Chapter 78
The lone wolf looked back at Li Changqing, his anxiety gradually calmed down, and he squatted on the ground.

"Sit... sit down, what a hell!" Alan stared at Yuanyuan's eyes.

"Oh my God! What kind of a person is this, who can make an attacking lone wolf sit down with just one word?"

Mary opened her small mouth in surprise, even more shocked than seeing Li Changqing playing with the lone wolf's ears.

"Shouldn't the lone wolf be synonymous with insidiousness, cunning and cruelty? How could it listen to human beings?"

David's three views collapsed a bit, completely overturning his perception of the lone wolf in the wilderness.

What is even more incomprehensible than the fact that the wolf sits down is why Li Changqing can order the wolf?
"Mr. Li, are you still a biologist?"

Alan believes in science, and suspects that Li Changqing is well versed in the habits of wild wolves.

Li Changqing shook his head, stroking the hair on the lone wolf's neck without speaking.

Thinking of a sentence in "The Analects of Confucius", Zi said: There is no distinction between teaching and learning.

There are two explanations, one is that anyone can be educated.

Another explanation is that human beings are originally different, but they can be eliminated through education.

Since anyone can receive education, how about extending it to animals?

Wolf is ferocious, can it be changed through acquired education?
And based on the situation just now, the awe-inspiring righteousness can indeed have an impact on the gray wolf, which shows that it is feasible to a certain extent!

Seeing Li Changqing taming the gray wolf while talking and laughing, Mary, David, and Alan stared blankly.

For a moment, I forgot the purpose of going up the mountain.

"Oh, God, I almost forgot the most important thing! Mr. Li, can you help record an interview?"

Mary slapped her head and said regretfully to Li Changqing.

"It's damp and cold in the mountains. If you don't leave, you will have to spend the night in thatched huts!" Li Changqing replied.

"Mary, why don't we go, I don't want to sleep with a wolf!"

Allen glanced at the lone wolf, terrified.

"Mary, let's come back during the day!"

David also felt insecure, said to Mary.

"Okay! Mr. Li, can you take us down the mountain?"

Mary has a shadow of the gray wolf in her heart, so naturally she dare not live on the mountain, but she should keep an eye on it.

"En!", Li Changqing did not refuse.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, you are such a good man!"

Mary gestured to David and Alan to remember the way with her eyes, and said excitedly.

The mountain road is full of potholes and tall weeds on both sides, blocking the view.

"Haha, it's so interesting! Everyone went to the mountain to look for Mr. Li, but they didn't expect Mr. Li to live at the foot of the mountain!"

Allen recalled that the media had searched all over the mountains and plains, and found it very interesting.

"This road is like a maze, why do you live here, Mr. Li?"

It was hard for David to imagine what it would be like to live alone in the mountains.

"I know, Mr. Li must be the hermit you Huaxia said, right?"

As a reporter at the Global Times China Reporter Station, Mary has a good understanding of Chinese culture.

"Hermit? Not really!"

Compared with a hermit, Li Changqing felt more like a monk.

There are two types of hermits, one is tired of the world, and the other is hiding and waiting for others to find out.

Li Changqing is neither pessimistic and world-weary, nor is he seeking fame.

Instead, the mountains are clean, which is conducive to self-cultivation, meditation and learning.

One day, I will come out of the mountain after I have learned it, and I will continue to learn it for the sake of the saints!

"What are you not a hermit?" Mary asked suspiciously.

"Cultivator!" Li Changqing said calmly.

"Friar? I haven't heard of it!", Mary thought.

"Hehe, let's go here!" Li Changqing said after taking Mary and others down the mountain.

"Okay, Mr. Li, we'll come back tomorrow!" Mary said.

"Tomorrow? You may not remember the way!" Li Changqing said meaningfully.

"Mr. Li, we will definitely meet tomorrow!" Allen said confidently.

"The road in the mountains is hard to remember!" Li Changqing said softly.

Mary, Alan, and David got into the car they drove and returned to Guyang County.

"Ellen, have you written down the road?" Mary asked.

"Don't worry, Mary, it's guaranteed to be clearer than Google Maps!!" Allen said with a raised corner of his mouth.

"If Alan's head doesn't work well, there's me!" David said arrogantly.

After Li Changqing separated from Mary, he did not return directly to Zhong Nanshan.

Back home, Li Jianguo, Li Dajiang, Li Changwu and other villagers were enjoying the shade on the field.

"Hey, Qingwa has come down the mountain! You're an amazing kid, and reporters all over the country want to interview you!" Li Changwu said.

"Qingwa, I have told everyone in the village, no one will guide them!" Li Jianguo said.

"Chunhua, I heard that a reporter offered you 5000 yuan, but you didn't agree?" Li Changwu said.

"Sure, we like money, and we can do that kind of thing!"

Ma Chunhua was famous in Lijia'ao for knocking the door and seeing the money, but now she took it for granted.

"Can you, Ma Chunhua, have this awareness?" Li Changwu deliberately exaggerated.

"Li Changwu, you idiot! Didn't Qingwa read it in the book that a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way! Although we are not gentlemen, but Qingwa doesn't want to see them, no matter how much money we give, we can't do it! " Ma Chunhua said sharply.

"The effect of Qingwa's reading is good. If it was in the past, someone would be willing to do it for three hundred!" Li Jianguo said.

"Hey, thanks to Qingwa! Every day we are next to Qingwa's leek stand, and we can earn hundreds of dollars a day!"

Ma Chunhua touched the banknotes in her pocket, her eyes widened with a smile.

"Qingwa, my brother is going to change the breakfast shop into a restaurant. I've already thought of the name, and I'll call it 'Li Changqingfa's Little Restaurant'!"

Li Sande's breakfast business is booming, and he wants to expand the business further.

"You really know how to do business!" Li Changqing said.

"Haha, brothers, don't they all take advantage of you, you must have a glass of wine at the opening!" Li Sande laughed.

"Uncle Jianguo, after the road is repaired, our village can focus on developing agriculture, tourism, and catering!" Li Changqing said.

"Well, Qingwa, to be honest, is it because of you that Jinzhu Pharmaceutical helped our village build the road?" Li Jianguo asked.

"I helped Jinzhu Pharmaceutical a little bit." Li Changqing said calmly.

"No matter how rich Jinzhu Pharmaceutical is, it won't spend millions to help our village build roads for no reason. I guess it's you, and it must be no small favor!"

"Young baby, our old Li family's ancestors have been trapped in the mountains for generations, you are the benefactor of our whole village!"

Li Jianguo stood up and held Li Changqing's hand, and said excitedly.

"Uncle Jianguo, where are you talking? My surname is Li too, it's my duty!" Li Changqing said.

The mountain road is the ridge of Lijiaao, and other villagers all cast grateful glances at Li Changqing.

"Young baby, you are doing well, you are my mother's pride!" Liu Cui'e and You Rong said honestly.

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(End of this chapter)

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