Han Shimou

Chapter 1166 The Death of Ma Teng

() Wang Shuang saw that the barbarian army retreated and stationed troops at the foot of the mountain, and hurriedly sent scouts to investigate.Then Wang Shuang pulled out the arrowhead for Li Feng, and when the arrowhead came out, blood flowed like a spring.Looking at the wound, Wang Shuang penetrated three points into the bone, which shows how powerful the arrow is.Fortunately, Ma Chao was far away at that time, otherwise Li Feng's arm would be useless from now on!

"Ma Mengqi stabbed someone in the back, he is not a hero!!"

Wang Shuang smashed his hand and broke the arrow in anger, and suddenly the scouts rushed to report.The barbarian army was piling up firewood around the foot of the mountain, preparing to set fire to the mountain.All the Tang generals in the village changed their countenance upon hearing the words, and their faces turned ashen.A Tang general, with triangular eyes, said hurriedly. ..

"There is no way to escape now, why doesn't the general join the barbarian army first, save his life, and then plan for the funeral?"

As soon as this remark came out, there were surprises on the faces of many people.Wang Shuang stared at the tiger's eyes fiercely, turned around, and stared at the triangular-eyed soldier firmly.The triangular-eyed soldier was stared at by Wang Shuang and felt chills in his heart. Before he could react, Wang Shuang had already pulled out the treasured sword from his waist.This change happened in an instant.As soon as everyone saw the splash of blood, they heard Wang Shuang shout in their ears.

"We are the officials of the Tang Kingdom, and we will be the ghosts of the Tang Kingdom even if we die! I will kill anyone who dares to cast himself against the barbarians!!"

Wang Shuang's face was ferocious, like a ghost who killed people without blinking an eye. The generals were shocked and turned pale when they saw it, and they knelt down to show their loyalty.Only then did Wang Shuang put away the knife.Seeing that some of the generals harbored resentment in their eyes, Li Feng's heart froze, and he taught them to disperse first.After a while, all the generals came out, only Li Feng and Wang Shuang were in the tent.Li Feng whispered in Wang Shuang's ear. ..

"Ma Mengqi dispatched a heavy army to surround the foot of the mountain, and our army has nowhere to escape. When it is set on fire tonight, our army will be like a turtle in a urn, and fish on a chopping board. Today's plan can be like this."

Li Feng whispered in Wang Shuang's ear, teaching him a trick.Wang's eyes widened, and he secretly called Miao.

So Wang Shuang went away under the plan, and ordered the three armies to concentrate their forces at the beginning of the night, looking to break through in the northwest direction of the mountain. fate.As soon as Wang Shuang's order was issued, all the armies immediately went to prepare, and only waited for a desperate battle tonight.There was a man in the army at that time, named He Li, who was quick-witted and brave, but he was a cowardly person who feared death, and usually made many friends with snakes and rats in the army.The triangular-eyed soldier killed by Wang Shuang just now was one of them.At that moment, He Li gathered several soldiers to discuss in the tent.

"Wang Shuangzhuzi is cruel and merciless, killing innocent people! Why don't I secretly vote for Ma Chao? Not only can I save my life, but I can also be reused by him. At least it's better than sitting here waiting to die!!"

When those people heard it, they all became happy, looked at each other for a while, and said it was good.One of them said with a grim face.

"Since that's the case, why don't we rush forward, capture Wang Shuang and Li Feng, and dedicate them to Ma Chao?"

"No. Wang Shuang's martial arts skills are extraordinary, and he has the courage of all men. If we act rashly, we will only miss the big deal! Wang Shuang and Li Fengyu will break through to the northwest path at the beginning of the night. We will sneak down the mountain secretly and report For this matter, tell Ma Chao to go in an ambush first, and both Wang Shuang and Li Feng can be captured!!"

He Li is indeed a bit clever, and everyone said it was wonderful when she said so.So He Li and several other confidantes and dozens of soldiers sneaked down the mountain to meet Ma Chao while the armies were preparing for battle.Ma Chao heard that the scouts had come to report, and a group of people from the Tang army came to vote.Ma Chao listened, smiled coldly, and then asked the sergeant to escort him.After a while, He Li and her group came, knelt down on the ground, and made a statement about Wang Shuang's brutal murder, and told Wang Shuang and others that they were going to throw themselves into the northwest path tonight.When Ma Chao heard this, he was very happy, so he taught them to make rewards, and then told Yelu, his son and others to go to the northwest path to ambush.Yelu and his son each took their orders and left with great anger and hatred.

That night, the color of the night gradually became thicker, thicker than ink.The next round of Xuanyue hangs high, and the moonlight is under the thick clouds, not bright, but a bit frightening.When the time came to the first watch, Yelu and his son had set up an ambush, so they sent someone to inform them.Ma Chao then ordered the soldiers to set fire to the mountain. The fire spread all over the sky and covered the earth.All the men and horses of the barbarian army shouted in unison, I don't know how many soldiers and horses there are.

At this time, in a small path at the southeast corner of the mountain, Wang Shuang, headed by the horse, galloped wildly at first, and all the troops lined up in a file, watching the narrow passage and galloping past.At the foot of the mountain in the southeast, there were only a few thousand barbarians guarding it.It turned out that Li Feng had seen He Li and the others go away with a grudge earlier, and he was careful, he quickly guessed that He Li and the others had developed malicious intentions, so he used his plan and deliberately taught Wang Shuang to pass the order, and hoped to break through in the northwest at the beginning of the night.In fact, Li Feng and Wang Shuang had evacuated their troops as early as the beginning of the shift, looking southeast.Wang Shuangyue raised his saber on his horse, continued to accelerate, and rushed out like a blaze of lightning.The barbarians at the foot of the mountain were unprepared, and saw Wang Shuang rushing towards him with the potential of landslides, the sword in his hand was dancing imperceptibly, and the red armor on his body was so red that it was bloody red under the light of the fire.In an instant, the barbarians were caught off guard, and they were killed so that they turned their backs. Wang Shuang broke through directly, rushing left and right, as if entering no one's land.After a while, Wang Shuang killed him first, and the barbarians screamed and screamed endlessly.But he said that the three of Yelu and his son had been lying in ambush in the northwest for a long time, but no Tang soldiers came to kill them, so they hurriedly sent someone to inform Ma Chao.When the soldiers sent by Yelu and his son arrived, Ma Chao just learned from a group of remnants that the Tang soldiers had already broken through the southeast path.When Ma Chao heard this, he burst into anger, turned around and glared at He Li and the others.He Li felt endless murderous intent coming, she got off her horse and knelt down in panic, she was about to open her mouth, when she opened her eyes to look, a cold light flashed in front of her.The Brocade Silver Lion Tooth Spear in Ma Chao's hand suddenly stabbed He Li's head.Blood sprayed up suddenly, and Ma Chao sternly shouted with a ferocious lion face.

"You bastard, how dare you bully me!! Kill them all!!!"

With Ma Chao's move, the barbarians from all around immediately swarmed up and chopped all the dozens of soldiers brought by He Li into meat.Ma Chao was put together by Wang Shuang and Li Feng, but he was not willing to do so, and immediately ordered all the troops and Ma Chili to pursue him, and he must chase Wang Shuang and others.The barbarians of all ministries took orders and rushed away.However, Wang Shuang, Li Feng and the others ascended to the sky like a trapped dragon, and the barbarians chased and killed them for dozens of miles in the starry night, but they still couldn't catch up.When Ma Chao heard this, he was furious, and thinking that it had been delayed for a long time, he first suppressed his anger, told the three armies to rest, and slowly marched towards Tianshui City.

Ten days later, thousands of people including Wang Shuang and Li Feng rushed back to Tianshui City.When Li You heard about it, he hurriedly summoned him to see him.After a while, Wang Shuang and Li Feng walked in one after another, knelt down on the ground, and told the past.Li You heard that Shicheng had been taken by Ma Chao. Fortunately, Wang Shuang and Li Feng joined forces wisely and bravely, so they were able to delay the barbarian army, so that Tianshui City has not yet reached the city.Li You was overjoyed and very pleased. He gave rewards to the two and other people who had made great contributions, and then taught the doctors to treat Li Feng's injuries.Li You expected that Ma Chao would come soon, he had many soldiers, but Tianshui City was empty of troops, how could it resist.However, since Li You started the incident with Dong Zhuo, and then switched to Wen Han's command, he has experienced hundreds of battles, big and small, what kind of dangerous scene has never been seen before?At present, Li You sent orders to all the troops in the city to guard them tightly and build deep ditches to resist the barbarian army's attack.At the same time, Li You sent someone to inform Wen Han of Tianshui's urgent situation.

Let's say that in the autumn of September of that year, in Chang'an City, Ma Yi gave birth to a pair of brothers for Pound.The eldest son was named Pang Long, but this son was named Ma Yuan after Sui Ma's surname.Ma Teng is nearly [-] years old, and he is very happy to see that Ma Shi has a descendant.Seven or eight years ago, Wen Han led an army to defeat Xiliang soldiers and break through Liangzhou.Ma Teng did not resist, and sacrificed Long County for the safety of the people.Since then, the Ma clan's position as the overlord of Xiliang has disappeared.Ma Teng was disheartened at first, but later he saw that the people of Liangzhou could live and work in peace and contentment under Wen Han's rule, and the prosperity was better than ever.Ma Teng also sees through the world of mortals and lives with peace of mind.Later, Pound was reused by Wenhan, and he was also one of the five lion generals.As a result, the Ma family was also protected, and they were extremely honorable.And Wen Han also respects Ma Teng, and often talks with Ma Teng about governing the country and the world.

Ma Teng is also pleased about this, except that every time he hears that his beloved son Ma Chao is fighting against Xi Tang, he will let out long and bitter sighs.The old man was worried, and within a few years, Ma Teng had aged a lot, like an old man on the verge of death.Seeing that Ma Teng's time is running out, his daughter Ma Yi gave birth to a second son. Pang De remembered the old kindness and let the second son follow Ma.After the happy event, Ma Teng became more energetic and radiant. He played with his two grandchildren all day long, feeling uncomfortable.

Suddenly one day, Ma Teng heard Ma Yi crying in the boudoir, and frowned. When he came closer, he heard that Ma Chao had launched a barbarian army to attack Liangzhou.Liangzhou is at stake.When Ma Teng heard this, his eyes widened, and he was suddenly furious. With a bang, he vomited blood and fainted.Hearing the sound outside the room, Ma Yi hurriedly stopped to visit, and when she saw her father fainted on the ground, her face immediately turned pale.Ma Teng was stimulated like this, and his body, which had improved, immediately became extremely weak.Ma Teng knew that time was running out, so he called Ma Yi to see him, left a suicide note, and died with a long sigh at the age of 76.

Now Ma Chao is still unaware of the death of his father Ma Teng, and he is ambitious to conquer Xiliang and revive the glory of the Ma family.Let's say that Ma Chao led more than [-] troops to kill to the realm of Tianshui.The scouts rushed to return.When Li You heard the news, he urgently called Wang Shuang and Li Feng to see him, and spoke harshly.

"The horse thieves are powerful and difficult to resist. I predict that it will take half a month for the lord's reinforcements to arrive. During this half month, you must not be negligent. If you can resist the horse thieves' attack, when our reinforcements arrive, Tianshui No worries."

When Wang Shuang heard the words, his pair of piercing tiger eyes widened instantly, and he shouted with emotion.

"Being loyal to the emperor, I am willing to do my best!!"

"Ziquan is a martyr who sacrificed his life for the country! The army is coming in full swing, full of vigor, Ziquan dares to lead troops to fight, and defeat the front first!?"

Li You said with concentration, his eyes sparkling.Hearing this, Wang Shuang seemed not to be afraid of Ma Chao's bravery at all. Instead, he was gearing up and eager to try, shouting sharply.

"Why don't you dare!?"

"Okay! You can lead more than a thousand soldiers and horses to meet the enemy, but you can only lose but not win. If you do this again, you will definitely defeat the other army for a while!"

Li You's eyes were bright, and his whole body was full of wisdom and wisdom.Li You's intelligence is high, and he is definitely not an idle generation. Although he is not as brilliant as Wolong and Fengchu, it is still a rare talent for Wang Zuo.Although Li You is old, he has not wasted his talent and learning. He made an oath that he will serve Wen Han to the death in his life to repay the kindness of the past. He has studied the art of war for many years, and he is more sophisticated and calm than before.When Wang Shuang heard Li You's plan, he secretly exclaimed that it was wonderful, bowed his hands, and took the order to leave.Li You then taught Li Feng to do this.Li Feng was also ordered to go.

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