There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 59 [59] The cry through the ages, we are about to open the door for the ancestors

Chapter 59 [59] The cry through the ages, we are about to open the door for the ancestors
I didn't have time to pay attention to Li Hong's rudeness, because the stew was ready at this time, and Li Bu had to turn off the fire and serve the stew.

And when Li Bu put out the fire, Li Hong, who brought out the roasted duck and goose, came in with two big pots; It's ok, we can eat when we're done."

"Understood, I know the commander, and I don't see you serving it." Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Bu, who had turned off the fire, stood up and took a shovel to put the stewed meat on two pots, while annoyed angrily. road.

Ignoring Li Bu's words against himself, Li Hong tasted a piece of meat with chopsticks, and smiled happily; "The meat at home is delicious!!
The meat I ate outside in the past, the fatty meat was greasy, the lean meat was dry, not tasty at all, and it was too greasy, unlike the meat at home, which was fat but not greasy, thin but not clumsy. "

"I have been out for a few years, but I didn't show up as a person, but I made a mess of my mouth.

When there was no meat to eat at home, I didn’t see you eating less lard residue, huh. After filling up all the stewed meat, Li Bu walked out with a pot of stewed meat, and said to Li Hong without looking back.

Hearing this, Li Hong immediately picked up another pot of stewed meat, and while following Li Bu out, he replied with a look of contempt; "Don't laugh at me, you were not as good as me before, and you just recently Lucky shit, just made some money.

And don't think that I don't know that writing songs requires inspiration. When you don't have inspiration, I'll see what you can do, hum. "

"I've been hanging out for five years just to find inspiration.

I'm so full of ideas right now, if I could write them all into songs, I don't think I could eat them all in my lifetime.

And you, if you don't get lucky in the future, you can only bear the title of a celebrity brother in this life, and spend the rest of your life in peace, huh. "

After teasing Li Hong for a few words, Li Bu put the stewed meat on the table, and greeted everyone, "Okay, now the dishes are all served, you guys can move the dishes and chopsticks, you can start eating oh.

Mom, Mom, you two don't play with that thing, quickly put it away and eat, and when you are full, take it home and play slowly. "

"Okay, now that the food and drink are ready, let's get ready to eat.

But the rules can't be lost, let our Village Chief Li Aiguo make a few remarks before we start eating, come come come come come applause. "The mountain village used to have banquets that required elders or cadres to come out to speak. Although this banquet was not formal, Li Wanda still opened his mouth and asked Li Aiguo to speak with a smile.

Papapa.papapapa Li Wanda is Li Wanfu's eldest brother, and besides Li Aiguo, the village chief, he has the highest status here, so when he said applaud, everyone applauded respectfully, even Shuangxi and Huang Xiaoli also applauded. Followed by applause.

Li Aiguo, who heard Li Wanda's words, was not modest either. After everyone's applause, he stood up and waved his hands and said, "Today is a good day for our Lijia Village, a good day with joy.

First congratulations, Chunni and Li Yanmei, they are pregnant, and they will add a lot to the small population of our Lijia Village in the near future. This is a happy event for our family and our Lijia Village.

The second joy is that our little troublemaker Li Bu is sensible. Not only does he know how to make money and how to be a man, he also knows how to be grateful and fulfill the last wishes of our ancestors. He wants to lead our Lijia Village and open up our closed for thousands of years. to build a bridge to the outside world.

Generations of ancestors in our Lijia Village all know that the gate of our Lijia Village is a big bridge, but from ancient times to the present, our Lijia Village has come from generation to generation, but in the end, no generation can realize this dream.

Today, I, Li Aiguo, the current head of Lijia Village, I can stand up, face the ancestors of Lijia Village, and proudly say, ancestors, our generation, can realize your dreams, we found our Lijia Village The key is here, we can now open the gate of our Li Family Village. "

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa..

After a burst of applause, Li Wanda, Li Wanfu, Li Bu, Li Hong, Liu Yan, and everyone except Shuangxi and Huang Xiaoli stood up neatly, facing the tomb hill in Lijia Village, and stood up together. He raised his wine glass and shouted; "Old Ancestor, our Li Family Village, we are going down to get the keys tomorrow, we have to open the gate of Li Family Village, and let the Li Family children who are wandering outside ~ go home..."

It is difficult for people who have not lived in Lijia Village to understand the affirmation of this kind of protection and the satisfaction of completing the inheritance from generation to generation.

At this time, Li Bu, who came from another world, was also deeply shocked by the power of this inheritance under the memory of his predecessor. Like Li Aiguo and others, his eyes were red, and he shed excitement and fulfilled the last wish of the era. And tears of joy.

"Old ancestors, come out and have a look, our Li Family Village has a future.

Our generation is no longer a sinner in Lijia Village. Tomorrow we will go down to get the keys. We will open the gate of Lijia Village and let the Lijia children who are wandering outside go home. Have you seen the old ancestors? .. "As soon as Li Wanfu's shouts fell, there was a burst of more intense shouts in the Li Family Village in an instant, including adults, old people, and children.

Hearing the responses from the villagers, Li Aiguo stood up straight away and shouted loudly, "Don't stay at home with me, move the dining table here, let's have dinner together today.

After eating, we prayed to our ancestors together, telling them that our generation will open the door, and let them bless us to negotiate smoothly tomorrow and get the key to open the door of our Lijia Village. "

It was originally just a simple, festive dinner, but after Li Aiguo yelled, it suddenly became extremely solemn.

After Li Aiguo finished yelling, Li Wanfu, Li Wanda, Li Bu, Li Hong, all the Li-sex men in Lijia Village, including Li Zhiyou, who was helping to look after the orchard, and Li Xiaowang, who was still a child.

At this moment, all of them consciously ran to, or were carried to, the ancestral hall of Lijia Village, and then rummaged through boxes and chests to take out some, and changed into the costumes of the ancient officials and generals unique to Lijia Village.

After changing their clothes, Li Bu and the others moved out the Eight Immortals Tables from each family and arranged them in a neat row outside the village's ancestral hall. All kinds of gongs and drums stand behind the Eight Immortals table.

At this time, the women in Lijia Village were holding their own wine jars, and filled all the ceramic bowls on the Eight Immortals table with wine.

After pouring, they left neatly, went back to each house with their own prepared meals, went to Li Wanfu's house together, had dinner together, and never came out again.

After confirming that all the women had left, Li Aiguo, the village head, stood up again, stood in the middle of the Eight Immortals table, raised a bowl of wine and shouted in an old saying to the tomb hill in Lijia Village; ~The sound of the drums of the prime of life is beating, summoning the ancestors of the Li family!!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom...

As Li Aiguo's voice fell, the men in Lijia Village were immediately divided into three levels.

On the first floor, Li Wanda, Li Wanfu and the others are relatively older middle-aged and elderly people.

Li Bu, Li Hong, adults like them.

On the first floor, children like Li Xiaowang and the others are minors.

Three layers of people, one layer after another beat the gongs and drums, and the layers shouted loudly.

"The elders of the Li family, I implore the ancestors to return to their thrones and bless them!!"

"The younger generation of the Li family, I implore the ancestors to return to their thrones and bless them!!"

"The Li family's younger generation, I implore the ancestors to return to the throne and bless you!!"

After shouting, Li Aiguo returned to his seat, and with all the men in Lijia Village, they danced with gongs and drums similar to the dance before the battle in ancient times, and sang the ancient battle song of Lijia Village loudly.

This is a battle song handed down by the ancestors of Lijia Village thousands of years ago. It is a bit similar to the song Farewell My Concubine sung by Masked Afeng. .

But it is a bit embarrassing and regrettable that although almost all the men in Lijia Village can sing this song that has been passed down for thousands of years, even some women who have come into contact with it can sing it, but even Li Aiguo, the village head, can sing it. Now I don't even know what I'm singing.

this old song.

Pronunciation of this ancient language.

And the ancient meaning in this song.

All Li Aiguo and the others can do is to memorize every rhythm, tone, mouth, and accuracy of the song, and then pass it down from generation to generation. As for the song that has been passed down from generation to generation, they don't know whether it is complete or not. up.

In the end, they will comfort themselves in their hearts that this ancient dialect song can travel through the ages and go to ancient times to awaken their ancestors in Lijia Village, so that these ancestors can bless them.

Of course, consolation belongs to consolation. In fact, Li Aiguo and the others didn't take it too seriously. They just regarded it as a kind of inheritance of their surname and family, and then they were obliged to pass it on to the next generation.

Back to topic.

After singing and dancing, all the men of the Li family knelt down neatly in three rows, made a toast to the tomb hill in Lijia Village, and then shouted neatly; "The ancestors of Lijia Village, please bless you!" For us, everything will be fine tomorrow."

After shouting, the little ones took the lead to crawl to Li Wanfu's house to eat, while the adults each held a big bowl, drinking the wine that had sacrificed to their ancestors while chatting cheerfully, and greeted Li Wanfu. Wanfu's house went.

But Shuangxi and Huang Xiaoli, who had been staying at Li Wanfu's house all this time, felt a little flustered.

They didn't know why Li Bu and the others started the celebration all of a sudden, they didn't know what the so-called keys and the so-called gates meant, and they didn't know what the old song that was very popular but they couldn't understand was just now.

They were a little worried at this moment, worried that after Li Bu and the others finished doing this, they would make some kind of sacrifice, and then they would use these two young and beautiful girls as sacrifices.

Of course, it was all because they thought too much. After Li Bu and the others finished the celebration, they started eating and chatting. After finishing the ceremony, they cleaned up together and went back to their respective homes. Li Bu arranged for them to stay at home. The guest room went to….

[The two updates of this addition are too difficult to write, it hurts the eyes, not to mention the waste of paper towels, and I feel very depressed when I write it myself, so everyone, please give the clown some recommendation tickets, collect them, give them a reward, and let the clown Feel better, thank you. 】

(End of this chapter)

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