Han Shimou

Chapter 106 Hell Shura

In the base camp of the Langya tribe.At this time, a large cannibal banquet was being held.Hundreds of naked Han women were hung on a wooden platform with their hands tied.Thousands of men of the Langya tribe, also completely naked, lined up on the wooden platform, all of them smiling lewdly, staring intently at the front row of people who were enjoying themselves.From the cauldron under the wooden platform, water vapor was continuously sprayed out, scalding the Han women who were being raped, shaking their delicate bodies, and making the Langya man who was moving his lower body laugh lasciviously.

On the other side, thousands of Han men wearing rags were sitting on the ground, their eyes were dull and desperate, and they were yelling weakly. If the yelling stopped, the Langya man with a horsewhip behind them would whip him immediately. .The Han man fell to the ground and begged for mercy before he was willing to let him go.

"Hahahaha. Do it, work hard, work hard! After three more rounds, Erma will change to another group of men and women for you to enjoy! Hahahaha!"

A Qiang Hu Langya man with a strong body, black skin all over his body, and muscular muscles as strong as a bull's tiger smiled lewdly while looking at the wooden platform.He sat on a large seat, and he could watch the panoramic view of the wooden platform from the front.There are many Qiang and Hu Langya soldiers in well-dressed and equipped with golden knives waiting around.He was holding a Qianghu woman in front of him, and the Qianghu woman twisted her body coquettishly. On the left and right sides, there were also two Qianghu women with good looks, entwining his arms.

This man named Mai Hei Langya is the current guard guarding the Langya base camp, Langya Wutian's younger brother, Langya Wuhai.

Below Langya Martial Sea, there are eight large seats in front of and behind, and the seats are full of white-haired old people. These old people are all shiny and rosy, and their skin is better than that of ordinary middle-aged men. It's good, you can tell it's the powerful person at a glance.Each of them is accompanied by three Han women. These Han women are all bound and kneeling, only their heads can move. Judging from their tender appearance, it can be guessed that they are not very old, they are all fourteen or five years old. girl.

"Hehe. Wu Hai, you took advantage of Wu Tian's absence to hold this cannibal banquet for ten consecutive days. You are much more sensible than your eldest brother, and you know how to respect elders like Erma."

"Yes. The Great Elder is right. Wu Hai knows how to enjoy life better than Wu Tian."

"That's right. But having said that, this girl's skin is so smooth and tender, it's water when you catch it. Wu Hai, why are you like your brother, you don't like to play with this girl. Seriously, you really have to try Compared with the Qianghu woman in Erma, this Han woman is more comfortable to work with, and she is soft and soft, as if it will break when pinched!"

"Well, the second elder is right."



Several old men sitting in the back agreed together.These eight elders of the Langya clan, counting from front to back, are the first elder, second elder, third elder, fourth elder, fifth elder, sixth elder, seventh elder, and eighth elder of the Langya clan.A total of eight clan elders.They are all uncles of Langya Wutian and Langya Wuhai.Langya Wutian's father is the oldest, he was the original Langya patriarch. After his death, Langya Wutian took over the position of patriarch. As for Langya Wutian's uncles, they naturally became the elders of the clan.

"No. Elders. Erma has no interest in this Han girl. If you like, Erma can hold it for a few more days. Erma still has hundreds of unexploded Han women. Dedicated to the elders of all ethnic groups to share. As long as the elders of all ethnic groups have fun and have fun, it is the best!"

Langya Wuhai glanced at those men and women with pained faces who were pinched by the elders of the eight major clans, a look of disdain flashed in their eyes, and they curled their lips secretly and said.

"Haha, sensible and well-behaved!"

The Great Elder couldn't help laughing when he heard this, his body froze suddenly, his whole old face was twitching, and the eyes of the Han woman who was firmly pressed by him lost his expression in an instant.The elders of various ethnic groups on the side laughed lewdly again.

At this time, after three rounds of rape, hundreds of Han women on the log were cut off the ropes hanging them.The moment hundreds of men and women fell into the big boiling pot, most of them laughed because of their relief.

dong dong dong dong.

One after another, men and women fell into the catastrophe, splashing water one after another.It caused many Langya men to cheer.Another group of hundreds of Han women were chased onto the wooden platform. They seemed to have forgotten to struggle and lost their consciousness and reason.With the arrival of these men and women, the atmosphere of the audience reached its peak.

As a result, there were dozens of arrows piercing through the air from the four big sentry towers in front of the tribe's gate, and they didn't know it at all.

Wen Han held the bow of slaughter and slaughter, and his expression was that of a wild beast that had lost its mind.Maybe it can no longer be called ferocious, it is the gathering of hostility, murderous intent, and anger.

The blood and veins in Wen Han's whole body were boiling and swimming, and his eyes were no longer human eyes, they were hell Shura.Guan Yu and Gao Shun stood beside him with similar expressions, showing the grimace of a hell Shura.If it wasn't for Wen Han not giving the order, I'm afraid they couldn't bear it anymore and rushed in to kill the world upside down!

Wen Han suppressed Shura in his heart, squinted his eyes and looked around, and quickly thought up a battle plan with the remaining rationality.Holding a tiger-headed silver gun, he pointed at the central area of ​​the base camp, the eight old men around the wooden platform.Looking at his appearance and treatment, Wen Han knew that his status was not low, so he said in a cold tone.

"Guan Yu, Gao Shun, you and I will go and capture the eight old men of the Langya tribe, as small as you can. The other Black Wind Riders will go in and charge. After we catch them, we will leave immediately. Invite the guard of Langya to lead his troops to chase after him!"

"Yes, we take orders!"

Guan Yu, Gao Shun, and a group of Heifengqi were all bowed down by hell Shura and ghost soldiers at this time.As Wen Han slapped the horse and galloped, everyone immediately let go of the devil in their hearts and killed them.The entire Langya base camp suddenly seemed to shake, the sky and the earth shook!This also attracted the attention of many soldiers of the Qiang Hu Langya tribe. When they looked at the door suddenly, they were scared out of their wits.

I saw the three leading Han generals, with murderous intent and anger in their eyes, they didn't scream, and their faces were colder than ten thousand years of ice.Its momentum is majestic and domineering.At first glance, it was the killing machine, Hell Shura.The [-] black wind riders behind him were all wearing pitch-black carved armor and hell helmets, rushing towards them as if a black sea of ​​fire was gestating.


Wen Han's eyes were about to shoot out, and his delicate face turned into that of Shura. At this time, thousands of words can't compare with the word 'kill' to express the hatred in his heart.

Wen Han rode into the crowd of the Qiang Hu Langya tribe riding on the cloud and Wuzhao, and the silver spear with the tiger's head stirred up bloody flowers.Guan Yu's red face looks like Yan Luo, who can stop the 82-jin Qinglong Yanyue Knife!A single slash of the knife is like stirring up a thousand waves, and the mighty force of the knife sweeps away countless Qiang and Hu Langya soldiers.Gao Shun's gun was as fast as thunder, flashing as he moved, quickly harvesting lives one by one.

The three of them were like three big guns that could break everything, they stabbed straight at the center of the Langya base camp, and any soldiers of the Langya tribe who approached the three of them were killed.In addition, Wen Han and the others attacked suddenly, and the soldiers of the Langya tribe had no formation, they rushed around to defend, how could they be the opponents of these three fierce generals full of hatred and endless anger.After being killed, people turned their backs on their backs, and then there was another black frenzy consisting of [-] black wind riders. For a while, the entire Langya base camp was in great chaos, and many Langya people and soldiers died.

"Bastard! How can a Han army come to the base camp behind Erma! There is no intelligence from the front! No, the number of this Han army is not large, how can it break through the heavy net laid by [-] to [-] soldiers in front! They ! Did they pass through the wolf veins!"

Langya Wuhai pushed away the three Qianghu women in front of him, and shouted angrily.He never thought that a Han army would come to the Langya clan base camp he was guarding.If so, it would be a miracle!That's why Langya Wuhai dared to hold cannibal banquets for more than ten days in a row, and didn't order the scouts to investigate the enemy's situation around them. That's why the Han army came to the house and woke up like a dream, knowing that the situation was critical.

"Wu Hai, quick! Quick! Order all the soldiers and horses to protect Erma. Those three Han generals are powerful, and they are about to kill them!"

The Great Elder didn't have time to put on his clothes, so he pushed away the Han woman in front of him, ran up to Langya Wuhai naked with disheveled hair, and said in a panic.

"Great Elder, don't be frightened and lose your position. Don't forget, there are still 500 elite soldiers in the Erma base camp, and the Han army's number does not exceed [-]. No matter how capable they are, they will not be able to set off a big threat." Wind and waves. Could it be possible to capture the base camp of Erma? The whole army listened to the order and arranged a line of [-] people in ten rows! Block the enemy's charge! The rest gathered around Erma!"

Langya Wuhai is also a capable person, he quickly calmed down and ordered in an orderly manner.Hearing Langya Wuhai's arrangement, the elders of the eight major clans were also relieved, and quickly gathered around Langya Wuhai.Soon, five hundred Langya soldiers were laid out in a horizontal formation, a total of ten rows, blocking Wen Han, Guan Yu, and Gao Shun.

Wen Han, Guan Yu, and Gao Shun all smiled coldly, without fear, and led the Black Wind Cavalry to keep advancing.These Langya soldiers played for ten days in a row, their bodies were almost hollowed out, and there were many people who were playing on the wooden platform just now, their armor and weapons were not complete, how could they be the opponents of Wen Han, Guan Yu, Gao Shun and the Black Wind Riders.

All of Wen Hanjun was holding back a monstrous rage, every scene on the field stimulated their nerves, and the force of their guns was much stronger than before. As long as they killed these hated Langya people, There seemed to be endless strength all over his body.The momentum was like a broken bamboo, killing the soldiers of the Langya tribe, crying and roaring, and retreating one after another.

In particular, Wen Han, Guan Yu, and Gao Shun were the quickest and sharpest kills. The Langya soldiers who stood in front of these three men were rarely able to block a move before being killed.Surrounding the blood-red patch, the three hell Shuras are getting closer and closer.The elders of the eight major clans around Langya Wuhai became more and more frightened, shouting in Qiang language in a hurry.Langya Wuhai also frowned more and more, wanting to change the situation, but he was powerless.

All the Han soldiers seem to have taken aphrodisiacs, one against three, and if this continues, they will soon be killed by his side.Langya Wuhai thought again, if he wanted to turn the tables, he would have to stand firm and consume his physical strength, and then fight back when they were exhausted!Thinking of this, Langya Wuhai hastily cried out again.

"Hold on! Hold on! The Han army is small, and Erma has many people. No matter how powerful they are, they will be exhausted. At that time, Erma will have the best chance to fight back!"

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