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Chapter 61 [61] Brother Lychee is here again, harming the farmer's market

Chapter 61 [61] Brother Lychee is here again, harming the farmer's market
After sneaking out from his own house, Li Bu drove his new car directly towards Li Aiguo.

But when Li Bu drove halfway, Li Hong jumped out again mysteriously and blocked his way; "Xiao Bu, you are going down the mountain, right? Can you help me pull the pear down the mountain? Picked our pears..."

"Okay, but it's settled, I can only take you to the farmer's market, and I'm not in charge of selling it for you." Facing his brother's small request to drop by, Li Bu couldn't find an excuse to refuse, so he nodded accepted.

After hearing that Li Bu agreed, Li Hong immediately pointed to the location of his orchard cheerfully, and said cheerfully; "My parents and I have already picked the pears, and they are placed at the gate of the orchard. You can drive the car up and pull it..."

"Get in the car. Let's go to my old man's house first. After I pick up my old man, we will go to our orchard to help you pull pears. After pulling them, we will go down the mountain..." After lightly nodding, Li Bu He opened the car door and let Li Hong get in the car.

Some time ago, I saw my younger brother Li Bu develop so rapidly, and after only seeing him for more than a month, he already has a million-level net worth.

At that time, Li Hong thought that the two brothers would go farther and farther in the future, but after getting along with each other these few days, he was surprised to find that they did not.

He found that his younger brother was still his younger brother. Although his younger brother was more eloquent than before, he didn't mean to look down on or alienate him as a big brother.

After realizing that his younger brother didn't look down on or alienate him, Li Hong also resumed his previous attitude as a big brother.

No, as soon as Li Bu opened the car door, he swaggered off his straw hat, just like Li Bu was the driver and he was the boss, and swaggered into the back seat.

Seeing Li Hong's appearance, Li Bu laughed amusedly, then drove again to Li Aiguo's house, and shouted to Li Aiguo at the gate; "Dad, are you up yet, we are going down the mountain. .”

"Get up, get up, get up a long time ago, if you don't come, I'm going to call you at your house." Not long after Li Bu's voice fell, Li Aiguo, dressed in a suit, Holding a leather bag, he walked out swaggeringly with the appearance of a veteran cadre.

After suppressing his laughter, Li Bu opened the car door to let Li Aiguo get in, and pointed to Li Hong behind him, explaining, "My elder brother picked the pears and asked me to drag him down the mountain smoothly, so we still Gotta go to my dad's orchard."

"Morning Uncle Aiguo." Seeing Li Aiguo getting into the car, Li Hong immediately got up politely and said hello.

After nodding to Li Hong with a smile, Li Aiguo sat down on the passenger seat, nodded and smiled, "Okay, then let's go to your father's orchard first.

By the way, Xiaobu, I will pick the pears for you this year in a few days. That boy Xiaohu won’t come back this year. Your mother and I can’t pick them. "

Faced with the small request of his father-in-law, Li Bu smiled helplessly in his heart, then nodded and agreed; "Okay, I will pick it for you some time these two days, then sit down, we Went to my dad's orchard..."

After answering Li Aiguo's words and telling them to sit down, Li Bu started the car again and drove towards his father's orchard, and soon they saw Li Wanfu and Liu Yan who had been waiting outside the orchard for a long time .

Liu Yan and Li Wanfu, after seeing that Li Bu came with Li Aiguo, they immediately asked a little embarrassed; "Aiguo, Xiaobu, will it affect you to go down to do business? ah?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I'm just pulling my father-in-law to the town government. I won't go in, and you don't have a lot of pears, so you can finish pulling them in one cart. It's not a problem." Hearing my mother's words When asked, Li Bu hurriedly put on the handbrake, turned off the engine, got out of the car, opened the rear door to fill the pears, and replied to Liu Yan with a smile.

Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Aiguo also got out of the car to help Li Wanfu carry the pears into the car, and said with a smile; "It's definitely not a problem, this car is so big, it's no problem to pull a little more.

And when I go to the government to do business, this kid doesn't have to follow, as long as he is present when paying the money. "

"Don't forget your outfit, I didn't ask you to do this rough work.

Just watch it from the sidelines, anyway, it’s not much, the four of us moved it all at once. Seeing that Li Aiguo wanted to help, Li Wanfu quickly stopped him, and then his family of four started to do it.

Originally, there were only four or five baskets of pears, so after Li Bu and his family of four started, these pears were thrown into the trunk of the car in less than 2 minutes.

After Lizi got into the car and closed the back door, Li Bu got in the car and started the car, smiling at Liu Yan and Li Wanfu, "Mom and Dad, I'll take my father-in-law and elder brother down the mountain first, and you guys are busy too. Come on, let's go back to have breakfast."

"Understood, you drive slowly, carry so many pears, don't drive like an airplane, don't worry about Yanmei and your mother-in-law, I will ask them to come home for dinner." Waving his hands and shouting to Li Bu After a few words, Liu Yan and Li Wanfu turned around and went to tidy up their orchard disobediently.

On Li Bu's side, after leaving the orchard, Li Aiguo and Li Hong stopped talking.

The reason why they didn't speak was because they all knew that the way down the mountain was very dangerous. At this time, Li Bu needed to concentrate on driving without being disturbed, so they all chose in the end, quietly closed their eyes and rested in their seats.

In this way, the car drove quietly for two and a half hours, and then came down the mountain smoothly.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, Li Bu set the navigation again and took Li Aiguo directly to the office building of the town government.

After delivering Li Aiguo, he started the car again and took Li Hong and a cart of pears to the farmer's market.

After arriving at the farmer's market, Li Bu first found an empty stall and stopped. Then he and Li Hong opened the rear door of the car and began to remove several large baskets of pears from the car.

"Do you want a temporary booth or a long-term booth, [-] a day for a temporary one, and [-] a month for a long-term one.

Hey, I'll go, brother, it's you who came, good guy, I miss you and me. "When Li Bu and Li Hong were moving the pears, the market manager came over to collect the booth fee, but when he saw that it was Li Bu, he immediately stopped tearing up the ticket, and came forward happily to help move the pears.

Facing the market administrator who came to help, Li Bu was stunned for a moment, then immediately put on a smiling face and said, "Look at what you said, brother, I am a farmer, if I don't come to the farmers' market, where can I go?
Some time ago, I didn't come here because the lychees were sold out, and then there was nothing to sell.

Now that the pears are ripe, don't I just get over it.

By the way, brother, these are all grown by myself, and I will bring some back to my sister-in-law and nephew to taste later. They are all grown by drinking mountain spring water, and they are sweeter. "

"Hey, I'll go, little brother, you're here, I thought you'd become a big star, so ignore us mud legs.

Hey hey hey. Look this way to see who is here. "

When Li Bu was chatting with the market manager, a passing stall owner saw him, and then he shouted directly.

Then the whole farmer's market became a sensation again, everyone left their business and came to see Li Bu...

(End of this chapter)

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