Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 60 At such an advanced age, isn't it good for Zhang's family to provide for the el

Chapter 60 It's so old, isn't it good to go home for the elderly?

No one speaks!
Everyone present is a well-known figure in the Daxia music industry, but even they have never seen anyone who can create such a soulful song in such a short period of time.

Such musical attainments are unprecedented.

"It's impossible, you can't sing such a song live." Hu Chengxun said with an ugly face.

He didn't believe that this young man who looked like he was only in his early twenties could compose such a song.

In his opinion, this song is not bad at all compared to the previous controversial songs.

How could it be possible to create something in such a short period of time?

"Hehe, have you heard this song before?"

"Or, this song is me plagiarizing Zhang Tianlei's song again?" Shen Lin looked at Hu Chengxun and couldn't help but sneer.

"You..." Hu Chengxun was speechless. In front of so many people, he naturally did not dare to say that this song was plagiarized by Shen Lin. After all, he did not receive the audio evidence uploaded by Zhang Tianlei. No one will believe it.

"Hu Chengxun, what else do you have to say now?" Fang Hao looked at Hu Chengxun and said.

"Hehe, it's wonderful, it's really wonderful!" At this moment, Yao Jun puffed up his palms and looked at Shen Lin with a trace of seriousness in his eyes.

"Xiao Shen's understanding of music is really shocking, but this song may have been created by him before, and it doesn't quite match what we set before." Yao Jun smiled and said.

"What do you want?" Shen Lin frowned slightly. He had already achieved this step, but he still made things difficult for him. This was sincerely against him.

"If you can create a song based on my proposition, it will prove your ability, and those songs will naturally be your original creations." Yao Jun said with a smile.

Everyone nodded after hearing the words. Although they recognized Shen Lin's creative ability, they still didn't believe in creating such an amazing song in such a short period of time.

But if it is a proposition to create a song, it will naturally test how amazing Shen Lin is in music creation.

"Boy, do you dare to take it?"

As Yao Jun's voice fell, everyone couldn't help frowning. Shen Lin had already won, and his ability was enough to prove that he was the original creator of those songs.

But now, Yao Jun is still relentless and has put forward even more stringent requirements. Who can fulfill them?

"Old Yao, don't go too far!" Fang Hao looked at Yao Jun and said in a deep voice.

"Is it too much? Since he said that these songs are his original works, but he can't provide evidence, this is just a normal assessment!" Yao Jun said coldly.

"Haha..." Shen Lin suddenly laughed out loud.

"Boy, what are you laughing at?" Yao Jun couldn't help frowning.

"Sometimes, I really don't want to hit you. It's such an old age. Isn't it good to go home to take care of yourselves? You are actually angry with young people!"

"Since you proposed it sincerely, if I don't agree, others will say that I don't respect seniors."

"Forget it, I will fulfill you, if you have any means, just use it!"

Shen Lin's voice was flat, and he accepted all the conditions proposed by Yao Jun!

Don't say it's a proposition to create a song, even if it adds style, he can still sing it.

After all, he is a man with a system!
In the Huaxia golden music library, there are nearly 30 years of Huaxia's hits, all kinds of styles, and various elements. He still doesn't believe it, but Yao Jun, a bad old man!

"He actually complied with Teacher Yao's request!"

Hearing Shen Lin's words, everyone couldn't help but gasp. Yao Jun proposed to compose a song, which is not easy to do. After all, Yao Jun will use elements that are difficult to compose a song to propose. In this case, it is impossible to complete it in a short time!
"It's still too young to stand the aggressive method!" Everyone sighed.

But at this time, Yao Jun couldn't help sneering in his heart, this kid is too arrogant, if that's the case, let's frustrate his spirit!
"I want you to write a song with the theme of stones, and the time limit is 5 minutes!" Yao Jun said.

"It will take less than 5 minutes, just open your mouth!" Shen Lin waved his hand and said very chicly.

"Just open your mouth, I want to see what you can sing!" Yao Jun sneered.

Shen Lin didn't pay much attention to Yao Jun's attitude. He cleared his throat and prepared to sing a song called Yuhuashi.

However, he didn't use the piano as an accompaniment anymore. Yuhuashi's sadness and strength went hand in hand, and it wasn't that harmonious when he wanted to play with the piano.

"The rain is floating gently, and the heart is burning like fire. Whose tears are those, gently lingering on the face...

Shi's love for Yu is like the blue sea. Although there are thousands of words, I don't know how to express it!
hi. where are you...

Hi. I can't see..."

The voice is full of sadness and strength, shocking.

"He turned the attachment between rain and stone, the desolation and beauty of rain and stone, and the eternal love hidden deep in his heart, into a touching melody, and then sang it!" Someone gasped. road.

"Stones belong to the soil, but rain belongs to the sky. Their love for each other is destined to be short-lived and beautiful, and it is destined to be an indefinite wait. Persevering love is always moving!" Fang Jun sighed, as if he understood the meaning the flavor expressed.

"What's more, he actually used double-chamber singing in this song. It seems that there are double-chamber singing in those few songs."

Everyone was stunned, and after only a moment, Shen Lin sang a song they had never heard before.

Even if it's just a cappella, the feeling of sadness and power is still shocking.

This song seems to be tailor-made for him.

"I am a small stone, buried deep in the soil. After a thousand years of prosperity, I am still waiting for you in the wind and rain, and I am still waiting for you in the soil!"

At the end of the song, Shen Lin was still immersed in the lyrics, the hearty feeling made him intoxicated.

After a while, he sorted out his emotions and looked at Yao Jun.

"I don't know now, are you satisfied?"

"How could this happen?" Yao Jun muttered to himself. He really couldn't believe that someone could actually create a popular song based on his proposition in such a short period of time.

More importantly, the emotion contained in this song is so sincere and deep that it seems to be able to pierce people's soul, which can be called soul-stirring.

"Boy, you are very powerful, but I still don't believe that you can create such a song in such a short period of time."

"I will ask the last question. If you can still create it, I will stop it."

Shen Lin's expression turned gloomy when he heard the words. Yao Jun kept obstructing him again and again, did he really think he was easy to bully?

"Since you are stubborn, I have no choice but to beat you until you are convinced."

"What else is there to do, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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