Han Shimou

Chapter 1134 Jia Xu's Viciousness

() After Gan Ning had finished his drink, he raised his big saber and slashed at him, and General Wu hurriedly dodged it.Gan Ning galloped past and shouted loudly.

"If there are those who abandon their comrades and save their lives, they will leave on their own. Those who are willing to follow a certain death fighter will follow!!"

Gan Ning drank, and without waiting for a response, he drove away.That Wu Bing looked at each other in blank dismay, and soon a group of men and horses chased them out. It was Gan Ning's five hundred brocade sail warriors.As soon as the five hundred brocade sailors left, two teams followed.The general Wu who was blocking Gan Ning's path just now got anxious and ordered his troops to retreat.At this moment, the general raised the saber and slashed suddenly, the man didn't expect it, when the saber arrived, there was a flash of cold light, and the head and body were separated.Blood flew up, and the murderous general said coldly with a cold complexion.

"This kind of unrighteous beast, seeing his comrades in trouble and not saving them, is not a pity to die. General Gan, as a general, will not hesitate to die. Why do you hesitate!! Anyone who dares to retreat, I will definitely kill!!"

After saying this, all the soldiers unconsciously looked at the people who went first, and the huge figure in the team towered like a winding mountain.Everyone thought of Gan Ning's bravery without hesitation, they all felt ashamed and chased after him bravely.Gan Ning straightened his sword and jumped on the horse, turned from the main road to the small road, and charged forward all the way.

On the other side, he said that Zhang Jaw made a sudden attack and approached, but Gan Ning was nowhere to be seen among the Wu soldiers, so he shouted anxiously.

"Where is Gan Xingba, quickly dismount and surrender!!"

When Pan Zhang heard the words, he rushed out from the crowd and shouted.

"Wei thief!! My general has already left, if you want to capture him, it is simply delusional!!"

As soon as Pan Zhang shouted, the men and horses also arrived, the guns in his hands were like thunderstorms, and he shot seven or eight shots at Zhang Jaw in a row.Zhang's facial expression was icy cold, and he fought and retreated.When Pan Zhang's offensive slowed down, he immediately fought back.Pan Zhang was not an opponent with open jaws. After dozens of battles, he was completely defeated.At this time, Xia Houyuan also came from the road.Pan Zhang reined in his horse and retreated, and Zhang Jaw stabbed him in the back in a hurry.Pan Zhang screamed miserably, and at this moment a bowstring sounded.Pan Zhang couldn't dodge in time, the arrow hit his right shoulder. The general who shot the arrow was none other than Xia Houyuan.Xia Houyuan's eyes were cold, "" He could have shot Pan Zhang, but he spared his life. The intention was to capture Pan Zhang alive.Pan Zhang returned to the formation with an arrow, but Wu Bing resisted desperately.The Wei soldiers attacked like a chaotic wave, and most of Pan Zhang's soldiers and horses died, leaving less than a few hundred troops.

Suddenly, there was a burst of shouting and killing like a shower.Gan Ning led his troops to attack from the side of the road.I saw that Gan Ning was full of awe, and the tiger-tooth sword in his hand was dancing imperceptibly, and he slammed into the Chaos of Wei soldiers and rushed to rescue Pan Zhang.Seeing the chaos in the rear army, Zhang Jai was happy instead of angry, so the Ministry of Education sent Murong Kang to stop and kill them.Murong Kang took the command, brandished a pair of sledgehammers, stabbed at Gan Ning obliquely, before he arrived, he roared first, his momentum was overwhelming.In the blink of an eye, when Murong Kang was about to arrive, he suddenly swung the sledgehammer.Gan Ning dodged suddenly, dodging his flying hammer.Seeing that he missed the hit, Murong Kang picked up another sledgehammer and was about to attack.Gan Ning's saber flew up at some time, and slashed towards Murong Kang's face.Murong Kang was unable to dodge in time and was hacked to death by Gan Ning.Gan Ning galloped on his horse and entered the siege. Behind him, five hundred elite sailors slashed wildly with their knives, causing a rain of blood.Suddenly, another general blocked Gan Ning's front.That general has a huge body, with a thick back and waist, and two broad giant knives are gathered in his hands.It was Xia Houyuan's fierce general, Chen Qiang also.Chen Qiang yelled, and drove his horse over. The huge knife in his hand attacked fiercely. The knife brought a hurricane and charged towards Gan Ning.Gan Ning had no fear, he rushed forward suddenly, slashing and slashing with his sword, Chen Qiang had the momentum of double swords, but he was not as fierce as Gan Ning's single sword.After killing Qi and Bahe, Gan Ning quickly raised his knife and hit his heart.With a miserable cry, Chen Qiang fell to the ground, almost dead.Gan Ning killed two generals in a row, Wei Bing was terrified when he saw them, Jinfan sharp fighters rushed over, each of them was brave enough to die, and one of them was as good as ten.

Gan Ning charged forward bravely, with terrifying power, like an invincible evil god, who dares to fight?Gan Ning's horses were everywhere, retreating in bursts.When Gan Ning was the leader, he was dressed in gold armor, full of blood, and the collisions and collisions were gorgeous and frightening.When Gan Ning reached the hinterland of the formation, he saw Zhang Jai and Xia Houyuan surrounding Pan Zhang, and the soldiers were trapped for a long time.Pan Zhang was covered in cuts and bruises, and it seemed difficult to hold on for long.Gan Ning gritted his teeth, shouted loudly, and flew away to kill him.Wei Bing swarmed to block.The saber in Gan Ning's hand was like a flash of lightning, and it was like a shining horse.Zhang He and Xia Houyuan were terrified, and all the Wei soldiers were even more frightened, not daring to meet the enemy.Xia Houyuan's complexion changed, he exchanged a glance with Zhang Jaw, and walked towards reining in the horse.Zhang Jai understood it, and led his troops back to the side.Gan Ning rushed towards Pan Zhang, bringing blood all the way to Pan Zhang.Gan.. "" Ning saw that Pan Zhang was covered with more than a dozen muzzles, and his right shoulder was hit by another arrow. He was so angry that his steel teeth were crushed, and he protected Pan Zhang while fighting and walking, looking outside the formation to kill him suddenly.

At this moment, Zhang Jaw suddenly stabbed at him obliquely, the shot was as fast as lightning, Gan Ning was well prepared and twisted the knife to block it.Zhang Jaw let out a loud shout, and the gun in his hand came out of the hole like a thousand poisonous snakes, and quickly shot out.Surrounded by ambushes, with strong enemies in front of him, at the critical moment of life and death, Gan Ning's momentum suddenly surged, as if he was exhausted, he swung his knife and slashed violently.The knife was so fast and powerful that the naked eye could hardly catch it.Behind Gan Ning, if a thunderbird flew out, it actually gave birth to three bird heads, with endless mighty momentum.Zhang Jaw's complexion changed drastically, this Gan Ning actually broke through the bottleneck at this time! !

Gan Ning's sword slashing became faster and faster, Zhang Jaw was slashed into the armor by him, and cut into two pieces, fortunately Zhang Jaw dodged in time, otherwise it would be his flesh and blood!

I saw Gan Ning rushing ahead, attacking Zhang Jaw wildly, after more than ten rounds, Zhang Jaw retreated in defeat.Gan Ning protected Pan Zhang and broke through.Suddenly, there was a loud thunderous sound.An arrow shot out impressively.Gan Ning just killed the chao, when he looked back, the arrow was about to shoot.On the arrow, a wolf with flames all over his body rose up.Gan Ning didn't have time to resist, the arrow whistling through Gan Ning's armor.Three inches above Gan Ning's heart, there seemed to be a bloody mouth, and the blood flowed like a spring.At this time, Gan Ning didn't dare to be negligent, shouted loudly and ordered the sergeant to leave quickly.Gan Ning protected Pan Zhang and ran away, while Zhang Jaw concealed the kill from behind.Unexpectedly, Gan Ning was hit by Xia Houyuan's ultimate move, still heroic and brave, and returned to fight Zhang Jaw.Seeing Gan Ning's sharpness, Zhang Jai was frightened and frightened. After fighting for more than ten rounds, he retreated again.So Gan Ning protected Pan Zhang, and hundreds of Jinfan warriors escaped in a desperate battle.The remaining soldiers and horses were surrounded and killed by Wei soldiers.

Cao Cao watched the battle condescendingly from a hillside not far away. Seeing Gan Ning's bravery, he was amazed and said to Guo Jia.

"This Gan Xingba is famous all over the world with Wei Zhidian, Xu, Tang Zhiguan, Zhao, and Shu Pan and Zhang!! What a pity, what a pity."

Cao Cao repeatedly sighed that it was a pity, but he didn't know whether it was a pity that he failed to capture Gan Ning, or a pity that such a soldier was not under his command.

Relying on his peerless martial arts "Han Shimou Chapter 130 [-] Chapter [-] [-] Chapter [-] Jia Xu's vicious" bravery, Gan Ning broke through the net set by Guo Jia.Xia Houyuan and Zhang Jai then led the troops back, and they got off their horses and knelt down on the ground to confess their crimes.Cao Cao didn't mean to blame, and talked to the two of them.

"It's not because you are unwilling to work hard, it's because of Gan Xingba's high martial arts skills."

From then on, the name of Gan Ning, Megatron China.The Wei people were all chilled when they heard his name.In this battle, the two famous generals Zhang Jai and Xia Houyuan became the stepping stones for Gan Ning to become famous. <Boundary. <Proceeding forward, I received meteor horse news along the way. It turns out that Lu Meng has arrived in Shouchun, and there is no accident on the way.When Sun Quan learned about it, he was determined.On the one hand, he sent someone to inform Lu Meng and teach him to go down the city early.The sergeant was exhausted after traveling day after day and traveling long distances.Sun Quan ordered the army to prepare food and rest, and at the same time sent people to inquire about Gan Ning's news.Gan Ning is Sun Quan's confidant general, he has already damaged Zhou Tai before, if he loses Gan Ning again, Sun Quan's arms will be broken, no wonder Sun Quan is so anxious.

That night, before the men sent by Sun Quan set out, the men sent by Gan Ning arrived.Sun Quan hurriedly summoned him to see him, and he was overjoyed to hear that Gan Ning had resisted Cao Cao's [-] army with [-] troops, preventing them from advancing.Zhou Yu was listening, but his face was calm.Sun Quan noticed Zhou Yu's expression, his heart sank, and he asked quickly.

"Is Gongjin worried!?"

Zhou Yu nodded slightly, his cold star-like pupils shone with jingle, and said in a concentrated voice.

"Thieves Cao have always marched swiftly, and they also have Dian Elai, Zhang Junyi, Xiahou Miaocai and other generals under his command. Although Xingba's martial arts are high, it is easy to beat Zhang Junyi and Xiahou Miaocai. But if you meet Dian Elai When the evil comes, the two of them will inevitably have a fierce fight. According to Yu, there is something wrong with it."

When Sun Quan heard this, he frowned, pondered for a while, and opened his mouth to speak.

"Although the old thief is well aware of the importance of soldiers and the beauty of speed, he is suspicious by nature. Or maybe the old thief suspects that our army has set up a "cold soldier scheme" ambush, so he dare not attack by force. It is not impossible."

Zhou Yu frowned upon hearing this, thought for a while, and felt that something was wrong.But what Sun Quan said at the moment is the best explanation.Zhou Yu made up his mind and talked to Sun Quan. <, but it still takes a long way to go back to Jiangdong.The old thief is treacherous. In the battle of Xuzhou a few years ago, we almost fell into the trick of the old thief and were annihilated by him under the Yangtze River. "

Speaking of the past, Zhou Yu couldn't help showing a bit of hatred in his eyes. It was the battle of Xuzhou a few years ago. His sworn brother, his monarch 'Sun Bofu', died under Cao Cao's hands!

After hearing this, Sun Quan's face changed a little, and then he looked at Zhou Yu again. Seeing traces of sadness in his eyes, there was an indescribable emotion in his heart.

The return journey of the Soochow Army seemed to be full of all kinds of accidents. Compared with the high-spirited before, it seemed particularly decadent now. The uneasiness was like a lingering haze, covering the hearts of all Wu people. <At the border with Hefei, we came to a mountain range called Longya Mountains.Within tens of miles of this place, there are secret sentries of Wei soldiers every ten feet apart, but if there is any movement, Jia Xu will know it immediately.

Suddenly one day, scouts came to report that a branch of Eastern Wu people was coming here in the Longya Mountains.The leading general is Lu Ziming, the general of Eastern Wu Huben.When Jia Xu learned that it was night, he called all the generals to come to the tent to discuss.

Jia Xu's snake-like eyes glowed with bursts of light, and he spoke intently.

"Today, the soldiers of Wu are fleeing in defeat. If our army cuts off its way back, the other army will surely fight to the death. You must count one as ten, and fight to the death to trap the other army. Wait for the king of Wei's reinforcements to arrive, and then attack the latter, and the two armies will attack , great things can be helped. Is there any soldier who is willing to fight to the death?"

After Jia Xu said a word, Xu Chu stared at those fierce tiger eyes, and wanted to ask for orders.Jia Xu secretly cast a look.Seeing this, Xu Chu frowned, but temporarily suppressed his thoughts.All the generals felt embarrassed when they heard the words.Jia Xu saw the crowd." He bowed his head and said with a cold smile.

"The so-called raising an army for a thousand days is used for a while. You are waiting to eat my Wei State salary, but you are afraid of fighting. If the King of Wei finds out, wouldn't he be disappointed!!? What's more, how can you get a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's den!? If this battle is successful Success, conferring honor on the Marquis, honoring the lintel, is no problem at all, why do you hesitate!?"

Jia Xu's words seemed to be full of infinite temptation.At that time, Wei generals had two brothers, named Zhang Feng and Zhang Lin, who were from Chen Liu, born with great strength, and followed Cao Cao when he conquered Dong Zhuo. Under a lot of merit.At this time, the eldest brother Zhang Feng was a lieutenant colonel, and Zhang Lin was the captain.Both brothers are loyal men.Immediately the two looked at each other, and Zhang Feng walked out generously.

"Don't worry about being a military advisor! Someone is willing to be it!!"

Seeing that it was Zhang Feng, Jia Xu narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"This matter is very important and cannot be missed in the slightest. What if there is negligence?"

When Zhang Feng heard it, he shouted without thinking.

"Wish to be a military order."

"Okay! Zhang Feng is willing to sacrifice his life for the country and go into danger. He is a true loyal minister! Even so, Naisun is cunning and divides his troops into two branches to go back and forth. If Lu Meng is ambushed, he will come to meet him. It is forbidden for me to ambush in the middle. Even though Zhang Feng is brave, he can only be one leader, it is difficult to separate himself. It is better to have another general to go with him. However, there are no more loyal soldiers in the army!"

Before Jia Xu finished speaking, one general seemed to have been waiting for a long time, he came out angrily and shouted sharply.

"Someone wants to go there!!"

Jia Xu's spirit was shocked, and she looked around, it was Zhang Feng's younger brother, Zhang Linye.Jia Xu was secretly happy, but she said it.

"No. Although you have courage, you have no ambition to fight to the death. If there is something missing, Sun Quan was able to escape and ruin the past. You should ask a martyr who forgets death and sacrifices his life."

Hearing the words, Zhang Lin felt aggrieved in her heart, her eyes widened, and she shouted loudly, as if she was looking at death as if she were at home.

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