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Chapter 584 [585] The Spring Festival Gala in Lijia Village started with a shocking village song

Chapter 584 [585] The Spring Festival Gala in Lijia Village started with a shocking village song

After the little guys counted their red envelopes.

The radio in Lijia Village started calling everyone to come out for dinner.

So more than 1000 people in Lijia Village came out to have a reunion dinner again.

This time, because it is a reunion dinner, the previous seats have been rearranged. It is no longer the old people who belong to the old people, the old people who belong to the adults, men and men, women and women, children and children. This time it is according to the family It's time to allocate seats.

After having dinner happily, everyone left the scene collectively for more than an hour to change the scenery.

Then the original dining tables in the venue were replaced with rows of tables and stools, and a lot of snacks and drinks were placed on the tables for everyone to eat.

Then around seven o'clock, the big guys sat down on the seats again according to the order of senior and young, and then Li Xiaomu took the microphone and started to host on the temporary stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Lijiacun Village. The Buddha said that 500 years will be for you and me. The Buddha said that it will be 500 years for you and my acquaintance. The Buddha also said that it will take another 500 years for the meeting between you and me today.

Our meeting today is the fate we have exchanged for 2000 years, so let's first applaud for our meeting here today, and the applause is ringing! ! "It has to be said that Li Xiaomu is a person who came back to work, and the atmosphere of the scene was stirred up in a few sentences.

Clap, clap, clap. After a burst of warm applause from the audience, Li Xiaomu picked up the microphone again and continued; "After applauding our fate, then we will be happy for all the guests who came to our Lijia Village. Celebrities and bosses, let’s applaud, let’s use applause to welcome them!!”

After another burst of applause, Li Xiaomu finally got to the point; "Okay, this is my first time hosting and I'm quite nervous, so I'd better do less talking and more action.

Next, we would like to invite Li Aiguo, the current patriarch of our Lijia Village, to lead the men of Lijia Village to perform the ancient battle song of our Lijia Village, please. "

Tat T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T

After the sound of iron stamping on the floor, Li Aiguo was wearing a general's shirt, Li Wanfu and Li Wanda were wearing a general's shirt, Li Bu, Li Hong, Li Tian, ​​Li Xiaoye, Li You, etc. Ten young people from Lijia Village, all dressed in clothes unique to Lijia Village.

Then they followed Li Aiguo and the others, like a team of warriors from ancient times, carrying gongs, drums, and other musical instruments, walked onto the stage in a mighty manner,
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, and then after a burst of drums sounded, Li Bu shouted at the top of his voice, "Fans from afar are coming, boys of Li Family Village, let's fight!!"

"Fight!!" Hearing Li Bu's shout, nearly a thousand people in Li's Village immediately turned their heads up in order and shouted loudly. The scene was really full of fighting spirit.

"The enemy in front is coming, our soldiers will fight with guns. In order to defend our home and country, I will not be afraid of thousands of troops.!" After nearly a thousand people shouted, Li Bu immediately beat the war drum again , singing loudly.

"Tata, Tat, Zhan, Zhan!! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Zhan Zhan!! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Kill, kill, kill!!"

After Li Bu, Li Aiguo and others immediately pulled out their own long swords, pointed the sword in the direction beyond the sky, and loudly shouted the battle song of Li Family Village.

Although this battle song has also been revised again, the difference from Li Bu's language is that Li Aiguo's cry is an ancient language thousands of years ago, a language that no one can understand.

"In order for his wife and children to have a family, and to prevent foreign enemies from invading China, the sons of the Li family spilled blood on the battlefield, and they treat the enemy with killing, killing, killing!" After Li Aiguo and the others sang the ancient language, Li Bu's voice immediately followed. sounded.

After a while of stepping on the floor, patting his thighs, and drawing a sharp sword.

Li Aiguo and the others once again sang the ancient language; "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Kill, kill, kill!! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Kill, kill, kill!! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, kill, kill!!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Kill, kill, kill!!! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Kill, kill!!"

The battle song of Lijia Village sounds like only a few words, but in fact this song is very long, just because of the difference between ancient Chinese and modern Chinese, people subconsciously change its auditory pattern, and then make people mistaken I think it's just short.

But even if it sounds like this, this battle song is still so passionate and full of fighting spirit.

When everyone in Lijia Village was shouting, Yun Tianlong and the other guests all started shouting because they were led by this bloody fighting spirit.

After the ancient war song, the formation on the stage changed immediately, and the accompaniment of the yellow race sounded in the venue, and then Li Bu took the microphone and walked to the front of the crowd to start singing;

...from the waves that have crossed five thousand miles, or from the city walls to be rebuilt...

...All the faded yellow of history gathers into the setting sun and dyes me...

After Li Bu sang a section, Li Hong immediately walked out with the microphone, walked to Li Bu's side, and sang the second half of Li Bu's singing with a loud and clear voice;

...from the five thousand-year-old sweat, or from the legendary prosperous Tang Dynasty...

...All the Huangs who have been in the rivers and lakes are just waiting for me to give him a name...

After Li Hong, Li Xiaoye, Li Tian, ​​and Li Bu immediately followed up and sang after Li Hong;
The yellow race came to the ground and raised its new chest...

...The yellow race walks on the road, the world knows that I am different...

...The more turbulent the more brave, the world changes and let me break through...

...A magnanimous body, to the Quartet, 5000 years and finally it's my turn to play...

After the young people, Li Wanfu, Li Aiguo, Li Wanda, Li Zhiyou, the middle-aged F4 of the four villages in Lijia Village, the resonant voice immediately rang out from the big guy's inconceivable eyes;

...There is never a wound that cannot be healed, only the oldest power...

...all the yellow scattered in the land, loaded with tenacity and very oriental...

...the yellow race came to the earth, raised a new chest...

...The yellow race walks on the road, the world knows that I am different...

...The more turbulent the more brave, the world changes and let me break through...

...with a magnanimous body, to the Quartet, 5000 years and finally it's my turn to play... "

After Li Wanfu and his village middle-aged F4, Li Bu turned over and circled the stage several times in a row, and punched a set of Lijiacun's fighting punches handsomely.

Then Li Bu landed on the stage with a backflip amidst screams, and then started the rap part with the microphone;

[There is no place in the world where you can’t see yellow faces, bright red blood, and 13 billion people. You say this is my anger, and I say this is my attitude. We are the only Chinese people who go forward bravely. 】

After Li Bu's rap, Li Xiaoye, Li Hong, Li Tian, ​​all of them immediately gathered together and sang in unison;

...There is never a wound that cannot be healed, only the oldest power...

...all the yellow scattered in the land, loaded with tenacity and very oriental...

...The more turbulent the more brave, shed my yellow...

...with a magnanimous body, Huang Tian is on top, let's see how I can be a good Han Han. Han. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! "

After the chorus was over, Li Bu and the others stood neatly in a row, and shouted to the audience with a smile, "The battle song of Lijia Village, the village song has been performed, and I hope everyone likes it, thank you!!"

【Awesome! !Well done! ! 】【Li Bu, you can't keep your secrets, such a good song, you have to share it with everyone, how can you hide it! ! 】

[Yeah, how can you hide it, you kid, you have to take out good things and share them with everyone! ! 】【Master, you guys are so handsome! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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