Mountain Miscellaneous

Chapter 96 Stealing Vegetables

Chapter 96 Stealing Vegetables (Seeking Subscription) (Seeking Monthly Pass)
The sound of the piano is melodious, and the poetry is loud and clear.

The green hills are quiet and the grass and trees are silent, but Li Changqing plays the piano and reads contentedly.

The bright moon disappears, and the red sun rises.

The leaves of the trees, flowers and plants in the forest are covered with crystal dewdrops, shining like pearls in the morning light.

Li Changqing went to Zhong Nanshan to collect vegetables, and there were some leeks scattered in the field, as well as messy footprints!
Someone stole vegetables last night!

But the thief may not know the prices of cabbage, radish, cucumber, and pepper, but there is no trace of theft.

Froggrass and daily forage grass are like weeds on the roadside in the eyes of ordinary people, and they also escaped unharmed, only leeks were destroyed.

Li Changqing surveyed the scene carefully, and the footprints disappeared on the bank of the reservoir.

The thief should have entered the water from the back mountain, and then swam to the foot of Zhongnan Mountain.

After all, leeks cost 50 yuan a catty, and the purchase limit is two catties.The benefits are huge, and it is inevitable that some people will miss it.

Once I taste the sweetness, I will definitely come for the second time.

Li Changqing remained calm, and returned to the cabin after finishing his studies at Lijia'ao Primary School as usual.

At night, wolves appeared on the hillside.

After reading the book, Li Changqing walked out of the grove and waved to Gray Wolf.

Gray Wolf often listens to Li Changqing's reading, and is much smarter than before, understanding Li Changqing's meaning.

He led the pack of wolves down the mountain and squatted in front of Li Changqing, wagging his tail happily.

"Come with me!" Li Changqing smiled.


A strange scene appeared in Zhong Nanshan, a group of wolves followed a young man safely!

"Hide on the hillside and guard this vegetable field, understand?"

After arriving at the vegetable field under Zhongnan Mountain, Li Changqing pointed to the vegetables in the field and then pointed to the bushes on the hillside to Gray Wolf.


The gray wolf stretched its neck and howled, as if promising to complete the task.

Li Changqing patted Gray Wolf's head and went back to the cabin to read a book.

The bright silver glow poured on the water surface, and the sparkling light was extraordinarily beautiful.

In the reservoir, however, there were two black figures wearing car tires as life buoys across the reservoir, tiptoeing ashore, for fear of causing any noise.

After landing, the two vegetable thieves looked around and took out their sickles and nylon bags to harvest leeks after confirming their safety.

"Brother Bao, do you think Li Changqing from Lijia'ao is stupid? The leeks in the market are fried to several hundred yuan a catty, and he doesn't increase the price, and is still selling fifty!"

"Haha, I heard that he is very good at reading. I think Yumu's head is stupid! But it's cheap for us brothers, and we earned tens of thousands of dollars last night!"

The two vegetable thieves were talking and laughing, not noticing that there were more than a dozen pairs of green eyes staring at them coldly.


The gray wolf rushed out from the bushes and howled loudly.

The wolves rushed down from the hillside and surrounded the two vegetable thieves.

"Wolf, wolf..., so many wolves!"

Among them, the short and thin man's legs went limp from fright, and yellow liquid flowed out from his crotch.

"Impossible, how could there be wolves in the vegetable field..."

The tall fat man showed a look of fear, and said tremblingly.


The wolves showed their sharp fangs and circled around the two vegetable thieves, as if they might come up to bite at any time.

The chests of the two vegetable thieves rose and fell violently, and they were tensely coping back to back.

Li Changqing suddenly appeared in the vegetable field, looking at the two vegetable thieves expressionlessly.

The fat man concentrated his wisdom and threw a stone in Li Changqing's direction, trying to divert the wolves' attention to Li Changqing.

This move angered the wolves, and they rushed forward to tear the two vegetable thieves into pieces.

Although the two vegetable thieves were wrong, they are not guilty of death.

"Let's spread out!" Li Changqing said lightly.

When the wolves heard Li Changqing's words, they reluctantly let go of their fangs biting the two vegetable thieves.

The two vegetable thieves could smell the breath of death and gave up struggling.

Li Changqing's words were like a voice from heaven, pulling them back from the brink of life and death.

Gray Wolf walked up to Li Changqing wagging its tail, as if claiming credit for himself.

Li Changqing stroked Gray Wolf's forehead, and Gray Wolf rubbed Li Changqing's palm affectionately.

The two vegetable thieves were even more shocked than when they encountered wolves in the vegetable field just now. They rubbed their eyes and suspected that they were hallucinating.

The cruel and cold-blooded wild wolf is as obedient and wagging its tail as a domestic dog?
"Good job!", Li Changqing looked at Gray Wolf and smiled.

With a rare opportunity, the two vegetable thieves woke up from the shock, exchanged winks, and tried to stand up and wait for an opportunity to escape. As long as they got into the water, they would be safe.

The wolves immediately froze and bared their fangs, ready to move, and the two vegetable thieves collapsed to the ground again in fright.

"Please, save us!"

It wasn't until the two vegetable thieves realized that the wolves were still the same pack of wolves, but they were different people. They knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately to beg for mercy.

"You were the ones who came to steal the vegetables last night!" Li Changqing asked directly.

"We know we made a mistake, and we won't dare to do it again next time!"

The two vegetable thieves slapped themselves and begged bitterly.

"It's good if you can sincerely correct your mistakes, but if you make mistakes, you will be punished. Let's meditate on your mistakes here first, and send you to the police station tomorrow." Li Changqing said.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The two vegetable thieves replied quickly as if they had received an amnesty.

"Grey Wolf, keep an eye on them!" Li Changqing said to Gray Wolf.


After dawn, Li Changqing called the police station after reading the book.

After receiving the police from the Lingxia Township Police Station, they learned that the reporter was Li Changqing from Lijiaao.

Niu Daming, director of the police station, heard that Li Changqing had contacts with the leaders of the county and even the province, and he took it very seriously.

Niu Daming personally led the team and dispatched immediately, drove the police car straight to Lijiaao, and led by Li Jianguo to the outside of the small forest.

"Secretary Li, why don't you leave?" Niu Daming asked suspiciously.

"We can't go through the grove in front of us without Qingwa leading the way!" Li Jianguo laughed.

"The grove is only a few hundred meters away, and you can walk through it in a few steps. Do you still need someone to guide you?"

Niu Daming disapproved, and walked straight into the woods with the two policemen.

"Hey, let's go here just now, you see there is still a mark left by me!"

"Boss, we seem to have lost our way..."

"Don't worry, I'll give Li Jianguo a call!"

Niu Daming wiped the sweat from his forehead, took out his mobile phone and said.

"Director Niu!" Li Changqing appeared.

"Principal Li, your forest is really strange. It doesn't look big, but you can't get out of it!"

It was the first time Niu Daming had such a mysterious experience, he said embarrassingly.

"A little trick!" Li Changqing said lightly.

"Principal Li, you are too modest! With your methods, you can call yourself a living god!"

Niu Daming was completely convinced by Li Changqing, no wonder he was able to get in touch with the leaders of the province at a young age.

"Hehe, come with me!"

Li Changqing didn't argue, just smiled slightly.

"Okay, where are the vegetable thieves? We will punish them severely!" Niu Daming flattered him.

"In the vegetable field!" Li Changqing said.

 At the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket!A few more chapters today!Repay the debt!
(End of this chapter)

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