Chapter 21

Half of the road from Lingxia Township to the county is uphill, and the other half is downhill.

The road is still an old road with a width of three meters, but there are many more private cars. Li Changqing is particularly conspicuous on a broken motorcycle.

It is very inconvenient when passing vehicles cross each other, and sometimes even need to stop to avoid.

After crossing the Jiudong Bridge across the Jinshui River is Chengguan Town, the urban area of ​​Guyang County. Li Changqing remembers that when Li Dahai and Li Dahai went to the county to buy new year's goods, there were several shops selling seeds in the Dongmen Vegetable Market.

Moreover, the Dongmen Vegetable Market is on the embankment of the Jiudong Bridge on the Jinshui River, which happens to be the direction from Lingxia Township to Chengguan Town.

There are a lot of people going to Dongmen Vegetable Market to buy vegetables, and there are a lot of vehicles coming and going, but the road is very narrow.

Li Changqing carefully controlled the motorcycle to shuttle through the crowd, but found that there was a group of people in front of him, and it was impossible to get through.

"Although the Dongmen Vegetable Market is always crowded with people, is it not so crowded? It's almost in time for the Chinese New Year!" Li Changqing thought wonderingly.

"Hey, big sister, can you let me go, I can't make it through!"

Li Changqing waited for a while, but the crowd showed no intention of dispersing, so he could only speak to the middle-aged woman in front.

"Someone had an accident in front, and now I'm stuck there, and I can't get through it!", the middle-aged woman turned her head and said helplessly.

"What's going on?" Li Changqing asked curiously.

"I don't know, anyway, I saw a girl lying on the ground, clutching her chest and twitching continuously, it's scary!" said the middle-aged woman with a frightened look.

"It's very likely to be coronary heart disease! If no one cares, it's easy to die!"

Coronary heart disease is a common disease in China, and spring is the peak season, Li Changqing said after hearing the middle-aged woman's description.

"Who dares to be nosy these days? There are no cameras, and once something happens, no one can tell!"

"Sister, help me look at the motorcycle, I'll check it out!"

"Young man, don't be impulsive! If you are blackmailed, your motorcycle is not enough to pay for it!"

"It's okay, big sister!" Li Changqing said to the middle-aged woman after parking the car and locked the faucet.

There were a lot of people watching the excitement, but most of them just watched with cold eyes or whispered to each other to discuss whether to help or not?
There are also some people who want to come forward to help, but they have been blackmailed and have not been rehabilitated until now after hearing other people say, "Whoever helps others!" ’, I was afraid and gave up the idea or was blocked by relatives and friends.

What's more, he was busy shooting a small video and posted it on Moments, with the text "Indifference!!! Some people have a disease attack, but no one dares to help!".

"Please make way, please make way!", Li Changqing squeezed into the crowd with difficulty.

The girl was about 20 years old, wearing a ponytail and a floral dress, her face was pale and sweat was profuse on her forehead, and she was already showing symptoms of shock.

"Young man, I've already called for emergency services, let's wait for them to come!" Someone said when they saw that Li Changqing wanted to come forward to help.

"It's too late. The golden period of rescue for coronary heart disease is only 4 minutes, and it's impossible to wait for the ambulance to arrive!"

Li Changqing used to specialize in cardiothoracic surgery and only had a basic understanding of coronary heart disease, but he said that life is at stake.

"Little brother, this girl is suffering from an illness, and it's hard to tell if it's you who is to blame!"

"Yeah, if there is a car accident, we can still testify for you, but it's really hard to say about the disease, and it might cause death!"

Hearing this, Li Changqing felt a little hesitation in his heart. Even a professional cardiologist might not be 100% sure when encountering an emergency of coronary heart disease, let alone he specializes in cardiothoracic surgery!
Once someone is killed, Li Changqing really can't tell, after all, the girl was alive before he touched the girl.

I think of a sentence I recently read in "The Analects of Confucius·Weizheng", "Zi said: See what is right but don't do it, and you have no courage!".

Consciousness means standing by and doing nothing when you see something you should stand up for. This is cowardice and lack of courage.

On the other hand, when Li Changqing was in the Provincial People's Hospital, he dared to disclose the vicious incident of Zhao Donglai, which was a kind of courage.

Even if he took the blame and even lost his job, Li Changqing would still do it if he did it all over again.

Putting aside the Confucian standpoint, from the perspective of medical ethics, Li Changqing should also step forward to save people.

The time-critical patient was in danger and was racing against death. Li Changqing stepped forward without hesitation just for a moment.

Press the girl's forehead with the palm of the right hand, and lift the girl's lower forehead with the left hand, so that the girl's head is in a backward posture.

At the same time, pinch the girl's nostrils with the thumb and index finger of the right hand, and after inhaling calmly, Li Changqing wraps the girl's lips and blows slowly on her for a few seconds, and releases it after seeing the patient's chest bulge from the corner of the eye .

After Li Changqing tried seven or eight times, the girl still showed no sign of waking up.

Human life is greater than the sky, and Li Changqing couldn't control the crowd of onlookers. He put his left palm on the intersection of the girl's breastbone and the line connecting her breasts, and then put his right palm on top of his left palm. The fingers of his left hand were upturned, and the fingers of his right hand were inserted between the fingers of his left hand. Keep your arms straight down and press down.

The movements were very tiring. After pressing for more than 100 times in a row, fine beads of sweat appeared on Li Changqing's forehead.

The girl finally woke up slowly, opened her eyes and saw Li Changqing's palm on her chest, she was stunned for a few seconds.

"Huh, you finally woke up!"

The stone hanging in Li Changqing's heart landed safely, and said to the girl with a long sigh of relief.

"Thank you, thank you!"

The girl looked around with a blushing face, understood what happened, and said gratefully to Li Changqing.

"It's a small matter, although you are out of danger, don't move for now, wait for the ambulance to come!"

Li Changqing showed a bright smile, and said indifferently, as if he had done an insignificant thing.

Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, at the critical moment, "The Analects of Confucius" gave Li Changqing guidance. This may be the meaning of the book.

Although Li Changqing has taken certain risks, his heart has also been greatly sublimated!

"You saved my life, it's no small matter!" said the girl.

"I would have saved someone else, I have to leave beforehand!"

Many people around were taking pictures with their mobile phones, Li Changqing didn't want to stay longer, so he said to the girl.

"Can you tell me your name, phone number?", the girl asked anxiously seeing that Li Changqing was about to leave.

"It's not necessary. You should pay attention to your health in the future. It's best to have someone accompany you when you go out!"

Li Changqing smiled and said, it was like a spring breeze ten miles away, riding a broken motorcycle and disappearing into the vast crowd.

When things are done, go away and hide your merits and fame!
After the crowd of onlookers sent the video of Li Changqing's rescue to WeChat Moments, the wind direction changed again, full of positive energy.

"There is true love in the world, and there is true affection in the world! A mysterious young man appears, and the hero saves the beauty!"

"Live, do good deeds, don't leave a name! With a flick of his sleeve, he won't take a single cloud away!"

"Because of him, I once again believe that there are really good people in the world! If everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better world!"

 Thanks to ZQ Xiaopang who loves to read books, Ma Ta Shan Que, Piao Ge vs, Ah Pang's 1 piece of cake, Traces of the Breeze, Leng Youhuo, King of Immortal Fish, etc. Readers, don’t blame me~, thank you again~)

(End of this chapter)

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