Han Shimou

Chapter 1122

() Gan Ning's voice was like a tiger's roar, which made people's ears ring.Cao Pi's eyes narrowed, the corners of his mouth turned up, a smile that was not a smile, and then he cast a wink with Cao Zhang beside him.Cao Zhang understood it, clamped the horse's belly, pulled the rein, and let the horse fly out, cursing in his mouth.

"Little thief from the Eastern Wu Dynasty, Hugh is going crazy, come out and die quickly!!"

When Gan Ning saw Cao Zhang coming out of the battle, he immediately showed a bright smile, but there was a murderous intent in this smile.And at this moment, Lu Meng, who was looking at the surrounding terrain, suddenly changed his expression, and sneered in his heart.

"Children of the Cao family, how can such a small trick fool me!!"

Gan Ning was about to go out on his horse when a shout came from behind him.Lu Meng drove his horse to catch up and whispered something into Gan Ning's ear.Gan Ning laughed again after hearing this, but this time it was a wild and unrestrained sneer.Lu Meng was speaking.Cao Zhang scolded again, and the Wei soldiers who were facing each other echoed, cursing in unison.Gan Ning was furious, shouted loudly, drove the horse, swung the whip in his hand, and rushed out of the formation like a thunderbolt.Seeing Gan Ning coming out, Cao Zhang shook his spirits, waved his giant black iron sword, and went to meet Gan Ning.The two horses collided in an instant, Cao Zhang was so powerful that he raised his huge sword and smashed Gan Ning three times in a row.Gan Ning either blocked or evaded, Cao Zhang's giant sword looked fierce, but it couldn't even touch Gan Ning's armor. Suddenly, Gan Ning turned over, wrapped his feet around the reins, and flashed towards Cao Zhang like a spirit ape On the left side, this only happened in an instant. Even a first-class soldier could not react to such a sudden change at all.I saw Gan Ning slashing with the knife suddenly, and the light of the knife flew.At the critical moment, Cao Zhang subconsciously slashed his giant sword across, blocking Gan Ning's sword suddenly.Gan Ning grinned, slashed with the big knife, opened and closed, sparks flew everywhere.Cao Zhang's Yue battle became more and more dangerous, and it was Wu Bing's turn to shout and dance with his arms raised.The beating of drums became more and more urgent, falling like a rainstorm.Cao Zhang and Gan Ning fought for dozens of rounds, but Gan Ning had the upper hand.But at this time, Lu Meng had already dispatched the rear army and sneaked into the forest on the side of the road.

There was another loud bang, Cao Zhang swung the huge sword in his hand, Gan Ning smiled coldly, and picked out several swords in front of Cao Zhang, his eyes were actually contemptuous.Cao Zhang suppressed his anger and dodged again and again. When Gan Ning's attack stopped, he falsely stabbed with the sword. Gan Ning dodged and Cao Zhang took the opportunity to rein in his horse and escape.Gan Ning laughed loudly, and with one stroke of the sword, he led his troops to hide and kill him.As a result, the sound of drums and horns beating loudly in the Wu army formation, and the front troops swarmed after them.Gan Ning galloped on his horse, dashing from left to right in the chaotic army, piercing into the formation of Wei soldiers like a sharp knife, as if cutting a bloody path.Cao Zhang rushed back to the formation, protected Cao Pi and fled.After a while, there was a fierce fight, and Gan Ning led hundreds of fast horses to chase after him, shouting in his mouth.

"Son of the Cao family, don't even think about escaping!! You should avenge the revenge of yesterday!!"

Gan Ning rode his horse and galloped wildly, wielding his saber as fast as lightning, and the cavalry around him charged forward with guns, no one of the Wei soldiers dared to stop him.Cao Pi and Cao Zhang slapped their horsewhips desperately and rushed out of the valley road.Wu Bing chased after Gan Ning angrily, and Wei Jun was defeated like a landslide.When Cao Pi rushed out of the valley road, Gan Ning was about to catch up.At the critical moment, cannons fired from both sides of Taniguchi, and two men and horses stabbed obliquely and intercepted them.Wu Bing was unprepared and was immediately killed into chaos.Gan Ning sneered again and again, regardless of the soldiers and horses, he still drove his horses to capture Cao Pi and Cao Zhang.Zhang Jaw was directing the soldiers and horses to charge, when suddenly, the sound of horseshoes behind him was like the sound of exploding soybeans.Lu Meng led his troops to attack from behind.Zhang Jaw suddenly changed color, and an arrow shot out suddenly.Zhang Jai hurriedly raised his gun and swept it away, the arrow pierced the time.A troop of cavalry from the Wu army charged forward, opening their jaws and swinging their guns.Left and right sergeants came to help.Just killed this team of cavalry.Suddenly, a roar broke out.

"Zhang Guyi, can you still make me Lu Ziming!?"

A few months ago, Lu Meng fell into Cheng Yu's trick and was surrounded by Wei soldiers.At that time, he was shot by an arrow with Zhang Jaw.At this time, Lu Meng was full of fighting spirit and murderous intent, and he wanted to avenge this arrow.

Zhang Jaw's complexion changed, he quickly shook his nerves, Lu Meng stabbed violently with a spear as if the sky was about to collapse.Zhang Ja twisted the gun to block it, Lu Meng's gun was so powerful that it almost knocked Zhang Jah out of his hand.Lu Meng failed to succeed with one move, so he drew back his gun and stabbed quickly.Zhang Jai was caught off guard for a while, and was driven under the command of Lu Meng.Wu Bing pressed heavily, and Zhang Jai's army was defeated and dispersed.Seeing Lu Meng's strength, Zhang Jai was unwilling to fight to the death, and escaped with a group of remnants.Lü Meng then led his troops to charge and kill them. When the Wu soldiers under the valley road saw this, their morale was greatly shaken.On the contrary, Wei Bing's spirit had been frustrated, and he was defeated by Wu Bing.But he said Cao Pi, Cao Zhang..."" As he was walking, a group of people rushed towards him shouting and killing.Cao Pi hurriedly turned his head and looked at it, it was Gan Ning, and suddenly he felt chills all over his body, shocking.When the left and right generals saw Gan Ning coming to kill them, they were so frightened that they all reined in their horses and fled for their lives, only Cao Pi and Cao Zhang were withdrawn.Gan Ning stared fiercely and shouted sharply.

"Cao Zixiu go, take your life quickly!!!"

When Cao Pi heard this, he was still young after all, and at the critical moment of life and death, he was so shocked that his horsewhip fell to the ground.Cao Zhang shouted, reined in his horse, turned around, and came to fight Gan Ning.Gan Ning's face was grim, he galloped his horse and flew up with a saber, Cao Zhang swung his sword to block it.Unexpectedly, Gan Ning's killing was a false move, and he rushed over with his horse to kill Cao Pi.Seeing that Gan Ning was about to catch up, Cao Pi quickly walked around the tree. Gan Ning slashed at the tree, and when he pulled it out, Cao Pi had already escaped.Cao Zhang came back to kill, Gan Ning pulled out his sword with all his strength, turned his horse and fought with Cao Zhang.The two fought for dozens of rounds. Although Gan Ning had the upper hand, Cao Zhang fought desperately, but failed to break through Cao Zhang's defense for a while.Endless crisis, forced to come.Cao Zhang kept roaring violently, his muscles and bones seemed to squirm, his blood boiled, and then he danced the black iron giant sword faster and faster as if using inexhaustible strength.Gan Ning showed horror, the third son of the Cao family was breaking through! !

But Cao Pi fled with his horse, and a group of people and horses turned around on the side of the hillside.Cao Pi was startled, thinking it was a Wu army horse, his face suddenly turned pale.Fortunately, that will be jaw opening.When Cao Pi saw it, he hurriedly patted his horse and went to meet him.Zhang Jaw didn't see Cao Zhang and asked urgently.Cao Pi escaped unharmed, his mind stabilized, and then he remembered his brother, and shouted loudly.

"Not good!! The third brother was entangled by that Gan Xingba!!"

Hearing the words, Zhang Jai's mood changed, and he hurriedly led troops to rescue Cao Zhang.Cao Pi also galloped away.When Zhang Jaw arrived, he saw Cao Zhang and Gan Ning fighting, and shouted anxiously.

"Gan Xingba is going crazy! Zhang Jaw is here!!!"

Zhang Jaw gallops his horse and gallops towards Gan Ning.But Cao Zhangzheng felt that his whole body seemed to be reborn, and there was a power in his body that was stirring, and when he swung the giant sword, it seemed to be accompanied by the cry of a dragon.Gan Ning was startled, his eyes lit up, his whole body burst into momentum, he didn't rush to attack, and let Cao Zhang break through and comprehend.Suddenly, Zhang Jaw came to kill him.Gan Ning's face turned cold, and he secretly shouted that it's a pity, "Han Shimou Chapter 120 Chapter [-], [-] Two, Cao Jiasan'er Deterred Soochow" and immediately retreated.Seeing Gan Ning retreating, Zhang Jai was sure, he reined in the horse and did not give chase.Suddenly, Zhang Jaw felt his heart tense, and he looked at Cao Zhang suddenly.I saw Cao Zhang's eyes glowing golden, he suddenly raised his sword and slashed, his eyes widened with his jaws widened, his pupils shrank, and he saw a golden dragon flying past in front of him, where the golden light intersected, the big tree in front of him hugged each other, flat Kai fell to the ground.

"What kind of move is this!!"

Zhang Jaw's complexion keeps changing, there is such a sword technique in the world?So fast, so incredible! !He could hardly believe his eyes.The giant black iron sword in Cao Zhang's hand was already heavy and heavy. An ordinary person would not be able to swing it, let alone cut it at such a speed.And what's even more incredible is how Cao Zhang saw the tree so flat, this giant sword has no front! !If Wang Yue were here, he would be extremely gratified and understand the profoundness of it.Although the huge sword in Cao Zhang's hand has no front, it can press out the sword energy at an extremely fast speed, making the sword invincible at high speed! !

Zhang Ja and others led the remnant soldiers back to the city.After the settlement was settled, Zhang Jai gathered everyone to discuss matters in the county office.Cao Pi looked dejected, and the 8000 troops were almost wiped out by Wu soldiers.Only a thousand remnants returned to the city.Cao Pi's face trembled, and then recalled that his bold words before the battle were simply self-inflicted humiliation.Seeing Cao Pi's expression, Xia Houyuan sighed. Although Cao Pi had strategy in his stomach and thoughtful thoughts, he was still young and lacked a bit of sophistication.Zhang Ja and Xia Houyuan looked at each other, and after a while of eye contact.Zhang Jaw smiled.

"Victory and defeat are common matters for military strategists, so Zi Heng doesn't have to worry too much about it. What's more, Lu Ziming is a general of Eastern Wu. He has been famous for a long time. This man is good at fighting, and his strategy is high. There are only five people in the world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him. It doesn't matter if you lose, you should be brave after knowing your shame!!"

As soon as Zhang Jai's words fell, Cao Pi's face tightened, showing a little smile, and bowed his hands.

"The general's teaching is right, Piding must keep it in mind!"

Cao Pi seems to have walked out of the haze of defeat, but he is not.Zhang Jai's eyes were vicious, and he could see that there was a bit of unwillingness and resentment hidden in his eyes, even though it was so, Zhang Jai did not expose it.Cao Zhang on the side, his eyes lit up like blades, he attended with great enthusiasm and said "Han Shimou".

"Wu Bing defeated our army today. They must think that our army will be depressed. Why don't the general send an elite army to attack the other village. I want to lead the army to fight!!"

As soon as Cao Zhang said this, both Zhang Jai and Xia Houyuan were startled.I don't know if this Cao Zhang is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, or someone who doesn't know is fearless.There are fierce generals in the Dongwu village, and there are many people and powerful forces. If there is precaution, once they are besieged in the village, Cao Zhang's move will undoubtedly bring about his own destruction! !

However, what Cao Zhang said has some truth.Today, the self-army has been defeated for a while, if Cao Zhang can make a sneak attack, it will not only greatly weaken the spirit of the Wu soldiers, but also boost the morale of the army.

But Zhang Jaw didn't dare to fight, all because of Cao Zhang's identity as the heir of the Cao family after Cao Zhang.If there is something missing, once Cao Cao pursues it, Zhang Jai will most likely bring about the destruction of his family!

Zhang Jaw hesitated for a while, thinking of this, he immediately shook his head and refused.

"No! This is really a risky move. If there is negligence, how can someone show face to King Wei!?"

When Cao Zhang heard the words, he yelled sharply, his whole body was full of vigor and courage, and his eyes were full of hot and fearless colors.

"The so-called surprise is to attack those who are unprepared, and to be a surprise soldier. The general thinks this move is very dangerous, and the other army must also think so. But I do it in the opposite way, and I will definitely win by surprise!!"

Cao Zhang drank word by word, his voice mighty.Zhang Jai's face changed continuously when he heard that, if it wasn't for Cao Zhang's identity as the Cao family, he would have applauded loudly at this time, and then issued a military order, allowing him to do it.Zhang Jai and Xia Houyuan looked away, but Xia Houyuan closed his eyes and rested.At this time Cao Pi attended and said.

"Brother Zhang's plan is very good. If the general has any scruples, Pi would like to lead an army to support him, so that nothing will go wrong."

As soon as Cao Pi finished speaking, Xia Houyuan followed suit.

"I think this plan is feasible. Don't worry about it, general. I will also go with the army. I will protect the two of them!"

Zhang Jaw heard the words, the expression of the god "Yuexiu" in the tiger's eyes sank, and Xia Houyuan looked at each other for a while, then nodded in response.

"Since Miaocai also thinks this is good, if someone refuses again, it will chill the hearts of everyone!"

Zhang Jaw was not a generation of Wuduan, so he immediately issued a general order to teach Cao Zhang to lead an army of [-] cavalry to attack the camp.Xia Houyuan and Cao Pi each lead an army behind them.The three took orders and left.

Cao Zhang was ordered by the general to rush to the school grounds in the city, and he dispatched [-] elite horsemen.Then he ordered people to bring three hundred altars of good wine and five hundred catties of mutton.Cao Zhang gathered a crowd under Dianjiang's stage, and three thousand strong men waited in line.Although Cao Zhang was young, he was tall and tall, with a thick back and waist, his arms could lift a thousand catties, and he was wearing a pair of ancient silver ingot armor.Cao Zhang first filled the silver bowl in his hand,

Wine is a fire-burning knife, a first-class strong wine, ordinary people drink it in a bowl, and pour it out with their heads covered!I saw Cao Zhang eating two bowls by himself, and drank loudly, his whole body seemed to be on fire, his blood boiled, and he shouted sharply.

"A certain person was ordered to rob the stronghold tonight, please everyone have a full drink and work hard to move forward. Anyone who flinches will be killed!!"

When everyone heard the words, they looked at each other in blank dismay, all embarrassed.Everyone is worried, one is naturally Wu Jun's fierce generals are like clouds, there are so many people, if anything happens, they will undoubtedly die.Two, Cao Zhang is still young and has little experience in wars, so he will inevitably get angry and rush around.Everyone followed, fearing that their lives might be lost.Everyone thought that if they went with him, they would definitely die.

Seeing the embarrassment on everyone's faces, Cao Zhang knew the embarrassment, so he drew his sword in his hand, widened his giant blade-like eyes, and shouted angrily.

"I am the heir of Prince Wei, and I will risk my life to fight to the death, why do you hesitate!!"

After Cao Zhang yelled, everyone remembered Cao Zhang's identity.It's no wonder that the heirs of a noble family usually have such courage, let alone the heirs of the dignified King Wei.What's more, if Cao Cao really dominates the world in the future, Cao Zhang will definitely be crowned king! ! !

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