Han Shimou

Chapter 1130: Ghostly Calculation Mishuro

() "A certain class should fight to the death!!"

Dian Wei and Zhang Jai shouted in unison, and then they stepped out of the tent, taking the plan to lead the troops away.Guo Jia then called Xia Houyuan again, Xia Houyuan looked startled, bowed his hands, and waited for the general's order.Just now he wanted to plead for orders, but Guo Jia gave him a dark look.Xia Houyuan understood and knew that Guo Jia had other arrangements, so he didn't fight.Guo Jia and Xia Houyuan smiled at each other and said calmly.

"General Xiahou is both wise and brave. This matter must be done by General Xiahou. General Xiahou can lead [-] elite soldiers, put down the flags and drums, and lie down on the front mountain. If you see Wu soldiers surrounding Dianwei and Zhangja, even if the battle is very critical, you will There is no need to save it. It will be like this at that time."

Xia Houyuan heard the words, a pair of shimmering tiger eyes, flashed two Jing lights, shouted, stepped out of the tent, and was also tricked to lead the troops away.

Seeing that everyone had general orders, Cao Chun felt anxious and asked Guo Jia.

"Could it be possible that the military master has forgotten me, Cao Zihe!?"

Guo Jia waited for Cao Chun to ask, he laughed, and gave Cao Chun instructions.

"Zihe don't need to be impatient. Jia has a heavy responsibility to deliver. Tathagata, when Wu soldiers came, they were in full swing, so you can't just meet them. You should fight and go. Just watch when our army leads troops to raid the formation, you can wait. Go back to the army to chase and kill, don't panic, Jia has his own soldiers to respond."

Cao Chun was overjoyed by the plan, hurried out of the tent, and led his troops away by the plan.In an instant, most of the soldiers in the tent were gone.Cao Cao smiled and watched Guo Jia send troops to transfer generals.Guo Jiasui looked over in a blink of an eye and talked to Cao Cao.

"Tomorrow, my lord and a certain can lead five thousand elite soldiers," "Low down in the valley and watch the changes, but just watch the red flag fluttering on the mountain, and then lead the troops out."

Hearing this, Cao Cao smiled while holding his chin and beard, and nodded in response.Guo Jia's strategy was finalized, and with the Wei army in Dazhai, the sound of horses' hoofs and weapons shook everywhere, which seemed to indicate that an earth-shattering massacre was about to begin.Waves of blood fluttered with the wind, shrouding the world, making people feel a chilling horror.

The next day, the sun rose, shining brightly on the earth, and the wind was cool and pleasant.Zhou Tai's soldiers and horses rested overnight to recharge their batteries. With the sound of a cannon, all the troops rushed out like a storm, and went straight to the Wei army's stronghold.Cao Chun had been waiting for a long time, and when he heard the shouts of killing, he hurriedly led his troops out of the village to meet him.

I saw [-] Wu soldiers fighting all over the mountains and plains.Without any fear, Cao Chun flew out of the formation and scolded Zhou Tai angrily.Zhou Tai was furious when he heard the words, and he rode his horse and raised his sword to fight Cao Chun.Cao Chun shook his head, waited for Zhou Tai to approach, and quickly stabbed out, as fast as lightning, piercing Zhou Tai's throat.Zhou Tai had been prepared for a long time, swung his saber to block it, shouted loudly, and swung Cao Chun's gun with all his might.Cao Chun's expression changed, and he withdrew his gun suddenly. The exquisite tiger roaring sword in Zhou Tai's hand had already flown towards him, and he slashed violently.Cao Chun hurriedly defended, and when the sword and gun were handed over, sparks flew everywhere, and the violent noise continued.Cao Chun and Zhou Tai fought for more than ten rounds, and the spear patterns became more and more chaotic.Zhou Tai stared fiercely at a pair of fierce tiger eyes, twisted his knife and attacked wildly, wanting to kill Cao Chun in one fell swoop.Cao Chun didn't dare to fight hard, so he was defeated and left.When Zhou Tai saw him, he swung his sword and drove the soldiers to cover up the killing.Thirty thousand elite soldiers rushed towards Wei Bing like a flood.Wu soldiers fought and chased, and the chase lasted for more than ten miles. Although it was autumn, the surrounding terrain was bumpy, Wu soldiers were numerous, and everyone was sweating like splashing water.Cao Chun's men were riding tigers and leopards, walking like the wind, Wu soldiers couldn't catch up, they chased him for twenty miles, and Wu soldiers were all out of breath.

Cao Cao and Guo Jia are on the mountain...""Watching the battle, seeing Wu Bing chasing so fast, both of them had cold smiles on their faces.At this time, the red flag was waving on the mountain, Guo Jia nodded slightly, and smiled with Cao Cao.

"My lord, I can see your heroic appearance now."

Cao Cao laughed, pulled the reins, raised the Yitian sword in his hand, and shouted sharply.

"All the armies rush to kill alone!!"

Cao Cao shouted, and the morale of the Wei soldiers on the mountain was greatly shaken, and the momentum was overwhelming.Cao Cao personally led his troops to kill down the mountain. Thousands of horses galloped like a landslide.When Zhou Tai heard this, his demeanor changed immediately, and he urgently taught the soldiers to prepare for the battle.Cao Cao led the crowd to fly over, and Wu Bing was in a panic.At this time, Cao Chun suddenly reined in his horse and led his troops back to conceal the attack.Zhou Tai stared fiercely and shouted loudly.

"Don't panic, you can fight as hard as you can. The governor will come to help soon, and he will kill this Wei man immediately!!"

Zhou Tai shouted, he raised his saber on his horse, and dashed through the chaotic army.Pan Zhang came from behind, walking with the horse, the two weapons were as fast as a storm, wherever the two rushed to kill, the people would be turned on their backs one by one.Zhou Tai and Pan Zhang fought in the front, fighting to the death without retreating, Wu soldiers were greatly encouraged, and fought with their lives.

At this moment, there was a sudden loud shout, and the bursts of shouts of killing seemed to be able to break through the sky.I saw that the two armies rushed out impressively, and the generals at the head of each were Dian Wei and Zhang Jaye.The two armies chased and killed each other bravely, and cut off their rear.Thirty thousand Wu soldiers were attacked from front to back, and they were in a panic.Seeing the situation like this, Zhou Tai still had no fear, and roared generously.

"You have waited here, and if you don't decide to fight to the death, capture and kill the old thief, when will you wait!!!"

"Chapter 130 of Han Shimou, the ghost calculates the beauty of Zhou Lang." Zhou Tai's roar was like a thunderous roar, exciting people's hearts.Wu Bing fought hard, but Wei Bing was surrounded by a thick force and could not escape.Dian Wei's terrifying and evil eyes widened, he raised his double halberds and rushed to attack Zhou Tai.Seeing that it was Dian Wei, Zhou Tai quickly shook his head and galloped his horse to meet him.The two horses handed over impressively, Dian Wei danced his halberds and slashed wildly, the two halberds danced airtightly, and the cold light flew.Zhou Tai was not inferior either, he swung his saber vigorously, the light of the saber was like a storm blowing.The two killed exactly like each other.When Pan Zhang saw him, he rushed to help.It was Cao Chun who suddenly stopped him.The two roared loudly, each stared wide-eyed, and twisted their guns to fight, both of them regarded death as if they would go home.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a loud noise from behind, and the sound of shouting and killing came like a mountain and a sea.It turned out that Zhou Yu led the police to kill him.

Zhou Yu's cold star-like eyes were full of killing intent. He commanded Gan Ning, Ling Tong and other generals to lead the army, and surrounded Dian Wei and Zhang Jaw's soldiers at Gaixin to fight.Gan Ning and Ling Tong raised their weapons and rushed in to kill them.Wei generals are all afraid.Zhang Jaw saw it, and shouted sharply.

"Don't panic!! Marquis Zhen has already predicted this, and the plan has been calculated, and there must be a good plan. We will fight to the death!!!"

After Zhang Jaw finished drinking, he divided his troops and led an army to be Zhou Yu's soldiers.And Dian Wei led his troops to intercept and kill Zhou Tai's front line.A deadly battle between the two ends is called killing the sky.The fighting was extremely fierce.The open-jawed flying horse met Ling Tong, and Ling Tong waved his double whips, attacking violently, the double whips hit continuously, like a shower of rain.Zhang Jaw risked his life to resist, and when Ling Tong's attack stopped, the spear dancer fired suddenly, and the two of them killed fiercely.Gan Ning twisted his saber and rode his horse to kill him.Zhang Jai's side general looked impatient, and rushed to resist.Gan Ning's face was secluded and cold, his eyes were like eagle eyes, emitting bursts of cold light, and the tiger-toothed sword in his hand was chopping, slashing or stabbing.

But Xia Houyuan was visiting on the mountain and saw that the Wu army was powerful, and everyone was fighting regardless of life and death. Since the army was in danger, it was gradually unable to resist.Seeing the situation, Xia Houyuan was so critical that he couldn't help recalling the strategy Guo Jia delivered last night.

"If Zhou Yu leads troops to attack, and the troops behind are in a hurry, you can quickly teach the soldiers to shout around and act suspiciously. Wu soldiers don't know where the soldiers and horses are coming, and there will be chaos. Immediately, you take advantage of the situation and lead the troops to kill them. Can win all!!"

Xia Houyuan's expression froze, and the soldiers of the quick education shouted in all directions.A group of Wei soldiers listened to the order and shouted loudly in unison.All of a sudden, there were shouts of killing from all directions, and the sound of fighting was even more prevalent at the foot of the mountain.As soon as Wu Bing heard it, he shouted to kill again, and he was in chaos.Most of the Wu soldiers harassed each other, retreating, and advancing, in a chaotic situation.Seeing that his own army was flustered, Zhou Tai's mind was moved, and he was about to stop the sergeant.All of a sudden, Dian Wei yelled loudly, and suddenly the horse came towards him. The two halberds were like a whirlwind, and they slashed violently. Zhou Tai couldn't resist, and was defeated by Dian Wei.After killing Qi and Bahe, Zhou Tai showed a gap.Dian Wei laughed suddenly, with a sudden momentum, and the two halberds seemed to be filled with endless evil.Zhou Tai was frightened for a while, knowing that Dian Weiyu had made a phase move.But now that the fighting situation is tense, if he retreats, his army will definitely become more chaotic, leading to defeat in this battle.For now, Zhou Tai has no choice but to fight Dian Wei.If you win, this battle is a big victory for your own army, if you lose, your army will be defeated like a mountain, and you will be replaced by your own army.

Zhou Tai's momentum suddenly exploded, his muscles twitched and swelled.When it was too late, the twin halberds of Dianwei had already moved and flew towards Zhou Tai. Zhou Tai saw that on top of the twin halberds, one black and one white, two beams of light rose all over the sky, inside the black flames, evil dragons wandered In the white light, a huge giant elephant galloped forward.

Zhou Tai's eyes were filled with the will to die, a knife of "Entertainment Show" slashed out impressively, as fast as a lightning strike.Dian Wei also saw a black light pouring out from Zhou Tai's knife, and a huge dragon dragon flew out from the black light with its teeth and claws stretched out.Suddenly, Dian Wei's iron halberd first collided with Zhou Tai's broadsword, and the white elephant and dragon dragon rushed to bite each other.Suddenly, Dianwei's iron halberd swung, and Zhou Tai actually split Dianwei's first iron halberd.Dian Wei yelled desperately, the sound was like the roar of a giant wild beast when it was desperate.The second iron halberd arrived suddenly.The evil dragon bit the dragon jiao and cut it in two.

There was a loud bang like a crash of the sky.The Linglong Tiger Roaring Broadsword in Zhou Tai's hand suddenly turned into two pieces.Dian Wei flew away with his halberd, pierced through Zhou Tai's armor, pierced deeply, and came out through the body.Zhou Tai stared wide-eyed, the energy in his whole body was dissipating at an extremely strange speed.Zhou Tai roared loudly, the sound was like the howling of a sleepy dragon before it died.A fist flew out suddenly, directly hitting Dian Wei's breastplate.Dian Wei immediately retreated with his men and horses.

Dian Wei spat out a mouthful of blood, his internal organs seemed to be churning.But Dian Wei's iron halberd was still on Zhou Tai's body.Zhou Tai's whole body twitched, his face was ferocious, he seemed to have a lot to say, but in the end he couldn't say anything, his body rolled and fell off the horse, he didn't move, he was almost dead.Even so, none of the surrounding Wei soldiers dared to approach.Although Zhou Tai is dead, the rest of his prestige is still there, and no one like Xiao Xiao will be allowed to trample on him!

Even Dian Wei couldn't help but show some admiration, wiped the blood from his mouth, galloped his horse, rushed to Zhou Tai's corpse, retrieved the iron halberd, and charged into the rebel army again.

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