Han Shimou

Chapter 1226 Xu Yuanzhi's Counterattack

() When Wang Shuang heard this, his expression became angry, and he said hurriedly.

"Duke Huang sacrificed his life for the country, sacrificed heroically, and countless soldiers in the army defended their homes and defended the country, risking their lives. Both are great men, how can they both die! Xu Gong issued an order, if both are timid, they are willing to accept the military order!!"

Before Wang Shuang finished speaking, Li Feng also spoke in a concentrated voice.

"What Ziquan said is true. Da Sima doesn't have to worry about it. In the face of a national crisis, everyone is responsible. Besides, we have received the kindness of the king of Tang, and we eat his salary. We must serve him with all our strength and loyalty!!"

"Okay! You are so young, but you have such a deep understanding of righteousness, it is really rare!"

Xu Shu applauded, so he taught Wang Shuang and Li Feng in the ears of Wang Shuang and Li Feng.When the two listened to the plan, they both showed shock, secretly thinking that Xu Shu's scheme was treacherous and unfathomable.

But he said that the Shu army had withdrawn more than ten miles away.After Zhang Fei finished his army, he was full of doubts in his heart, so he secretly sent a team of scouts to investigate.That night, Zhang Fei discussed with Fazheng and Ma Liang.Zhang Fei said calmly, clapping his hands and playing the case. ..

"Today, although the momentum is great, except for the Tang army that attacked earlier, no other troops came to attack. In my opinion, this is likely to be a trick of the other army's suspicion. I have been hit by the other army. A plan, a great opportunity has been missed!!"

Hearing this, Ma Liang frowned, but shook his head.

"General Zhang calm down. The other army has Pang Shiyuan sitting in the town to advise him. This man is a talented man who is good at making series of tricks. He must not underestimate the enemy. According to Yiliang, it is very likely that this is his trick, so yu Put down the suspicious soldiers, lure our army forward, and then ambushes!!"

As soon as Ma Liang finished speaking, scouts came to report back, saying that the city of Chencang was filled with banners, and there were countless Tang soldiers everywhere in the city!

When Zhang Fei heard that his words had changed, Ma Liang spoke quickly.

"As I expected, most of the other army's troops have arrived. General Zhang must not hesitate, but quickly withdraw his troops and return to Nanzheng. Now the surprise soldiers attracted by Marquis Wu must have been killed in Chang'an. If Marquis Wu made great achievements in battle Well, even though we lost Chen Cang here, we can turn to Qi Shan to march and help Marquis Wu!!"

Ma Liang hadn't finished speaking, Fazheng waved his hand suddenly, narrowed his eyes, brightened, and shouted.

"Slow! If Pang Shiyuan really wants to lure our army, how can he lead the army into the city at this time and show off his power!? Humph! I already knew the enemy's plan. As General Zhang said, today the other army is It was a bluff, our army had no clues, was deceived by him, and hurriedly withdrew. However, Xu Yuanzhi was afraid that we would notice the clues and come back to fight, so he set up false banners in the city, and then used straw people and ordinary people to pretend to be soldiers. He tricked me into waiting! If I wait timidly, I will withdraw naturally. He will wait for Wen Bufan's army to arrive, and then chase after him vigorously, and kill him in Nanzheng!!"

Fazheng's eyes sparkled, and he told Xu Shu's plan at a glance.Hearing this, Ma Liang's face changed continuously, his heart beat rapidly, and he frowned.

"The art of war is always treacherous and unpredictable, if the other side expects us to think this way, so what if they plan to do it!?"

Fazheng snorted and said coldly with a cold face.

"Ji Chang doesn't need to be unfounded. You are so worried, don't you want others to destroy your prestige!? This must be as I expected!!"

Seeing that Fa Zhengda had lost his usual calm, Ma Liang's expression changed, and he opened his mouth to speak.At this time, Zhang Fei stared around, clapped his hands and shouted.

"What Fagong said is true! I waited indecisively, and instead fell into the hands of the robbers!! I have made a decision to order the three armies to rest for a day and withdraw their clothes. But I took a small path to lead the army to attack Chencang, and Fagong and you will lead the army The soldiers and horses looked back to the main road to respond, killing the Tang bandits by surprise, and breaking through Chen Cang in one fell swoop!!"

Zhang Fei roared with determination on his face.Seeing this, Ma Liang shook his head helplessly and sighed.

So, after a day's rest, the Shu army pulled out of the stronghold and left, pretending to withdraw.That night, Zhang Fei led a Jingqi to the path.Suddenly, a cannon rang, and the two Tang troops on the side of the road suddenly came.I saw Wang Shuang leading the army to kill from the left, and Li Feng led the army to kill from the right.Seeing this, Zhang Fei's complexion changed drastically. The Shu soldiers all thought they had been tricked, and there was chaos before they fought.

Wang Shuang galloped his horse and shouted in his mouth.

"Zhang Yide, you have been tricked by our military advisor Pang Shiyuan. Why don't you dismount and surrender, or you will die!!!"

There are rumors in the world that if one of the crouching dragons and phoenix chicks can be found, the world can be pacified.Pang Tong was as famous as Zhuge Liang, and Zhang Fei knew that Zhuge Liang had unpredictable schemes, so naturally he didn't dare to underestimate Pang Tong.Now when Zhang Fei heard Pang Tong's name, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice abyss.

"It's not good!! I've been tricked by the dog thief again, withdraw the troops quickly!!"

At Zhang Fei's order, the Shu soldiers withdrew in a panic. There were countless people who abandoned their guns and dropped their helmets.Wang Shuang and Li Feng angrily concealed their killing from behind.Seeing the fierce attack of the Tang soldiers, Zhang Fei's heart tightened. He reined in his horse and rushed to the front of the formation, shouting sharply.

"Zhang Yide from Yan is here!! Who dares to come forward!!?"

Wang Shuanghu stared at him without any fear, twisted his knife suddenly, and rushed towards Zhang Fei impressively.Seeing Wang Shuangnian was young, Zhang Fei felt despised in his heart, so he raised the snake spear fiercely, and with only half of his force, he struck it swiftly.Wang Shuang stared at the tiger's eyes violently, shouted sharply, and slashed with a knife. With a loud bang, the two weapons swung away at the same time.Zhang Fei's face was startled, and he thought to himself that this son has great strength.It was too late and then quickly, Li Feng stabbed in obliquely, his spear was like a flying shot, and suddenly pierced Zhang Fei's heart.Zhang Fei didn't dare to neglect, he shook his head and moved away.Wang Shuang took the opportunity to meet him, twisted his knife and slashed wildly, his moves were powerful and mighty, like a mad tiger.Li Feng was at the side, twisting his gun sharply, the gun style was tricky and vicious, the two attacked together, but for a moment they killed Zhang Fei, a peerless beast.Zhang Fei hadn't recovered from his injuries from the previous attack, and seeing the two men attacking fiercely, his already flustered mind became a little more confused.

Let's say, Fazheng and Pan Ping are leading the army towards the main road, when they suddenly hear the sound of killing.Fazheng's expression changed immediately, recalling Ma Liang's words, he exclaimed.

"Not good! Sure enough, I fell into Pang Shiyuan's trap!!"

Pan Ping's demeanor changed when he heard the words, Fazheng quickly calmed down, and sent troops to Wang Xiaolu to rush to help.At this moment, the sound of beating drums from all over the hills, and the sound of shouting and killing erupted from all directions.Fazheng and Pan Ping were terrified when they heard this, thinking that the Tang army was coming in ambush, they hurriedly led the troops to Wangxiaolu and rushed away in a panic.

On the other side, Zhang Fei was fighting with Wang Shuang and Li Feng.The two young generals were very brave and resisted Zhang Fei.At this moment, there was a sudden shout of killing, and after a while, it was like a mountain falling apart and the ground cracking, and the ground was shaking. Countless soldiers and horses rushed from the road in a panic.When Wang Shuang saw it, he pretended to be seductive and shouted desperately.

"Your Majesty's ambush is out, why don't all the armies fight to the death and defeat the bandits in one fell swoop!!"

Wang Shuang shouted like thunder, as if something happened, the Tang soldiers roared in unison, and each of them was brave enough to kill them without fear of death.Seeing the chaotic situation, Zhang Fei was immediately in a panic, and seeing that there were so many people around, he didn't care about fighting Wang Shuang and Li Feng, so he quickly reined in his horse and fled away.Wang Shuang and Li Feng rushed away, they rushed into the rebellious army, like a tiger plunging into a flock of sheep, they smashed the sky and the earth, and the Shu army was defeated like a mountain.The two Shu soldiers rushed into each other and collapsed, causing countless casualties.For a moment, the sound of killing, screaming, and exclamation was endless, shaking the world.Wang Shuang and Li Feng each led their deployment to charge and kill, as if entering a land without people, they killed Shu soldiers one by one.Wang Shuang and Li Feng just withdrew their troops.

When Wang Shuang and Li Feng rushed back to Chencang, they reported the previous events quickly.When Xu Shu heard the words, Fu Xu smiled and said coldly.

"Hmph! That Fa Xiao has always been extremely intelligent, but now he is clever and is mistaken by cleverness!"

It turns out that Xu Shu said yesterday that he taught Wang Shuang and Li Feng to go to the small road to ambush first, but then taught a group of soldiers to ambush on the main road.But earlier, just as Fazheng expected.Xu Shu deliberately bluffed in Chen Cangcheng, but it was expected that Dingfa could see the flaws, so he lured him.Not knowing that Fazheng fell into Xu Shu's trick, he sent troops to go.But Xu Shu was well aware of the treacherous art of war, but he taught Wang Shuang and Li Feng to use Pang Tong's name to teach the other army to think that most of their troops had really arrived from Liangzhou.This so-called emptiness is reality, and reality is emptiness, and its wonderful uses are endless.And when the Shu soldiers that Fazheng was leading heard the sound of fighting on the small road, they must have known that they were ambushed.At this time, Tang Bing, who was ambushing on the main road, took the opportunity to bluff and beat drums loudly.The two Shu soldiers disturbed each other, but instead helped Xu Shu's plan.In this battle, Xu Shu calculated almost everything, and it can be said that he made a lot of tricks. Such high wisdom is really amazing.

On the other hand, let's say that Zhang Fei, Fazheng and others havetily withdrew.Hearing about the battle last night, Ma Liang's expression kept changing, and it was difficult to see the truth and falsehood.Zhang Fei hesitated for a while, not daring to rush forward rashly, after the three of them discussed, they decided not to make any further entanglements, and hoped that Nanzheng would retreat in a hurry.

A few days later, outside Chencang City.In the distance, the sky is covered with wind and dust, and the sun is covered by banners and flags. A number of Tang soldiers are coming in and out of Chencang.When Xu Shu heard that Wen Han had led the army outside the city, he hurriedly led Wang Shuang, Li Feng and others out of the city to meet him.Until noon, there were crowds of people outside Chencang City, and the soldiers and horses of all ministries were magnificent. Wen Han rode on a cloud and a black horse, with a golden saddle on his feet, a jade belt brocade jacket, and a golden armor with dragon patterns. Yue, stirrup, stick and spear, beat the sun and moon, dragon and phoenix banners.Seeing Wen Han's presence, all the soldiers in the city were greatly demoralized.Xu Shu, Wang Shuang and others rushed to see him. Wen Han jumped off his horse, but Huang Zhong was nowhere to be seen. He narrowed his eyes and hurriedly asked.A look of grief suddenly appeared on Xu Shu's face, and he quickly told the past one by one, and also told Guan Suo's death.Wen Han heard that Huang Zhong was killed in battle, Zhang Liao was seriously injured, and Guan Suo was killed by Pan Ping. A series of bad news came, like a series of thunderbolts.Wen Han's blood was surging, and he screamed in pain.

"The thieves from Shu invaded the territory of the isolated country, killing and wounding the isolated generals and ministers. This enmity cannot be shared, and it is bound to be avenged!!"

Wen Han was so angry and hated that he looked anxiously at the public house, sacrificed to the coffins of Huang Zhong and Guan Suo, and cried unceasingly.Pang Tong, Xu Shu and others were responsible for arranging the army horses.At night, all the generals will arrive.Wen Han's knife eyes were blood red, and he shouted with tears.

"How can such bloody enmity not be reported quickly!!?"

After Wen Han finished drinking, he quickly taught the scouts to go in to inquire. At the same time, he sent orders to the three armies, ready to go, only to fight with the Shu soldiers tomorrow.The next day, the scouts reported that the Shu soldiers had withdrawn.Wen Han was furious and eager to send out the army to pursue him.Pang Tong and Xu Shu looked at each other, and they came out together, bowing in unison.

"Currently the battle situation in Chang'an is unknown. My lord, please appease your anger first and send people to Chang'an to investigate. When the situation in Chang'an stabilizes, it's not too late to raise the army again."

When Wen Han heard this, his anger subsided.At this time, an urgent report came from a soldier saying that Zhuge Liang had left Qishan Mountain to attack Chang'an.Fortunately, all the armies joined forces to fight to the death, and the Shu soldiers have been killed.Zhuge Liang was defeated and retreated to Nanzheng.It was the soldiers sent by Zhou Long who came to report this time.Zhou Long was afraid that Wen Han would not be able to accept the bad news for a while, so he did not report Xi Zhicai's death, Guan Yu and Xu Huang's serious injuries.When Wen Han heard this, his sword eyes narrowed, and he shouted murderously.

"The villagers of Zhuge overestimated their abilities. They dared to surprise the capital of Guxi Tang and risk the prestige of the country of Guxi Tang! Now all the Shu soldiers have retreated to Nanzheng, and they should go to Nanzheng alone to recover Nanzheng, and then attack the Shuhan in one fell swoop. , to show off the power of the lonely Western Tang Dynasty!!"

As soon as Wen Han's words fell, Pang Tong's extremely ugly face suddenly shot two lights, and he spoke harshly.

"The war between Tang and Shu has lasted for a long time, and both countries have exhausted their national power. Fortunately, our Western Tang Dynasty has great power and has countless loyal and martyrs who have served the country with all their strength. Today, Shu's plan is poor and wise. As well as our country In recent days, the thieves of Shu have been in trouble, and Cao Wei will surely be able to take advantage of the situation. The current situation is so important, the lord should break the momentum with lightning speed, and attack Xichuan, so as to comfort the spirits of all heroes in the sky!!"

When Wen Han heard the words, his face tightened, and he asked Pang Tong urgently to understand the benefits and disadvantages.

"According to Shi Yuan's opinion, what should I do!?"

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