Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 266 A grand wedding

Chapter 266 A grand wedding (end of the book)

"Brother Lin, go back and rest early." Looking at the tired-looking Shen Lin, Chen Meng said with a bit of distress.

If possible, she would not want Shen Lin to be like this.

But this is Shen Lin's career, and she will support her as the woman who silently supports him behind his back.

"Okay." Shen Lin nodded.

Afterwards, the two supported each other and headed towards the concert lounge.

It can be said that the Magic City concert was held very successfully, and it also aroused strong responses from many fans.

In the concert, whether it was Shen Lin's spacewalk or 45° inclination, and Mu Qing's singing of the wind blowing, they were all loved by fans.

It even caused a craze for imitation on the Internet. Many people rushed to imitate Shen Lin's singing and dancing skills, but very few could reach his level.

After the Shanghai concert, Shen Lin became more and more busy.

The tour concert, the second stop is Daxia City.

As the political and economic center of Daxia City, Daxia City is also extremely prosperous in humanities and economy, and many well-known domestic music schools are here.

And Shen Lin's singing, as a textbook-level skill, was naturally brought into the classroom.

But that's just talk on paper after all, if you want to know more about Shen Lin's singing, it's best to go and listen to it live.

It was also because of this that after learning that Shen Lin would hold the concert in Daxia City, many people snapped up the tickets directly, wanting to hear how well this man known as the music ceiling sings.

But even so, there are still many people who haven't bought concert tickets!
It's nothing else, it's because the tickets for Shen Lin's concert are really in high demand. They just went on sale, but within a few seconds, they were sold out.

It can be said that this is the best concert ticket ever bought.

The Daxia City Concert was held at the Fengchao Stadium, the landmark building of the Daxia Kingdom.

The number of people Fengchao can accommodate can be said to be higher than that of the Modu Gymnasium.

But even so, there are still too many tickets for the concert.

But fortunately, the concert was still held very smoothly. Although there was a small episode in the middle, it was not important.

After that, Shen Lin came to Northeast County, which is the territory of the Northeast King Ye's family.

With the help of Ye Chen, the concert was still held with great vibrancy and achieved a complete success.

For this concert, Shen Lin chose these three places. As for other cities, we can only wait until next year.

Because next, Shen Lin has to do the most important thing in his life.

This matter is of course marriage.

I have been with Chen Meng for a while. The relationship between the two is very stable. They trust each other and support each other. Naturally, they also want to enter the palace of marriage and get the blessings of family and friends.

"Brother Lin, congratulations!" Ye Chen laughed when he saw Shen Lin.

"Young Master Ye, I'll just trouble you to be my best man this time." Looking at Ye Chen, Shen Lin smiled.

This is Ye Chen, the only son of the Northeast King, and in the entire summer, there are only a handful of people who can let him be the best man.

However, besides Ye Chen, there are two other best men whose identities are also shocking.

One of them is the young owner of Longfor Capital, Long Sheng. As the young owner of Longfor Capital, Long Sheng's reputation in Daxia is no worse than Ye Chen.

The last person, few people know.

But those who knew him were shocked by his identity.

Because he is Qin Zhen, with a military background.

And in the military, there is still a high rank.

With such a background at such a young age, it goes without saying that he will achieve in the future.

The three of them being the best man can be said to be extremely luxurious!

In addition to the groomsmen, the bridesmaids are also shocking.

Except for Chen Meng's best friend Liu Xia who knows few people, Mu Qing, Ren Ziwen, and Tian Hui are all terrifying existences with tens of millions of fans.

But even they are willing to become green leaves to set off others.

The wedding travels at the Longhu Hotel.However, with a word from Long Sheng, the entire Longhu Hotel will no longer be open to the public, and will only receive relatives and friends attending the wedding banquet throughout the entire process.

The guests who came to the scene were all well-known figures in the business world.

Shao Mingyue, the general manager of Daxia Film and Television City, Li Xinkun, the general manager of Tiancai Media, and Chai Zifan, the general manager of Modu Financial Center, are all big bosses!

And if people know that Shen Lin is the actual controller of the property owned by these big bosses, how would they feel about it?

In addition to these big shots, there were also many fans who came to the scene in order to witness Shen Lin's wedding.

The wedding march sounded, and Chen Wentao walked in slowly with Chen Meng.

It is said that married girls are the most beautiful, and the same is true for Chen Meng.

She, who was already all over the country, had a soul-stirring beauty after wearing the wedding dress, like a flower that was just about to bloom, delicate and charming.

Shen Lin, who was dressed in a suit, looked handsome. When she looked at Chen Meng, this girl was always in her eyes.

"Xiao Shen, I will leave Mengmeng to you. You must treat her well in the future." Chen Wentao put Chen Meng's hand in Shen Lin's and sighed.

Today's daughter's marriage is also a rare day for him.

After today, the daughter is not just his daughter, she has another identity, Shen Lin's wife.

As a parent, when marrying a daughter, it is inevitable that there will be a little sadness!
"Dad, don't worry, I will take good care of Mengmeng." Shen Lin looked at Chen Wentao and said very seriously.

Chen Meng is the girl he likes, and even more his wife, the girl he will protect with all his heart throughout his life.

Even if he is injured, he will protect Chen Meng and prevent her from being hurt in the slightest.

"With your words, I feel relieved." Chen Wentao showed a gratified smile, and then walked towards the audience.

Shen Lin looked at Chen Meng, and Chen Meng looked at Shen Lin.

Although some wedding dresses obscured their sight, they could still see the joy on each other's faces.

"Mengmeng, I have been waiting for this day for a long time." Shen Lin smiled.

"Me too." Chen Meng smiled slightly.

It is every woman's inner wish to marry the man she likes the most.

But not every woman can do it.

Fortunately, she did.

Shen Lin is the man who is worth her company for the rest of her life.

To marry him is to marry love.

No matter what life will be like in the future, she will always be by Shen Lin's side, never leave, and depend on each other life and death.

The wedding is going on!

With the blessing of the master of ceremonies and many relatives and friends, the two uttered their vows!

But both Chen Meng and Shen Lin knew that the so-called oath was not important.

The important thing is that the hearts of two people must be entangled forever.

"Meng Meng, I love you!" Shen Lin took Chen Meng's hand and said seriously.

"Brother Lin, I love you too!" Chen Meng laughed.

Afterwards, Shen Lin lifted the veil, embraced Chen Meng, held her head in his arms, and kissed her.

At this moment, time seems to be frozen.

(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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