Han Shimou

Chapter 1209 Zhuge Liang Outsmarts Nanzheng

() When Wen Shun heard the words, the eyes of the sword shot fiercely, and the horse galloped away.Deng Ai followed closely behind.Zhang Fei hurried back into the city, ignoring the soldiers outside the city, and asked the soldiers in the city to put down the suspension bridge and close the city gate.Wen Shun and Deng Ai fought bravely and made the Shu soldiers turn their backs on their backs. However, when the two of them got out, the suspension bridge at the south gate was retracted, and the city gate was closed immediately.Wen Shun was so angry that he was unwilling to roar up to the sky, and suddenly became domineering, which shocked the Shu soldiers in the city to their wits and loneliness.

Suddenly, there was a rush of horseshoes.Huang Zhong led Zhang Liao and other generals to arrive.When Huang Zhongzheng saw Wenshun roaring angrily at the city, his face couldn't help but change.At this time, Zhang Fei did not know when he took the bow and arrow, and suddenly pulled the bow.Huang Zhong's eyes were ill, so he quickly pressed the knife to take the bow, set the bow and loaded the arrow, all in one go.Zhang Fei looked at it eagerly, his whole body gathered strength, his whole body was swept away like a raging wave, and the arrow shot out violently.At the same time, Huang Zhong also drew his bow.Two arrows, one horizontal and one vertical, were shot together.Wen Shun stared at the knife, only to see arrows shot in front of him, showing the appearance of a swallowing beast.But in an instant, another Suzaku appeared, with its wings spread out, its whole body was blazing with flames, it flew towards it, as if it was blowing away the Heaven Swallowing Beast. With a 'bang' sound like the sky falling apart, the arrow shot by Zhang Fei was intercepted and cut off by a sudden arrow.Zhang Fei was startled when he saw it, and heard another sound of strings, and subconsciously turned around to avoid it.Another arrow that was as fast as lightning was shot out, whizzing past Zhang Fei's left ear.Zhang Fei fell to the ground in embarrassment, already breaking out in cold sweat. ..

At this time, Xu Shu saw that the general situation was over, with a look of grief on his face, he let out a long sigh, and quickly instructed the Black Wind Riders around him to deliver the order, and instructed Wenshun and Huang Zhong to withdraw quickly.Wen Shun and Huang Zhong obeyed the order one after another. Although they were extremely unwilling, they had to obey the order and withdraw.The Shu soldiers on the city saw the Tang soldiers retreating quickly, but no one dared to chase them.It can be seen that although the Tang soldiers were not many in number, most of them were black wind knights, and there were also powerful generals such as Huang Zhong, Zhang Liao, Wen Shun, etc. With such an army, how dare they pursue it without tens of thousands of soldiers and horses! ! ? ..

Not long after Huang Zhong and others withdrew, Zhuge Liang led most of his troops to Nanzheng, and Zhang Fei immediately asked the soldiers to open the door to welcome them.Zhuge Liang led the army into the city and led the generals to the county government.Zhang Fei rushed over immediately, Zhuge Liang's expression froze, and he asked anxiously.

"Yide, have you captured Xu Yuanzhi, Huang Hansheng and others!!?"

Zhang Fei was full of shame, and gritted his teeth to report the past.When Zhuge Liang heard that Wen Shun and Deng Ai, two young generals, turned the tide and rescued Xu Shu at a critical moment, he couldn't help squinting his bright eyes.There was no joy or anger on Zhuge Liang's face, he seemed to be thinking for himself, and he didn't teach Zhang Fei and other generals to send troops to pursue him.Instead, teach the generals first and order the troops to rest first.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang finally conquered Nanzheng.Nanzheng is the county town of Hanzhong, the hinterland of Dongchuan, where money and food are abundant.The Shu army obtained countless weapons and food.That night, Zhuge Liang ordered people to count the equipment and food in the city, and sent several generals to open the granary to appease the people.Right now, Zhuge Liang is watching the sky at night from the pavilion of the county seat, the sky is filled with incomparably bright stars, dotted with stars, like the Milky Way.Zhuge Liang pondered, looking at the stars in the northwest.Surrounded by the stars, a huge star in the northwest is a bit gloomy.Zhuge Liang held his beard with his hands, and there was a slight joy on his resolute and majestic face.Suddenly, under the stars in the northwest, a star that was originally brilliant and gorgeous quickly became dim and colorless, and suddenly turned into a shooting star across the starry sky.The meteor was brilliant for an instant, almost illuminating the entire starry sky, but it is a pity that such a beautiful scenery disappeared without a trace in an instant.Strange to say, just as the meteor disappeared, the huge star surrounded by the stars in the northwest suddenly burst into light.When Zhuge Liang saw it, his heart was shocked, and he silently cursed in his heart.

"Ma Mengqi is still no match for Wen Bufan after all. Xiliang is settled!!"

Zhuge Liang shook his head and sighed, he watched the stars at night, and at this time he had expected that Ma Mengqi would be killed by the Western Tang Army.The question before Zhuge Liang's eyes was that Wen Han would surely send troops to help Xiliang after he pacified Xiliang.It's just that whether it's fast or slow is crucial.If Wen Han desperately sent troops to help, Zhuge Liang would not be afraid.The army of the Western Tang Dynasty traveled long distances repeatedly, and the soldiers fought fiercely repeatedly, and they were exhausted.Even if there are millions of troops in such a tired army, there is no fear.Zhuge Liang has his own plan to deal with it.But if it is, Wen Han can have the spirit of a strong man with a broken arm, and he will give the army a rest first, recharge their batteries, and then march forward in full swing.For Zhuge Liang, this is the dilemma.On the one hand, Zhuge Liang naturally had to be careful everywhere, not daring to go too deep into the hinterland, to prevent the Western Tang Army from gaining momentum and being killed by surprise.Two, there are not many soldiers in the Kingdom of Shu now. The nearly [-] soldiers and horses led by Zhuge Liang are already more than half of the troops in the Kingdom of Shu. carry on.

But what made Zhuge Liang have to put all his eggs in one basket is that the situation in Xitang is not stable now.If he can counterattack in a desperate manner and conquer Chang'an, the capital of the Western Tang Dynasty, the Western Tang Dynasty will surely collapse, like a mountain falling apart.Immediately, he gradually occupied Chang'an, Dongchuan and other places, and entangled with the Western Tang army.In less than half a year, Cao Wei will take action.After all, for Cao Wei, the huge power of the Western Tang Dynasty is the biggest confidant of Cao Wei's unification of the country.Cao Cao is the hero of the world, seeing such a great opportunity, how could he remain indifferent.Immediately, Cao Cao is bound to abandon the covenant and attack the Western Tang Dynasty with all his might.Ma Chao was dead, and with the assistance of the Shu Han, Wu Tugu would be able to pacify the Nanman within a year.In this way, the Shu Han can unite with the Southern Man and take advantage of the chaos to seize Yongzhou and Liangzhou, which will become a major trend.After Cao Wei conquered Hedong, Bingzhou and other places, the Shu Han also stabilized its position, and then rested for a few years and worked hard to become stronger. It will surely stand against Cao Wei and Dongwu in a showdown!

Now, for the Shu Han, who has suffered repeated losses of soldiers and generals, this is the only time to rise.If Zhuge Liang did not take any action, and waited for Xitang to stabilize his position and counterattack with all his strength, the Shu Han would surely be doomed to destroy the country.Among them, the disparity between the pros and cons is so great that Zhuge Liang has no choice but to take risks! !

Zhuge Liang calculated and analyzed carefully, and unconsciously he had been meditating all night. He said it was simple, but how can ordinary people know the balance of pros and cons?Zhuge Liang thought hard all night, and his temples turned gray.

"Hey. I think Zhuge Kongming has been cautious all his life. Every time he deploys troops, he is not [-]% sure, and he will never do it lightly. Now he has to take risks! If the Western Tang Army is really stocked, it will take at least one month. Time. In this month, if everything goes as I expected, the Shu Han will be able to achieve great success. But if the Shu Han really has their days numbered...it is fate."

Zhuge Liang's bright eyes burst out suddenly, shining like torches.When it was already dawn, the sun rose.Zhuge Liang didn't rest, and hurriedly summoned Zhang Fei, Hua Xiong, Ma Dai and other generals to come.After a while, Zhuge Liang sat in the high hall of the hall, and all the generals came one after another, worshiped and sat down.All the generals saw Zhuge Liang's gray temples, and they all looked different.Suddenly Zhuge Liang's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice.

"Although Nanzheng has been conquered by our army now, the Western Tang army is powerful and tyrannical. According to Liang's prediction, the Xiliang battle will be decided within ten days. If the Western Tang army wins immediately, it will definitely return to help. Now It is indeed the autumn of our Shu Han's life and death. If we can take advantage of this to rise up, the Shu Han will be prosperous, but if we delay things and miss the opportunity, the Shu Han will be in danger. I also hope that you will forget your life and die, and use the momentum of breaking the boat. If you can help the king of Shu to succeed in the king's career, all the lords will contribute. But if the lords are greedy for life and afraid of death, and the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed, we are all sinners. How to choose, but according to the wishes of the lords !"

As soon as Zhuge Liang's words fell, Zhang Fei stared around fiercely, full of fighting spirit, and roared with a thunderous voice.

"I have followed the king of Shu, and I have gone through all kinds of hardships. Fortunately, the heavens have eyes, and I finally established the Kingdom of Shu. In the past, the Tang thieves attacked me in Shu Han, and the heroes of Shu Han fought against it bravely. How many heroic heroes died, it is all a matter of state. Now Now is a great time, if we volunteer to die for our country, even if our bodies are smashed to pieces, what are we afraid of!?"

Zhang Fei's clanging voice reverberated in the hall, and all the Shu generals were shocked when they heard the words, and they all had the will to die.Hua Xiong glared at him, then burst out angrily, and shouted sharply.

"Wen Bufan is a wolf with ambition, separatist rule in the northwest, colluded with the traitor Cao Cao, forced the current emperor, forcibly ascended to the throne of the Tang king, and attracted the bandits of the Western Tang Dynasty, intending to seize the foundation of the Han family, everyone was punished!! The king of Shu is the Han family! Emperor Zhou, lead us to fight against the bandits with all our might. When the country is in crisis, even if we die, there is no regret! What's more, we can help the king of Shu to break through the bandits, annihilate them, and help the Han Dynasty. We should do our best to die , after death!!"

As soon as Ma Chao died, the third of the five tiger generals was gone.Zhang Fei and Hua Xiong are now the pillars of the courtyard of Shu State, and they spoke boldly, powerfully and loudly.When all the generals heard this, their blood boiled with enthusiasm, and they all attended the event generously, to repay their will to die.Zhuge Liang listened carefully one by one. After Zhuge Liang finished speaking, Zhuge Liang stood up suddenly, raised his goose feather fan vigorously, and shouted sharply.

"Okay! Since all the lords have the ambition to break the boat, Xiang Ji was able to defeat the Qin army and become the overlord of Western Chu in the past. Now we have strong soldiers, such as Zhang Yide and Hua Ziwei. Xiang Ji's bravery, can't he succeed in one battle!?"

Zhuge Liang yelled at the top of his lungs, the eyes of all the generals were wide open, and they were all gearing up, eager to go to the battlefield to fight immediately.Zhuge Liang finished his anger, his expression restrained, and he spoke with concentration.

"Although you have the will to die, you should not rely entirely on blood and courage to fight in battle. It should be supplemented by strategy. Although Liang is not talented, he also has the heart to die for the country. You are brave enough to kill the enemy. The power of a chicken, but it has the strategy of strategizing. If you have both courage and strategy, you can defeat the enemy and win the battle. Chang'an is the capital of the Western Tang Dynasty. If our army can conquer it, the Western Tang Dynasty will be in chaos. Even if our army only needs Guarding Chang'an and Dongchuan, within half a year, Cao Wei will definitely take advantage of the emptiness and attack the Western Tang Dynasty. In this way, the territory of the Western Tang Dynasty will be divided by the Shu Han and Cao Wei. I will wait for a few years to rest and work hard. , is bound to be able to compete with Cao Wei and Soochow in the world!!"

Zhuge Liang first told his blueprint, and all the generals heard it, and all the expressions showed ecstasy.Zhang Fei shouted anxiously.

"What is the order of the military division, I am willing to go there!!!"

Zhuge Liang had already made a plan, so he took his time and talked to Zhang Fei.

"Don't be impatient when Yide is safe. Now we are waiting for troops to take risks. In this way, it is better to do one thing and do the other, and come to surprise and attack those who are unprepared. I want to divide the army into two, and one will lead the army to attack Chencang. , hoped that Yongzhou would advance, and turn to kill Chang'an. However, another group of soldiers and horses were dispatched to go out of the Qishan Valley to kill Chang'an.

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