There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 64 [64] Lijiacun Bridge, 7 settled

Chapter 64 [64] Lijiacun Bridge, 700 settled
"Uh, Li Bu, why is it you again?

You said that it’s okay for your kid to study irregularly before, but now that he’s grown up, he still drives so irregularly? "

Li Zhouhua didn't expect that he would check Li Bu's car again the next day, but he was also stubborn. After hurting Li Bu, he pointed at Li Bu's car and criticized him; Running around without changing to an official license plate."

"But pull it down, you dragged me to buy the car yesterday, and you don't know about the fact that I don't have a license plate and can only have a temporary license plate.

By the way, how are you going to use me this time, I have to go to the town government, I'm in a hurry, you need to be quick... "Facing the coincidence that Li Zhouhua used himself to clear the quests for two consecutive days, Li Bu has seriously suspected that this guy is deliberately retaliating, and he called him a fat cat when he was studying.

Hearing that Li Bu was going to the town government to handle business, Li Zhouhua was stunned for a moment, then put away the ticket he pretended to write, and asked curiously; "You don't want to be an Internet celebrity right now, why are you going to the town government?" , is it possible that you also want to be a civil servant?"

"Don't make trouble, with my lazy personality, I feel too busy with my leisurely rural life, how could I be a civil servant who has to work overtime all day long?

In fact, this is not a big deal for me, but the mountain roads in our Lijia Village are not easy to walk, and our Lijia Village has been losing population rapidly in recent years, so the elders of our Lijia Village, in order to prevent our Lijia Village from becoming a There is no one in the village, and I am just going to make another effort at the end.

You know, the road in Lijia Village is very difficult. If Lijia Village wants to have a future, the only way out is to build a bridge.

And what I am going to deal with with the town government now is to pay for the preliminary construction of the bridge, and then let them start the bidding meeting... Seeing that Li Zhouhua didn't issue a ticket to himself, Li Bu let go of his temper and explained to him.

Hearing Li Bu's explanation, Li Zhouhua hurriedly waved his hands while urging, "This is a big deal for you Li Family Village!!

Can your car still go? If you can go, hurry up. I won’t punish you today. Just don’t park indiscriminately next time. Let’s go. Let’s go…. "

"Okay, brother, I'll leave first. Next time when you're on vacation, I'll come to drink with you. Let's go..." I was worried that my brother would turn around and regret it, and even give himself a ticket, so Li Bu After getting permission from Li Zhouhua, he immediately started the car and drove Li Hong away.

The car drove for a while, and after he could no longer see Li Zhouhua, Li Hong asked at this time; "This is the brother who towed away your van yesterday and then took you to buy a new car...??"

"Isn't it him? Why do you think I'm so unlucky? One of the few brothers is now working as a traffic policeman.

It would be nice if this brother was more relaxed, but this guy seems to follow the rules. Hey, it seems that I will try to avoid him on the road from now on... After replying to Li Hong with a wry smile, Li Bu drove the car off the road, made a turn and drove directly to the gate of the town government.

After arriving at the gate, Li Bu registered the car first, then called Li Aiguo, then drove the car into the town government and parked it there, and finally took Li Hong into the office building to meet Li Aiguo .

After entering the building, Li Bu just politely greeted the leaders inside one by one under the introduction of Li Aiguo, and then Li Aiguo negotiated and handled the rest of the matter, and he and Li Hong silently stood aside. Watch, listen, make no claims.

Li Aiguo talked with those leaders for more than an hour, and finally finalized a bridge for Lijia Village, a bridge with a total value of 720 million, a bridge that can connect Lijia Village to the outside world.

The bridge itself is not worth 700 million, but Li Aiguo and Li Bu are willing to pay more than 700 million.

Because of the structure of the bridge, there will also be a road from the small town road to Lijia Village, a two-lane road with round-trip lanes, and an open-air parking lot next to the bridge.

After finalizing the bridge, Li Bu followed Li Aiguo and the staff of the town government to transfer the account once, and transferred 700 of the bridge money into a work account they specially created. The officials of the town government bid farewell and left with Li Hong.

After leaving the town government, Li Bu went directly to the vehicle management office in order not to be used by his brother to do missions in the future, and then spent some money to transfer the license plate of the impounded van to him. A new car is coming up.

After finishing the car, he almost guessed that Li Aiguo must be happy to drink and celebrate now.

So Li Bu, who saw through his thoughts, could only drive silently to the cigarette shop, and bought two boxes of Moutai, a few boxes of beer, a few boxes of drinks, and a few cigarettes with his old brother.

After buying these things, Li Bu still didn't drive home, but turned again to the delicatessen he often took care of.

After arriving, he just waved his hand and said, "Brother, today I am here to take care of your business again. Now I have packed everything on your shelf, and I want it all."

"Hey, let me go, brother, have you encountered any good things? Can you eat so much meat?" Seeing that it was Li Bu, the owner of the deli hurriedly removed the cooked food from the shelf. They were all packed up by Li Bu, and asked him with a smile.

It took two and a half hours to go down the mountain.

It took almost an hour to sell the fruit.

It took more than an hour to negotiate the bridge.

It took more than an hour to get the license plate.

So Li Bu, who had had breakfast for almost six hours, was already a little hungry.

Li Bu, who was hungry, was not polite to the owner of the deli at all. He directly picked up three chicken legs and handed them to Li Aiguo and Li Hong. Then he also took one and ate it.

While eating, he said to the owner of the deli with a smile, "It's a good thing, this is my elder brother and his wife is pregnant, and I'm going to be an uncle again.

This is my father-in-law, my daughter-in-law is also pregnant, and I am going to be a father.

There is also our Lijia Village, which is about to build a bridge. "

"This is big brother, congratulations, big brother, congratulations on your second child.

This is your father-in-law, uncle congratulates you on becoming a grandfather.

Also, is it true that your Lijia Village is going to build a bridge?
By the way, does your Lijia Village accept donations? I want to donate some money to bring some blessings to the children in the family. "Hearing Li Bu's words, the owner of the deli first congratulated Li Hong and Li Aiguo, and then asked about the construction of the bridge in Lijia Village with a little expectation.

Hearing the deli owner's question, Li Bu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "We don't accept donations, and our money is still enough to build the bridge for the time being. If it's right, let's do the math, and we're still in a hurry." going home..."

"What money do you want, my brother, just take it and eat it.

Looking back, if you remember brother's kindness, when your Li family village becomes a scenic spot, you can just rent my brother and me to sell roast duck. "After learning that Lijiacun was going to build a bridge, the owner of the delicatessen immediately came up with Li Bu's idea, and he didn't even charge him for cooked food worth thousands of dollars.

Hearing the deli owner's words, Li Bu was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth, and said seriously; "We don't rent out the shop, but we can operate it as a partnership. We will jointly invest and then share the proceeds [-]-[-]. Good morning, we have to wait for more than a year, let's talk about it then."

"It's not impossible to split the bill at five or five. Maybe I'll make money after this calculation. After all, the rent in the scenic area is not cheap now." He directly agreed to his proposal of splitting the accounts by fifty-five.

"Okay, then it's settled, and when the plan comes out later, I will personally design a roast duck restaurant for you.

Well, bro, let's go first, don't bother you selling burnt... Washing kitchen knives.. "

Seeing that the owner of the deli is so straightforward, Li Bu also readily agreed to him.

After agreeing, the two bid farewell to each other, and then Li Bu put the cooked food he bought into Li Hong's pear basket, and then drove back to Li's Village.

[Happy Valentine's Day, if there is anyone who has no lover, tell me if there is no lover, let me know that there are people like me who no one wants. 】

(End of this chapter)

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