Mountain Miscellaneous

Chapter 8 Pity the world's parents heart

Chapter 8 Pity the world's parents heart
"Hehe, why don't I understand what Brother Li said? But easier said than done, I still have a long way to go!"

Yan Hui's affection for Li Changqing soared again, even changed his address, and chatted with Li Changqing in a friendly manner.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Li Changqing insisted on increasing his favorability towards Yan Hui, and it finally had an effect, although there was no substantial effect...

Li Changqing knew that he had to walk the road by himself after all, so he quit the 'Hundred Schools of Philosophy' after chatting with Yan Hui for a few words.

After taking a bath, Li Changqing went back to bed and went to sleep.

The plan for a year is in spring, and the plan for a day is in the morning.

Even though he slept very late yesterday, Li Changqing still got up early in the morning and ran to the top of the back mountain to study, until he heard the voice of Liu Cuie shouting for food from the foot of the mountain. Must be able to hear.

"Qingwa, you need to sleep more in the morning, why did you go to the mountains early in the morning?"

Liu Cuie's breakfast was richer than the usual lunch, and she told Li Changqing carefully.

"I want to contract the desolate forest in the village, so I will go to the mountains to have a look, and have a field trip!"

"You want to contract the wild forest in the village?"

As soon as Li Changqing's words fell, Li Dahai immediately asked back.

"Yes, I've already thought about it!"

Li Dahai fell into silence, and Liu Cuie didn't know what to say.

Eagerly looking forward to his son Jackie Chan jumping out of the farm, studying hard for 20 years, and now he is going back to the original point.

Li Changqing was eating sullenly, the atmosphere among the three of them was very awkward.

"How many acres do you want to contract and what will you use it for?"

Li Dahai frowned deeply, smoked two cigarettes fiercely, finally broke the calm, and asked.

"Ten thousand mu, plant some fruit trees, raise some chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep."

Li Changqing didn't know what tasks the farming profession would have next, so he used general rhetoric.

"Ten thousand mu? Even if you want to plant fruit trees, you won't need so much to raise chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep?"

Li Dahai was shocked again. He thought that even if Li Changqing wanted to contract the deserted forest, it would be a few hundred mu at most, but he didn't expect it to be as much as [-] mu.

"Yes, Qingwa, don't worry, don't contract so much at once, take your time!"

Liu Cuie, who has always doted on Li Changqing, rarely stood by Li Dahai this time, persuading him.

"I have a plan, don't worry!"

Li Changqing couldn't explain to them that this was a task issued by the game, so he had to bite the bullet and say it.

"Qingwa, it costs at least 10,000+ per year to contract [-] mu of desolate forest. What if you lose money? Why don't you use that money to buy a house in the county and marry a wife!"

Liu Cui'e is a small farmer, and she just wants to live an ordinary life in peace and stability, and doesn't want to take such a big risk.

"How much money we have left, take it out!"

Li Dahai's old face was very heavy, as if he had made a big decision, Brick said to Liu Cuie.

"Dad, no need, I have money myself!"

Li Changqing saved more than 20 yuan during the two years he worked in the Provincial People's Hospital, which was enough to pay the initial expenses, so he hurriedly stopped him.

Li Dahai and Liu Cuie are both honest and responsible farmers. It is not easy to earn money, not to mention that they have suffered so much to pay for Li Changqing's seven years of medical study, how can he bear to see them suffer for themselves again!

After Li Changqing got to work, he sent some money to Li Dahai and Liu Cuie, but the two elders were reluctant to use it, so they saved it.

"Young baby, just take it, it's not all for you that we save money!"

On family matters, Liu Cui'e still listens to Li Dahai very much, not to mention her most beloved son.

"Mom and Dad, I really don't need it. I will discuss the specific matters with the village. If the money is not enough, I will ask you for it!"

Poor parents all over the world, Li Dahai and Liu Cuie's sacrifices for Li Changqing, how could Li Changqing not understand, men don't cry easily, but they haven't reached the depth of love, at this time, Li Changqing can no longer control his tears , choked up and said.

"Silly boy, why are you crying! No matter what you do, you are still your parents' child!"

The way Liu Cuie looks at Li Changqing has not changed for more than 20 years, she is still that little kid, her own cub.

"Cook a few more dishes for lunch, I'll call your Uncle Jianguo over for dinner, let's discuss it first!"

Li Jianguo is the village party secretary of Lijiaao, and he is still a relative of Li Changqing who is not in the fifth service. Li Dahai wants to pave the way first.

"Well, you contracted the desolate forest. Tell your Uncle Jianguo first and ask him to help you make arrangements. It will be easier. I will prepare the dishes for the afternoon later!"

Liu Cuie also echoed, don't use bean buns as dry food, the village party secretary can still play a key role in the village.


Although Li Changqing has been studying outside for a long time and spends little time in the village, he still understands the basics of the world, so he nodded and agreed.

Nothing happened in the morning, Li Changqing happened to be reading at home.

Now, Li Changqing no longer regards "San Zi Jing", "Hundred Surnames", and "Thousand Characters" as tasks to complete, but loves reading and loves reading from the bottom of his heart!

During the period, I will also watch "Soup Song", which gave Li Changqing a new understanding of the prescriptions of Chinese medicine.

"Uncle Jianguo!"

After Li Dahai called Li Jianguo, Li Changqing took the initiative to say hello.

"Changqing is back, go to the village more often!"

Li Jianguo is tall and tall. He was a soldier and went to the battlefield in his early years, and he returned home after changing his career. He also habitually wears a crew cut.

"Don't mention those people in the village, they're all gossips! This morning I heard Granny Ai and Wangming's wife talking ill of Brother Qing behind his back. It's really ugly, if sister Linlin didn't stop me They must tear their mouths apart!"

The village committee is connected with the clinic, so Li Dahai would bring Li Hongdou with him when he went to call Li Jianguo for dinner, Li Hongdou said angrily.

"Hehe, you are such a fierce girl, who would dare to marry you?"

Li Jianguo and Li Hongdou spent a lot of time together and said jokingly that they had a good relationship.

"Uncle Jianguo, don't talk about my brother Qing's problem!"

"Yes, yes, in the entire Lijiaao, who dares to provoke you, Hongdou?"

"Hey, good to know!"

Li Hongdou smiled smugly, very satisfied with Li Jianguo's performance.

"Come on, Jianguo, I offer you a toast!"

Li Dahai filled Li Jianguo with wine, raised his glass and said.

"Brother Dahai, please don't, you are older than me, I respect you!"

After that, Li Changqing also toasted Li Jianguo with two glasses of wine.

"Our two families share a great-grandfather, and we haven't released the fifth suit yet. The whole family doesn't talk about each other. Brother Dahai, if you have anything to help, just say so, my brother can help, and I will never shirk!"

After drinking for three rounds, Li Jianguo was slightly drunk, and said while patting his chest.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just that Changqing wants to contract the desolate forest in the village!"

"What am I supposed to do? Changqing wants to contract a few acres of wasteland for fun, so he can just go to the village committee to find me. Then there's no need to treat me to a meal!"

"Changqing, how many acres do you want to contract?"

"Ten thousand acres!"

ps: Please recommend, please collect~
(End of this chapter)

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