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Chapter 605 [1] When I first arrived in the United States, everything started with a scandal

Chapter 605 [1] When I first arrived in the United States, everything started with a scandal

Some people say that this is a paradise for the rich and a hell for the poor.

But what you don't know is that those who say this is heaven are often people who don't live here.

And those who say that this is hell are often people who obviously can't bear it anymore, but refuse to leave here.

After a day's flight and successfully arrived in Los Angeles, Li Bu walked out of the airport with Li Yanmei and her luggage.

As soon as she walked out of the airport, Li Yanmei immediately looked at Li Bu with a puzzled expression and asked, "Husband, did we choose the poorest airport to get off the plane?
Why, the airport here doesn’t look as good as our old-fashioned airport. Isn’t this a big city in the United States? Why does the airport look like this? "

"Our old-fashioned airport has just been built in the past few years, so the equipment is better and more advanced, and the airport here is built before, so it is not normal for it to be a bit dilapidated?"

After explaining a few words to Li Yanmei about the dilapidated airport with a smile, Li Bu led her towards the exit, where the big guy picked up the plane.

After walking to the airport pick-up gate and looking at the signs for a while, Li Bu finally saw a sign to greet him, and then he led Li Yanmei forward and asked in English; "Hi, I'm Li Bu , This is my wife Li Yanmei, are you here to welcome us?"

"Yes, our boss, Avril Lavigne, is not very convenient to appear here now, so I will come here to greet you.

Nice to meet you, Big Boss and Boss, I am your next assistant, Jack Enderbos, you can just call me Jack! ! "The person who came to pick them up was a handsome blond boy. After comparing Li Bu and the others with the photo, he immediately stepped forward enthusiastically and helped Li Bu and the others pick up their luggage.

After handing the luggage to Jack with a smile, Li Bu led Li Yanmei and followed him towards the outside of the airport, and asked him with a smile, "Jack, can you speak Mandarin?"

"Yes, I can speak Mandarin, but the Mandarin I speak is not very standard. If you need me to speak Mandarin, I can speak Mandarin to you." Hearing Li Bu's question, as Li Bu, the future is very difficult. Jack, the long-time personal assistant, smiled and spoke broken Mandarin to him right away.

Hearing Jack's crappy Mandarin, Li Bu smiled and replied politely; "From now on, we will speak English when we are outside, and Mandarin when there are no outsiders. This will not let you Losing face in front of the outside world can also speed up your progress in Mandarin."

"Wow, you are definitely the best boss I have ever met. When the bosses I met before heard that my Mandarin is so bad, they just laughed at me, or asked me to learn the language first and then come to the office. assistant."

After smiling back to Li Bu and the others, Jack took them into a caravan, and Avril, who had been waiting for a long time in the caravan, immediately came forward to talk to Li Bu after seeing Li Bu and the others coming up. Bu hugged and said, "Wow, boss, I miss you so much, hello lady boss, you are so beautiful!!"

"I've gained a lot of weight and matured a lot. Are things going well at work recently?" After gently hugging Avril Lavigne, Li Bu took Li Yanmei to sit down on the seat while smiling at Avril Lavigne Asked about her recent situation.

And Li Yanmei, who was led by Li Bu to sit down, also greeted Avril with a smile after she sat down, "Hello Avril, I have heard of you a long time ago, you are indeed a charming beauty."

"Miss Boss, you are being polite. You are a great beauty. I used to wonder why the boss is not attracted to so many beauties around him. The reason for his affection is because he has a beautiful wife like you."

After flattering Li Yanmei with a smile, Avril smiled and replied to Li Bu; "I haven't worked much recently, but the loyal dog Hachiko you told me about, I have already prepared a lot for you.

I have already found the station you need for you, and luckily because of the special scenery of the tree at the station, someone has helped us take pictures of it in all seasons in advance. We need to use At that time, you only need to pay him a certain copyright fee and it will be OK. "

"Boss, I can help you, only resources and work support, the life you need and your attitude towards life, these are all things you need to decide and be responsible for yourself.

However, if you choose, then stick to it. After all, everyone’s life is full of bitterness and sweetness. Now you only need to persist in walking through your sad road, and what is waiting for you in the future will definitely be what you want living.

Also, let's not talk about work for the time being. Let's calm down and get used to the rhythm of life here before going to work calmly. "Although he was not very satisfied with Avril Lavigne's life attitude, Li Bu did not blame her, but let her decide her own life.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Avril Lavigne, who felt that she could hardly keep going, immediately looked at Li Bu with a moved face and said, "Boss, you are the best boss I have ever met, and I will rely on you in my life." Now, don’t try to drive me away in the future, because I won’t leave if you drive me away.”

"I invested so much money in you, and you haven't earned it back for me, so if you want to leave, I won't let you go.

Besides, your boss, I have five sons, so if you don’t earn money back for me, you’d better not have a daughter, because I will let your daughter pay off the debt and marry my son as a wife, haha Ha ha.. "

"Boss, you are so good, your son must also be very good, so if I can give birth to a daughter, I will definitely be happy to be in-laws with you, boss. I am afraid that when the time comes, my daughter will agree. Boss, you It’s against it, hahaha!!”

In this way, Avril swept away the baldness during this period, talked and laughed, and brought Li Bu and Li Yanmei back to the villa where she lives now to settle down.

Immediately afterwards, the whole of the United States became a sensation because of a report [Super popular new star Avril Lavigne brought her new boyfriend back to her residence to settle down for the night. 】.

Meilala Entertainment Real-Time Report [Avril Lavigne, who is called a rebellious girl by netizens, was revealed today to bring her new boyfriend back to the mansion after dumping her rich boyfriend. According to reports, her boyfriend is still an Asian man. 】

Fashion Melos real-time report [The latest report, the famous singer Avril Lavigne greeted a mysterious man at the airport, and many paparazzi confirmed that the man was Avril Lavigne's new boyfriend. 】

Metersbonwe Entertainment Express [Avril Lavigne, the hottest fashion queen this year, greeted a mysterious man at the airport and took him directly to his mansion. Is this friendship, family affection, or love? 】

【2】Avril Lavigne's master is coming to America
"Boss, I'm sorry, you got involved in a scandal as soon as you got off the plane."

Not long after Li Bu and Li Yanmei cleaned up their room, Avril came over with her mobile phone and handed it to Li Bu with a wry smile.

Hearing what Avril Lavigne said, Li Bu took the phone directly, and then clicked on the video on the phone to play, and then the host in the video began to speak with a smile on his face; "The famous female artist Avril Lavigne is breaking up with the rich man After that, she was depressed for a long time. Today, a reporter took a video of her welcoming a man at the airport.

And after the man got in the car, he also made some intimate actions with Avril Lavigne, such as hugging, kissing, and sticking to the cheek, so this lucky man, could he be our Avril Lavigne's new boyfriend?

Then the reporter of this station immediately followed Avril Lavigne and the vehicle they were riding on, and was surprised to find that Avril Lavigne did not take this mysterious man to the hotel, but directly brought him back to her mansion, so this is Doesn't it mean that our Avril Lavigne is in love again? ? "

After watching the report in the video, Li Bu immediately looked at Li Yanmei and said with a smile; "Fortunately, you are by my side, otherwise I would have jumped into the Yellow River and I wouldn't be able to wash it off. The paparazzi here are better than those in our country." There will be black people around!!"

"What did they say? I can't understand at all!!" Although Li Yanmei watched the video with Li Bu, she couldn't catch a word of what they were talking about there.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to get the translation software for you guys. Well, the proprietress will give you this. After you wear this, you can understand English." Hearing Li Yanmei's words, I remembered that Li Yanmei couldn't speak English. Avril Lavigne, ran out to rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and found an automatic translator for her.

As a result, when Avril Lavigne was using the translator, Li Yanmei seemed a little confused, but when she clicked on the video again, she was immediately pleasantly surprised, because she found that the Mandarin version appeared in her translator.

"Avril, this plane of yours is too powerful. By the way, do you have any other functions? Please teach me how to use this, so that I won't get lost outside and can't find my way home." Originally planned After coming to the United States, she asked Li Bu to ask someone to teach her English, but now that she has this translator, she feels that she can go out for a walk and learn in life at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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