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Chapter 91 [91] The most vicious revenge is to make you the spokesperson of a title

Chapter 91 [91] The most vicious revenge is to make you the spokesperson of a title

"How about it, do you want to take revenge, do you want to destroy Sun Meimei?"

Hearing Huang Sunyang's words, Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "I want to destroy her, but I also know that if I destroy her by hand, it will basically be my self-destruction Yes, so..."

"No, this is not self-destruct, but an opportunity for you.

If you are willing to cooperate with me in destroying Sun Meimei, I will do my best to make you a powerful sad singer, and it is not impossible to even make you a sad prince.

I have a song here, a song that I spent 300 million to buy back, a song that can make you hot again.

And the price you want to get this song is to ruin Sun Meimei and sign this contract. Hearing Zhang Feng's worries, Zhang Honglei took out a new contract from the drawer and handed it to Zhang Feng, while smiling calmly.

Reaching out to accept the contract from Zhang Honglei, after a general look, Zhang Feng directly said angrily; "It's impossible, you know, I'm already preparing my own studio, it's impossible for me to Signing you to this ten-year deal, that's too long...I can't do it."

"Zhang Feng, you are the nephew of my distant relative, so I have been taking care of you all these years.

I have always let you do whatever you like, and I have never asked you to do things you don't like, and I have never even interfered with your relationship with Sun Meimei.

Moreover, in order to praise you over the years, the company has also given up a lot of newcomers and piled all the resources originally intended for them on you. What?
Have you brought benefits to the company?No! !

The benefits you bring can't even make up for the company's contribution to your resources.

Did you bring popularity to the company?Yes, you brought it, but it's all swearing black fans.

So Zhang Feng, I will give you a chance now like I gave Sun Meimei. Do you want me to ruin you, or sign this contract, and then I will make you a sad prince, and finally we will win together? " Seeing Zhang Feng being so short-sighted and wanting to separate himself so much, it was the first and only time that Zhang Honglei got angry at Zhang Feng and spoke harshly.

Seeing that Zhang Honglei was really angry, Zhang Feng, who was worried that he would really be banned, quickly picked up a pen to sign his name on the contract, and then shouted loudly: "I sign, I sign, I can sign, right? Well, now that I've signed, tell me how you're going to support me!!"

Ignoring Zhang Feng's loud words, after putting away the contract, Zhang Honglei directly clicked on the song sent back by the scout again.

Then there was another sound in the office, Li Bu's deep, hoarse, touching voice; ". Finally you became someone else's mistress. I also know that it's not because of love. The city's night is so bright, but I don't have you by my side. accompany

Finally you became someone else's mistress, from now on I am no longer your harbor, when you lean into his bosom, have you forgotten the love I once gave, waiting for you to tell me, what you want is not just mine Love, I face your confession with silence, the happiness I once had disappeared. "

"You, you, you, third uncle, you knew that I had just lost love, but you still played this song for me, didn't you mean it?

And why do you want to show me the song of that Internet celebrity? You don't think it's bad enough for me to be hit, right? Hearing such a familiar voice and a song so apt to him, Zhang Feng was so angry that he picked up a teacup and was about to throw it at Zhang Honglei's computer.

Seeing this, Zhang Honglei quickly reached out and knocked down the teacup in Zhang Feng's hand, then glared at Zhang Feng angrily and said, "For you, for you, this is a song prepared for you, I personally sent people to go up the mountain , spent 300 million to ask Li Bu to tailor a song for you!!
Also, if you can master this song well, Li Bu will write a few more songs for you later, and I will give you songs that are no worse than this song! !

And these songs are all buyouts, that is to say, all the names of this song can be written with your name Zhang Feng! ! "

"For me?
for me! !

Is it really for me?
Is it really for me?
Ma De, Li Bu, I love you so much, are you fucking a god, how do you know my mood and situation, woo woo woo, shit, it really is only a fucking man who understands men! ! "When listening to the song, Zhang Feng was very angry. He felt that Zhang Honglei was deliberately angry with himself, but when he heard that the song was prepared for him, he was so excited that he burst into tears.

He ignored Zhang Feng's yelling.

After Zhang Honglei typed out the lyrics and sheet music with a printer, he directly threw it to Zhang Fengdao; "This song is actually a saliva song, so I will give you one night to go back and learn this song for me, and come tomorrow." The company records the song.

In addition, take out your meager account, and later I will ask the editor of the company to use your meager account to post some evidence of Sun Meimei's derailment, and at the same time express in your tone that you have nothing to do with her from today on. "

"I don't want to contact other people now, so I gave you my mobile phone, you want meager, open the mobile phone, click on it, and you can log in.

Also, don't worry, I won't let you down again, I'll be living in the company for a week.

Also, if you can, tell Li Bu not to release a new song this Sunday to piss me off. After casually throwing his mobile phone to Zhang Honglei, Zhang Feng took Xiaosan's songs and sheet music, turned around and left the office, and went home to pack his luggage.

After Zhang Feng left, Zhang Honglei shook his head and smiled wryly, then reached out to turn on Zhang Feng's mobile phone Bluetooth, and sent a few photos with his mobile phone, Sun Meimei and Huang Sunyang went shopping together in an affectionate hug, and entered the hotel. photo.

After the photos were uploaded, Zhang Honglei opened Zhang Feng's Weibo, clicked on Edit, clicked on these photos, and edited such a paragraph on it.

Meimei, we have met since primary school, we have known each other since junior high school, we have been in love since high school, we have lived together since college, and we have been openly dating since graduation.

For more than ten years, our relationship has been like a day, and I have been giving continuously, and you have been enjoying my giving.

I used to think that you are my girlfriend and my future wife. I treat you well and should pay for you.

At the same time, I have been comforting myself that there are fewer women now, so they are more delicate, and other women are like you, and they all have a little bit of princess disease.

But Sun Meimei, do you know?The reason I gave you so much is because I love you and I want to marry you as my wife.

But today I want to ask you, are you worthy of me, are you worthy of my never-ending love for you?
Why do you do this, why do you leave me, and then fall into the arms of a married man Huang Sunyang, I am short of your food, or your money, or let you wear 30 yuan on the street stall The street was ridiculed?
Also, do you know that your behavior is shameless to others, you are destroying other people's relationship between husband and wife, you are acting as a third party, you are doing this, it makes me very, very disgusting mistress, Little three! !
After editing, Zhang Honglei clicked to send, and said with a sneer, "Xinhua Entertainment Company, don't you guys like to poach my artistes and bully our three entertainment companies? Then I will let you see it this time." Take a look at the counterattack of our three entertainment companies, hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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