Han Shimou

Chapter 1002

But for a while, he couldn't break E Huan's defense. ** Seeing Pound's bravery, E Huan did not want to fight against him, and suddenly stabbed Pound with a halberd, which Pound dodged.E Huan took the opportunity to rein in his horse and escape, and Pang De immediately chased him down.When he was about to approach E Huan, in E Huan's army, all the generals drew up their bows and shot arrows, and they wanted to shoot arrows.Pound's eyes were ill, so he quickly reined in his horse and stopped.Several bowstrings rang in unison, and several arrows were shot from E Huan's side.Pang De had been prepared for a long time, swung his knife and slashed violently, smashing all the arrows shot.When E Huan retreated into the formation, Pang De didn't dare to be too big, so he went to fight alone, with a single move of the knife, three thousand elite soldiers immediately rose up in turmoil behind him.The two armies fought fiercely, and did not withdraw their troops until nightfall.

Pang De withdrew his army back to the stronghold, thinking that his army was powerful and might come to attack the camp tonight, so he ordered several generals to do so.The staff will listen to the order, and then follow Pang De's instructions and make preparations.

That night, Gao Ding discussed with Yong Kai and Zhu Bao, and decided to march together at the first watch tonight, hoping to attack the northwest camp and capture and kill Pang De.The three agreed to deploy soldiers and horses each.At the beginning of the night, when the full moon was just rising, the moonlight was twilight, and the three soldiers and horses came out together, looking forward to rushing towards the Northwest Village.Yong Kai took the middle road and charged, and rushed to the Northwest Army Village first. Because the Northwest Army Village had just been established and the shed had not yet been built, Yong Kai was able to easily lead his troops in.Yong Kai slapped his horse and galloped straight, and rushed to the village, but saw no one in the village, he was shocked at once, knowing that he had hit the trick, he quickly ordered the troops to withdraw.

At this moment, there was a burst of bowstring plucking sound in the two dense forests on the left and right outside the stronghold, and hundreds of arrows shot from both sides.Yong Kai's army was in a sudden chaos. I don't know how many enemy soldiers there were, and they fled in a panic.Yong Kai couldn't stop drinking.Suddenly, a cannon rang out in front, and a group of men and horses galloped from behind the stronghold. The leader was wearing lion-head armor and holding a lion-head machete. His face was red and he was majestic.It was Pound also.

Pound danced with a lion-head machete, galloped his horse, and shouted loudly at the same time.

"Nan'an Pang Lingming is here, why don't the thieves give the head quickly!!!"

Pang De's voice was like thunder, he swung his sword and charged into the rebellious army, dashing from left to right, slashing wildly with his sword, killing blood rain, and approaching Yong Kai.When Yong Kai saw Pang De so mighty, it was as if he saw an angry lion rushing towards him. His face turned pale with fright, and he reined in his horse and ran away.Pang De swung the knife imperceptibly, and blazed a trail of blood, chasing after him.The Yong Kai army rushed out of the Northwest Army stronghold in chaos, Gao Ding and Zhu Bao's two armies who came from behind did not expect it, and were immediately bumped into a panic by the rushing soldiers of the Yong Kai Army. Chung, horses are like landslides, trampling on each other.

Pang De came from behind and fought frantically in the chaotic army surrounded by crowds, as if he had inexhaustible strength, bursts of blood rained non-stop.The screams sounded again and again, and after a while, the soldiers of Pound's army rushed to them and rushed to kill them together.Yong Kai, Gao Ding, and Zhu Bao were all frightened out of their wits and fled each other.In a panic, Gao Ding was hit by an out-of-control unmanned horse, screamed, and fell to the ground.Pang De started to kill all the way from the rebellious army, he killed countless soldiers and horses, and he was about to catch up with Gao Ding.At this moment, E Huan rushed over to intercept and kill.Pang De's lion's eyes widened, and he slashed wildly at E Huan with his knife, but E Huan resisted desperately.Soon after, Yong Kai and Zhu Bao summoned their generals to rush to help in the battle.Several soldiers came, Pang De was not afraid, he stabilized his position, and fought fiercely with five or six men.The soldiers of Yong Kai, Zhu Bao, and Gao Ding were all stunned. They saw that Pound was defending with a knife first, and one of the soldiers attacked too tightly. Can't stop it at all.Pang De raised his saber in his hand, and hacked one of the soldiers to death with one slash.Then he quickly drew his knife to defend, waiting for the opportunity to move, once he attacked, he would definitely kill one person.Gradually, more than half of the five or six soldiers died, leaving only E Huan and two soldiers attacking.After a burst of rapid and intense clashes of weapons, Pound's scarlet red lion face suddenly became ferocious. When E Huan saw it, he shook his spirits and prepared to block it.In the blink of an eye, after Pang De swung his knife away from the three weapons, he raised the knife and stabbed the soldier on the right.E Huan had been prepared for a long time, and he grabbed Fang Tianji and quickly blocked it.Unexpectedly, Pang De's saber style suddenly changed, and he slashed at E Huan's face.Unexpectedly, E Huan hurriedly pulled away, and the sharp blade almost brushed against his nose.Pound failed to succeed with one move, but quickly drew his knife back and slashed away, hitting the head of the soldier on the right, cutting off the helmet.The other soldier saw it eagerly, only to feel that the brain nerves were broken with a bang, and he was so frightened that he subconsciously reined in his horse and ran away.

Seeing this, E Huan knew that he was no match for Pang De, so he roared loudly, assuming he wanted to fight.Pound shook his spirits, ready to attack.Unexpectedly, after E Huanxu attacked for a while, he broke his position and reined in his horse to retreat.At this time, Pang De was also weak, so he didn't go after him. After the soldiers and horses of his own army had killed him one after another, and led the army to hide and kill for a while, he withdrew his army and returned to the village.

However, Yong Kai, Gao Ding, and Zhu Bao fled back to Baishui Pass, all with lingering fears, and they discussed in the enemy building of the pass.Yong Kai's eyes were still a little startled, and he exclaimed.

"That Pang Lingming of the other army is really brave. He was called the 'Red Lion' by the world. Seeing him today, he is as fierce as a wild lion!!"

When Zhu Bao heard the words, he also spoke with a bit of horror.

"That's right. This person is so powerful that he has the ability to take the head of an enemy general among thousands of armies. We must not fight hard with him, otherwise we will surely die!!"

Gao Ding on the side heard it, but he didn't seem to agree, he firmly suppressed his panic, and shouted in a concentrated voice.

"Our army is more than ten times stronger, how can it be so weak!? Now that most of the other army has not arrived, we should attack quickly and fight with all our strength. First, capture and kill Pang Lingming and get rid of this one." It’s a serious problem. Otherwise, when Xu Gongming arrives, both of them will be powerful generals in the world, how can we resist then!?”

Yong Kai's face changed continuously when he heard the words, and after he glanced at Zhu Bao, he seemed to agree with Gao Ding's words.At that moment, the two of them nodded their heads and said.

"What General Gao said is true, we will lead the army tomorrow, and we will capture and kill Pang Lingming!!"

When Yong Kai, Gao Ding, and Zhu Bao were discussing, they didn't know that Xu Huang had already led most of his troops there.It was the fourth watch of the night at this time, and just as Pound retreated back to the village, he saw wind and dust billowing not far away, and flags fluttering faintly could be seen.It turned out that Xu Huang always marched very fast, and rushed all the way. Just after crossing the border of Brazil, he heard the sound of killing ten miles away.

Pang De then led the generals to meet Xu Huang, and after dismounting from the horse and paying respects, he told the past one by one.When Xu Huang heard the words, he pondered for a while, his tiger's eyes shone brightly, and immediately spoke to Pang De.

"The other army was defeated for a while tonight, so they must be very afraid of General Pang, and want to get rid of him quickly. According to my prediction, the next day, the other army will definitely deploy a large number of troops to attack, even if General Pang is like this, The other army can be defeated!!"

Pound listened to the advice, the lion's eyes glowed again and again, and he repeatedly said it was wonderful.After that, Xu Huang did not lead the army into the village, but led the soldiers back to the forest behind him.

At noon, Yong Kai, Gao Ding, and Zhu Bao each led their troops, gathered more than [-] troops, covering the sky and covering the earth, all over the mountains and plains, rushing towards the northwest army camp.Pang De heard the bangs of weapons, and knew that the army of bandits was coming, so he was not afraid, so he gathered his soldiers and horses, and set up a formation in front of the stronghold, ready to fight.

In a short time, [-] rebel troops arrived, and Yong Kai, Gao Ding, and Zhu Bao stood under the gate flag, and the soldiers lined up behind them.Yong Kai wore a golden helmet and armor and lived in Zhongyang. Gao Ding and Zhu Bao wore a pair of silk armor and a pair of bronze armor respectively, standing on the left and right.Yong Kai patted his horse out and shouted to Pang De with his whip finger.

"Pang Lingming, our army is more than ten times stronger than yours. As long as I give an order, your soldiers and horses will be wiped out in no time. Why don't you dismount and surrender quickly!!?"

Pang De's face turned cold when he heard the words, he raised his knife and laughed loudly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Yong Kai, you are the queen of Yong Chi, but you voted under the command of the Nanman and let it run, you are not as good as a beast. You are just like a rat, how dare you speak nonsense in front of me, you know what a shame! ?”

As soon as Pound finished speaking, the soldiers and horses behind him burst into laughter.Yong Kai was furious when he heard it, trembling with anger, and shouted desperately.

"Who dares to capture this madman with me!!!"

As soon as Yong Kai's words fell, a general responded and beat Pang De.Pound flew towards him, and when the two horses passed, the lion-headed machete flew up suddenly, so fast that it was hard for the naked eye to catch it.A flash of light flashed by, and Xue Linlin's head flew into the sky, then fell to the ground.The Northwest sergeants cheered in unison, and the drums were beating loudly.As for the thief army, all the sergeants were so frightened that their faces turned terrified, and they were silent.Zhu Bao came back to his senses suddenly, glared at those triangular eyes, and ordered the two generals to attack.The two generals shouted in response, one left and one right galloped, attacking Pound.Pang De immediately slashed his sword, and when the two of them approached, he suddenly had a fit and slashed to the right. The head was seen split in two.Seeing this, the other soldier was furious from his gallbladder, and stabbed Pound on the side of the head with a gun.Pound was extremely sensitive, he lowered his head to avoid it, and with a slash, another head flew into the sky.Yong Kai, Gao Ding, Zhu Bao and others were stunned for a while, and when they responded, they ordered their generals to attack one after another. E Huan roared, like an angry tiger, danced Fang Tianji and rode his horse out.Two soldiers followed closely on each side.I saw five bandit generals coming together to attack Pang De.Pang De's lion eyes stared, he swung his sword and jumped on his horse, hoping that E Huan would fly to kill him, wanting to strike first.E Huan twisted Fang Tianji, stabbed suddenly, and Pang De's broadsword resisted impressively.The four bandit soldiers on the left and right each raised their weapons and rushed to kill them.This time, these bandit soldiers, with the lessons learned from last night, did not dare to attack too hastily, and gradually entangled with Pang De, trying to exhaust Pang De's strength, and then killed him in one go.

Seeing the lights of the sword and the gun flickering non-stop, Pound gradually lost his strength, and he swept away with a sharp knife, knocked his feet and reined in his horse to retreat, while opening his mouth and shouting.

"Xiao Xiaoxiao, who only knows how to win the few with the more, really has no sense of shame!!!!"

When E Huan heard the words, he smiled coldly, and hurriedly charged with the four soldiers beside him, hoping that Pang De would chase and kill them.Yong Kai, Gao Ding, and Zhu Bao saw that Pang De, who was like an invincible general, was finally killed and retreated. They were all overjoyed, and quickly ordered the soldiers to rush forward to cover up the killing.

More than [-] rebel soldiers rushed up with great momentum, as if they could break through the world.Pang De led his troops to abandon the stronghold and fled. The bandit soldiers pursued him closely, and after one chase and another fled, they walked out of the stronghold within a few miles.Suddenly, there was a loud shout, shaking the mountains and forests like shaking.I saw that Xu Huang and Cheng Gongying each led a troop from the mountains and forests, galloped down the mountain, and cut off the two wings of the bandit army. The bandit army was in chaos and resisted hastily.Xu Huang wielded a huge tiger-headed axe, chopping and chopping non-stop, leading the soldiers to kill a bloody path, and cut the bandit army in two.At the same time, Cheng Gongying swung his spear swiftly, either picking, sweeping or stabbing, bursting out a rain of blood, and responded with Xu Huang's army impressively, and then looked forward to the two cut-off remnants to kill them.

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