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Chapter 129 Shen Lin's Dance Skills, Shocked

Chapter 129 Shen Lin's Dance Skills, Shocked

Facing Wang Hou's sarcastic remarks, Shen Lin stretched his muscles, looked at Dai Chenglei and said, "Play music!"

Dai Chenglei heard the words, and replayed the hip-hop music that Wang Hou danced before.

As the music played, Shen Lin's body also moved slightly, his limbs made natural and smooth movements along with the music.

Every movement is so natural and smooth. Although there is no gorgeous big move, it still gives people a refreshing feeling.

"The things he jumped out seemed as if the music came out of his bones. Most people follow the music, but he seemed to control the music and let the music follow his rhythm." Seeing this scene, Wang Hou couldn't help being stunned up.

As the saying goes, a layman watches the fun, and an insider watches the way. From Shen Lin's simple movements, he has already understood that Shen Lin's control over music has reached a level that is beyond his reach.

"He doesn't care about super big moves, he is just listening to music, every piece of music, every layer, every track, he can let you hear it, it's really amazing." Dai Chenglei said in shock.

Obviously, what Shen Lin jumped out of, as well as his expression of music, had deeply impressed him.

"Not only that, but in the middle of this dance, he also interspersed with other dances, including Poppin, Locking, and even Breaking."

"You know, switching between dance types is really too difficult, especially switching continuously within a dance, it's so smooth and natural, as if music and dance have been integrated into his bones, it's amazing!"

Wang Hou was extremely shocked. Now he knew why Shen Lin would say that the dance he danced before was nothing.

That's true. Compared with Shen Lin's dance, what I dance is really pediatrics.

As for the few actors who chose to quit before, they were even more stunned at this time.

Just now they felt that the thing that Wang Hou jumped out was very cool, but the connection between the movements was not so smooth and natural. Compared with the thing that Shen Lin jumped out, it was undoubtedly a lot worse.

"Why is this guy so wonderful?"

"Such dancing skills are probably enough to win the championship in the Daxia Street Dance Competition."

"Excellent, convinced."

Everyone was amazed, Shen Lin was not qualified to teach them, but too qualified to teach them.

If they can learn from Shen Lin, their dance skills will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

When the last note fell, Shen Lin made a superb freeze frame, ending the dance.


No one spoke anymore, and everyone looked at Shen Lin in shock, as if they were looking at a god in the dance world.

"Now, do you think I am qualified to teach you?" Shen Lin looked at Wang Hou and said indifferently.

"Teacher!" Without hesitation, Wang Hou made a salutation to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin's dance has completely conquered him, and those who have mastered it are his teachers. Shen Lin's understanding of dance is far beyond his comparison, and he is good enough to be his teacher.

"Where are you two?" Shen Lin looked at Dai Chenglei and Ren Ziwen.

"Teacher!" The two stopped hesitating.

"Teacher, please accept us!" At this moment, the few people who had threatened to quit the singing and dancing group walked up to Shen Lin and made a salutation as a teacher.

Shen Lin is so powerful, if they can get his true biography, it will definitely make them famous.

This is so important to them.

As long as they are famous, they will be exposed, and the Super League will have a steady stream of resources coming to them!

That was their highlight moment!
"I'm sorry, you have already made your choice, let's go." Facing these few people, Shen Lin did not accept them just because they recognized his strength and performed the ceremony of apprenticeship.

People have to be responsible for their actions!
"Teacher, we were wrong, please, give us one more chance!" Someone said tearfully.

They knew that this was their chance, a chance to become famous, and if they lost it, they would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey if they wanted to get such an opportunity.

"I said, I can't teach you, and I don't have the energy to lead you!" Shen Lin said in a deep voice.

Those few people were extremely depressed when they heard the words. Now they regret it very much. If they knew that Shen Lin had this ability, they would not quit the singing and dancing group if they were killed.

And Wang Hou and the others also had a bit of fear. Fortunately, they didn't quit directly, but tested Shen Lin's strength. Otherwise, they would be like those people, crying and fainting in the toilet!
"Let's go, go back and study your acting skills!" Shen Lin said indifferently.

"Okay." At this point in the matter, it was meaningless for them to stay here any longer. They lowered their heads and walked out.

"Congratulations, you have become members of Sky Color Media's first-generation singing and dancing group." Shen Lin looked at Wang Hou and the others, and smiled slightly.

"You are all in good condition, but in the next period of time, I will also reshape your bodies."

"The most important thing about dance is to let the audience feel your enthusiasm, the fit with the music, and the beauty of the lines presented."

"However, at this age, the joints and bones have been closed. If you want to reshape, you need to endure extremely painful torture. I also hope that you are prepared for this. If you don't have this mental preparation, it is better to leave early." Shen Lin looked at the four of them with a solemn expression.

"Teacher, don't worry, since we chose to stay in the singing and dancing group, we are ready to deal with all difficulties." Wang Hou said.

Shen Lin nodded, he was quite satisfied with Wang Hou and the others.

Although it is quite difficult to build them into a top team, but he has system support, which is not too difficult for him.

"Teacher, can I ask a little question?" Ren Ziwen raised his hand at this time and asked a little weakly.


"Teacher, we have all seen your dance skills. Even among the street dance gods, you are a top existence." Ren Ziwen said.

"But teacher, are you also teaching us singing?"

There is a specialization in art, and Shen Lin dances so well, he must have spent a lot of time practicing.

But this does not mean that his singing is also excellent.

After all, it is not easy to be excellent in one aspect, let alone be proficient in singing.

After listening to Ren Ziwen's words, Wang Hou and the others also looked over. They were also very curious whether Shen Lin was also amazing in singing.

"Since you are all so curious, let me show you what top-level singing and dancing is." Shen Lin looked at them and smiled.

With his strength, I don't believe he can't fool these guys!

(End of this chapter)

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