Han Shimou

Chapter 111 1 Mandate of Heaven

"Hmph. General Gao, bring a fast horse over here. At the same time, those dry meat rations, give her."

Wen Han snorted coldly, and instructed Gao Shun next to him.Gao Shun immediately followed suit, and quickly brought a black horse over. At the same time, he was still holding some dried meat rations, and threw them to Langya Wutian's wife.Langya Wutian's main wife, as the wife of the chief of the Langya clan, is also a girl from the prairie, and her equestrian skills are also extraordinary.After Wen Han helped her untie the rope, she was as light as a swallow, jumped a few steps with her lotus feet, quickly got on the horse, pulled the rein, and before she left, she gave Wen Han a sneaky look, as if she wanted to touch him deeply. It is engraved in my mind so that I can take revenge in the future.

"Remember. You have seven days. After seven days, you will have ten lives a day!"

Wen Han had a cold face and reminded again.Langya Wutian's regular wife was about to leave on horseback, when she heard this, she cast a resentful glance at Wenhan.Knowing that now is not the time to compete with him, he just took his anger out on the horse, flicked the whip and galloped out of the camp tribe, galloping rapidly in the prairie.

Wen Han watched Langya Wutian's main wife's back gradually disappear, and then looked away. Just as he turned around, he heard Guan Yu talking while supporting Meixu.

"Brother Bufan, you are underestimating yourself again. Ever since the Qianghu and Keba tribe invaded us and other big men, you have come all the way to fight on the battlefield, making clever plans to kill the enemy, and then you have wandered in this Qianghu territory. How many Han people have you released? Amazing feat. How can you say that you are a small person."

"I can't do enough. Even if General He didn't send me to fight this time, with Lu Fengxian's unparalleled martial arts strength, he could defeat the Qiang Hu Keba tribe. Moreover, if General He didn't choose I came here, but chose Cao Mengde. I think Cao Mengde will be able to do a feat that is no worse than mine. So what I said is not bad, it is the truth. There are many heroes and heroes. If it is not for the king, the minister and the treacherous, it will be the turn of this little boy. The Qianghu alien race is wanton!"

"Brother Bufan, even so. This person is too modest, and it is not a good thing."

"I'm not being humble. It's about knowing my own weaknesses. This person knows that he is weak, not a bad thing, but a good thing. Only in this way can we find out our own shortcomings and shortcomings, improve, improve, and continue to become stronger. If you are arrogant, think of yourself Very high, there will only be one result. Suicide!"

Gao Shun looked at it and listened to it, and he agreed with Wen Han's remarks.I also admire and respect Wen Han more and more.Hastily made a roundabout way.

"Haha. Both of you are right. Stop arguing. Wen Sima, Brother Guan is also upset that you belittled yourself. And Brother Guan, as our general, Wen Sima can conduct himself with neither arrogance nor arrogance. It is also the blessing of our subordinates."

After Gao Shun said this, Wen Han and Guan Yu stopped talking.Instead, they looked at each other and smiled, with expressions of admiration and gratitude for each other in their eyes.Gao Shun was confused for a while.

Afterwards, the three of them had nothing to say, and Wen Han began to order the Black Wind Riders to clean up the battlefield. On the one hand, he arranged the dignitaries in Langya and sent troops to take turns to monitor them 24 hours a day.On the one hand, they began to prepare evacuation routes and plans.There are also those Han people, there are about 3000 people, half of them are young women, and these people will leave with Wen Han and the others.

In the following days, Wen Han ordered Gao Shun to train these Han people. Although time was tight, he at least taught them to obey the military order and arrange formation.Among the 3000 people, about 1000 of them know some equestrian skills, but in Langya base camp, there are more than ten thousand horses.Wen Han is going to let one of them ride a horse, two of them sit together, and three of them ride together.When the time comes to evacuate, follow behind the black wind rider, and evacuate accordingly.Later, after Gao Shun taught them the formation, he also trained them in equestrianism, making them as proficient as possible.

The days passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, five days passed.

At this time, in the tribe guarded by Langya Wutian.It seemed that there was a strong smell of nitrate, which would ignite and explode at any moment.The Langya soldiers on patrol were all cautious, not daring to make too much noise to offend the person who lived in the highest tent in the tribe.He was murdered.

Just one day ago, their patriarch's wife, the flower of Langya, Lang Langnu, came here in a hurry. Lang Langnu didn't tell Wen Han the real time at that time, but in fact, the tribe guarded by Langya Wutian from the Langya base camp was only here. It takes four days.Then Lang Langnu met Langya Wutian, and soon this tribe became hell.

Langya Wutian seemed to have lost his mind, holding a big golden knife, roaring and killing the Han slaves in the tribe.Afterwards, he was even more envious. Anyone who was within five meters of him, no matter the Langya tribe or the Han people, was attacked by him.These soldiers of Langya clearly remembered that the veins all over Langya Wutian's face were wriggling at that time, as ferocious as a ghost, terrifying and frightening.Langya Wutian has been killing people all the time, and at the climax of the killing, he took a Han Chinese head and ate it raw, roaring angrily while eating, his mouth was full of blood and flesh.

Langya Wutian killed for a full three hours, and was exhausted before returning to the tent.At that time, even his wife Lang Langnu was frightened and cried when she saw his evil spirit appearance.

These Langya soldiers on patrol felt that their backs were soaked as soon as they finished thinking about it.At this time, he happened to be walking not far from Langya Wutian's tent, and he hurriedly lightened his steps again and again.One person even prayed in his heart that this Langya Wutian must not run out insane again and kill him regardless of his status.

At this time, in Langya Wutian's tent.

All around were broken pieces of porcelain or smashed pieces of wood, and there were pools of water mixed with blood on the ground.Langya Wutian was sitting on the front seat, covering half of his face with his big hands, his breathing was urgent and heavy.Suddenly said.

"Good! Good! What a Han army with less than 3000 soldiers! It was able to cross the wolf god line, raid the Erma Langya base camp, and capture [-]% of Langya's dignitaries.

Hum ha ha ha ha ha! ! ! ! ! !Shame!What a shame!This is simply a great shame that Erma Langya Wutian can't erase in his life!If Yuwen Tianyou finds out about this news, Erma won't even think about raising her head in front of him in this life!this life!Don't even think about it! "

Langya Wutian looked crazy, and Lang Langnu, who was watching and listening, trembled in fright, and Langya Shangwu wanted to lower his head to the ground, or dig a hole to hide himself.Don't let Langya Wutian see you.

"Lang! Ya! Shang! Wu!"

Langya Wutian gritted his teeth, his mouth seemed to be glowing with flames, and roared word by word.

Langya Shangwu was so frightened that his soul was about to fly away, he quickly ran three steps, knelt down in front of Langya Wutian, tears began to roll in his eyes.Did he know that once Langya Wutian got angry, he would even dare to kill his own parents.Langya Shangwu was terribly frightened at this moment, and replied tremblingly.

"Cousin...cousin. Er... Mama is here."

"Okay. It's good that you're here. It's good that you're here!!! Say it, say it quickly. What's your plan to rescue the dignitaries who are in the hands of the Han army. There are still two days before the time limit proposed by the Han general , when he didn't find out the news, he was about to kill someone. According to him, he would hold a cannibal banquet and kill the women first, then the men.

At that time, ten women will die first, and these women may be your younger sisters!That is Erma's cousin!Or your father's wife and concubine of the Great Elder!Your mother or little mother!That is Erma Langya Wutian's clan aunt!Clan aunt!Don't you think you are smart, think!Think quickly! "

Langya Wutian's face was full of humiliated resentment, his expression became more and more crazy, more and more like a ghost.

Langya Shangwu listened, his body trembled more and more, racked his brains, racked his brains, racked all his brain cells, knelt and lay there for a long, long time, but still didn't say a word.


Langya Wutian stood up abruptly, rushed in front of Langya Shangwu fiercely and murderously, grabbed his neck, lifted him up, grabbed him in front of him, and looked directly at the evil spirit.Langya Shangwu could clearly see the murderous intent in Langya Wutian, his cousin's eyes, so even though he was pinched extremely uncomfortable and breathless, he didn't dare to struggle.

"Don't tell Erma, you can't think of it! At the beginning, but you came up with a plan. You encouraged Erma to kill the Han people in Langya, angered the Han army, and attracted them to attack. Now it's great! They really came to attack But instead of going head-on and throwing themselves into the net, they attacked Erma's base camp!

As Erma's staff and military adviser, you didn't expect this Han army to make such a move, it is your fault!Erma will give you one last chance to make meritorious deeds!If you can think of a way to rescue the dignitaries in Langya who are in their hands, Erma will spare your life.Otherwise...hehehe...you understand..."

Langya Shangwu's face turned blue and purple due to lack of oxygen, and his neck was almost broken by Langya Wutian.He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, his eyes were full of begging for mercy.

Langya Wutian shook his hand and threw him aside, Langya Shangwu bumped into a wooden table, knocked his head, blood flowed out quickly.Langya Shangwu's head was covered with blood, he didn't dare to cover the wound with his hands, he quickly stood up, usually there seemed to be endless tricks, but at this moment he couldn't think of any.Under Langya Wutian's eyes full of killing intent, he opened and closed his mouth for a long time, but he still couldn't say a word, and he was going crazy.

"Hehehehe. You can't figure it out. Erma has a way! That is to kill all the Han people in Langya immediately! This Han will try to use Erma Langya Wutian as a puppet and let him manipulate? Then It's simply wishful thinking! Erma will not be led by the nose as he wishes!

Erma will not release any of these Han people!all!Torture them all to death, and then arrange them into a ten-foot mountain of human heads!Let this general see him, and let him know how powerful Erma Langya Wutian is! "

Langya Wutian seemed to have lost his mind, laughing wildly there.While smiling, he showed a ferocious and cruel expression, which was really scary.When Langya Shangwu heard it, he immediately screamed that it was not good, this Langya Wutian had lost his composure and became crazy.He knew that Langya Wutian was the one who would do what he said, once he went crazy, he wouldn't care about anything, he would dare to do anything!So even though he knew that he would anger Langya Wutian again, Langya Shangwu couldn't help but speak.

"You mustn't! Brother Wu Tiantang! Patriarch! What you're doing is trying to drive those powerful people in the hands of the Han generals to a dead end! In this way, you will lose your prestige in the Langya clan, and these powerful people have controlled Langya. If [-]% of the clan's forces were to die, the tribal chiefs of the tribes under their jurisdiction, as well as their cronies and descendants would surely instigate violence and rebellion because they lost confidence in the patriarch Ru! At that time, the entire Langya clan There will be chaos, it only takes five years, no! In three years, the Langya clan will perish due to the chaos!"

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