Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 71 Fighting Eagle Level, Uploading Penguin Music

Chapter 71 Fighting Eagle Level, Uploading Penguin Music
Douying Group conducts hierarchical management of Douying, and the corresponding situation is as follows:
Fewer than hundreds of thousands of fans: gray iron level;
10 to 100 fans: Bronze level;
100 million to 1000 million fans: silver level;
1000 million to 2000 million fans: gold level;
2000 million to 5000 million fans: diamond level;
5000 million to 1 million fans: king level;

More than 1 million fans: supreme level.

At present, in the Douying Group, there is only one Douying number with more than 1 million fans, there are only five King-level Douying numbers, there are more than 5 Diamond-level Douying numbers, and as for the Gold-level, there should be a hundred or so. There are even more silver and bronze tiers.

However, compared to the 99.99 million users of Douying, this is still too little, [-]% of the users are gray iron level.

Of course, for ordinary people, fighting eagles is just a way to record their own lives. In their spare time, they may look up old videos and watch them, and they may smile knowingly.

It can also be seen from the Douying Group's hierarchical management of fans, how difficult it is to obtain the Supreme Fighting Eagle.

But now, as long as Shen Lin nods, he can directly upgrade the Douying to the Supreme Fighting Eagle. It is self-evident what kind of temptation this has for ordinary people.

But Shen Lin actually refused directly.

"Mr. Zhang, I just need to unblock my Fighting Eagle. As for whether I can get the title of Supreme Fighting Eagle in the future, it depends on the boy's own strength." Shen Lin smiled and did not use himself. this privilege.

"Fine, as long as Chairman Shen likes it." Zhang Changgong didn't insist anymore.

After talking with Zhang Changgong for a while, Shen Lin said goodbye and left.

Under Zhang Changgong's arrangement, Shen Lin and Luo Jiang were arranged to enter a super five-star hotel in Daxia City, the Peninsula Hotel.

The Peninsula Hotel is not very far from the Douying Group, and the Douying Group is a platinum member of the Peninsula Hotel. This is where the Douying Group receives important customers.

And just as Shen Lin was on his way to the Peninsula Hotel, a piece of information was also posted on the Internet.

This piece of information is not simple, but it was released by the Great Xia Music Association, and the content is related to Zhang Tianlei, a superstar who is very popular in Great Xia now, a film and television singer, and a clown who has become popular on the Internet these days.

Daxia Music Association statement: After reconfirmation by the Daxia Music Association Council, the music copyrights of "Forgetful Water", "Ice Rain", "Friends", "Little Apple" and "Patriotism" belong to the clown. The copyright certificate of is invalid, hereby declare!
Although this statement posted on the official website of the Daxia Music Association was short, the sensation it caused quickly swept the entire Internet.

You know, during the daytime today, many Douying bloggers released the copyright of these songs to Zhang Tianlei, and even Brother Chou's Douying account was blocked.

And from the morning to the present, in less than a day, the copyright has undergone a huge change. What happened?
You know, the music copyright certified by the Great Xia Music Association has never been changed, but this time not only changed, but also changed so much at once.

Could it be that the anchor named Clown is really so talented?
Under this post, many netizens commented:

"What's going on, aren't these songs original by Zhang Tianlei, why are they awarded to the clown?"

"Hehe. These songs belong to the clown, that is to say, Zhang Tianlei applied for the copyright before, but it was stolen. It is shameful for a big star to do such a dirty thing."

"Let me just say, Brother Chou sings so well, how could he steal other people's songs, but what's going on with Tianlei, a big star bullies us Brother Chou, do you really think our fans are fooling us?"

"What about morality? Did it fall to the ground?"

Under this post, the number of comments continued to soar, and the screen was quickly swiped one after another. Regarding the theft of other people's achievements, everyone's views were quite consistent, and they strongly condemned this behavior.

On another battlefield, many bloggers on the Douying platform also reported the news.

Even the Douying official came forward to clarify that all the music in the clown live broadcast room was original by the clown himself, and the clown live broadcast room has now been unblocked.

As for the bloggers who were bought by Chen Weihua before, they were also punished accordingly, and they were directly banned for half a month!

However, as the saying goes, misfortunes come with blessings, this incident is not a bad thing for Shen Lin. With this copyright dispute, the clown studio has become completely popular on the Internet!
Many people even wanted to see who this clown was, and even Zhang Tianlei wanted to steal his songs.

What is unexpected is that until now, the original songs sung by Shen Lin have not been found on the Internet.

To all, this clown is full of mystery!

What makes people even more curious is that neither Zhang Tianlei nor his agency responded to such a big incident, as if they had acquiesced to the theft this time!
"Okay, I see!" Luo Jiang hung up the phone.

"Mr. Shen, Liu Song's position has been restored!"

Just now, he received a call from Liu Song. On the phone, Liu Song told Luo Jiang that his position had been restored.

"That's really great." Shen Lin also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. Liu Song was suspended because of him. Seeing Liu Song's reinstatement is also good news for Shen Lin.

"Mr. Shen, Liu Song said on the phone that taking advantage of the hot discussion caused by this copyright dispute, I would like to ask you to upload the music to Penguin Music as soon as possible. In this way, we can also save a lot of publicity costs." Luo Jiang road.

"Okay, I see." Shen Lin nodded.

When the music was sent to the official website of the Daxia Music Association for copyright certification, Shen Lin had already recorded the music, and he just needed to upload the music to Penguin Music later.

However, the songs of Serving the Country with Faithfulness, Drunken Concubine, and the songs sung at the Daxia Music Association today have not been recorded yet. It seems that these songs will be recorded tonight.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening when Shen and Lin arrived at the Peninsula Hotel. Zhang Changgong was also very helpful. Shen Lin was arranged for a presidential suite, while Luo Jiang was arranged for an ordinary guest room.

And this may be the difference brought about by status.

After a brief wash, Shen Lin was ready to record music.

These few pieces of music will also be uploaded to the Daxia Music Association today. As for the review, you only need to tell Fang Hao.

The recording went very smoothly. At ten o'clock in the evening, Shen Lin had successfully completed the recording. He turned on the computer in the presidential suite and uploaded these songs to the official website of the Daxia Music Association and the Penguin Music APP.

At the same time, he also passed on the loyalty to the country to Qin Zhen, and promised this guy to give him a copy of the original song, so naturally he must do it.

"It's done!" The music was successfully uploaded, and Shen Lin also breathed a sigh of relief and stretched himself.

At the same time, I also sent a message to Liu Song. After the music is uploaded, it will naturally have to be reviewed. With Liu Song around, it only takes a few minutes to pass the review.

"Ding dong..."

At this moment, the phone rang, and it was a WeChat video call from Chen Meng.

"This girl, if you don't go to bed so late, you don't miss me?" Shen Lin muttered, but still connected the video call.

(End of this chapter)

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