Han Shimou

Chapter 1231 Retreat

() We, brothers, should assist them with our hearts, and we must not compete with each other to cause the country to collapse. "

Cao Zhang said in a concentrated voice, Cao Cao heard the words, his anger gradually faded, and he asked with a sigh.

"Is this what Ziwen said from the bottom of his heart!?"

"If the child speaks lies, teach the child to die!!"

Cao Zhang knelt down and worshiped.Cao Cao's body shook, and he waved his hands. He seemed to be thinking, so he taught Cao Zhang to leave.From then on, Cao Cao wanted Cao Pi to take over the throne. Cao Pi was overjoyed to see his father's attitude changed drastically.

Ten days later, he made a detailed report, saying that Zhuge Liang's surprise attack on Chang'an failed and he withdrew Nanzheng.Hearing the news, Cao Cao sighed and muttered a few words, so he gave up his desire to conquer the Western Tang Dynasty, and ordered the North Korean military to deal with the great cause of defeating Wu with all its strength.

Besides, Zhuge Liang withdrew from Nanzheng.Not long after, Zhang Fei was also defeated in Chencang and retreated to Nanzheng.When Zhuge Liang heard that Wen Han had led his army to Chencang, he looked sad, and the fate of the Han Dynasty seemed to be powerless.And Zhuge Liang planned ahead, and on the day he rushed back to Nanzheng, he quickly taught Chen Dao to rush back to Zitong and taught Liu Bei to retreat to Chengdu.The terrain of Chengdu City is steep, the city is towering, the road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky. Even if there are millions of elite soldiers, it is difficult to break through.To be safe, Zhuge Liang taught Liu Bei to go to Chengdu first to set up an army. If the Tang army was really unstoppable, he would retreat to Chengdu and hold on to the city until the Qing Dynasty.Of course, Zhuge Liang would not sit still, and ordered Wang Pingjiao to pay Liu Bei, send Wu Tugu to Nanman, quickly stabilize the situation, and wait for the time to send troops to aid Xichuan.Not long after Wang Ping left, Zhang Fei returned from defeat. . .

Zhang Fei, Fazheng and Ma Liang quickly informed them of the past.Zhuge Liang heard about one of them, but regretted it too much. He knew that everyone had fallen for Xu Shu's plan, but he couldn't expose it.The matter has been up to now, Zhuge Liang should put the protection of the country as the most important thing, gather all the officials of the Shu Han, and guard it.So Zhuge Liang discussed with everyone that night, and taught Zhang Fei, Fazheng and others to slowly retreat to Xichuan.When Zhang Fei heard this, he glared around, his face full of resignation, and he roared sharply.

"We waited for the soldiers to work hard to get to Nanzheng. Now that the other army has not arrived, how can we escape without a fight? Doesn't this make the world laugh at me, that there is no one in Shu Han!?"

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang let out a long sigh, and spoke to Zhang Fei.

"Don't be impatient with Yide. Wen Bufan pacified Xiliang and sent his troops back to help. The sky has no eyes, and a certain surprise soldier's plan will not come true. Now that the Western Tang Dynasty has taken advantage of the general situation, it will definitely be able to counterattack. Our Shu Han has not many troops. If the [-] soldiers are lost again, the country will be in danger. Liang had previously taught Wang Ping and Chen Dao to loot all the money and food in Nanzheng and send them back to Xichuan. Nanzheng is already empty and useless. Today's Plan, let’s retreat back to Xichuan first, set up troops to guard Chengdu, and resist Tang thieves. As for the future, Liang has his own discretion. Yide doesn’t have to worry too much.”

Zhuge Liang's eyes are piercing, making people believe him unconsciously when they see it.Hearing this, Zhang Fei gritted his teeth. Although he felt endless resentment and resentment, he knew the current situation.Fazheng and Ma Liang looked at each other, and both spoke words of advice.Zhang Fei then responded.Zhuge Liang saw that Zhang Fei's face was pale, Yintang was black, his eyes were sunken, and his energy was weak, so he urgently told Zhang Fei to rest and heal his injuries.It turned out that Zhang Fei had already suffered serious internal injuries in his last battle with Huang Zhong in Chencang, and was later attacked by Zhang Liao and suffered serious external injuries.But Zhang Fei endured with a strong will for the sake of the war.But Zhang Fei couldn't hide it from Zhuge Liang's eyes.Zhang Fei closed his eyes and said with endless grief.

"The country is about to perish, and I don't know when my second brother's vengeance will be avenged. How can I have the mind to rest."

"What Yide said is wrong. Because of the critical situation, there are no generals in Shu Han now, and only Yide is the only one who can stand up for the overall situation. If Yide is in danger, who will stop the Tang bandits!? Not to mention that the king of Shu has already broken his arm. If another arm is broken, there will be heartbreaking pain. Whether it is public or private, Yide should also take care of his body."

Zhuge Liang saw that Zhang Fei's expression was gloomy and his eyes had the will to die, his heart was shocked, and he hurriedly persuaded him.After Zhang Fei heard this, his body trembled, as if he had realized something, he nodded and turned out.

The next day, Zhuge Liang called Wang Ping and Chen Dao to come and pay the Tao.

"Tang thieves are about to come. Uncle Zhi, you can lead three thousand elite soldiers to the Wushan Avenue and set up an ambush in a hidden place. If you encounter Tang thieves, don't attack them. Just shout loudly to scare the suspicious soldiers. Then Go on your own, and don't chase after them. When the army has retreated, they will jump to Jiameng Pass and join our army."

Chen Dao handed over his hand and took the lead.Then Zhuge Liang instructed Wang Ping to pass orders secretly and teach the army to pack up their luggage secretly in preparation for departure.Zhuge Liang's transfer order has been decided, and the Shu soldiers are divided and withdrawn.Suddenly one day, more than ten flying horses reported to report, saying that Wen Bufan led an army of [-], and hoped that Nanzheng would come in droves!Zhuge Liang had no fear, and quickly taught the sergeants to set off in the starry night, and they must withdraw all the troops in the next day.The generals took orders and led their troops to retreat one after another.

Let's say that Wenhan prepared troops and horses in Chencang, and ordered Zhao Yun to lead his troops to march from Chang'an. The two armies and horses attacked Nanzheng together.Ten days later, Wen Han rushed to Nanzheng first, but found that Nanzheng City had already been deserted, and there was no Shu soldier in the city.Wen Han hurriedly led his troops into the city, but he saw that all the money and food in the warehouse and government treasury had been looted.Wen Han knew that the Shu army must have done it, he was furious, and quickly taught the soldiers to inquire about the news from the people in the city, only to find out that Zhuge Liang had dispatched the soldiers and horses to withdraw a few days ago.Wenhan heard the news and wanted to send troops to Chili to pursue him.Pang Tong was calm, and persuaded Wen Han.

"My lord, be safe and don't be impatient. There is no good step in the so-called tight course.

Zhuge Kongming withdrew his army and retreated, thinking that he would lay down an ambush along the road and block our army.The lord can send scouts along the road to investigate, and the army will slowly pursue and attack, ready to go, until Xichuan, where they will march with great momentum. "

As soon as Pang Tong said this, Xu Shu also followed up and persuaded him.Wen Han heard that although there was a lot of anger, he still suppressed it. According to what Pang Tong said, he first taught Li Feng to lead his troops to explore the way.Li Feng was ordered to lead more than a thousand cavalry away.

Although Li Feng is young, he has been carefully taught by Li You since he was a child, and he has a meticulous temper and a smart mind.Li Feng proceeded cautiously all the way, just a few dozen miles out of Nanzheng, just as Pang Tong expected, he found that the Shu soldiers were in ambush.Li Feng didn't dare to rush in, suddenly the drums were beating loudly.Li Feng turned pale in shock, thinking that the Shu soldiers were coming to kill him, he hurriedly retreated five or six miles, and then asked the sergeant to report back.But when Wen Han led the army to kill, the Shu soldiers had already left.

Now, the soldiers led by Zhao Yun have joined forces with Wen Han.Wen Han saw that the Shu soldiers were so cunning, and their sword eyes were like raging fire, so he no longer hesitated, and instructed Zhao Yun to lead [-] soldiers and horses as a vanguard army, and go in pursuit first.Zhao Yun took the order, and then he cited Wen Shun and Deng Ai, two young generals, to go in together.

However, after Chen Dao frightened Li Feng's troops back, he immediately withdrew his troops and rushed to Jiameng Pass to join Zhuge Liang's army.That night, a flying horse came to report, and Zhao Yun personally led a group of soldiers and horses to kill Jiameng Pass.At that time, Zhang Fei was still injured, Zhuge Liang had no other generals around him, only a group of civil servants, seven or eight of his subordinates had already left Xichuan.Only [-] troops remained in Guanzhong.And Jiamengguan is the key point of Dongchuan and Xichuan. For several years, the armies of Tang and Shu fought fiercely here, and the pass was riddled with holes, making it difficult to guard.When all the officials heard that Zhao Zilong led the army to kill them, they all lost color.Zhuge Liang went to the pass to look at it, and he saw a flame like a long dragon seven or eight miles away, and the sound of horseshoes was like thunder.Zhuge Liang's expression froze, but in this critical moment, he became calmer, and quickly passed the order to hide all the flags and flags of the generals, and all the troops entered the pass to guard them. cut it!All the armies took orders and followed orders.Then Zhuge Liang was wearing a crane cloak and a Lun scarf, and ordered Zhang Fei and Chen Lai to come and sit on the railing before closing the enemy building, burning incense and playing the piano.

At three o'clock at night, Zhao Yun led his troops to the front of the pass, but he didn't see the Shu soldiers meeting him, so his face froze and he ordered the soldiers to stop.Following Zhao Yun's order, the sky was full of wind and dust.Zhao Yun looked up and saw Zhuge Liang playing the zither on the door of the door. The sound of the zither was faint, like flowing water in a mountain, and sometimes it was violent, like thunder.Zhang Fei and Chen Dao stood by Zhuge Liang's left and right, concentrating on holding their breath, not seeing the slightest murderous intent.Zhao Yun was suspicious and did not dare to attack rashly.At this time, Wen Shun rode his horse and came to talk to Zhao Yun.

"There is no need to worry, general. In my opinion, this must be a bluff by the other army. We can attack it quickly."

Hearing this, Zhao Yun frowned, but then asked Deng Ai who was beside him.

"Although what His Royal Highness said is reasonable, Zhuge Kongming has always been very wise and should not be taken lightly. According to Shizai, the other army is a fraud!?"

When Deng Ai heard the words, his eyes were piercing, and he stared at them. After pondering for a while, he suddenly said.

"Zhuge Kongming intends to withdraw his troops and return to defend Xichuan. Presumably, most of the other troops have already left. Even if there are soldiers and horses in Xiaguan, there will never be many. What's more, the Lord is marching from the rear. If there is an emergency, he can come to the rescue. The general has the courage to fight the world and is invincible in the world. According to the sergeant, Zhang Yide has been severely injured. The other army has no generals now, so attack them quickly!!"

Deng Ai's words fell.Zhao Yun's heart was settled, and Wen Shun suddenly spoke at this moment.

"Wait a minute! The other army is already timid for us, why not advance slowly first, teaching them to think that we are going to test you, but secretly teaching the soldiers to gather momentum, and when the order is given, they immediately attack with lightning speed. attack, it will definitely kill the Shu thief by surprise!!"

Wen Shun's plan was very clever, and Zhao Yun was overjoyed when he heard that, so he secretly issued an order according to Wen Shun's plan.Zhuge Liang was playing the piano under the city, when suddenly he saw Tang soldiers approaching slowly under the city.Zhuge Liang's complexion tightened, and he plucked his hands quickly, and the sound of the piano suddenly became urgent and passionate, as if there was an ambush on all sides, and countless soldiers and horses swarmed to kill him.Tang Bing, who was sneaking, suddenly heard the sound of the zither, and all of them felt a pang in their hearts. Subconsciously, they grabbed their weapons tightly, with a murderous look.

Zhuge Liang's complexion changed suddenly, and he quickly cast glances at Zhang Fei and Chen Dao beside him.The faces of the two of them tightened, they turned around quickly, and rushed to the pass.When I was young, I shut down the Tang soldiers who were advancing slowly, and following Zhao Yun's order, they suddenly broke out, and they all rushed to kill Jiameng Pass like fierce tigers descending from the mountain.

At the same time, suddenly the gate in the pass opened wide, and several crossbowmen swarmed out, pulling their bowstrings and shooting random arrows.All of a sudden, arrows poured down the sky and covered the earth, Zhao Yun roared like a dragon roaring, and the horse galloped suddenly, the gentian silver spear flew like a frightened lightning, and swiped wildly, pushing away the rain of arrows, rushing forward impressively.

"Zhang Yide from Yan is here, who dares to commit crimes!!?"

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