Be a hero from the live broadcast

Chapter 95 Long Sheng Joins, Shen Lin's Plan

Chapter 95 Long Sheng Joins, Shen Lin's Plan
Hearing the laughter, Shen Lin knew that Long Sheng had arrived.

"Mr. Li, this gentleman also broke in." The secretary lowered his head, what happened today, people broke into the general manager's office one after another, is this going to change?

"You go out first." Li Xinkun winked at the secretary.

"Yes." The secretary walked out again, but there was strong doubt in his eyes.

"Young Master Long, you are really slow in coming." Looking at Long Sheng, Shen Lin could not help but smile slightly.

"There are more than ten kilometers between Jinyi Building and Longhu Hotel. I'll be there in 10 minutes." Long Sheng said with a smile.

"By the way, Brother Lin, did you really buy Sky Color Media?"

He has also heard about Sky Color Media. In the past two years, it can be regarded as a new star in the entertainment industry. It has made several hit dramas and gained a great reputation.

But didn't Shen Lin have no plans to enter the entertainment industry? Why did he buy Sky Color Media again?

"Well, this is Li Xinkun, the general manager of Sky Color Media." Shen Lin pointed to Li Xinkun who was next to him.

"Young Master Long, I have admired your name for a long time." Li Xinkun smiled and stretched out his palm.

"Hello." Long Sheng looked silent. Not everyone deserves to be treated equally by him, even if the person in front of him is the general manager of Sky Color Media.

But for Shen Lin's sake, he still stretched out his palm and shook hands with Li Xinkun.

"Young Master Long, although I have acquired Sky Color Media, I still have two problems to solve." Shen Lin sighed.

"Brother Lin, don't worry, as long as you can help me, you will be fine." Long Sheng patted his chest and said.

When Li Xinkun saw this, he became more determined in his inner thoughts. When Long Sheng faced Shen Lin, he had a flattering taste.

But what kind of charm does this new boss have that can please even the famous Long Sheng?

"Actually, it's not a big deal." Shen Lin smiled, and then told Long Sheng what happened before.

"It's unreasonable, you dare to blackmail Brother Lin with investment, and raise the price on the ground, without any professional ethics at all!" Long Sheng was furious when he heard this.

He has also heard about those things in the entertainment industry, and even similar things happened when the family was investing.

Normally, he would turn a blind eye, but now that this kind of thing happened to Shen Lin, he had to take it seriously.

After all, Shen Lin is his favorite singer, bar none!

"Brother Lin, if you want to solve this kind of thing, you need a strong background support, otherwise, the entire entertainment circle will probably block Sky Color Media." After being angry, Long Sheng also calmed down, and said slowly.

"That's why I brought you here." Shen Lin looked at Long Sheng with a smile and said.

"Brother Lin, don't worry, I have long thought that Zhang Tianlei is not pleasing to the eye. He has no other skills, but he is good at making money. This time, I must give him an unforgettable education." Long Sheng said.

"It's not urgent." Shen Lin said with a smile, "Before they got angry here, they will definitely not let it go, and they should take action next."

"And it's not necessarily a bad thing for us if they make some moves."

"Brother Lin, what do you say?" Long Sheng asked.

"If you were Du Fei, what would you do if you were so angry?" Shen Lin asked back.

"It must be holding a press conference, calling on the media, and banning Tiancai." Long Sheng blurted out.

"Yes, this is what I was waiting for."

Hearing this, Long Sheng was a little confused. If Du Fei held a press conference, he would definitely smear Sky Color Media. It would not be easy to clean up again.

"Brother Lin, I'm a bit confused when you say that." Long Sheng said.

"Mr. Shen, if you have any plans, just tell me, it confuses me." Li Xinkun did the same.

"Hehe, since Du Fei has held a press conference, and since it is related to Zhang Tianlei, it will inevitably cause an uproar in the entertainment industry, and the major media will definitely rush to report it. This is also a free publicity for us."

"When this wave of public opinion is almost over, we will also release a press conference. We don't need to clarify anything. We just need to release a message. Longfor Capital intends to invest in the TV series "I'm Waiting for You at the End of the Forgotten River"."

"This news, I think, is enough to cause a tsunami-like sensation in the entertainment industry. I am afraid that many people will interpret the press conference of Zhang Tianlei and others. We only need a little guidance to make Zhang Tianlei and Du Fei stand On the cusp."

"Next, we can announce that in order to produce a high-level TV series, casting will be conducted in the entertainment industry. The leading and supporting roles must be the best and have acting skills."

"Big Xia is so big, I still can't believe it, I can't choose a suitable hero and heroine."

"You say, isn't this free publicity for us?" Shen Lin said with a smile.

Long Sheng and Li Xinkun looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Damn, doing this can not only turn things around quickly, but also make Zhang Tianlei and Du Fei sick.

Even because of Du Fei's press conference, Shen Lin was able to save a lot of advertisements, and he could also inform the talented actors in the entertainment industry that Sky Color Media was recruiting actors.

And with the tiger skin of Longfor Capital, many people would come to compete.

This is really great news for Sky Color Media.

"High!" Both Long Sheng and Li Xinkun gave a thumbs up. Even the two who often hang out in the entertainment industry can't find anything wrong with this operation.

"Brother Lin, you are really hurt. I feel sorry for Zhang Tianlei now, and actually offended you, a black-bellied man." Long Cheng laughed.

"How can this be called a black belly? This is called using the way of the other, and giving it back to the other." Shen Lin smiled and didn't care.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Shen is talented, and my admiration for Mr. Shen is like a torrential river!" Li Xinkun said.

"Old Li, what you said is too false." Long Sheng couldn't help curling his lips.

"Young Master Long, I speak from the bottom of my heart." Li Xinkun said.

"Okay, you two should stop arguing here, and always pay attention to the information of Zhang Tianlei, Du Fei, and Pan Jianwei. Once they make a move, we will seize the opportunity and attack quickly."

"Understood Mr. Lin." Li Xinkun nodded and said, when it came to business, he was quite serious.

Afterwards, Li Xinkun walked out to arrange the next work.

In the office, only Shen Lin and Long Sheng were left.

"Brother Lin, you said that I did you a great favor, how are you going to repay me?" Long Sheng asked with a smile.

"How do you want me to repay you? A promise with my body?"

"Fuck, my old dragon is a straight man!" Long Cheng's face turned dark immediately.

"It's not the same for anyone!" Shen Lin muttered.

"Brother Long, I've helped you so much, and I'm going to visit the crew at that time. It's said that the young ladies in the entertainment industry are pretty pretty." Long Sheng said.

(End of this chapter)

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