Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 50 I was made to cry, you are the ugly brother

Chapter 50 I was made to cry, you are the ugly brother
Shen Lin had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he stretched out his palm to catch the water glass.

"You girl, you must learn to be gentle. Did you forget what Brother Chou said yesterday? He likes gentle girls the most." Shen Lin said with a smile.

After hearing Shen Lin's words, Chen Meng froze for a moment.

Yes, last night, Brother Chou made it clear that he likes you as a gentle girl.

And now that he is showing his teeth and claws, if he is seen by the ugly brother, wouldn't the horse collapse?

But Shen Lin is too irritating, actually saying that she has bad breath, you must know that she is a girl, is it really okay to say a girl like that?
Chen Meng was entangled in his heart, and wanted to beat Shen Lin violently, but he was worried that he would not be able to control his violent temper in the future, and he would look the same when he saw Brother Chou.

"You have to hold your water glass firmly this time, don't hit and kill at every turn. You are a girl, and girls should be gentle, you understand?"

Shen Lin handed the water glass to Chen Meng, and said earnestly.

"Hmph, aren't you mad at me?" Chen Meng took the water glass and snorted coldly, with splashes in his eyes.

"You girl, why are you still crying?" Seeing the tears in Chen Meng's eyes, Shen Lin couldn't help being anxious.

I wanted to tease Chen Meng, but I didn't expect him to make me cry.

Do you want to be so vulnerable?

Chen Mengbang couldn't hold back, and began to cry.

"Don't cry, I'm most afraid of others crying." Seeing Chen Meng crying, Shen Lin's head immediately grew bigger.

It's okay to tease girls, but if you let him tease girls, it's really embarrassing for him.

Moreover, he was the one who made this girl cry, and it was really a bit embarrassing for him to coax her well.

"Wooooo." Hearing this, Chen Meng cried even louder.

"You bastard, you're so bad, you took away someone's first kiss, and said that he has bad breath, and that he doesn't have any meat on his chest, woohoo"

Thinking about what Shen Lin said to himself, Chen Meng cried even louder, and the appearance of pear blossoms in the rain made everyone feel distressed.

"I was wrong, sister, I was wrong, I accept it, and I will apologize to you here." Shen Lin cupped his fists and bowed to Chen Meng.

However, Chen Meng was still crying, squatting on the ground, burying her head on her legs, crying very sadly.

"Sister, don't cry, okay? I was wrong. I'll cook for you for a month. Do you think it's okay?" Shen Lin scratched his head, he was really at a loss.

But Chen Meng seemed to turn a deaf ear to this, crying so sadly.

"To and from get off work, I will pick you up for another month, do you think this is good?" Shen Lin gritted his teeth and raised the conditions again.

But the only response to him was crying!

"Don't you like Brother Chou? I can sing Brother Chou's song." Shen Lin said suddenly.

Hearing this, Chen Meng raised her head, her red eyes looked at Shen Lin with tears in her eyes, "Can you sing Brother Chou's song?"



"Sister, why are you crying again?"

"Brother Chou's song was sung by you, so it won't be ruined, woo woo."

Chen Meng cried even more sadly. She didn't know whether she felt sorry for Brother Chou or herself.

Shen Lin felt speechless, he sang his own song, why did he ruin his own song?
Seeing Chen Meng's sad appearance, do you want to tell her the truth?
"Forget it, with Chen Meng's violent temper, why don't you tear me down." Shen Lin shook his head and sighed inwardly.

"I really know how to sing, please listen to how it sings first." Shen Lin said.

"You are my little apple, I can never love you too much"

Whether Chen Meng wants to listen or not, Shen Lin doesn't care about 21, he sings first and then talks.

The cheerful melody, without accompaniment, still has a strong sense of rhythm, and people can't help humming along.

Listening to Shen Lin singing, Chen Meng's crying gradually stopped. She raised her head and looked at Shen Lin with a trace of doubt in her eyes.

Because this voice is so familiar, why is it so similar to Brother Chou's?
Whether it's the sound quality or the control of the rhythm, they are all in place, making people unable to help but suspect that Shen Lin is the ugly brother.

And looking at Shen Lin's outline, he is really too similar to Brother Chou.

"Sow hope and you will reap!"

"Are you the ugly brother?" Chen Meng looked into Shen Lin's eyes and asked very seriously.

"What did you say?" Shen Lin was startled, did Chen Meng recognize him?
It shouldn't be, he just sang a segment, this segment, anyone who wants to listen to it several times can sing it, Chen Meng should not recognize himself.

"You're ugly."

"How is it possible, how could I be Brother Chou." Shen Lin shook his head.

"Then how can you sing Little Apple?"

"After staying in Brother Chou's live broadcast room for a long time, I can hum along."

"You lied!" Chen Meng didn't believe Shen Lin's explanation, but she believed in her own feelings even more.

She still believed in her feelings.

"You girl, you are really stunned. If you can sing Little Apple, you are the ugly brother!"

"If the grandpas and aunts on the street would also hum a few words, could it be that they are also ugly brothers?"

"You like listening to Brother Chou singing so much, and now anyone who sings his songs looks like Brother Chou. This is a disease that needs to be cured!" Shen Lin looked at Chen Meng and said earnestly.

Chen Mengxiu frowned slightly, and stared at Shen Lin with big reddish eyes.

"You're not ugly, why are you so nervous?"

"Am I nervous?"

"Not nervous? Why are you shaking your legs when you're not nervous?"

"You don't know it's cold!"

Only then did Shen Lin realize that one of his legs was shaking involuntarily, and even he didn't notice it.

Damn, it seems that the problem of nervous leg shaking needs to be corrected in the future.

Otherwise, if Chen Meng caught the pigtail, would there be any good fruit for him?
When Chen Meng heard the words, the doubts in his heart were also dispelled a lot.

That's right, how could Brother Chou be this guy in front of him.

"You, it's better to watch less live webcasts. You're so neurotic all day long. People who don't know think you're mentally ill!" Shen Lin said before heading into the house.

"and many more!"

The moment he turned around, Chen Meng called to stop him.

"Anything else?"

Shen Lin was nervous, could it be that this girl found something wrong again?

"You said, if you want to cook dinner for me for a month, and also take me to and from get off work, does that count?"

"This." Just as Shen Lin was about to refuse, he saw tears rolling in Chen Meng's eyes.

Seeing the glittering tears, his scalp immediately exploded. If this aunt is still crying, how can he coax her well.

"Of course this is true." Shen Lin said boldly.

"Hmph, it's not too bad." Chen Meng snorted softly, then smiled, then turned around and went back to the house.

"Don't forget, I will teach me how to drive today, and I will leave at 08:30 later."

"It seems that I will be tortured by this female devil in the future!" Shen Lin sighed.

"Who do you think is the female devil?" Chen Meng's head protruded from the corner of the wall, looking at Shen Lin, revealing two small canine teeth.

"No, it's my honor to serve a beauty like you!" Shen Lin said with a smile.

"That's about the same." Chen Meng disappeared on the balcony.

"Scared me to death." Shen Lin patted his chest, a little scared, if not for his wit, he might be tortured by Chen Meng again.

(End of this chapter)

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