There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 66 [66] Today is Li Family Village, a good day

Chapter 66 [66] Today is Li Family Village, a good day
"It's not about defrauding the marriage fund. Our son really needs the money to get married. You know the situation of the uncle's house. There are only a few good tiles left."

After waving his hands and explaining that he did not cheat the marriage fund, the villagers looked at Li Bu again and asked seriously; "Xiao Bu, uncle, I really believe in you, so I will follow your procedure and let Xiao Hui He and his girlfriend went to discuss the certificate first, and then came back to apply for this marriage fund."

"Must, if Brother Xiaohui can catch up and come back before our bridge start date, I can still discuss with the boss of the project, and let them use a professional transport vehicle to transport your daughter-in-law You can go up the mountain.

By the way, Uncle, if there are special needs, we big guys can still discuss it, first transform your house into a homestay, so that Xiaohui and the others can use it as a wedding room, big guys, don't you think so? "There are many good things going on in Lijia Village now, so Li Bu doesn't mind at all paying 10,000+ to give this villager a wedding fund and a little house modification fee.

Although Li Bu was not the village head at this time, his right to speak was definitely not inferior to Li Aiguo, so the big guys shouted out of face; "Yes, we haven't had such a big wedding in Lijia Village for a long time, Xiaohui is going to get married For this favor, those of us who are uncles...helped..."

"Thank you, thank you Xiaobu, thank you everyone, I'll go home and make a phone call, tell Xiaohui to talk to his girlfriend quickly, and then come home and get married, so that my old bones can be regarded as The task has been completed." Hearing that the villagers were willing to help him, the villager whose son was about to get married burst into tears with excitement.

Seeing the tears of the villagers, Li Bu hurriedly stepped forward, first handed a tissue to the village elders, and then said to him with a smile; There are other things to do."

After retaining the villager, Li Bu looked at the big guy and shouted excitedly; "Did the big guy feel that the banquet last night was not enough to eat and drink enough?

Then you say that we will have another one tonight, so that we can eat and drink happily, how about the banquet... "

"Okay, let's have a banquet tonight where we can drink and eat.

We have chickens, ducks and geese to go home to catch chickens, ducks and geese, and those who have pigs to go home to kill pigs. We will have a grand banquet tonight. At this time, the villagers who had been stunned by Li Bu's good news, immediately raised their hands in agreement after hearing Li Bu said that there would be a banquet.

Hearing the approval of the villagers, Li Bu just wanted to say hello passionately, and then began to make arrangements, but in a blink of an eye, he saw his brother again, stealing his chicken legs to feed his wife and children .

Seeing his eldest brother acting like a thief, Li Bu covered his forehead and said speechlessly; "Brother, can you be more confident, your younger brother and I are busy arranging banquets, even if you don't listen to me at this time." , don't steal my chicken legs to eat.

Also, did I say that chicken drumsticks are so delicious?

When I was selling lychees, I bought roasted chicken, roasted duck and roasted goose for our family for a week. You also ate it for a week. This time when I came back, I bought it for a few days in a row. You ate so much. Not tired? "

"No, you are talking about the wedding fund there. Your eldest brother and I have been married a long time ago, your nephew is already this old, and your sister-in-law is going to give birth to my second one soon. Why do I hear so much?
Listen, is it possible that you will make up a wedding fund for me? "Hearing Li Bu's words, Li Hong didn't say a word about stealing the chicken legs, and just yelled at Li Bu about the marriage fund.

Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Bu gritted his teeth and said directly, "Okay, let's not talk about the wedding fund, let's talk about the childbirth now.

Today’s young people don’t like having children anymore, so in order to expand the population of our Lijia Village, the Foundation has decided to reward all families who have a second child with a birth fund of [-] yuan per child. Now this is all about your business. "

"Comrade Li Bu, your attitude is bad.

I'm your big brother. If a brother takes something from you, can that be called stealing?

And I just took a few chicken legs from you. Why are you creating a birth fund just to hate me? "Seeing that Li Bu directly came up with a birth fund reward in order to hate himself, if Li Hong hadn't seen Liu Yan here, he would be scolding his mother right now.

Seeing that Li Hong was yelling from his anger, Li Bu waved his hand and continued the topic he had just said; "I was joking with my elder brother, big guy, don't take it seriously.

But the childbirth fund is real. From now on in our Lijia Village, everyone who has a second child can be rewarded 10 yuan, and the reward for multiple births is even more, such as 20 yuan for twins, 50 yuan for triplets, and 100 yuan for quadruplets. [-] births and [-] million quintuplets. "

"I'm talking about Xiaobu, don't talk more and more outrageously, can you? Our Lijia Village has even had twins in history, and you even made a reward for quintuplets. The quintuplets you are talking about are the elders of my family. Let's be a pig!!!" It's common for rural people to hate each other, so when the big guys saw that Li Bu was starting to look more and more like a rural person, they interrupted him directly and started to hate him rudely.

It was only then that Li Bu realized that what he said was a bit exaggerated. After scratching his head in embarrassment, Li Bu pointed directly at his own van driveway; "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about business Bar.

What I want to say is that we will have a banquet tonight. Look, I have bought you all the good wine and meat. As long as you prepare the table and your stomach, we can eat freely tonight. "

"Wow, so many roasted chickens, so many roasted ducks, so many roasted geese, there are also meat rolls, meatballs, fatty intestines, pork heads, so many delicious things."

"There are also drinks. You see, there are cola, fruit juice, and that super delicious soda. We can also eat delicious food tonight."

"Go away, go away, these are bought for me by my uncle, you can only eat those things, you are not allowed to drink my soda, I drink my soda, I have to drink a bottle a day."

After Li Bu's words fell, some of the adults went home to get vegetables and fruits, and some went to get the cooked food that Li Bu had bought with a smile on their faces, and then they went to prepare dinner together.

Only the little ones were chattering about what kind of drink to drink.

Look at the smiling faces of the villagers, and look at the ignorant quarrels of the little guys. Li Bu, who feels that life is so good to him for the first time, just went home with snacks, and smiled happily. Humming a ditty;
Alas, the happy gongs and drums beat out the joy of every year,

Beautiful dance brings joy every day,

The paint of the sun is painted red,

today's day yo',

生活 的 花朵 是 的 笑容

Alas, today is a good day, everything you want can come true, today is a good day, open the door and let's welcome the spring breeze..

(End of this chapter)

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