Han Shimou

Chapter 1000 Drive out the barbarians

With a dark complexion, Ma Chao turned his head and replied. ()

"Your army's reinforcements have already been planned. Even if I wait for these soldiers and horses to rescue them, it will be of no avail. What's more, there are no troops in the city. If there are losses, how can we protect the city!?"

When Meng You heard it, he immediately understood Ma Chao's meaning, his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed.

"Could it be that I'm going to die without saving him!?"

"Hmph! The real man will be broken as soon as he is broken, what a pity!? The most urgent thing right now is to preserve our troops and hold on to the city!!"

Ma Chao snorted coldly, very ruthlessly.Many savage generals in the army were also afraid of fighting with the Northwest Army, so they tried to persuade them one after another.After Meng You listened, he knew that it was difficult to suppress the public opinion, so he stopped persuading him.Ma Chao then led his troops to rush in the direction of Zitong City.

However, it was said that less than an hour after Ma Chao led the army out of the city, suddenly a remnant of the barbarian army rushed to the city and shouted to open the door.When the city guard saw him, he couldn't help showing doubts and asking about it urgently.A barbarian shouted from below the city.

"Our army was ambushed, and our army was killed by Zhao Zilong's army. General Ma and General Meng were both missing, and we were the only ones who escaped back!!"

Hearing the words, the guard became anxious, the soldiers under the city urged in unison, suddenly lost his sense of proportion, he ordered the soldiers to let go of the suspension bridge and open the city gate.As soon as the city gate was opened, the remnants of the barbarian army below the city rushed in.

At the same time, there was a sudden sound of drums not far away, and a group of northwest soldiers and horses were galloping towards the city gate.When the city guard saw him, he was so scared that his liver and gallbladder shattered on the spot, and he quickly ordered the soldiers to close the city gate.Unexpectedly, the remnant soldiers who had swarmed into the city just now broke out suddenly and scattered the barbarians inside the city gate.

It turned out that most of these barbarians were disguised by soldiers from the Northwest, and there were only a few soldiers from the South.These southern barbarian soldiers were all captives captured by the Northwest Army recently.Wen Han gave the first class a large amount of gold and silk, and taught them to open the gate of the city fraudulently.These southern barbarian captives were afraid of being killed and greedy for money, so they promised. (.)

Let's say that hundreds of northwest soldiers in the city successfully captured the city gate.Zhao Yun rode his horse soaring, rushed up the suspension bridge and rushed into the city gate.The general guarding the barbarian army in the city hurriedly led his troops to stop and kill him, just in time he met Zhao Yun who was rushing towards him.Angrily, Zhao Yun danced with the silver gentian spear, and stabbed at his face, the silver gentian spear turned into a flash of lightning, piercing the head of the barbarian guard impressively.The northwest iron cavalry who followed behind Zhao Yun followed suit and scattered the barbarians around.When the barbarians saw the momentum, they fled one after another, no matter how dare they fight any more.Zhao Yun then led his troops straight to the county government office.

At the same time, in Zitong County Yamen, Meng Huo heard a burst of shouts and killings in the city, and his face turned pale with fright. Just as he wanted to go to visit, a soldier came to report that the city gate was swindled open by the Northwest Army. Zhao Zilong is leading troops to Wangjun Yamen to kill him.When Meng Huo heard this, he trembled in fright, and endless crises came.Huang Quan hurriedly persuaded Meng Huo to escape, Meng Huo just came to his senses, and quickly ordered most of the guards in the county yamen to go to the front door to resist, while Meng Huo escaped with hundreds of guards and Huang Quan through the back door.

After a while, Zhao Yun led his troops to kill him impressively.I saw more than a thousand barbarian soldiers at the front gate of the county yamen.Zhao Yun's face was icy cold, and his sword eyes exuded a murderous aura. He drove his horse forward through the rain of arrows, and suddenly charged into the crowd.Hundreds of barbarian soldiers each armed with knives and shields went forward to stop them. Zhao Yun suddenly raised his gun and rushed left and right, like an invincible god of killing, killing the barbarian soldiers chaotically.When Zhao Yun deployed when he was young, he rushed over with great momentum. After a burst of chaos, the barbarians were unable to resist and fled in defeat.Zhao Yun drove his horse into the county government office, and several barbarian generals came to kill him with weapons in hand.Zhao Yun reined in the horse, swept the gentian and brightened the silver spear, and swept away the two barbarians, then suddenly drew back the gun, and stabbed the barbarian who was rushing forward.I saw the gentian silver gun shot out like an arrow off the string, piercing the coming sword, like stabbing the head of a violent general.Zhao Yun galloped his horse and rushed into the hall, and saw five or six barbarian generals, except Meng Huo and Huang Quan.Zhao Yun thought to himself, these two people must have escaped from the back door, he reined in his horse and charged, he wanted to rush across the hall and from the back hall.Five or six barbarian generals in the hall yelled in unison, like wolves and tigers, with ferocious faces, lashing out at Zhao Yun in all directions.Zhao Yun wielded his spear and swept in a circle. First, he swept away the four barbarians, and then the two rushed forward, one with a knife and a horse, and the other with a hammer to Zhao Yun.Zhao Yun pulled the reins, and the Yezhao Jade Lion jumped up suddenly.In the air, Zhao Yun yelled loudly, the sound was like thunder, and the gentian silver spear pierced the left and right sides of a savage general, one shot pierced the heart of a savage general, and the other pierced the chest of a savage general.Two screams erupted, and the Yezhao Jade Lion crashed down, moved its hooves, turned into the back hall, and rushed to the backyard, only to see three or four barbarian generals leading dozens of barbarians to the back door.Zhao Yun's sword eyes widened suddenly, and he let out a roar, as if it could shake people's souls.

"Where is Meng Huo!!!"

Those three or four barbarian generals were Meng Huo's confidantes, but they didn't answer at the moment, they yelled sharply, leading dozens of barbarians to kill them.Zhao Yun slapped his horse and charged, the gentian silver spear suddenly swung out, a barbarian pounced on his head, and was immediately stabbed in the throat by the gentian silver spear that was as fast as light.I saw Zhao Yun dancing the spear so that it was almost impossible for the naked eye to catch it. Under the raging shadows of the guns, there were screams and screams again and again.Zhao Yun broke through the siege suddenly, and a group of soldiers from the Northwest was rushing towards him, shouting loudly.

"General, Meng Huo and Huang Quan led hundreds of people and fled towards Ximen!!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yun turned his horse and rushed out the back door.The barbarian army behind the gate wanted to stop them, but was quickly resisted by soldiers from the northwest in front of the gate.Zhao Yun single-handedly flew through the west alley at high speed, and when he was about to reach the west gate, he saw Meng Huo.When Zhao Yun saw it, he roared.

"Nanban bandits don't want to escape, Changshan Zhao Zilong is here!!!"

Meng Huo, who was running away, heard the roar behind him, his face changed drastically in fright, and he turned his head to look, not far away, he saw Zhao Yun was approaching on horseback, he fled out of the city gate in a hurry, and ordered hundreds of defenders on the west gate to count them down Go to Resist.Suddenly, Zhao Yun arrived, and hundreds of barbarians gathered in the west gate, blocking Zhao Yun's direction.Zhao Yun's face was icy cold, and the gentian silver spear seemed to turn into showers, cutting a bloody path and rushing out.

During the rush, bursts of flying blood rained into the sky.When Zhao Yun broke through, a road of blood appeared, with dozens of corpses on both sides.After a while, several northwest soldiers arrived, quickly killed the barbarians inside the gate, and then chased after Zhao Yun.Zhao Yun whipped his whip and chased after Meng Huo closely, yelling and cursing.Meng Huo hurriedly pulled out dozens of cavalry to stop him.Dozens of barbarian cavalry were ordered to rein in their horses and charged towards Zhao Yun.Zhao Yun continued to charge unabated, swiping his gun and sweeping fiercely, five or six barbarians were blown away.After a while, Zhao Yun broke through and left, and he was about to catch up with Meng Huo.

Suddenly there was a loud cry, and a large group of barbarians turned out of the forest and rushed towards Meng Huo.When Meng Huo saw that the leading general was Ma Chao, he was overjoyed and shouted to Ma Chao.

"General Ma, come and save me!! The thieves in the Northwest are tricking me, Zitong City has been lost!!"

Hearing Ma Chao's words, the expression on the lion's face kept changing. Seeing Zhao Yun coming single-handedly, his handsome face suddenly became ferocious and terrifying. With a loud shout, he rode his horse towards Zhao Yun.At the same time, a group of barbarian cavalry followed Ma Chao to slaughter them.Zhao Yun looked at Ma Chao leading the army to rush forward, without fear, with courage and spirit doubled, he killed him.In the blink of an eye, Zhao Yun and Ma Chao charged at each other, and the two guns moved quickly and collided one after another.After a while, barbarian cavalry surrounded them.Zhao Yun killed You Long and Fan Tian's marksmanship, and fought hard with him.Although Ma Chaojun had a huge numerical advantage, he couldn't kill Zhao Yun for a while. Instead, Zhao Yun stabbed many barbarian cavalry to death.The more unlucky it is for Ma Chaoyue to kill, the lion's eyes were full of anger, and the attack suddenly slowed down. Seeing Zhao Yun repelling another round of attack, the momentum gathered, and he stabbed out with his spear.Zhao Yun felt a little crisis in his heart. He waved his guns, swept left and right, swept away the barbarian cavalry on both sides, and then quickly drew his guns. Collision, a spark suddenly burst out.Ma Chao charged forward with great momentum, and the Long Dan Liang Silver Spear suddenly swung away.Ma Chao yelled, and rushed forward with his gun. Zhao Yun hurriedly grabbed the gentian silver gun, and swiped at the handle of the Jinyinshiya gun with all his might. There was a loud bang, and when the Jinyinshiya Spear swung away, Zhao Yunwu shot three shots at Ma Chao, and the three shots were astonishingly fast.I saw a shot first looking at Ma Chao's face and stabbing it suddenly, Ma Chao dodged quickly.The second shot came immediately, sweeping across Ma Chao's head suddenly, Ma Chao lowered his head and narrowly avoided it.As Long Danliang's silver spear flew away, Zhao Yun suddenly pulled the spear back and slashed towards Ma Chao's body.Ma Chao hastily twisted his gun to block, the strong momentum forced Ma Chao and his horse to move away violently.Zhao Yun wanted to chase him down, but suddenly the barbarian cavalry attacked again, Zhao Yun was exhausted, he reined in his horse and retreated, and then entangled him with Youlong Fantian's marksmanship.Ma Chao took the opportunity to stabilize the chaotic situation, the lion's eyes were raging with anger, and his face was full of hatred for being humiliated. He roared like an angry lion, and rushed towards Zhao Yun again with the brocade and silver lion tooth gun.At this time, Zhao Yun had finished charging, and the Gendan Liangliang spears were suddenly connected, and four heads burst open one after another.Ma Chao's horse ran into him while stabbing obliquely, Zhao Yun reined in his horse to dodge, and stabbed Ma Chao's chest with the gun.Ma Chao twisted his gun to block it, then drew his gun and swiped at Zhao Yun's head, Zhao Yun also dodged it.

At this moment, the northwest soldiers and horses rushed to resist the barbarian cavalry.Zhao Yun's pressure was greatly relieved immediately, and he fought alone with Ma Chao.The guns of the two men collided non-stop, killing violently without realizing it.In an instant, the two fought for dozens of rounds.Ma Chao's scarlet lion eyes glared fiercely, and he used the Lion Roaring Sky Cracking Spear Technique. While stabbing the Jinyin Lion's fang spear, he seemed to see a white lion rushing towards him with its teeth and claws. Zhao Yun used Tai Chi moves, the spear style was round, The style is either soft or rigid, Yin and Yang blend together, like forming the shape of Tai Chi.Both of them tried their best to fight, and the moves became faster and faster.

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