Han Shimou

Chapter 1229 Cao Cao ascended the throne

() Cao Cao's complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, and he shouted anxiously.

"Presumptuous!! Your Majesty is still alive, how can you get the throne alone!?"

As soon as Cao Cao's words fell, a soldier came to report, saying that his servant Zhonghuaxin would pay his respects.Cao Cao frowned, his heart tightened, and he let out a big kick, as if he had expected it, and quickly called him in.After a while, Hua Xin entered the audience, knelt down and worshiped, and reported that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty had committed suicide and died, leaving a will, and Zen was located in the king of Wei.All of them are as reported by the ministers in the previous discussion.When Cao Cao heard this, his whole body trembled suddenly, and he burst into tears.

"The sky has no eyes, Gu has yet to rule the country for His Majesty, His Majesty died halfway, breaking Gu's heart!!"

Cao Cao wept bitterly, tears gushing like springs, his pain was overwhelming, and there was no falsehood.Guo Jia and Jia Xu looked at each other, and they both hissed and wept bitterly.Cao Cao cried the most mournfully until he passed out.Everyone was shocked, and urgent doctors came to treat them.

That night, Cao Cao woke up leisurely and secretly asked someone to invite Guo Jia.Guo Jia seemed to have expected it, and came secretly.I saw Cao Cao's face was deep, he didn't know whether he was happy or angry, and his pair of detailed eyes could swallow the sky, emitting bursts of majestic light.Seeing Guo Jia come in, Cao Cao pointed to the side of the bed and said. ..


Guo Jia didn't pretend, just sat on the bed according to Cao Cao's instructions.Cao Cao said in a low voice with a cold face.

"Hmph. From what Fengxiao saw, who did this matter!?"

Guo Jia's face sank, his brain turned, and he spoke quickly and analyzed.

"Xun Gong has always been loyal to the Han Dynasty. He will never do such a rebellious act. Instead, he will try his best to restrain it. According to Jia, it must be a group of officials. Wealthy, but they are all people with evil heart and no courage. If no one secretly instigates them, they will never dare to make trouble. Among the ministers of Jiaguan, only Sima Zhongda has such ability!!"

"Sima Zhongda!? Hmph, this person is definitely not an ordinary person. What is his intention in doing this?"

Guo Jia's complexion darkened when he heard the words, he pondered for a long time, and spoke in a concentrated voice.

"My lord has made great contributions to the lord, and he has won the popularity of the people. It will be a matter of time before he becomes the emperor. Now the lord has recovered Jingzhou, and soon he will attack Soochow. The soldiers need to be encouraged. If the lord becomes the emperor at this time, the morale of the three armies will definitely be strong Shock. For the great cause of Wei State's unification of the country, it is actually beneficial and harmless. And the lord is a Hanchen after all, and he is deeply favored by the court. It is really inconvenient to force each other. From this point of view, Sima Zhongda secretly instigated The ministers are like this, and it does not harm the heart of King Wei."

"Oh, according to what Fengxiao said. Isn't Gu not only unable to blame this person, but also rewarding him heavily?"

Cao Cao's fine eyes widened suddenly, and two majestic divine lights shot out, straight into Guo Jia's eye sockets.Guo Jia sighed and said to Cao Cao.

"Exactly. If my lord severely punishes this person, the hearts of all the officials will be chilled, causing people to panic. Now that His Majesty has passed away, the country needs stability, and my lord should put state affairs first."

Cao Cao's face became colder, his brows twitched, and he said coldly.

"What a Sima Zhongda, it's really an eye-opener to teach Gu Gu. Xiao Zhi, what do you think of this person?"

Guo Jia heard the words, so he pondered for a while, and he didn't know how long before he answered.

"This person hides his secrets and is extremely intelligent. Compared with Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Zhou Yu and others, he has more perseverance. He seems to have no wishes and no desires, and he regards fame as profit. But Kejia thinks this person is extraordinary. Sooner or later, something is bound to happen.”

"Oh? This person has such abilities, but Gu Xiangli underestimated him. Feng Xiao, do you think this person can be reused?"

Cao Cao's eyes were sharp, and he said in a concentrated voice.Guo Jia shook his head and said slowly.

"This person is thoughtful, respectful in front of the lord, conscientious and conscientious, and does not seek meritorious deeds, but seeks to be innocent. As long as the lord is alive, this person will never dare to show his talent. If there ever comes a day, the lord will be the first..."

Guo Jia's eyes flashed sharply, and he suddenly made a throat-slitting movement.How wise Cao Cao is, he immediately realized it, and seemed to have the same intention, so he nodded heavily.

So, after Cao Cao finished packing, he led Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Cao Ren, Zhang Jai and other generals, and Guo Jia, Jia Xu and other officials hurried back to Luoyang. He also taught Xia Houyuan, Xun You and others to guard Jingzhou and Cao trained soldiers and horses.

Ten days later, Cao Cao led a group of officials to Luoyang, the imperial capital. More than forty people from Chen Qun and Li Fu rushed out of the city to bow down and greet them.I saw Cao Cao wearing a black golden cloud dragon armor, sitting on a stunning BMW, Dian Wei and Xu Chu, two gods, standing on both sides, one on the left and one on the right, and all the generals lined up behind the formation, each majestic, Impressive.Cao Cao's face was majestic, he looked around at the kneeling officials, and suddenly said the word 'good'.The ministers didn't know what Cao Cao meant, and their faces changed in fright.Only Sima Yi's face was calm and determined, as if he was outside.Cao Cao slowly withdrew his gaze, galloped his horse, and suddenly galloped into the city, Dian Wei and Xu Chu followed immediately.The ministers had no idea, and panicked for a while.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty had died for more than ten days, and his coffin was in Taimiao.Cao Cao went to sacrifice it in person.When the ministers arrived one after another, they saw Cao Cao weeping bitterly. The ministers were terrified, and they all cried bitterly.Immediately, there was a burst of crying and shouting that shook the heavens and earth, and those who heard it were in tears, and those who heard it were moved.

A few days later, Cao Cao ordered Chen Qun to declare to the world and issued an edict, saying that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was tortured by patients. In the autumn of the 20th year of Jian'an, he passed away.After the burial.All the ministers discussed together and begged Cao Cao to ascend the throne according to the will of Emperor Hanxian.Therefore, all the officials gathered in Wei Wang's mansion, and knelt down in the pavilion one after another.However, Cao Cao was weird, he didn't come out for a day, and all the ministers came here.

All the ministers gathered in Wei Wangfu, but Cao Cao did not come to see him.But he said that at this time in the mansion, Cao Cao was discussing with Guo Jia and Jia Xu.Cao Cao said solemnly.

"The matter has come to this point, the country cannot be without a king for a day, and it has to be on the throne alone. However, this matter has great implications, so it should not be rushed. What should we do if we respect the views of filial piety and Wenhe?"

Jia Xu nodded slightly when she heard the words, and spoke in a concentrated voice.

"What the lord said is very true. Although there is a will now, the lord should make a modest speech and put an end to the world's slander first."

After Cao Cao heard this, he also had the same intention, so he ordered Guo Jia to act as an example, claiming to be poor in virtue, and please don't ask a great sage to inherit the throne.Hua Xin and other officials looked at the list, feeling very surprised and suspicious, not knowing what to do.Li Fu anxiously asked Sima Yi secretly.

"Wei Wang is humble, what can I do?"

When Sima Yi heard this, his expression was determined, and he spoke in a calm and unhurried manner.

"Don't worry, Duke Ming. In the past, when the king of Wei accepted the title of the king, he gave three speeches and refused to allow it, and then accepted it. Now that the king of Wei is the emperor, he naturally does not want to act too hastily, so as to be slandered by the people of the world. You can teach Hua Waiters and others, send out documents to invite each other, and the king of Wei will accept it."

Li Fu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly retreated. He came to see Hua Xin and told Sima Yi's words quickly.When Hua Xin heard the words, he suddenly realized, so he gathered a group of ministers, issued documents to invite them together, and knelt down in Wei Wang's mansion, and asked again and again.After this happened again and again, all the ministers issued seven documents in succession, knelt down to ask each other for half a month, Cao Cao just met and agreed to take the throne.

Jia Xu came out with emotion, and said in a concentrated voice.

"Although your majesty has passed away, the matter of the Zen position is related to the great treasure of the country and the well-being of the people in the world. It should be solemnly done. You can ask people to build an altar, which is called the altar of Zen. Choose an auspicious day and a good day, and gather all the ministers and ministers. Under the altar, the king of Wei will be witnessed by all the officials in the world, and he will take over the throne!!"

All the officials felt reasonable when they heard it.Cao Cao then followed.Therefore, Hua Xin taught people to build a three-story high altar in the palace, and chose to abdicate at Yinshi, Gengwu Ri, October.

At the end of the period, the officials invited Cao Cao, king of Wei, to go to the altar to receive Zen. Under the altar, there were more than [-] bureaucrats, big and small, and more than [-] imperial guards. Hua Xin personally held the jade seal to Cao Cao.Seeing that Cao Cao was wearing a dragon robe with black brocade and gold patterns, showing the majesty of the emperor, he generously took the jade seal.The officials under the altar knelt down to listen to the canonization.Chen Qun declared.

"In the past, Yao and Zen in Tang Dynasty were located in Yu and Shun, and Shun also ordered Yu. The fate of heaven is not constant, but there is virtue. This is the forerunner of Zen. Now the Han Dynasty is late, the world is out of order, and the universe is overturned. It depends on the king of Wei's martial arts and saves It is difficult to punish the thieves in the Central Plains in order to protect the ancestral temple of the Han Dynasty. When the first emperor died, he thought of the great merits of the King of Wei, and the hope of the people, so he gave the artifact of the country, and the Zen was located in the King of Wei. I hope that the King of Wei will follow the great ceremony and serve the world. Suppress the destiny!"

After reading the book, Cao Cao, king of Wei, received eight great gifts and ascended the throne.Jia Xu led bureaucrats, big and small, to the altar.The first year of Yankang was changed to the first year of Huangchu.The name of the country is Wei.Cao Cao immediately passed the decree, amnesty the world, rewarded all the officials, and named Xun Yu the King of Pingyang, buried in Pingyang County, Yingchuan, and his sons took the throne.

Cao Cao, the hero of the troubled times, finally ascended to the throne, and the Han Dynasty was gone, and was taken by Wei.When Cao Cao first came to the throne, he appeased the hearts of the people and discussed with his ministers the strategy of calming the world.

At that time, the Western Tang Dynasty was fighting fiercely with the Kingdom of Shu, and there was a detailed report saying that Zhuge Liang led the army to attack Nanzheng, and it was about to fall.Now Zhang Fei is leading an army to attack Chencang.All the ministers of Wei State were overjoyed when they heard this.Jia Xu's expression froze, and he hurriedly attended and said.

"Liangzhou is currently in great chaos. The Shu army has captured Dongchuan and is attacking Yongzhou. The situation in the Western Tang Dynasty is in chaos. Your Majesty must quickly recruit troops and horses, and enter Hanoi and Hedong. In this way, the Western Tang Dynasty will be attacked by the enemy. How can it be indestructible? Rye!?"

When Cao Cao heard this, he frowned, and suddenly turned to Hua Xin and asked.

"How many soldiers and horses can the Central Plains use?"

"Report to Your Majesty. Now most of our country's troops are gathered in Jingzhou, and there are only [-] troops left in the Central Plains. If Your Majesty wants to conquer the Western Tang Dynasty, you might as well send another [-] troops from Jingzhou."

Hua Xin bowed his hands and said respectfully.As soon as Hua Xin said this, Guo Jia immediately refuted sharply.

"Absolutely not! It's a long way to transfer troops from Jingzhou, and it's very time-consuming. When his army arrives in the Central Plains, I'm afraid that Xitang will put down the troubles long ago!! Now our country is an alliance with Xitang. Once we Once the army is raised, the covenant will be abolished. If the two countries go to war, the two countries of Shu and Wu will be able to breathe. Immediately, even if our great Wei can conquer the Western Tang Dynasty, it will be a great loss of national strength. If Shu and Wu join forces to attack, What the heck!?"

Hua Xin's expression changed after Guo Jia drank it.At this time, Sima Yi's expression froze, and he suddenly attended and said.

"Marquis Zhen's words are wrong. Zhuge Kongming is a talented man with an unfathomable wisdom. Now Wen Bufan is gathering troops to pacify Xiliang, and is fighting fiercely with Ma Meng's barbarian army. Zhuge Liang took advantage of the vacancy to enter, how could he? Defeated easily!? Things should not be delayed, and things will change if they are delayed. According to a certain opinion, we should send troops quickly."

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