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Chapter 600 [601] Did something happen last night?

Chapter 600 [601] Did something happen last night?
"Grandma, grandma, look who's here, grandma, look who's here!!" After Xiao Mingyun returned home, Xiaobu started yelling outside before entering the house.

Hearing Xiaobu's shout, Liu Yan thought he had brought someone else's little sister back, and immediately walked out of the house, while replying to him angrily; Other than my little sister being tricked back, who else would you bring back to me, uh, the little sister you cheated this time is a bit big?!"

"The little sister who lied to me this time is a bit big!!" Liu Yan said it subconsciously, so when she realized that she had said something wrong, she quickly changed her words and apologized; "I'm sorry, my grandson often deceives people The little sister came home to play, so subconsciously. Hey, you are Xiao Mingyun, Xiaobu's mother?"

"It's me, Auntie. I'm really sorry I didn't come to visit you until now." Seeing that Liu Yan recognized herself after a short moment of confusion, and showed a joyful expression, Xiao Mingyun immediately dismissed her. In my heart, I was worried about everything before.

Hearing Xiao Mingyun's words, Liu Yan gave her a blank look first, and then immediately helped her carry her luggage home, and said to her with a smile; "Silly boy, you are all from my own family, why are you saying those kind words? By the way, it’s very tiring to come all the way from Sichuan, are you hungry, do you want Auntie to cook you something to eat?”

"It's not hard, I came here by plane, and after I got out of the airport, as soon as I said to go to Lijia Village, Master Ren sent it to me directly. It was not troublesome or tiring at all.

And Auntie, I’m not hungry, I just flew over after dinner. Uncle Happy New Year, but it’s been a long time, do you still remember Auntie, Uncle, Auntie, who are these? After explaining to Liu Yan with a smile that she was not tired, Xiao Mingyun greeted Li Wanfu and Li Ranran, and by the way, she also asked Li Aiguo, Lin Xiang, Li Xiaohu, and Liu Xiaoqing who were here.

To be honest, Liu Yan and Li Wanfu were quite reluctant to let Xiao Mingyun meet Li Aiguo and the others.

But Xiao Mingyun asked the other party's identity at this time, so Li Wanfu could only be cheeky and introduce her; "This is Xiaobu's father-in-law Li Aiguo, mother-in-law Lin Xiang, this is the child's uncle Li Xiaohu, and the child's aunt Liu Xiaoqing. "That panda eye is Little Bu's cousin."

"Hello, uncles and aunts. I'm Xiaobu's mother. Thank you for your love for our little Xiaobu during this time." After Li Wanfu introduced, the air suddenly became quiet. In the end, Xiao Mingyun was very sensible. He politely greeted Li Aiguo and the others, breaking the terrible silence.

Hearing Xiao Mingyun's words, Li Aiguo was stunned for a moment, and then smiled cheerfully; "I'm so impressed. Hehehe, you don't need to thank us, but we have to thank you for giving birth to a good son.

When our family Yanmei had an accident, it was thanks to the two little guys, Xiaobu and Ranran, that they were not frightened and stupid. Instead, they called us out of fear at the first time, which allowed us to save our family Yanmei in time. Sent to the hospital, the adults and the four little ones were saved. "

"Uncle, these are what Xiaobu should do. If your daughter takes care of our Xiaobu as his own son, then he should love her as his mother, and the four little ones are still his younger brothers. My dear brother, so he should do these things."

Smiling, he said to Li Wanfu and Lin Xiang that after Xiao Xiaobu did what he should do, Xiao Mingyun looked at Li Xiaohu with dissatisfaction and said, "Actually, you don't have to be hostile to me, I didn't want to be the first!" The three and the plan to destroy someone's family, and I am already very satisfied with the arrangement he gave me, I don't want anything more!!"

"Big Mom, Big Mom, my mom is here, do you want to come out and play with my mom?" After seeing Xiao Mingyun talking to Li Xiaohu, the air in the room became quiet again, so Xiaobu immediately turned the room Li Yanmei called out to ease the atmosphere.

Hearing Xiaobu's shout, Li Yanmei walked out of the room directly, and then she looked at Xiao Mingyun with a smile on her face and said, "Sister is so beautiful, much prettier than the one on the photo, by the way, sister, come in Look at my son, four, oh, hehehe..."

Hearing Li Yanmei's words, and looking at the people in the living room, Xiao Mingyun felt that it was more suitable for her to go in with Li Yanmei to see her son, so she smiled and nodded, and went in with Li Yanmei.

After Li Yanmei entered the room, Li Aiguo directly slapped Li Xiaohu on the head, and then scolded him angrily; You will be happy, right, your sister and your brother-in-law are going to go abroad in a few days, can you stop causing trouble for me?"

"I didn't do this to save face for my sister, didn't I just want her to retreat in spite of difficulties, I did it for my sister's sake, okay, why are you still beating me?" I felt that I was wronged by being beaten Li Xiaohu immediately complained about Li Aiguo's dissatisfaction.

After Pa Pa slapped Li Xiaohu on the head again, Li Aiguo glared at him again and said, "Everyone can express their disapproval to her, but you Li Xiaohu can't, and you are not qualified, especially Here, your Uncle Wanfu's house...

You are here to show people's face, how do you let me get along with you Uncle Wanfu in the future, how do you let people think of our Lijia Village? ?

Did you, Uncle Wanfu, do anything wrong? It’s not wrong. Could they be wrong to welcome their grandson’s mother? Of course they didn’t. !
Let's talk about Xiaobu's mother, is there anything wrong with her? She is not wrong, she is not wrong at all, she and Xiaobu had Xiaobu before your sister.

Even this time, if we hadn't forced your brother-in-law to marry your sister, maybe they would continue their relationship again, and people knew that after Xiaobu married your sister, he never came to sabotage.

So you are putting on face when everyone is right, what do you mean? Do you think your brother-in-law dare not beat you up, or do you think that you can do whatever you want because you are your brother-in-law's brother-in-law? "

"Uncle Wanfu, Aunt Liu Yan, I'm sorry about that, I just didn't figure it out for a while, don't take offense, I promise this will not happen again next time..." After being disgusted by Li Aiguo, Li Xiaohu even He still felt wronged, but he still obediently apologized to Li Wanfu and the others.

"Hey, it's hard to say who's right and who's wrong about this matter, I just hope you guys don't put on faces like this next time, otherwise she won't come back after taking Xiaobu away, it will be very difficult for us husband and wife! !!"

After returning to Li Aiguo and the others with a wry smile, Li Wanfu saw off the guests, and the tea set and small chat tonight ended like this.

After that, Li Wanfu arranged a room for Xiao Mingyun to rest at home, and the only thing that made Li Wanfu and the others feel relieved was that Li Yanmei and Xiao Mingyun got along well, and there was no more embarrassing situation for them.

(End of this chapter)

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