Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 127 Complaints from Young Actors, I Want to Try

Chapter 127 Complaints from Young Actors, I Want to Try
It was already half an hour later when Shen Lin arrived at the Sky Crane Tower. Looking at the empty Sky Crane Tower, Shen Lin found a seat and asked the waiter to bring the food.

Long Sheng had already made arrangements for the waiter before, so he led Shen Lin directly to a private room, and brought up Tianhe Tower's signature dishes one by one.

"Why hasn't Brother Lin come?" Mu Qing looked at the table of dishes, a little at a loss.

"Don't wait for him, he will come to us when he arrives." Long Cheng smiled, picked up a shelled lobster, and put it on the plate in front of Mu Qing.

"That's not good!"

"It's nothing bad, let's eat ours first." Long Sheng laughed.

"Okay." Hearing this, Mu Qing had no choice but to eat first.

"Mu Qing, which department are you in now?" Long Sheng asked.

"Brother Lin arranged me in the singing and dancing idol group, and said that after we have systematically trained, we can form a group to debut." Mu Qing said.

"Yeah." Long Sheng nodded, Shen Lin is good, he didn't arrange Mu Qing to the film and television department, otherwise Mu Qing and other actors will be friends with each other in the future, he can't stand it!

"Mu Qing, the entertainment circle is very deep, especially those popular stars, who are the thorn in the flesh of many people, and act like walking on eggshells, for fear that if one step is wrong, the whole game will be lost!"

Long Sheng sighed. He is still very clear about those things in the entertainment industry, intrigues, open and secret fights, and always be careful of paparazzi sneak shots, otherwise, if you make a wrong step, you will be doomed!

"I see, Young Master Long!" Mu Qing nodded upon hearing this,
She is at most a trainee now, not even a third-tier star, and she will not be exposed, let alone paparazzi.

Therefore, Young Master Long's worries are superfluous, at least it seems superfluous now!

When Long Cheng heard the words, he knew that Mu Qing didn't take his words to heart.

However, since Mu Qing chose this step, he will support her with all his strength. If someone who is not open-eyed wants to slander her, then he can only see if this guy has the guts.

"They should have eaten enough, right?" Shen Lin looked at the time, more than an hour had passed, and Long Sheng should have finished eating.

However, it is also possible to eat slowly with your beloved goddess.

"I'm going back, I have to rehearse this afternoon." Shen Lin muttered.

Then he called the waiter and took him to Long Sheng's private room.

"Brother Lin, why did you come here? We've all eaten." Seeing Shen Lin, Mu Qing couldn't help but whisper.

"I didn't find you just now, so I just ate something to deal with it." Shen Lin laughed.

Although Mu Qing was puzzled, he didn't delve into it.

"Okay, I'm going back, I'm going to rehearse later." After saying that, Shen Lin walked out.

The two of Mu Qing followed quickly.

At this time, in Sky Color Media Company, among the cast members, there was a lot of trouble. The reason was the message that Li Xinkun sent.

Due to the company's development needs, the contracted actors of the company are trained. Those who want to become singing and dancing trainees can go to the company's No. [-] rehearsal hall for rehearsal in the afternoon!

This is undoubtedly a big news for them, and it is also related to the future development of each of them.

"We are here to be actors. If we are asked to sing and dance in an idol group, I will not agree." Han Xuehui was the first to speak.

Han Xuehui signed a contract with Sky Color Media for a year, during which time he played some insignificant roles.

Although he is not famous, it is also a training for him, and he has accumulated a lot of acting experience.

He believes that as long as he is given a suitable role, he will surely be able to soar into the sky and reach the pinnacle of life from then on.

But now, if he was asked to give up acting and become a trainee of a singing and dancing group, he would naturally not agree.

"Brother Hui is right. The reason we entered Tiancai is to be on the big screen one day. If we become singers and dancers, it will be very difficult to act in the future."

"Yes, even if we become singing and dancing trainees, who can guarantee that we will be successful in the future?"

"Can't you just act well? Why are you messing around!"

Everyone talked a lot, obviously they didn't want to follow the company's arrangement to become a singer and dancer.

After all, in order to become excellent actors, they have been fighting for several years, how can they be willing to let them give up now?
"I think this might be an opportunity!" It was Wang Hou who spoke.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Wang Hou's voice.

Because of Wang Hou, among the many contracted actors of Tiancai Media, he is relatively well-known, and he even acted as the second male lead in a hit drama, which received wide attention.

If he fights for another two years, even if he plays the leading role, there is still great hope.

But now, he actually said that participating in singing and dancing trainees was an opportunity, which made everyone think that he seemed a little crazy!

"Brother Hou, are you sure this is an opportunity, not a trap?" someone asked.

"That's right, Brother Hou, you have to think clearly, if you become a singing and dancing trainee, it will be difficult if you want to act in the future!"

Everyone tried to persuade them one after another, obviously they didn't think that singing and dancing trainees could change their current situation.

After all, in China now, acting is the mainstream. As for the singing and dancing groups, most of them are called Buttercup, and the audience doesn't like it that much.

"I want to try!" Wang Hou said.

Unlike ordinary actors with professional backgrounds, he first learned hip-hop, especially modern choreography, which he is very good at, and even won prizes in domestic competitions.

If he goes to the singing and dancing group, his advantages can be fully utilized, and he might be able to break through the current situation and achieve success.

"Brother Hou, if you go to the singing and dancing group, I will follow you. Anyway, I don't have much talent in acting, so I might gain a lot from you." It's been two months, but I haven't even acted in a small role.

He knew that even if he stayed in the film and television department, it would be difficult to make a breakthrough. Since Wang Hou dared to try, why wouldn't he dare!

"Crazy, you two are completely crazy, you really dare to try anything if you want to be famous, if you can become famous, I will take your surname!" Han Xuehui sneered.

"That's unnecessary." Wang Hou said, "I don't have a son like you."

Seeing what Wang Hou said, everyone stopped replying. These two people are at odds. If they interrupt at this time, they will only offend the other. It is the wisest thing for them to shut up and say nothing. !
"Wang Hou, you are looking for death!" Han Xuehui said coldly, obviously very angry.

"Hehe... It's useless to say more, but I want to see if you can become a popular film and television actor if you stay in the film and television department."

"Then let's compare and see who will be popular first!"

(End of this chapter)

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