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Chapter 74 [74] Li Xiaohui wants to bring a wife, the Zhang family

Chapter 74 [74] Li Xiaohui is going home with his wife
"Why pay, did you mishear what I just said?"

"What I'm saying is, if you get married now, you can go back to our Lijia Village to receive a wedding reward of 10 yuan, and you don't need to pay any money."

Hearing his son's words, the old man on the other side of the phone was stunned for a moment, then mistakenly thought it was him that he didn't speak well just now, so he explained what he had just said again.

Hearing his father's words, Li Xiaohui, who knew what was going on in his village, immediately retorted to the old man speechlessly; "Dad, don't be too fancy, there is no such good thing in the world, and even if there is, it is impossible It's the turn of our broken mountain village.

Dad, tell me the truth, did you trick someone into paying you some money?
You must be greedy for petty gain, and you were tricked into paying some insurance premium or something, right?

Dad, don't be naive, okay, that's a lie, it's not true! ! "

"Xiaohui, what did your father say?

Don't get excited, don't talk to the old man like this, it's not good. "Hearing that Li Xiaohui's tone was not very good, Liu Xiaolin who was at the side hastily came over to persuade him.

Hearing what his girlfriend said, Li Xiaohui immediately put the phone aside, and explained to her angrily; "It's not my dad who is so stupid.

In the past, he spoiled my younger brother, spoiled my younger brother so much that he didn't work hard all day long, and even came to me every day, asking me to help my younger brother.

Now my younger brother finally became sensible and started to realize that he was making money from his work, but in the end he started to make trouble again.

He said just now that a foundation has been opened in our village, asking me to marry you quickly, and then I can go back and receive a marriage reward of 10 yuan.

If you get married, you can receive a bonus of 10 yuan. If there is such a good thing, then the Civil Affairs Bureau will be busy tomorrow, right? So, my dad must have been fooled into paying the money ,Why. "

"makes sense.

But don't be so irritable, talk to your dad well, don't make the old man angry at that time, the loss outweighs the gain... "After listening to Li Xiaohui's words, Liu Xiaolin didn't express any opinions of his own, but just persuaded Li Xiaohui a few words, so that he would not be so irritable.

"Okay, I'll try not to lose my temper. Hey, I don't know how much my dad was cheated of."

After nodding to Liu Xiaolin, Li Xiaohui picked up the phone again and sighed, "Dad, you said that our village has established a foundation. Was this foundation established by the villagers themselves, or was it established by outsiders?"

Seeing that Li Xiaohui hadn't spoken for so long, the old man on the opposite side thought that Li Xiaohui had already hung up the phone.

Thinking that he was hung up, he took the phone and was about to hang up, but at this time, Li Xiaohui's voice suddenly came from the phone, so he quickly explained; "It's Xiaobu, it's your youngest son from Uncle Wanfu's family, It is the Li Bu who always hit you when you were a child, and he funded the establishment of the foundation.

That guy Xiaobu is now making a lot of money. He not only spent money to establish a foundation for our Lijia Village, but also prepared nearly tens of millions to build bridges, repair roads, and build homestays. , to make it a tourist destination. "

"Who? Li Bu? Li Hong's younger brother Li Bu?!!
Hey, Dad, if you say that other people make money, I still believe it, but if you say Li Bu, I don't believe it.

That guy has some crazy money. He loaned me 1000 yuan five years ago, and he still hasn't paid me back.

How can a person who can't even afford 1000 yuan have so much money to benefit everyone! !

Dad, tell me honestly, did you give Li Bu a lot of money, didn't you? "Li Xiaohui, who originally wanted to be calm, suddenly became angry again after hearing that the foundation was run by Li Bu.

Faced with his son's repeated doubts, the old man also became angry, and shouted directly; "Can this matter be fake? My father-in-law Li Aiguo dared to invite the ancestors of our Li family village to bless him Is it possible to joke about asking the ancestors to come out?

We can also see whether Xiaobu has made any money. Your father and I are not too old to be blind.

Xiaobu got married as soon as he came back, sold lychees when he got married, and went out to make a lot of money after selling lychees, all of which we can see.

In addition, it is not rare for Li Bu to go out to make money now. He is now living in the village, taking care of his nephew, coaxing his wife, and occasionally buying some wine and vegetables when he comes back. He cares about us elders in the village. Live broadcast or something, he is doing well now.

Huhuhu. I don't want to talk so much nonsense with you. I just called to tell you that if you want to get married, then hurry up and talk to your girlfriend, and then bring her back to receive a 10 yuan wedding reward .

In addition, if you are married with a child, you can also get an extra [-] yuan in childbirth fund rewards.

Also, don't wonder if Xiaobu lied to your father or me.

What can your father and I have to be deceived by others? Your younger brother has emptied the family when he studied. To put it bluntly, our family has no complete tiles. What can others deceive me, ah~~ ! ! "

"Xiaolin, didn't you ask me why I didn't go home or take you home?

Let me tell you the truth today, my family is in Laochao, Guangdong, and it is the poorest mountain village in the area.

There is only one mountain road from where we go home, a mountain road that takes four or five hours to climb up on foot, and a mountain road that even drivers with an A license dare not drive up.

I didn't go home before, and I didn't dare to take you home, because I was afraid that if I took you home, I would lose you.

Several of my friends from the same village were dumped by their girlfriends after they brought them home.

There is no way, our place is really too poor, so poor that people can give up love just by looking at it.

I don't know what my dad was cheated on, but I don't trust him and my mom, and I haven't gone back to see them for several years, so now I have to ask for leave or quit my job and go home to see them.

If you are still willing to come with me now, then let's get married.

Whether my dad was cheated or not, I know he really wants me to bring him a daughter-in-law home.

So Xiaolin, are you willing to marry me, a poor boy who still has nothing for the time being? "

Maybe it's too heavy a burden
Maybe it's been squeezed too long

When Li Xiaohui said whether you would like to marry me, the corners of his eyes were already flooded with tears. Now he is looking forward to success but afraid of failure.

Liu Xiaolin, who has always only liked Li Xiaohui as a person, nodded with tears in his eyes after hearing Li Xiaohui's words; "Then let's get married, don't care about the betrothal gift or not, let's get married first, the betrothal gift or something, wait for us I’ll make up for it later when I have money.”

After agreeing to Li Xiaohui's marriage request, Liu Xiaolin took out his household registration booklet from his carry-on bag and said, "Look, my household registration booklet has already been tricked from my parents. Now, let's get married."

Seeing the household registration book in Liu Xiaolin's hand, Li Xiaohui first reached out to wipe away tears, then picked up the phone again and continued; "Dad, I will take my girlfriend to get the certificate now, and then we will go home to see you tomorrow. I'm sorry, I've been out for so long and haven't come home, I made you worry..."

"Good good.

By the way, remember to call me the day you come back, so that I can send someone down the mountain to pick you up.

On the first day when the new daughter-in-law came to the house, it was not good for people to climb the mountain. Remember it for me, and you must remember to call me. "Hearing Li Xiaohui's words, the old man on the opposite side was excited at first, and then began to tell Li Xiaohui to call him in advance when he went back.

(End of this chapter)

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