Han Shimou

Chapter 1101 Cao's Son

() Suddenly, on the flat ground in front of him, the wind and dust rose again.I don't know how many villains rushed to kill.Seeing this, Xia Houyuan thought it was Wu Bing's ambush again, so he turned to the sky and slandered.

"There is an ambush in front, and there are pursuers in the back. God wants to kill me, and my life is over!!"

Xia Houyuan just had an idea, and was about to order the soldiers to charge to the death.At this time, a group of people arrived first, and the leading general, wearing golden helmets and yellow armor, with a strong back, a broad face, yellow beard and big eyes, was Cao Zhangye, the third son of Cao Cao.Today's Cao Zhang, who is 22 years old, is more majestic than when he fought against Sun Ce.Xia Houyuan was overjoyed when he saw it.Cao Zhang spoke harshly and told the past first.It turned out that Chen Lin, the shepherd of Yuzhou, had long been aware of the tense battle ahead, she was afraid that she would not be able to withstand the general trend of Wu soldiers with her jaw open, and also thought that Cao Cao was fighting in Jingzhou, and it would be difficult to send troops to rescue for a while.So they sent people to the Central Plains for help.The Shangshu surprised Xun Yu when he heard about it, Cao Pi and Cao Zhang pleaded for orders, and Xun Yu pulled out [-] tiger guards, handed them over to Cao Pi, and rushed to Yuzhou for rescue. . .

"Don't worry, Uncle, Shixiong is coming here. Follow me first!!"

Cao Zhang said in a loud voice.Xia Houyuan heard this, and quickly ordered the soldiers to move forward.Zhou Tai and Ling Tong saw that there was a group of soldiers and horses ahead to catch Xia Houyuan's remnant soldiers. They were afraid that Xia Houyuan would escape, so they rushed to attack.Cao Zhang protected Xia Houyuan and fled all the way.Wu Bing was in high spirits and chased him to death.Seeing this, Cao Zhang stared at the tiger full of evil spirits, and quickly told Xia Houyuan to go first, and he led the troops to the rear.Cao Zhang was young and vigorous, before Xia Houyuan could open his mouth, Cao Zhang had already led the tiger guards to charge towards him.Cao Zhang galloped his horse soaring, and danced the giant black iron sword in his hand angrily, leading thousands of tiger guards to resist Wu Bing's troops suddenly.The two armies fought in chaos, and Cao Zhang and Zhou Tai met each other.As soon as Zhou Tai saw the familiar giant sword, he quickly recognized Cao Zhang's identity, and immediately turned his face ferociously, twisting the knife and attacking Cao Zhang madly.A few years later, Cao Zhang is not a fledgling boy, he has devoted himself to learning martial arts under Wang Yue's seat, and with his extraordinary talent, his martial arts has gradually surpassed his teacher Wang Yue. . .

But Zhou Tai attacked fiercely with a sword, and attacked for seven or eight rounds in a row.Cao Zhang blocked or evaded, watching Zhou Tai's saber style slow down, and suddenly attacked, the black iron giant sword danced a hurricane, and slashed towards Zhou Tai horizontally.Zhou Tai swung his saber to block it, and when the saber and sword collided, a violent spark burst out.Zhou Tai's face changed slightly, Cao Zhang's strength was actually much stronger than that of a few years ago, almost the same as that of Sun Ce in his strong days.

It was too late to say that, Cao Zhang suddenly drew back the black iron giant sword, raised it high and swung it, and suddenly slashed at Zhou Tai again.The sword was so powerful that Zhou Tai didn't dare to neglect it, so he quickly twisted the sword and blocked it again. With a loud 'bang', Cao Zhang swung Zhou Tai's knife away with his sword, and a round of huge sword sliced ​​off Zhou Tai's head. Was beaten to pieces.Zhou Tai hurriedly turned around to dodge, Cao Zhang cut the air with his sword, and immediately smashed the sword down again.Zhou Tai dodged quickly, Cao Zhang attacked with his sword, and Zhou Tai was defeated steadily.The more Zhou Tai fought, the more frightened he became. He secretly called the third son of the Cao family.Before he knew it, Zhou Tai was covered in cold sweat by Cao Zhang.At this moment, Ling Tong suddenly rushed to attack.Without fear, Cao Zhang danced his sword and fought the two of them to the death.Cao Zhang's ferocity boosted the morale of the tiger guards, but he said that each of the tiger guards was one of a hundred elite warriors, and they were the imperial forest army under Cao Cao's command, who specially guarded the imperial capital of Luoyang and the imperial palace.Now these thousands of tiger guards rose up impressively, each of them had the ability to fight three with one, and suddenly killed Wu Bing's chao attack.However, Zhou Tai and Ling Tong attacked and killed Cao Zhang immediately.Cao Zhang used all his strength to resist, and with a surge of blood, he resisted, and the black iron giant sword in his hand danced like lightning.Both Ling Tong and Zhou Tai launched fierce attacks, but they were unable to break through Cao Zhang's defense.Both Ling and Zhou showed horror, Zhou Tai's face twitched again and again, his tiger's eyes burst out with murderous aura, and he cursed in his heart, such a character must not be allowed to grow, he should be killed as soon as possible.After Zhou Tai thought about it, he wanted to take advantage of the situation and use his ultimate move.Ling Tong also seemed to have sensed Zhou Tai's intentions, shouted loudly, waved a pair of iron whips, and struck wildly, Cao Zhang twisted his sword to block, Ling Tong was very anxious, and Cao Zhang was gradually exposed.Zhou Tai watched with keen eyes, two violent murderous auras flashed in the tiger's eyes, just as he was about to kill with a knife.

Suddenly, a series of piercing arrows exploded.Before Zhou Tai came back to his senses, he cast his eyes and saw five arrows lined up side by side, shooting towards him suddenly.Zhou Tai's face changed drastically, as if he saw five black wolves charging towards him.Zhou Tai rushed to break through with his saber, the black flood dragon suddenly rose up, and there were bursts of bangs like landslides and ground cracks.

At the same time, Cao Zhang suddenly counterattacked, split Ling Tong's double whips with a sword, and swung his sword to chop at Ling Tong.Ling Tong dodged abruptly, his sharp eyes burst out with a jingle, and the double whips seemed to burst into golden light, and smashed towards Cao Zhang's breastplate.Endless crises are coming to Cao Zhang, but Cao Zhang is not afraid of being overjoyed, and uses this sense of compulsion to stimulate his own potential.Hearing Cao Zhang's roar, his whole body's muscles and bones bulged, and the black iron giant sword was swung impressively, faintly as if there was the sound of a dragon roaring.Ling Tong stared, as if he could see a golden dragon rushing out of Cao Zhang's giant sword.Between lightning and flint, the weapons of the two collided suddenly, and the wind and dust rose into the sky. Cao Zhang and Ling Tong flew out of the wind and dust almost at the same time with men and horses.Cao Zhang pulled the reins, stopped the castration, sat down and neighed continuously.Cao Zhang grinned, just now he hadn't been able to fully use the ultimate move, only [-]% of the power, if he can achieve it.Cao Zhang is confident enough to defeat Ling Tong.As for Ling Tong, he had a horrified and unbelievable look on his face, looking at the young Cao Zhang in front of him, he felt a sense of horror in his heart.

Suddenly, a thought popped up in Ling Tong's mind.If this son's martial arts is great, I'm afraid that no one in the world can be his opponent! !

But at this time, behind Cao Zhang's army, countless soldiers and horses were charging towards them.Xia Houyuan also had a soldier in black robe and silver armor leading his troops to kill him.Seeing this, Zhou Tai knew that it would be a long battle, and he still wanted to win, so he quickly called Ling Tong to withdraw his troops.Ling Tong didn't neglect either, he reined in his horse and left. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Cao Zhang.So Wu Bing's crowd surged and retreated in a storm.Cao Zhang grinned, danced his sword and rushed to kill.Fearing that Cao Zhang might make a mistake, Xia Houyuan quickly ordered the soldiers to sound their horns.Cao Zhang stopped fighting after hearing this.Cao Zhang rushed back with his troops, and when he saw Xia Houyuan, he opened his mouth and asked, as if he hadn't enjoyed the killing.

"Why did uncle come down to withdraw the army. A certain man is trying to take advantage of the situation to chase and kill him, and regain his supplies."

Xia Houyuan shook his head when he heard the words.

"Both Zhou Youping and Ling Gongji are generals who are proficient in the art of war. Before going to pursue and kill them, they must first send troops to take the luggage away along the path. Even if you go to chase and kill, it is difficult to find the way. If you go deep into the enemy's stronghold, once you encounter him The army besieged and killed, so what?!"

After Cao Zhang heard this, he just woke up.The soldier in black robe and silver armor beside him smiled helplessly.

"Third brother! My brother and you have always taught me that when fighting in front of the battle, you should not only rely on blood and courage, but use both martial arts and tactics to win every battle. If you don't change your impetuous temper, you will be defeated sooner or later!"

This person is Cao Zhang's second brother Cao Pi.Both of them were born of the Bian family and came from the same mother.Cao Zhang has always respected Cao Pi very much, and there was no refutation at the moment, so he just smiled.Cao Pi looked at it, and could only shake his head and smile wryly.At present, Xia Houyuan was discussing with Cao Pi and Cao Zhang brothers. Xia Houyuan thought that Eastern Wu would send troops to attack his supply team, so he probably guessed that Zhang Jaw would definitely abandon Ru Yin.If there is an ambush, it will be dangerous to open your jaw.The three of them discussed and decided, so they immediately marched to the direction of Ruyin for rescue.

Let's say that after Zhang Jai withdrew from Ruyin City, he looked forward to Yuzhou and just arrived in a valley.Suddenly, Zhang Jai heard the sound of shouting and killing coming from Ruyin City.Zhang's face changed drastically, he was hesitating whether to return to rescue Cheng Yushi.Suddenly, drums and cannons rang out all around.On both sides of the valley, cannon stones and flying wood fell down.Zhang Jai's army was unprepared, and was immediately thrown into chaos.At this moment, two Wu soldiers charged towards the front and back of the valley in a mighty manner.There is a soldier and horse in front, the general in command, wearing a red Xichuan robe with fire patterns, with flowing hair all over his head, tied with only a piece of red silk, his face is like a crown jade, red lips and white teeth, sword eyebrows and star eyes, so handsome that it can be said that he is like a fish and a wild goose , even the beauties who are overwhelmed by the country and the city feel ashamed to be inferior to such a handsome man.This person is the governor of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, Zhou Gongjin.Zhou Yu sat on a fiery red BMW, with a slight smile on his face, and said to Zhang Jaw.

"Zhang Junyi, you are already a turtle in a urn, why don't you surrender quickly!?"

Seeing that it was Zhou Yu, Zhang Jaw's complexion changed drastically, knowing that he had fallen for this man's scheme, he stared at Zhou Yu intently.Zhou Yu still had that calm and determined smile on his face, as if he had ignored the angry eyes that opened his jaws.After a strange silence, Zhang Jaw reined in the horse abruptly, wanting to charge towards Zhou Yu.Zhou Yu drew his sword and made a move, and crossbow arrows flew down on both sides of the valley, like a torrential rain.The soldiers of Wei were thrown into chaos, fled frantically, pushed each other, trampled on each other and died, countless of them died.Zhang Jai ignored the army and led a group of people to watch Zhou Yu charge towards him.But at this time behind the valley, Gan Ning led his army to kill, and after attacking Wei Bing's army, Wei Bing, who wanted to escape behind the valley, was immediately killed by Gan Ning.Gan Ning led his troops to fight bravely, and countless Wei soldiers died.

But he said that Zhang Jaw killed Zhou Yu, wanted to capture Zhou Yu, and forced Wu Bing to throw his hands at him, thus gaining a chance of survival.Seeing Zhang Jaw attacking, Zhou Yu gave an order, and the crossbowmen in the formation fired their arrows together.Zhang Jai roared loudly, drew his gun and stabbed wildly, the sergeant beside him protected Zhang Jaw.Zhang Jaw attacked wildly, seeing that he was about to approach Zhou Yu's army formation.At this moment, two shouts like the roar of a tiger erupted.Ding Feng and Pan Zhang slapped their horses together and rushed out to meet Zhang Jaw.Zhang Jaw's face was full of desperate ferocity, he stabbed wildly with his spear, and shouted in his mouth.

"If you don't decide to fight to the death, you will be captured!!! Why don't all the armies charge and kill with me!!"

With a shout from Zhang Jaw, the Wei soldiers seemed to have found their way, and they swarmed towards Zhou Yu's army to kill them.Zhou Yu snorted and slowly patted his horse and withdrew to the rear of the formation.Zhang Jai used all his strength, stabbing and sweeping with guns, killing all with desperate moves, relying on this blood energy, he firmly suppressed Ding Feng and Pan Zhang.Ding Feng's eyes were wide-eyed, but he kept his strength on purpose. Pan Zhang resisted bravely and was almost hit by Zhang Jai's shot. Fortunately, Pan Zhang dodged in time, and the gun shot hit his helmet. With a bang, Pan Zhang's helmet flew away .At this moment, Ding Feng struck out impressively and slashed at Zhang Jaw three times.The first slash came towards Zhang Jaw's face, Zhang Jai dodged it sharply, and Ding Feng slashed at Zhang Jaw's neck.Zhang Jaw fell back and avoided, Ding Feng slashed across the room with the knife, and suddenly swung the knife down.Zhang Jaw fell on his body, a spear shot out suddenly, hit Ding Feng's blade, and swung it away.All of a sudden, Pan Zhang stabilized his position and stabbed Zhang Jaw with a spear.Zhang Ja hastily stood up and swept his gun away.Ding Feng pressed him over.Zhang Jai was killed and retreated steadily.It was too late and then it was too late, Pan Zhang saw a gap, roared, rushed to the horse, and stabbed Zhang Jaw's heart with a single shot.Zhang Jai watched eagerly, and grabbed Pan Zhang's gun.Ding Feng also rushed to the sword immediately, bursts of mighty aura surged in the sword, as if a fiery evil spirit rose out.Zhang Jaw's face was ice-cold, and his aura rose suddenly, causing the spear to thrust out suddenly.

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