Chapter 97
Sky Color Media, General Manager Office
"Old Li, the reporter is here. It's not convenient for me to come forward. You go out and solve it." Shen Lin said.

He doesn't like to show his face and become a public figure, otherwise he wouldn't wear a clown mask during the live broadcast.

"Understood, Mr. Shen." Li Xinkun nodded.

"Young Master Long, please help me solve it." Shen Lin smiled.

"Okay, this kind of scene, no matter how you think about it, I'm still a little excited." Long Sheng stretched his waist and said with a slight smile.

Afterwards, the two walked out of the office at the same time.

"President Li, Young Master Long, the reporter is right outside the door." Wang Bin came to the two of them and said respectfully.

He had also heard a little about Long Sheng. He was the young owner of Longfor Capital, who controlled a huge amount of wealth. Such a character is really a legend in legends.

But such a person has an unusual relationship with his new boss, which shows how much energy his new boss has.

If you work with such a boss, you will have more face if you say it in the future.

"Let them come in." Li Xinkun said.

"Okay." Wang Bin nodded, and then walked towards the entrance of Sky Color Media Company.

Then, a large wave of reporters rushed here.

However, when they came in, they couldn't help being stunned when they saw Long Sheng standing beside Li Xinkun.

what's the situation?
How could Long Sheng be here?

As Daxia's entertainment media, everyone is no stranger to Long Sheng. Daxia's famous rich second generation, the young owner of Longfor Capital, and the owner of Longfor Hotel, each of his identities makes people envious and jealous.

It's just that Long Sheng has always kept a low profile and rarely shows up in front of the media.

But how could such a person be here?

Could it be that the new boss of Sky Color Media is Long Sheng?
If it was really Long Sheng, then did Du Fei and Pan Jianwei's brains twitch? They dared to offend Long Sheng!
"Young Master Long, why are you here?" A reporter asked.

"The new boss of Sky Color Media and I are good buddies. Next Sky Color Media will shoot a TV series, and then I, Longfor Capital, will also invest in it!" Facing many reporters, Long Sheng said with a smile.

After hearing Long Sheng's words, many reporters couldn't help being shocked. This is big news, even more shocking than the information released by Du Fei!

They wanted to block Sky Color Media in the first step, but they reached a cooperation agreement with Longfor Capital in the second step. This is a blatant slap in the face!

Moreover, with the investment of Longfor Capital, Sky Color Media will obtain even greater resources.

These resources are not only reflected in capital investment, but also various personal connections. It can be said that starting today, Sky Color Media will soar into the sky and achieve broader development.

"Young Master Long, what are your reasons for investing in Sky Color Media?" a reporter asked.

"One of the things I have already said is that the new boss of Sky Color Media and I are good buddies, and his business is my business."

"On the other hand, Sky Color Media has become famous in the industry in the past two years, and the quality of the TV dramas it produced has also been recognized by the market. Therefore, I will also activate the relevant resources of Longfor Capital to join hands with Sky Color Media. Make a TV show."

Long Sheng has dealt with this situation countless times, so now he can deal with it with ease.

"My friends from the press, next, Sky Color Media will select film and television actors across the country, and we hope that actors with strength and acting skills will sign up enthusiastically. As long as the conditions are met, we will also provide you with satisfactory remuneration!" At this time, Li Xinkun said with a smile.

"Mr. Li, what Zhang Tianlei's agent said earlier was that the new boss of your company beat him. I wonder if it's true or not?" a reporter asked.

After listening to the reporter's question, everyone looked over and wanted to know whether this matter was true or not.

"Our new boss has a kind heart. When he took over the company, he raised the salary of the employees. Everyone's salary has doubled, even the cleaning lady. How can a boss who has employees in his eyes be a violent person?"

"The reason why Du Fei spread rumors and slandered me like this is that I'm still angry!" Li Xinkun paused and said, "Before we reached a cooperation agreement with Zhang Tianlei's team, and invited Zhang Tianlei to perform in the TV series that Tiancai Media will launch next with a salary of 4000 million yuan. .”

"But it's a pity that they actually set the price on the ground and asked for 6000 million yuan in salary. Our new boss didn't agree, so it's really infuriating to hold a grudge!"

Speaking of this, Li Xinkun's eyes also had a touch of anger, and the previous aggrievedness was finally released at this moment.

"Mr. Li, what you say is unsubstantiated. I wonder if you have evidence?" A reporter asked.

"Of course there is evidence!" Li Xinkun smiled and said, "I have a habit of recording things when I talk to people for future reference."

As he spoke, Li Xinkun took out a voice recorder and clicked to play.

"If you want our Mr. Zhang to act in this TV series, the salary should be at least 6000 million."

"Hehe...boy, you offended me, I can guarantee that in the entertainment circle, no one will accept your drama!"

Everyone was stunned, because they knew that the owner of this voice was Du Fei!

"He actually made such an exaggerated request!"

"Greedy is not enough to swallow elephants, and the sky-high salary is fine, but to slander and frame others is really too much."

"Fortunately, Young Master Long helped to clarify, otherwise we would be deceived by that villain Du Fei!"

The reporters showed a one-sided situation. On the one hand, Du Fei's actions really made people angry. On the other hand, Long Shao still had to give face.

"Thank you, friends from the press, and please report truthfully!" Li Xinkun laughed.

"Mr. Li, may I meet your new boss?" A reporter asked.

"That's right, we are also very curious about this new boss who is called brother and brother with Young Master Long."

"I'm sorry, our boss is a low-key person, so I have to disappoint all the reporters." Li Xinkun said, "However, if you have anything to say to the boss, I can convey it for you."

"Hey, this is really disappointing." The reporters sighed one after another. They thought they could meet the new boss of Sky Color Media, but now it seems that they are destined to be disappointed.

"Everyone, thank you for coming to witness the cooperation between Longfor Capital and Sky Color Media. If you have no other questions, please come back." Li Xinkun said with a smile.

Seeing Li Xinkun issued an order to evict guests, the reporter friends felt embarrassed to stay any longer, and one of them left.

However, as these reporters left, a news that swept across the Internet in Daxia exploded on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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