Be a hero from the live broadcast

The first live broadcast of Chapter 2, the sound of nature

The first live broadcast of Chapter 2, the sound of nature


Looking at the two tasks refreshed on the screen panel, Shen Lin couldn't help swallowing.

In Wanshi Park, it is a real estate developed by the top real estate company in Daxia Country. Whether it is the surrounding facilities, the community environment or the property service, it is all top-notch. The house price there is at least [-] square meters.

A set of [-]-square-meter Wanshi real estate is worth tens of millions!
This kind of real estate, not to mention the current Shen Lin, even in the last life, it is a luxury house that he can't even imagine!
In addition to the residence in Wanshi Park, there is also a bonus of one million yuan, which is still quite a huge fortune for Shen Lin at this time.

You know, just before, he was still having a headache for the rent of 800 yuan.

Of course, to obtain all of these prerequisites, there must be more than [-] simultaneous viewers in the live broadcast room. Only in this way can system tasks be completed and rewards obtained.

For the second task, the rewards are equally generous, 5000 million Da Xia coins, and master-level piano performance skills are also things that many people dream of.

It's just that, the number of fans reaches the million level, and the difficulty is compared to the first task, but it is even worse.

"By the way, the system is successfully activated, and you can get a blessing of [-] traffic. If you use this [-] traffic, you may be able to complete task one." Shen Lin's eyes suddenly lit up.

One hundred thousand traffic, that is to say, after he starts the live broadcast, 10 people may enter his live broadcast room. As for how long they stay in the live broadcast room, it depends on his own ability.

"That's it." The more Shen Lin thought about it, the more excited he became. As long as he can get [-] traffic blessings and complete the first task, there is still great hope.

As for the second task, forget it, and he doesn't expect it in a short time, after all, it is quite difficult to have millions of fans.

Without much hesitation, he took out the clown mask, put it on his cheek, turned on his phone, and entered the fighting eagle live broadcast room.

Douying Live is a mobile app. This app can be said to be the most popular short video + live broadcast app in Daxia. Before that, Shen Lin registered the Douying account.

"System, I want to use [-] streams." After entering the live broadcast room, Shen Lin contacted the system and said.

"Host, [-] traffic is a one-time consumable, please confirm whether to extract it!" The system reminded.

"Extract!" Shen Lin didn't hesitate.

One hundred thousand traffic, if not used, will not do him any good, it is just a virtual number.

But if he spends [-] traffic, he is very likely to complete the first task issued by the system. As long as he completes the first task, he can get a generous reward.

One hundred thousand traffic, compared with those rewards, is insignificant.

"One hundred thousand streams, the extraction was successful."

Shen Lin saw that on the screen panel, a pattern engraved with "One Hundred Thousand" bloomed suddenly, and then disappeared.

At this time, the first audience also came to his live broadcast room.

"Hey, it's you, the funny anchor again, why did you get you again, and play noise again?"

The viewer's name is Fathead Fish, and he stayed in Shen Lin's live broadcast room for a long time before, and he was very familiar with Shen Lin's teeth-gritting singing voice.

Not long after he quit his live broadcast room, he swiped again, which made him directly angry.

"The name of the live broadcast room: Clown, is the host here to be funny?"

Someone came in again and left a message on the barrage.

"Hello everyone, I'm a clown, and now I'm a singing anchor." Shen Lin cleared his voice and said something.

"Hey, why did the anchor's voice change, it became so magnetic." Fathead Fish was slightly surprised.

Before, he spent some time in Shen Lin's live broadcast room, and he knew Shen Lin's voice well, but now, Shen Lin's voice is very different from before, not only full of magnetism, but also the sound quality and timbre have changed sound better.

"Anchor, hurry up and sing, I want to hear what you can sing." Fathead Fish said, "If you sing well, I will reward you."

At this time, there were already ten people in the live broadcast room, not too many people, but it was a bit more than the previous live broadcast.

"Today, I will sing my original song for everyone, Wangqingshui!" Shen Lin laughed.

"Wangqing Water? What kind of stuff, I've never heard of it before." Fathead Fish said.

"Hurry up and sing, and keep chirping, and everyone will be gone later." A guy named "This Weather Is Absolute" said.

Hearing this, Shen Lin was still not in a hurry. On the system screen panel, he called up the Huaxia Gold Music Library, searched for Wangqing Shuiqing music, and then started playing the prelude. After the prelude was over, Shen Lin began to sing.

"I used to love chasing dreams when I was young, and I just wanted to fly forward, travel through thousands of mountains and rivers, and never return.

Suddenly looking back, the love is far away, and I can't help but be in the sky, only to understand that love and hatred, the most hurtful and painful thing is regret! "

The melody is beautiful, the emotion is sincere, the affection is long and slightly sad, and it vividly expresses people's feelings of wanting to forget the unhappy things after being hurt in love.

As soon as the song started, Shen Lin was immersed in it, with a slightly vicissitudes of voice, it can be said that those who hear it are sad, and those who listen are weeping.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was stunned.

This is music they have never heard before, just like the sound of nature.

The faint sadness and sincere singing made them immersed in it.

Daxiaguo, male dormitory of Jiangnan University
"Fatty, you're watching the live broadcast again!"

"Hehe, why do you care what he is doing? People watch the live broadcast to watch young ladies dance hot dances. This guy is good. He has heard a vicissitudes old man sing, and he has seen it several times. He entered the live broadcast room of an anchor named Clown .”

"Fatty, don't you have a problem with your orientation? This is a big problem. Do you want me to take you to the hospital tomorrow to check?"

A few guys in the same dormitory smiled and said to each other. The kind of jokes and caring words are enviable.

"You guys, don't make sarcastic remarks here, you have never heard this song before." The guy named Fatty took off the earphones from his ears and said.

"What song, I've never heard it before, but I want to listen to it."

"That's right, hurry up and share."

The fat man was not sloppy, and directly pulled out the earphones.

"Aha. Give me a glass of forgetting love water, in exchange for me not shedding tears all night, with all my sincerity, let it rain and wind, and the love I gave will never be taken back."

The beautiful vicissitudes of life and full of melancholy voice echoed in the dormitory, directly stunned the guys in the dormitory.

This kind of voice is really like the sound of nature, full of emotions and pure sound quality, as if it can linger around the beam for three days without a break.

They have heard a lot of music, but like this song, it sang the beauty of life with dreams to pursue, and also sang the helplessness of "I can't go back all the way", pointing at the softest place in people's hearts, it is really the first song. heard once.

"It's hard to say that this is a new song by a certain superstar?"

"Whatever it is, give me the room number, I want to record it, this song will be my cell phone ringtone from now on."

"Love it, love it, forward it!"

A few people were not sloppy, and immediately forwarded it.

(End of this chapter)

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