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Chapter 701 [97] Li Bu has come to harm the entertainment circle again, the new song loves you for 1

Chapter 701 [97] Li Bu has come to harm the entertainment circle again, the new song loves you for 1 years
Li Bu is very easy-going, whenever someone greets him, he will answer them with a smile, so everyone is happy to talk to him, almost everyone who comes to buy lychees will chat with him.

Everyone who came to buy lychees also sold his face. After chatting with him for a few words, they would pay with a smile, and then leave with the lychees they bought to prevent overcrowding on the road.

In this way, Li Bu led the women of Lijia Village to sell lychees in the arbor by the road all morning, talking and laughing, while Li Wanfu and Li Aiguo, one of them picked all morning, and the other transported them all morning. lychees.

However, at noon when everyone was about to eat lunch, a situation appeared that made Li Bu very helpless, and this situation was that Li Wanfu and the others were too tired to pick lychees, but the people who came to buy lychees on the side of the road , but no less than before.

Faced with this situation, Li Bu definitely couldn't let Li Wanfu and the others continue to pick lychees, so as a last resort, he had to pick up the loudspeaker and shout to the people who were still in line; "Everyone be quiet first, Listen to what I have to say first, give me a little face, and cooperate, please."

Hearing Li Bu's words, those people who were queuing up to buy lychees and chatting with Li Bu stopped making noise and chatting one after another, and all looked towards Li Bu quietly.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Li Bu first took a sip from the water bottle, then pointed to the last three baskets of lychees, watched the big guys speak with a loudspeaker; The lychees picked this morning are sold out now, so for those who haven’t bought lychees yet, I may have to say sorry to you or come back tomorrow.

Of course, I am also embarrassed to let everyone queue up for so long, so we will not sell the remaining three baskets of lychees here. Everyone will come up and grab a few to eat, and then we will come back tomorrow morning to buy lychees. can not? "

"Li Bu, we are queuing up here to buy lychees, not to say that we really like to eat lychees, of course, the lychees in your Lijia Village are delicious, there is no need to question this.

But the purpose of our coming here, in fact, the most is to come and see you, and to see if you will sing to us after selling lychees as before.

So we don’t mind if we don’t have lychees, but if you want to close the stall like this, then we don’t do it, hehehehe. Tell him what he needs to do now! ! "Hearing Li Bu's words, a man immediately stood up and shouted to Li Bu with a smile on his face.

Li Bu knows this person. He is a fan of Li Bu's fan team Li Jiajun. His fan title is 李家军#most handsome young master, his real name is Li Manke, and he is a real estate master in Shenzhen City, Guangdong. As for why he appears here , Li Bu is not very clear.

But even though he didn't know why he appeared here, when he met an acquaintance, Li Bu still politely reached out and threw a bunch of lychees to him, and asked with a smile; Let me go, if possible, I will try my best to satisfy you. Try it, this is my old man's lychee."

"Well, I have to try this one, umm, it tastes good, and it's full of moisture. As for what you want, it's very simple, tell him!!" After eating two of Li Bu's lychees, Li Manke Lost the right to speak to the big guy again.

Hearing Li Manke's words, although the big guys don't know him, they have shouted like this twice, so I have to give him face.

So, this time, everyone generously gave him face, and followed him loudly: "Sing, we all want to listen to you sing, and it's still a new song that hasn't been released yet!!"

"I want to listen to new songs, right? Well, then I'll take out the songs I use to coax my wife and share them with you. I'll give you a song that I've loved you for 1 years!!"

After smiling and answering a few words to everyone, Li Bu didn't use the accompaniment anymore. He just took the big trumpet in his hand and followed the women in the village to distribute lychees to everyone, and started to sing loudly. up.

"Earth revolves once is one year, that means love you for one more year, the eternal horizon, and my heart, never change~~"

"You have been 1 years, love you can stand the test, fly beyond the limitation of time, draw closer to the plane of the region, and be closely connected"

When Li Bu sang about loving you for 1 years in a hoarse voice that has not been modified, and has been selling lychees all morning, the goosebumps of the audience were all sung.

This singing voice may not be the best, the lyrics may not be the most beautiful, and the singer may not be the most handsome, but everyone can hear the sincerity in this singing voice, and at the same time, everyone is full of envy , the one Li Bu was thinking about at this time.

In this way, Li Bu held the trumpet, sang, and distributed lychees to everyone, while the people at the scene quietly wrote down Li Bu's lyrics, and accepted the lychees Li Bu gave them with a smile at the same time. .

"Earth revolves once is one year, that means love you more for one year, eternal horizon, and my heart will never change."

"Love you for 1 years~~Love you can stand the test, fly beyond the limitation of time, narrow the plane of the region, be closely connected, with your appearance, occupying all my sight. I love you 1 Year!!."

I love you for 1 years and soon finished singing, and the three baskets of lychees were also delivered soon, so at this time Li Bu smiled and waved to everyone; "It's getting late, so everyone go home to have lunch Well, we will still be here tomorrow morning, goodbye!!"

After speaking, Li Bu beckoned to Li Manke, and then took him along with the people in Lijiacun, and went back to Lijiacun by boat.

And when Li Bu brought Li Manke back to Lijia Village, many self-media, reporters, and passers-by who had recorded Li Bu's singing video just now sorted out the video and the song "Love You for 1 Years" and posted it on the Internet. .

Ever since, without Li Bu's knowledge, he once again brought disaster to the entertainment industry.

Those celebrities who finally got into the headlines because of cheating, fighting, swearing, and preparing to promote their own movies or new songs were stepped down in an instant, and they also hated Li Bu.

News headlines, [400 billion director once again made an impact on the Chinese music scene, with a song "Love You for 1 Years", who can resist it, and which woman can't be tempted? 】

News headlines, the second one [Under repeated calls, our 400 billion director Li Bu, who is famous as Lychee brother, finally came out of Lijia Village to deliver lychees to the owners of the farmer’s market, but he Since an astonishing pile of aniseed ingredients was released, the people who eat melons have expressed that they are full. 】

News headlines, the third [14 billion people are shocked, 400 billion director already has ten children, four of them were born to him by the queen Jiao Mengyu. 】

News headlines, the fourth [400 billion] Director Li Bu's remarks revealed where our queen Jiao Mengyu went after she disappeared. Who would have thought that our goddess is now a mother of four children. 】

News headlines, fifth [Although she is the youngest queen, she is not young anymore, so today I heard that she is already a mother of four children. Although we are heartbroken, Jiao Mengyu, we still bless you, we must happy yo. 】

(End of this chapter)

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