Chapter 46

Longhu Hotel, in the presidential suite on the top floor.

Long Sheng couldn't help being intoxicated listening to Shen Lin's singing of the new imperial concubine drunk.

He thought Wangqingshui and Little Apple were the best songs he had ever heard, but he didn't expect that the drunken concubine sung by Brother Chou's two-chamber style refreshed his understanding once again.

"Brother Ugly, you really have the strength to become a superstar!" Listening to Shen Lin's singing of "New Royal Concubine Drunken", Long Sheng took a deep breath and exclaimed in admiration.

As the young owner of Longfor Capital, Long Sheng has seen many singing stars over the years, but in his opinion, the gap between those singing stars and Shen Lin is not so big.

Zhou Fan is a talented singer, and is proficient in writing lyrics, composing music, etc., and has the potential to become a superstar.

And those so-called traffic stars, most of them are fresh meat, and their singing skills are not as good as Shen Lin, let alone writing lyrics and composing music.

It's a pity that Shen Lin doesn't have much interest in entering the show business circle, otherwise, with Shen Lin's strength, he will definitely cause a huge sensation in the music world!
"It's a pity!" Long Sheng sighed, and then randomly swiped ten carnivals!

Building 404 in Wanshi Park
"As expected of my ugly brother, this song is so beautiful." Looking at the man wearing a clown mask on the screen, Chen Meng's eyes were filled with admiration.

She never thought that she would worship someone so much, even to the point of being unable to extricate herself.

You know, she was able to start an advertising company and even earn more than 5000 million, which is enough to show that she is not the kind of person with big breasts and no brains.

But she didn't have much resistance to Brother Chou's music. It could be said that she was completely fascinated by Brother Chou's music.

"It would be great to have a boyfriend like Brother Chou." Chen Meng looked at Brother Chou and muttered to himself.

However, she also knows that this is an unrealistic idea. With Brother Chou's popularity, the girls he likes are probably enough to be ranked from Ningcheng to Shanghai. Although she thinks she is beautiful and extraordinary, to Brother Chou, maybe Not too attractive.

"Whatever, Brother Chou is my idol anyway. As a fan, I don't want to possess him, but to support him and be his strong backing." Chen Meng encouraged herself like this.

The popularity of the live broadcast room remains high, and now the number of people watching the live broadcast room has exceeded [-]!
5 people watched online at the same time, even those Internet celebrities with tens of millions of fans, not many can do this step!

And the number of people is also continuing to climb, and it is very likely that it will exceed the number of people watching last night.

"Thank you for your likes, thank you for the gifts you sent, thank you!" Shen Lin looked at the phone screen and smiled at the people in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Ugly, I like your music so much, when will you release an album?"

"That's right, brother ugly, I will definitely buy your album. Even if you listen to your songs every day, you won't get tired of listening to them!"

"Brother Ugly, I love you, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

In the live broadcast room, everyone was frantically liking, swiping gifts, and doing their best to support their favorite ugly brother.

"Is there any song you want to hear? Or the genre you want to hear!" Shen Lin asked.

There are really too many songs in the Huaxia Golden Melody Library. The ones he sang before are also the ones he likes to listen to, but he doesn't know what the fans like.

Moreover, there are more than 5 people in the live broadcast room. It can be said that it is difficult to adjust the taste, and it is impossible for him to make every fan like his songs.

"Brother Ugly, I am a retired soldier, and I miss the life of the army with gold and iron horses very much. Do you have any heroic and magnificent songs?"

"Brother, are you a veteran? Me too. I changed jobs after retiring from the army. Now that I think about it, life in the army is better. I also miss those brothers who were born and died together very much."

"Yeah, that was the happiest time."

"Songs about the army have always been magnificent and have a loud voice. With Brother Chou's voice, he probably can't sing such a song."

"That's right, don't embarrass Brother Chou, Brother Chou is just a person, not a god, and he doesn't know any songs at his fingertips."

Seeing someone ask Ugly Brother to sing military-themed songs, some people feel bad. After all, every singer has a different style, and not all songs can be sung well.

"That's not true. Brother Chou's new imperial concubine sings very well when drunk, and she sings in two chambers. There are only a handful of people who sing like this in the Great Xia Congress."

"Don't say anything, Brother Chou, if you can sing military-themed songs, I'll give you a supreme salute."

Everyone talked to each other, and the discussion was quite joyful.

"Since everyone is so supportive, and there are veteran brothers who defend their homes and the country in the live broadcast room, then I will sing a song of loyal service to the country, pay tribute to the veterans, and send it to everyone in the live broadcast room." Shen Lin laughed.

Devotion to the country has been sung for more than 20 years, and it is still popular in China. Different from those short-lived pop music, it contains the national emotions of the Chinese people. It tells a familiar story, which can make people feel great. resonance.

"Brother Ugly, hurry up and sing, let me see what kind of accent you sing military-themed songs."

"I'm already hungry and thirsty for gifts, brother ugly, hurry up."

Seeing this, Shen Lin smiled, then turned on the system, entered the Huaxia Golden Melody Library, and found Jingzhong Baoguo Light Music.

After the prelude, Shen Lin began to sing.

"The smoke rises, the mountains and rivers look north, the dragon flag rolls up, the horse neighs, and the sword's aura is like frost!

The heart is like the vastness of the Yellow River, who can resist in 20 years.

Crazy with hatred, where the long knife is directed, how many loyal brothers and sisters are buried in other places
He cherishes a hundred deaths to serve his family and country, and he is speechless with tears of blood in his eyes! "

The singing sounded, magnificent and imposing, which made people's blood boil.

The short and quick words give people the feeling of rush when the war comes, and the adrenaline immediately soars.

The heroic aura is shocking, and this kind of song is very inspiring, and it can also boost morale on the battlefield. It belongs to a man's song. After listening to it, the blood boils, making people feel the urge to defend the country and die for the country!
However, no one spoke in the live broadcast room, and everyone was very quiet listening to Brother Chou singing this majestic and majestic song.

"Horseshoes go south, people look north, people look north, the grass is green and yellow, and the dust is flying. I am willing to defend the land and open up the frontier. The majestic China will let the Quartet come to congratulate"

Shocking and soul-stirring, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

Is this really sung by the ugly brother?
The full atmosphere of the battlefield, the smoke rising, the country looking north, the horn blowing, the hot-blooded men fighting for the country, those who offend me will be punished even if they are far away, this slogan is enough to resound throughout the Kyushu!

The shock of this song is even more shocking than that of Little Apple and Wangqingshui!
(End of this chapter)

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