Han Shimou

Chapter 1173

() "No, the general is the head of the three armies, how can I go lightly. Although I am the son of the prince, this is in the army. As a general and deputy general, I go freely."

After Wen Shun finished speaking, he bowed his hands.Seeing Wen Shun's eyes shining brightly, Xu Rong was amazed in his heart, so he agreed to Wen Shun and went with dozens of elite cavalry.Wen Shun was ordered to go until he reached the foot of the mountain. He saw dozens of piles of rocks in front of him, and there were no horses.But the rocks are strange, seemingly disorganized, but there are bursts of murderous aura faintly, making people afraid to come forward.Wen Shun was suspicious, and suddenly his face changed, thinking that Zhuge Liang was good at formations, among which the eight trigrams formation is the best in the world, it can be said to be able to withstand millions of heroes.Wen Shun hurriedly asked the people who were looking for soil nearby from his horse.After a while, several people arrived.Wen Shun was neither humble nor overbearing, he did it as a courtesy, taught the left and right to reward some silver taels, then pointed to the pile of chaotic rocks, and asked the few natives. . .

"Old folks, do you know who piled up the rocks here? Why is there a murderous aura rushing up from the pile of rocks?"

One of the natives, who was over sixty years old, saw that Wenshun was young, but he was imposing, and he didn't dare to neglect, so he said hastily.

"The name of this place is Kunlongpo. Zhuge Liang, the former Marquis of Fanwu Township, drove his troops here and ordered people to take stones and line up here.

Since then, there has always been Qi like a cloud, rising from within.Sometimes the sound of killing is shocking, sometimes it is extremely silent, and the end is extremely strange.I suspect that there are monsters and ghosts hidden inside, but I dare not enter lightly.The general still has to be careful. "

After hearing this, Wen Shun thanked several people, and then led dozens of horsemen to look at the stone formation. He immediately rode on the hillside, but he saw that there were doors and households in all directions.The more Wen Shun looked at it, the more frightened he became, but a soldier beside him said with a smile. . .

"Zhuge Kongming thinks he's smart, so what's the use of using this trick to confuse people! Your Highness, don't worry too much. I'll go and explore, and I can break through this stone formation in a short time!!"

Wen Shun was shocked when he heard the words, and waved and shouted sharply.

"No! This formation must be a diagram of eight trigrams. I have heard from my family teacher Xu Gong that this formation has many changes and endless murderous opportunities. If you encounter it, you can only avoid it, and you must not rush into it rashly, otherwise you will be doomed! !"

After Wen Shun finished speaking, he wanted to rein in his horse and retreat.At this moment, the situation suddenly changed, the rain fell violently, and the thunder beat violently.A flash of lightning that was too fast to catch hit Wen Shun's horse.With a cry of surprise, Wen Shun sat down on his horse and was frightened. Uncontrollably, he looked straight into the stone formation.The dozens of followers were all frightened, fearing that Wenshun might lose something, they hurriedly chased after him.It's strange to say that when Wenshun entered the stone formation, the sudden storm wind suddenly went away, and the shower suddenly stopped.The lightning also disappeared one after another.Wen Shun reined in the horse suddenly, and dozens of horsemen chased after him.

At this moment, in an instant, there was a sudden gust of wind, and in an instant, flying sand and rocks covered the sky and the earth.Then the sky trembled, like a mountain avalanche and the earth cracked, and the sky and the earth were shaking.Wen Shun's complexion changed drastically, and he looked around anxiously, only to see steep and steep rocks all around him, with crags like swords, horizontal sand and earth, overlapping like mountains, and the hurricane blowing, like the sound of swords and drums.Suddenly, there seemed to be thousands of troops rushing forward, and everyone broke out in a cold sweat in fright.Wen Shun exclaimed.

"I didn't intend to enter this stone formation, but I didn't expect it to be so. Could it be that God wants to reject me!?"

Wen Shun stood on the horse, sweating profusely, and looked around closely, not daring to rush.The hurricane blew more and more like the sound of killing, and several cavalrymen couldn't bear it, and rushed westward suddenly.All of a sudden, there were loud noises again and again, as if seeing strange rocks rolling, and suddenly bursts of horror came over.Wen Shun was still terrified, and saw that those people were covered in blood, and rushed back, the horses had disappeared after sitting down, and then fell to the ground, seeing that there was no life left.

It turned out that these people were rushing around, surrounded by a forest of rocks, erratic, and they all bumped into the rocks one after another.Wen Shun didn't know what happened, his face turned pale with fright, and he calmed down.Wen Shun once learned the method of calming down and concentrating under the auspicious seat, and soon his mood became clear and calm.Wen Shun's face was calm, and he taught everyone not to mess up the formation. Then Wen Shun took a closer look at the formation, and found that the formation was changing from time to time, and it was extremely strange and frightening.Wen Shun pondered for a long time, but got nothing, and there was no way to break the formation.Of course, although Zhuge Liang's gossip diagram is not complete, it still has 20% of the power of the original formation, enough to withstand [-] elite soldiers.Wen Shun entered this formation by mistake, but the number of days is really gone.

It was dark all around, and there were bursts of subtle footsteps suddenly, this sound was erratic, sometimes it seemed far away, sometimes it seemed close.Wen Shun concentrated his attention, and suddenly saw an old man, like a ghost, standing in front of the horse, short in stature, walking with a stick, but he couldn't see his face clearly.Wen Shun was wondering when he heard the old man laughing.

"Is the major general willing to come out of this formation?"

Wen Shun was startled when he heard the words, and thought that the old man's origin was unknown, and he must be extraordinary if he could come and go freely in the stone formation.Wen Shun hastened to be respectful, got off his horse and bowed his hands.

"Wen Zixi of the Western Tang Dynasty, met the elder, hoped that the elder would save people with virtue, and lead us out. If I can escape from this battle, I will be rewarded generously."

The old man listened to the words, smiled but did not answer, and walked slowly with his stick.Seeing the strangeness of the old man, everyone dared not follow suit.Only Wen Shun rode his horse to follow.Seeing Wen Shun coming, the old man smiled and walked faster and faster.Fearing that he would fall, Wenshun hurriedly drove his horse forward, and dozens of horsemen behind him followed after seeing this.After a while, the old man led Wenshun and his group out of the stone formation, and sent them to the hillside without any hindrance.

Wen Shun escaped, and quickly got off his horse and knelt down on the ground, thanking him for saving his life.The dozens of servants dismounted one after another and kept kowtowing, thinking that the old man was a god in the sky, so how dare they offend him.Under the moonlight, the old man's face was revealed. His hair and beard were completely white. He was about seventy years old and looked old, but his eyes were piercing and bright like stars, as if he could see through everything in the world.The old man was just smiling, his bright eyes were looking at Wenshun closely, and his smile was even stronger.Wen Shun thanked Bi and asked respectfully.

"I don't know who the elder is? Can you tell me his name?"

The old man smiled and replied calmly.

"What is the name and surname, I have long forgotten. The reason why I entered the battle to save the Major General today is to have an appointment with an old man."

When Wen Shun heard it, the eyes of the swords turned strange, and the figures of Zuo Ci and Yu Ji suddenly appeared in his mind.Thinking of the two mentors, Wen Shun's eyes were filled with tears, and he asked them anxiously.As Wen Shun expected, it was Zuo Ci who had an appointment with this old man.It turned out that before Zuo Ci left, he was worried about Wenshun, so he asked the old man for divination, and it was calculated that Wenshun was destined to have this catastrophe.While talking with the old man, Wen Shun had vaguely guessed the identity of the old man.

It is rumored that there is a strange man in the world, named Guan Zhong, styled Gongming, who is also from Pingyuan.When I was young, I looked rough and ugly, good at wine and crazy.His father was once the head of Langya, namely Qiu.Guan Zhong liked to look up at the stars since he was a child, and he couldn't sleep at night, so his parents couldn't stop him.Guan Zhong was young and frivolous, and repeatedly uttered shocking words, which amazed everyone.All the villagers avoid it, thinking that it is the reincarnation of a monster.Guan Zhongchang Yun's family chickens and wild swans, when they still know themselves, let alone human beings in the world?Guan Zhong felt that there are definite numbers in the fortunes of all people, so he studied Taoism and strange methods in depth, and read ancient books in order to prove the Tao.Guan Zhong played with his neighbors. He painted the earth as astronomy, distributed the sun, moon and stars, and said that the stars in the world echoed the common people in the world.If it is a person whose life is humble and will be lost.Its star is dim, and if the star is lost, its fate is also lost.When the villagers heard about it, they all made fun of the child for disregarding the destiny.Guan Zhong's parents were even more afraid that Guan Zhong would suffer retribution if he took life indiscriminately, so they stopped them repeatedly.

But Guan Zhongfan became more frustrated and courageous, learning secretly by candle every night.And when he was a little older, Guan Zhong was already familiar with "Book of Changes", and he had achieved some success in his studies.Shan Zichun, the prefect of Langya, heard his name and called Guan Zhong to meet him.Sometimes there are more than a hundred people sitting there, all of whom are able to speak.Guan Zhong saw that everyone was contemptuous, so he first said that he was young and courageous, so he invited three liters of fine wine first, and then spoke after drinking.Shan Zi asked. < replied with a smile. <Discuss the theory of Yi with Guan Zhong.Guan Zhongqian talked with each other, and all the guests were amazed by his words.So the world is called a child prodigy.

Guan Zhong is famous all over the world for his divination.Later, Guo Enzhe, a resident, and his three brothers all suffered from head diseases, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't die every day.Please Guan Zhongbu it.Guan Zhongguo has magical powers, so he can predict his past sins without saying anything.In the hexagram, there is a female ghost in the tomb of Jun's family, who is either aunt or aunt.In the past years of famine, seeking a few liters of rice, pushed him into a well, crushed his head with a big stone, and suffered alone, and complained to the sky, so brothers and sisters have this reward.It can't be done.Guo En and others were shocked when they heard the words. They knew Guan Zhong's name, so they stopped him and asked him.Guan Zhong just glanced at it and said bluntly.

"Qing is a capable minister who governs the country, and a hero in troubled times."

Cao Cao was horrified, and finally laughed and let it go.Guan Zhong traveled all over the world, practicing divination and learning Taoism at the same time.Later, he suffered a catastrophe and almost died, but was rescued by Zuo Ci.Guan Zhong asked, Zuo Ci replied with a smile.

"Relying on your talents and learning, you have repeatedly leaked the secrets of heaven, and you would have died long ago. But God has the virtue of loving life. Forgive you for saving lives, not for personal gain, so you can still survive. Otherwise, you would have been struck by five thunders and died an untimely death."

When Guan Zhong heard about it, he knew that he was reckless, and he made a deep friendship with Zuo Ci, and hid in the mountains and forests, so far he has not lightly been a divination.Although Guan Zhong was a dragon who could see the head but not the end, people all over the world respected his divination skills and called him the god of divination.Now Guan Zhong's divination skills can be said to be superb, even Zhuge Liang's eight trigrams diagram array can break the divination skills.

Wen Shun knew the identity of the old man, and he was Guan Zhong, the god of divination.Guan Zhong seemed to know that Wen Shun had already guessed his identity, so he suddenly sighed and said to Wen Shun.

"I have received Zuo Gong's kindness once, and I dare not forget it. The young general is Zuo Gong's beloved disciple, and he is destined to have this catastrophe. This eight-diagram diagram repeats the eight gates, according to Dunjiaxiu, life, injury, Du, scene, death, shock, and opening. Every day, every hour, changes for no reason. Fortunately, this array is not complete, and the old man has broken it. Now you are out of danger, Major General, and the fate between you and me is over, so the old man should go."

After Guan Zhong finished speaking, he turned and wanted to leave.Wen Shun was anxious and asked quickly.

"Our army is about to go to Brazil to meet my uncle Guan Yunchang, but the army is blocked by this formation. Can you tell me how to break the formation?"

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