the like. Violators will break their feet and be driven out of Lijia Village, and they will never be allowed to step into Lijia Village.

The third is to be equally poor and rich, which means that everyone is a family. If you become rich first, you must help those who are poorer than you.

I have forgotten what fourth and fifth are, and these ancestral precepts are actually outdated a long time ago. No one obeyed them a long time ago, but now I, Li Buge, are in charge of Lijia Village, so he said to abide by it According to the teachings of the ancestors, we must abide by the teachings of the ancestors.

After all, he is the default next-generation patriarch of our Lijia Village, and we will be under his control in the future, and he is really kind to us, so we are all willing to listen to him.

Of course, he was just talking, and nothing really happened. Otherwise, his brother Li Hong would have been kicked out by him long ago for selling his news for money.

However, in Lijia Village, we still have to abide by the rule of not taking pictures, publicizing, or spreading rumors about what we see in it. After all, this is our future job, and we cannot destroy ourselves.

For example, sister, you are pregnant now, and you are in our Lijia Village, no one will take pictures of you, because no one dares. "After getting Jiao Mengyu's signature, the young man happily explained to her that some rules of Li Family Village came.

(End of this chapter)

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