Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 58 You said you were original, what about the evidence?

Chapter 58 You said you were original, what about the evidence?

"The clown is here!"

Hearing this sentence, Fang Hao couldn't help but feel happy. In his opinion, the copyright must belong to the clown.

This person not only has a strong creative ability, but also has profound singing skills. The interpretation of the songs seems to be able to sing to the bones of people, which arouses strong sympathy.

How could a person with such profound musical attainments steal other people's achievements?
However, compared with the joy on Fang Hao's face, Yao Jun couldn't help frowning slightly.

He didn't expect that the clown would come so soon.

However, even if you come, what can you change? Without strong evidence, how can you say that you wrote these songs?

"It's just in time, I just want to see what kind of power this clown has." Yao Jun sneered.

"Let him in."


In the conference hall, apart from Fang Hao and Yao Jun, there are several other people who are directors of the Music Association and are usually responsible for managing various matters of the Music Association.

And Hu Chengxun is one of them.

"This guy, why did you come here so soon!" Hu Chengxun's face was slightly ugly. He also did not expect that Shen Lin would come so soon.

However, what if he came, he is just a singer, so what can he do?
"Boy Shen Lin, I met Teacher Fang and Teacher Yao!" Shen Lin went straight to Fang Hao and Yao Jun, and bowed with his fists clasped.

On the way here, Luo Jiang had already told him about the information of the other two permanent directors and even their photos, so he naturally knew that these two people in front of him were the two highly respected permanent directors of the Great Xia Music Association.

" are welcome, little brother, I am so lucky to see you!" Fang Hao looked at Shen Lin and laughed loudly.

Young, neither arrogant nor impetuous, gentle and elegant!

This is Fang Hao's impression of Shen Lin.

Moreover, he has always been good at seeing people. Shen Lin is upright and imposing, so he must be upright, and he is definitely not a treacherous person.

It is nonsense to say that he stole Zhang Tianlei's music album!
"Teacher Fang, you're being polite. It's my honor to meet you!" Shen Lin said with a smile.

" two, stop flattering each other here!" Yao Jun chuckled, "Joker, what you are here today is the copyright issue of those songs, right?"

Yao Jun didn't procrastinate at all, and went straight to the point.

"Not bad!" Shen Lin nodded.

"The issue of copyright has been settled, and six of the ten rotating directors agree that the copyright belongs to Zhang Tianlei, so you should give up on it!"

"Teacher Fang, is that so?" Shen Lin looked at Fang Jun and said.

Fang Jun looked distressed, but as Yao Jun said, six of the rotating directors believed that the copyright belonged to Zhang Tianlei!

Regarding this issue, although he can raise objections, he also needs to provide sufficient evidence, otherwise, it would be impossible to overthrow the previous conclusion.

"Xiao Shen, don't worry about the copyright, as long as you can provide enough evidence to prove that these songs are your original creation, the copyright is still yours." Fang Jun said.

"That's right, you said these songs belong to you, so you can prove it with evidence!" Yao Jun said with a smile.

"Since the two teachers have said so, let's talk about it." Shen Lin was neither humble nor overbearing, with a calm demeanor.

This square has a confident appearance, and many people who see it are amazed.

Ordinary young people have long been at a loss when they saw this kind of scene, and they didn't know how to respond, but Shen Lin still wanted to talk to them, but he didn't know what he was going to say.

"Those songs first appeared in my live broadcast room on the evening of January 2021, 1. I submitted the copyright application at 1:1 pm on January 4. I don't know who Zhang Tianlei is. When did you submit it?" Shen Lin asked!
Yao Jun couldn't help but frowned slightly when he heard this, he looked at Hu Chengxun, the music copyright audit was conducted by Hu Chengxun, no one is more familiar with this issue than him.

"This..." Hu Chengxun hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

"Say!" Yao Jun said in a deep voice.

Hu Chengxun was his student, but if he really dared to tamper with the copyright issue, then his face would be lost by Hu Chengxun.

"Zhang Tianlei's copyright is provided at 1:4 on January 17th." Hu Chengxun shivered, but said truthfully.

It is useless for him to conceal this problem, the internal system can easily find out.

"But this does not mean that the copyright belongs to you. Zhang Tianlei is a hot star in China. It is impossible for him to plagiarize other people's achievements."

"But you are different. Before you became famous, the number of fans was only single digits, and you were not even considered an Internet celebrity. As long as you can get these songs, you will definitely become famous because of them, so you must have plagiarized Zhang Tianlei's music!" Hu Chengxun argued.

After hearing Hu Chengxun's words, some people also nodded slightly, this is not impossible, some people can do anything for fame and fortune!

"Hehe... What evidence do you have for saying that?" Shen Lin sneered.

Needless to say, the person who took advantage of Chen Weihua was Hu Chengxun in front of him.

"I..." Hu Chengxun was dumbfounded, how could he have any evidence!

"Hehe... Is this the rotating director of the Daxia Music Association? There is no evidence, it's all based on my own subjective assumptions, it's really an eye-opener!" Shen Lin sneered, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.

Shen Lin didn't have too many scruples when he said this. Six of the top ten rotating directors agreed to assign the music copyright to Zhang Tianlei, which in itself explained some problems.

Inside the music association, there are gangs forming and chaos. Some people have forgotten what the original purpose of making music is for their own benefit.

After hearing Shen Lin's words, many people glared!

What Shen Lin said brought them all along, but they couldn't refute it, because what Shen Lin said seemed to make sense!
clap clap...

At this moment, applause broke out.

Everyone looked sideways, only to see Yao Jun applauding with a smile on his face.

"Wonderful, really wonderful!" Yao Jun smiled, but there was no warmth in this smile!

Hu Chengxun is his student, if something like this happens, he has his own problems, Shen Lin directly confronts him like this, but he doesn't even give him any face!
"What you said is very reasonable, but after all, you still haven't been able to prove that these songs were written by you!"

"How do you want me to prove it?" Shen Lin frowned slightly and asked!

"Since you said that these songs are yours, then you must be proficient in rhythm. If you can compose lyrics and compose music live, then you have such skills. The copyright of these songs belongs to you!"

"But if you can't do it, then I'm sorry, the decision of the Music Association will not be changed by individuals!"

"Boy, do you dare?"

(End of this chapter)

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