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Chapter 579 [580] My brother-in-law even dared to defeat my family, he has never suffered! !

Chapter 579 [580] My brother-in-law even dared to defeat my family, he has never suffered! !
Facing Li Xiaohu's flickering, Li Bu smiled and waved to him directly; "You come to my side and say, don't hide from Mom's side, you are asking me to invest, not Our mother!!"

"Brother-in-law, it's Chinese New Year's Eve, and it's the full moon of my four nephews, you can't be rough on me.

Also, I was wrong about what happened back then, but you were also wrong, we were right and half wrong, so you can't mom, mom, mom save me, my brother-in-law wants to beat me, I can't beat him! ! Hearing Li Bu's words and seeing the sneer at the corner of his mouth, Li Xiaohu was so frightened that he hid behind Lin Xiang for help.

Facing Li Xiaohu's words, Li Bu rolled his eyes in disgust, and then said to him with a look of disdain; "You don't have to wrong me like this when you are in the New Year, why should I beat you if you are fine, your brother-in-law Am I that unreasonable person?
Besides, you are asking me to invest now, you are not allowed to show me your information and some documents of your company, you have nothing, how do you want me to invest in you, respected Boss Li Xiaohu Li! ! "

"Ah, you are not going to hit me, I thought you were still holding grudges against me because of what happened last time, it scared me to death.

By the way, brother-in-law, I brought the information, it is in my suitcase, I will go home and get it for you now, you wait for me here, I will be right back. "Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Xiaohu immediately left behind Lin Xiang, smiling and going to get out of the document.

However, just when Li Xiaohu happily passed behind Li Bu, and was about to go home to get the documents.

Li Bu stood up suddenly, then turned around, and a cross lock directly locked Li Xiaohu's neck, and then Li Bu looked at Li Xiaohu who was under his control with a sneer and said; "Good guy, Your brother-in-law and I are only driving 10,000+ broken vans now, but you dare to drive more than 500 million sports cars, you are awesome and rich!!"

"Sister, brother-in-law, how do you know, have you gone to the capital again?

I, I, and I didn't even drive the car to school, how do you know I bought a sports car? "At this time, Li Bu just grabbed Li Xiaohu's neck and didn't use any force, so Li Xiaohu could still speak normally at this time.

And Lin Xiang, who was a little worried that Li Bu would hit Li Xiaohu, immediately looked at Li Xiaohu in shock and disbelief after hearing what Li Xiaohu said; With so much money to buy a car, you won’t go to borrow money again, why don’t you grow up?”

"I, I, I, I didn't watch my brother-in-law's movie box office sell for billions, and I thought he could get at least a billion, and then my brother-in-law asked him for a car worth 500 million, and he probably would." I agreed, after all, my sister helped him give birth to four sons, so I went to buy it.

Also, I didn't buy all my cars with a loan. Isn't my house too far away, so I sold it.

Then I paid the down payment for the sale of the house, and I chose a car loan for the rest. The loan is not a lot, just over 200 million. Hahaha, brother-in-law, you will help me pay it back, right? Seeing that Li Bu knew such a secret about buying a car, Li Xiaohu, who knew he couldn't avoid it, directly chose to confess.

Hearing Li Xiaohu's words, Li Bu immediately let go of him, and while helping him tidy up his clothes, he looked at him with a smile and said, "So the so-called company and investment you just mentioned are actually just to deceive You lied for my money, right, Li are getting better and better, you are cheating on me!!"

To be honest, at this moment Lin Xiang and Li Yanmei wanted to speak up for Li Xiaohu, and even asked Li Bu to help him repay the loan.

But when they thought that Li Xiaohu spent all the money they gave him in half a year, and now he owed so much debt to his family, so they didn't dare, and they were all embarrassed. Speak again.

Lin Xiang didn't dare to speak, because Liu Yan's expression on the side was not very good-looking.

The second is that as a rural person, more than 200 million yuan is too much for her. Last time she felt that she had too much money and was a little scared, so she called Li Xiaohu all the time, so she Now I dare not speak anymore.

In addition, Lin Xiang knew that even though Li Bu was teaching Li Xiaohu a lesson, he would still help Li Xiaohu in the end.

But Li Yanmei didn't dare to open her mouth because she knew that Li Bu was already collecting funds to take her to America next year.

Second, what Li Bu said last time woke her up. She is now a mother of four children. It is true that she loves her younger brother, but she can no longer use her son's future family property to squander at will on this younger brother. Yes, after all, sons are closer than younger brothers.

Third, she also believed that Li Bu would help Li Xiaohu in the end.

Hearing Li Bu's words, and seeing that his mother and sister had no intention of helping him, Li Xiaohu hurriedly hid behind Liu Yan and replied in a low voice; "The company is planning, but it hasn't started yet. That's all."

"Today is New Year's Eve, so I won't beat you, but the death penalty can be avoided. Go and fetch water for me, fill the big pots at home on both sides, and then boil the water. If you can't handle this, wait a minute Dad comes back to beat you up, I will never stop!!" Hearing Li Xiaohu's words, Li Bu didn't have the heart to see what kind of plans he had, so he sent Li Xiaohu to fetch water to boil the bath water.

Li Xiaohu, who hadn't done this kind of coolie for several years, really didn't want to do this job, but after meeting Li Bu's face with a hidden knife in his smile, he immediately gave up again, and was so frightened that he obediently went to the kitchen to get a bucket and went to the well outside. Shake the water and go.

After driving Li Xiaohu out to work, Li Bu instantly changed his face to an amiable one, and said to Liu Xiaoqing with a smile; Have you eaten yet?"

"Ah, that brother-in-law, we have already eaten, the two aunts and eldest sister just invited me and Xiaohu to eat first.

Also, brother-in-law, I'm sorry, I've been dereliction of duty again, and I didn't take good care of Xiaohu, you won't blame me, will you? " Liu Xiaoqing, who was a little frightened by Li Bu, smiled, and then helplessly talked about Li Xiaohu buying a car secretly.

"I won't blame you, how could I blame you?"

After smiling to Liu Xiaoqing and expressing that he would not blame her, Li Bu suddenly changed his voice and said with a smile; "But after the Chinese New Year, both of you will stay here for an internship, and you can go to the crew to learn makeup, Li Xiaohu Go to Daza and learn from the lowest level, you’re fine!!”

"Brother-in-law, I haven't graduated yet. I still have one year to graduate. Why don't you let me work for you after I graduate!!" Li Xiaohu, who just came in with a bucket of water, heard Li Xiaohu After Bu's words, he was stunned.

Facing Li Xiaohu's astonishment, Li Bu just glanced at him with a smile, and then said with a faint smile; "I'm not discussing with you, but ordering you, and after the Chinese New Year, you will find that you don't even Li Family Village can’t get out!!”

"What Xiaobu said is what I want to say, you don't even think about going out after the Chinese New Year.

And for those like you, don’t be ashamed of going to study, and stay in the village for me to work hard in the future, or go to your brother-in-law’s crew to film. "After Li Bu's voice fell, Li Xiaohu wanted to quibble for a while, but another voice made him shut his mouth abruptly.

Outside the door, Li Aiguo walked back with Li Wanfu and the others angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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