Han Shimou

Chapter 1109

() That night, Xi Zhicai gave orders to E Huan and Deng Ai.

"You two don't take off your armor. You can lead troops to attack the pass twenty miles away. If the guards know that the soldiers have arrived, they will definitely leave in shock. If Shu soldiers arrive at the pass later, it will be difficult to attack. .”

E Huan and Deng Ai were ordered, so they led their troops to set off, and drove on a starry night to the front of the pass.The Shu soldiers who guarded the pass had just heard the sound of fighting in Cangcheng, and now they saw Tang soldiers coming again. They knew that Cangcheng was lost, so they quickly abandoned the pass and left.So E Huan and Deng Aibing won the pass without bloodshed, and they had to remove their armor when they went to the pass.E Huan and Deng Ai looked at each other, E Huan's ugly face was full of inconceivable horror, and said to Deng Ai. ..

"In the past, I often heard that the military division was famous for its wisdom. The Western Tang Dynasty was able to establish the foundation of the country. In addition to the heroic generals such as Lai Deguan and Zhao, it was possible to build a business with military division strategy. Looking at it today, it is indeed the case."

Deng Ai's eyes were full of beauty, and he sighed in admiration.

"A military strategist's magic calculation is unpredictable! I have him sitting in the Western Tang Dynasty, how could he be Zhuge Kongming!!"

After the two were amazed, the Shu soldiers were rushing to kill.The two hurriedly climbed up the building to see that it was Ma Dai, the general of Shu.But he said that Ma Dai's army was going to take Chen Jia's place and guard Cangcheng.On the way, he encountered deserters, and he spoke about the loss of Cangcheng and the pass.Ma Dai was shocked when he heard the words, and immediately recovered the soldiers and horses, and went to seize the pass.When E Huan saw Ma Dai leading troops to kill him, he wanted to fight.Deng Ai said with emotion.

"The general was ordered by the military division to guard the pass and not to lose anything. A certain is the deputy general and should go to meet the enemy." ..

When E Huan heard this, he stared with tiger eyes, thinking that Deng Ai underestimated him, and shouted loudly.

"What is there to be afraid of, a mere horse? Even if his brother Ma Meng gets up, I won't be afraid. Just guard the gate and see how I will behead him!!"

Deng Aiduo's persuasion was useless.E Huan insisted on going, so he ordered all the soldiers and horses, opened the gate, and came to meet Ma Dai.Seeing E Huan coming, Ma Dai's face froze, and he rushed to meet him with his gun.With a loud roar, E Huan galloped his horse into the air, and the two horses rushed towards each other.Ma Dai scrambled to be the first to shoot E Huan's throat.E Huan dodges in a hurry, raises his halberd to look at Ma Dai's face and stabs him.Ma Dai had been prepared for a long time, twisted the gun to block it, and swung E Huan's painting halberd away with all his strength.E Huan's face showed shock, and he just realized that Ma Dai's strength is not bad.Ma Dai's lion eyes stared, and suddenly he used the lion's run and split the sky spear technique. The spear style was fast and fierce, and the sound of the gun was like a lion's roar.Today's Ma Dai is no longer the person he used to be. After years of hard training, Ma Dai's martial arts has climbed to the ranks of super generals.Now Ma Dai broke out with all his strength, and actually killed E Huan until he retreated steadily.Deng Ai was watching Guan Guan eagerly, hurried off to close the gate, got on his horse and left the gate.When it was too late, Ma Dai and E Huan fought for dozens of rounds, and E Huan's halberd style became more and more chaotic. Ma Dai saw a flaw and suddenly flew with a gun.E Huan seemed to see a huge black evil lion rushing towards him with its teeth and claws open.E Huan's face changed drastically in fright, and he quickly raised his halberd to block it.Unexpectedly, Ma Dai's spear was extremely fast, and he stabbed over in a hurry, hitting E Huan's left shoulder.E Huan yelled bitterly, with a ferocious face, he grabbed Ma Dai's gun with one hand, and pointed the halberd at Ma Dai's head with the other, and chopped it off impressively.Ma Dai snorted coldly, pulled out suddenly, and the blood suddenly appeared, he drew the gun back, and opened the incoming painting halberd with one shot.Just when Ma Dai was about to take advantage of the momentum to pursue, Deng Ai stabbed Ma Dai obliquely with his spear and stabbed Ma Dai's head with one shot.Hearing the loud noise, Ma Dai subconsciously avoided it.Deng Ai stabbed in the air with one shot, and then swung the gun to sweep.E Huan took advantage of the situation to attack, and the two attacked Ma Dai.Seeing that it is rare to get a good shot, Ma Dai looks at E Huanxu with a single shot.E Huan still had lingering fears in his heart, so he didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly avoided.Unexpectedly, what Ma Dai made was a false move, he took the opportunity to swing his legs and fled.E Huan was furious when he saw it, and immediately chased after him.Ma Dai secretly takes the bow and arrow, and shoots an arrow from his back.The string sends out the arrow.At the same time, there was another violent sound of the bowstring.The two arrows collided.The other person who shot the arrow was none other than Deng Ai.It turns out that Deng Ai has been aware of Ma Dai's trick for a long time.E Huan was so frightened that he didn't dare to chase anymore.When Ma Dai retreated into the formation, he saw that Tang soldiers were holding the main road in Guanzhong, so he ordered his troops to retreat.When Deng Ai saw it, he quickly moved his gun, and all the soldiers and horses in Guanzhong came out. Deng Ai led his troops to chase after him for a while. Many Shu soldiers died, and Ma Dai retreated in defeat.Deng Ai took the army back to Guanshang, met E Huan, and saw that the gunshot on his left shoulder was extremely serious. He taught the military doctor to treat it, and at the same time, he asked Guan Yu to report it.

Guan Yu heard that E Huan and Deng Ai had taken the pass, and was overjoyed, so he ordered them to guard the pass to meet most of the rear army.Soon Zhou Cang led the army to Cangcheng one after another.Guan Yu assembled his troops and prepared to attack Guanzhong.Let's say that Ma Dai fled back to Guanzhong to report to Zhang Ren.When Zhang Ren heard that Cangcheng and the nearby pass had been lost, he was so shocked that he quickly told Ma Dai.

"Now that the other army has captured Cangcheng, they must garrison troops in the city. Cangcheng has a towering terrain, so it can be located high up to see the arrangement in Guanzhong. If Cangcheng is not captured again, Guanzhong may not be able to occupy Guanzhong for a long time."

Hearing this, Ma Dai's face darkened, and he spoke solemnly.

"However, there are many soldiers. Moreover, the location of Cangcheng is dangerous. If our army wants to recapture it, it will undoubtedly be difficult for our army. Before leaving, the military adviser gave the general three kits, and ordered them to be dismantled and watched when the situation was in danger. The situation is urgent now, why don't the general take a quick look at it?"

Zhang Ren's face was shocked when he heard this, and he just came to his senses, and quickly took out three kits from his bosom.The kits are available in yellow, green and red colors.According to Zhuge Liang's instructions, Zhang Ren looked at the yellow kit first.After a while, Zhang Ren read it, laughed out loud, and called it a clever plan.Ma Dai hurriedly asked for advice.Zhang Ren laughed.

"Bo Zhan can order the army to guard the city tightly and not to go out lightly. If the other army comes, they will use deep ditches to resist them."

"But if this is the case, once the other army pours its troops into the siege, Guanzhong will be isolated and helpless. Wouldn't it teach the soldiers to sit and wait for death!?"

Ma Dai frowned and asked suspiciously.Zhang Ren smiled and talked to Ma Dai.

"Bo Zhan doesn't need to worry too much. Guanzhong City has enough food to sustain the army for a year. But the other army doesn't have much food. If it lasts for a few months, the army food will be exhausted, so we must rush to attack. Immediately our army can wait for the opportunity to move and pursue the situation. What's more, the military adviser still has a clever plan. Bo Zhan can do this."

After hearing this, Ma Dai's face changed continuously, and he secretly said that it was a trick.It turned out that in Zhuge Liang's strategy, he had two preparations, just in case.At that moment, Ma Dai was ordered to leave, and each made arrangements.But it is said that Guan Yu stationed troops in Cangcheng, and watched Cangcheng every day from a high position. He saw that the Shu soldiers in the city were guarding the gates tightly, and they dug deep ditches outside the city to build earth barriers.Seeing Guan Yu, he hurriedly summoned Xi Zhicai to discuss matters.After a while, Xi Zhicai climbed to the top of the city. Seeing the scene in Guanzhong, he pondered for a while, then smiled.

"This must be because he thought our army was short of food and grass, so he wanted to defend the city and fight our army for a long time. When our army's food was exhausted, he took advantage of the situation to attack the ear."

Guan Yu frowned when he heard the words, and suddenly heard about the clever capture of Cangcheng, he hurriedly talked to Xi Zhicai.

"It's better to teach the city to work carefully, follow the example of the previous one, and serve as an internal response, and help us win the pass!!"

When Xi Zhicai heard the words, he shook his head and said.

"I saw that Zhang Guyi closed the gate of the city tightly and sent many soldiers to patrol the city. He must be on the lookout for secret agents to make trouble. In this way, it is difficult to expose the secret agents in the city. Zhang Guyi has always been very cautious. He wants to take Guanzhong. You still need to rely on me to wait for the sergeant!"

"Then according to the opinion of the military advisor, what should we do?"

Guan Yu frowned deeply, showing a little impatience.Xi Zhicai pondered for a while, looked at the scene in Guanzhong, and sighed.

"Now, but don't rush into it, you can wait and see the changes first, and wait for the opportunity."

Guan Yu heard the words, but he didn't want to, and he talked with Xi Zhicai.

"The battle is tight, so there is no delay. If the army is short of food, why not send a soldier to lead the troops to the nearby cities and counties in Guanzhong, and seize the food and grass for supplies?"

When Xi Zhi heard this, his expression changed drastically, and he shook his head anxiously and said.

"No!! It is not the soldiers of the benevolent to destroy the country and prolong the people. What's more, if our army is divided, what if the other army takes advantage of the situation to attack? Zhang Guyi is a person who is familiar with the art of war, and he must not underestimate the enemy. I hope Guan Gong will think twice."

Guan Yu frowned, holding back his anger, but he had nowhere to vent it.At the moment, I had no choice but to endure and retreat.After several days in a row, Guan Yu sent troops into Guanzhong to fight day after day.Zhang Ren couldn't defend himself, so he stood still.Guan Yu yelled at the city every day, and he taught the sergeants to relax, ordering the horsemen to dismount and rest, and the infantry to take off their armor and sit down.Zhang Ren in the city could see it, but he laughed at Guan Yu's clumsiness.Seeing that Zhang Ren could not be concealed from Guan Yu, Guan Yu returned furious. Thinking of his previous defeat at the hands of Zhang Ren, Guan Yu hated him even more, wishing he could swallow Zhang Ren alive.

The war in Brazil is just about to start.Let's watch the Zitong battle in another place.But after Wen Han divided his troops, he led an army of [-], and joined forces with Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao and others to attack Zitong in a mighty manner.Zhang Liao led [-] soldiers and horses as the vanguard, Wen Han joined Zhao Yun as the central army, and Xu Rong lived in the rear army, responsible for escorting supplies, siege equipment and other materials.As for counselors such as Pang Tong and Xu Shu, they all marched with the army.

The Western Tang Army attacked and killed Zitong on a large scale, and scouts had long since reported to Liu Bei.Liu Bei anxiously discussed with Zhuge Liang.Zhuge Liang then summoned Zhang Fei and Wang Ping to come, and ordered so and so.The two went away under the plan.

It is said that Zhang Liao led the army to advance rapidly all the way, just in time with Zhang Fei's men.Zhang Fei led [-] warriors and stood by the bridge. Behind him, the mountains and forests were billowing with wind and dust, and it was suspected that there were a large number of ambush troops.Zhang Liao's army set up a formation, wearing a silver armor and white robe, Zhang Liao, who held a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, rode a Dawan BMW and stood under the gate flag.Seeing that it was Zhang Liao, Zhang Fei stared around and roared like thunder.

"Zhang Wenyuan, do you know me, Zhang Yideye from Yan!!?"

Zhang Liao narrowed his eyes and shouted in a cold voice.

"The foolish man is going crazy, sooner or later he will take your head!!"

As soon as Zhang Liao said this, Zhang Fei opened his mouth to laugh and shouted sharply.

"Hahahaha!!! The world says that you, Zhang Wenyuan, have won the true biography of Lu Bu, and have the courage of Lu Bu back then. Zhang looks at it, but you have no guts!! How dare you fight me to the death!?"

When Zhang Liao heard this, he was furious, and without answering, he raised his halberd and rushed towards Zhang Fei.Zhang Fei roared, patted his horse and rushed across the bridge to meet Zhang Liao.

In the blink of an eye, the two war horses intersected suddenly.Zhang Fei raised the Zhangba Snake Spear abruptly, looked at Zhang Liao's body and tapped it three times in a row, hitting the throat, heart, and right abdomen respectively.Zhang Liao dodged and dodged, avoiding the first two moves, and when Zhang Fei's third spear came, he suddenly exploded, Fang Tian's painting halberd swung forward, and Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear flew flying.Zhang Fei stared wide-eyed, grabbed the snake spear suddenly, and stabbed out suddenly, the shadow of the spear was so fast that it was hard to catch it.Zhang Liao had experienced hundreds of battles, his body seemed to be habitual, he dodged abruptly, and then Fang Tian drew his halberd again, chopping and slashing wildly for four or five rounds.Zhang Fei was just on guard, just saw Zhang Liao's attack, there was a slight gap, shouted loudly, and swept the spear away.Zhang Liao turned around and avoided.Zhang Fei attacked suddenly, and the snake spear kept flying.The two fought fiercely, and the soldiers of the two armies were dumbfounded and shocked.After the two had fought for dozens of rounds, Zhang Fei suddenly gave away an opening, Zhang Liao raised his halberd and stabbed, Zhang Fei narrowly escaped, reined in his horse and fled.Zhang Liao patted his horse and chased after him. Seeing Zhang Fei rushing across the bridge, he immediately reined in the horse.I saw on the bridge, the branches and leaves were moving, the wind and dust were billowing, and there seemed to be suspicious soldiers in ambush.Zhang Liao has always been cautious, he is afraid of ambush, not to mention this Yide is usually very brave, he will never back down easily, if things go wrong, there must be deceit!Zhang Liao frowned and pondered for a while, then returned to his horse and ordered the troops to withdraw.Tang soldiers are all surprised.However, the general order has fallen, how dare the sergeant disobey it.Tang Bing then retreated.

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