Han Shimou

Chapter 1238

() As soon as the drink started, there was a burst of air-breaking sound immediately.Between lightning and flint, a meteor hammer flew through the air, and quickly hit Xu Chu's back.Seeing how fierce the meteor hammer is, if it is hit for real, even a black bear will die on the spot.At the critical moment, Xu Chu withdrew his knife suddenly, turned around and slashed, sparks burst out, and with a crisp 'bang', the meteor hammer fell in response.All of a sudden, Wang Shuang had already stabbed from behind, raised his broad-mouthed sword, and slashed in a row.Xu Chu's face was cold and cold, and he twisted his knife to defend, but he was not afraid, but his killing intent increased greatly. With a cry of applause, he suddenly counterattacked.The tiger-headed machete was powerful, and it forced Wang Shuang's machete away.Wang Shuang's complexion changed continuously, and he fell into a disadvantage in an instant.Fortunately, at this time, Deng Ai rushed to Luozhan in time, and the two fought desperately against Xu Chu.The spirits of the two Tang armies were shaken, and they charged and interspersed each other, and the situation of the Huben army became more and more chaotic.

At the same time, under the city of Wucheng.Wen Shun and Xiang Chong are having a dialogue.All of a sudden, there was a loud and violent shouting from behind.Wen Shun's complexion changed drastically, he pretended to be angry, glared angrily, and shouted loudly.

"It's not good! It's been tricked!! To Boji!! I respect your loyalty, but you cheated me instead!!"..

Hearing the words, Xiang Chong frowned, thinking to himself that before Xu Chu's soldiers arrived, how could he make a noise first and startle the snakes.But Xiang Chong was secretly suspicious, but pointed at Cheng Wenshun again, and shouted sharply.

"You little thief, Lizi!! You invaded the borders of our Shu Han, and your lives were ruined. I am not equal to you in the same situation, how could I send you to the Western Tang Dynasty!!"

Hearing this, Wen Shun gritted his teeth angrily, and seemed to hold back the monstrous anger, and hurriedly retreated after turning around.The Shu generals in the city saw it, and they came to persuade Chong Shengshi to send troops.But Xiang Chong was extremely calm and said in a concentrated voice.

"Be safe and don't be impatient, there is something wrong with this. You go to prepare first, wait for the soldiers of Wei to kill you, listen to my order, and immediately go out of the city to fight. If you don't listen to my military order, if anyone dares to fight without authorization, beheaded !!!”

After Xiang Chong drank it, all the generals took orders and retreated one after another.Xiang Chong stood on top of the enemy building, his eyes glowed like eagle eyes, staring fixedly into the distance, but no Wei soldiers came to kill him for a long time.Now, Wen Shun has led his army to withdraw for three or four miles, seeing that Wucheng is still standing still.Wen Shun's heart moved, his eyes narrowed, and he cursed in his heart.

"I heard that Xiang Boji is both wise and brave, and he is a rare general. Looking at it now, he really deserves his reputation. If it is so, I should rush to meet him and defeat the Wei army quickly!!"

Wen Shun made up his mind, so he gave up the idea of ​​luring Shu soldiers out of the city, and quickly led the soldiers to look at the place where the sound of killing was shouted to kill.

Besides, Deng Ai and Wang Shuang are fighting fiercely with Xu Chu.Xu Chu was extremely brave and brave. Although Deng Ai and Wang Shuang fought together, they were still no match for him.Seeing that Xu Chu's saber was as fast as lightning, and the tiger's might was impressive, Deng Ai and Wang Shuang had already switched from offense to defense, and gradually their defense became more and more chaotic, and they were about to defend to the death soon.

Suddenly, there was a burst of shouting and killing sounds like overwhelming mountains and seas.Wen Shun led his troops to kill them impressively.I saw Wen Shun riding a white horse, with a Qinglin Bailian spear blowing as fast as a gust of wind, and the shadow of the gun was like a hundred lights intertwined. When he struck suddenly, he immediately killed the tiger and cardinal soldiers on their backs.Xu Chu saw that his own army was in chaos, so he immediately twisted his knife and forced Deng Ai and Wang Shuang to drive away. He reined in his horse and saw another Tang soldier attacking.Xu Chu didn't dare to fight hard, so he hurriedly ordered his troops to withdraw.As soon as Xu Chu gave the order, the rear of Huben's army rushed away, but they didn't panic.When Deng Ai and Wang Shuang saw Wenshun coming to kill, they were all shocked. They raised their weapons and led their troops to kill.Xu Chuhu was at the head of the formation, and slowly led his troops away.After a while, three major generals, Wen Shun, Deng Ai and Wang Shuang, came to kill them all at once.Xu Chu shouted loudly, raised his knife and flew out, fighting the three of them.Wen Shun and Deng Ai raised both guns at the same time, attacking quickly.Wang Shuang swung his saber and slashed fiercely, his moves violent.Xu Chu outnumbered the three generals by himself, but he was not inferior. The tiger-headed machete in his hand danced impenetrably, as if forming an iron wall. The three men attacked hard, but they still couldn't break through.


Wang Shuang killed blood, raised the knife suddenly, and slashed away. Three white wolves appeared on the knife.At the same time, Deng Ai seemed to have a tacit understanding, and his aura surged all over his body. The golden tiger spear in his hand broke down like a nine-day thunderbolt, stabbing out violently.Above the head of the spear, there is a three-headed and six-armed figure like a Shura.With swords and guns coming out together, one monster and one Shura, the power is already infinite.In an instant, as if hearing a roar of a dragon, Wenshun's saber eyes shot out, and he stabbed out suddenly with his twisted gun. A unicorn with blue scale armor.In an instant, it was as if the color of the sky and the earth changed, with divine beasts, Shura, and monsters gathering together, and time seemed to slow down extremely.

The situation is changing, taking away the vastness of the world.

At this moment, something fierce suddenly appeared.Seeing that Xu Chu's momentum was raging like a raging wave, a gigantic giant tiger suddenly appeared behind him.In an instant, endless ferocity seemed to fill the space between the heaven and the earth.Xu Chu's body was in a phase, as if he had become one with a giant two-winged tiger, he twisted his knife and chopped it down with a bang.The two-winged giant tiger suddenly burst into black and white flames, and flew out, and its huge figure covered the sky and the earth.There was only a series of violent bangs, and two shots and one knife swung away.Xu Chu stared strangely, slashed with the saber, and then swung the saber back.Wen Shun, Deng Ai, and Wang Shuang all felt endless dangers coming, and they tried their best to resist with all their strength.

Suddenly, the wind and dust surged into the sky.After a while, first Wang Shuang flew out with his horse and men, and then Deng Ai and Wen Shun also rushed out with their men and horses.When the wind and dust dissipated, I saw Xu Chururuo standing there like a peerless demon, lonely and majestic.All the Tang soldiers around were stunned and lost their minds.Xu Chu's eyes were cold and cold, but there was a huge wave in his heart. He seemed to have the upper hand just now, but he was not.At this time, in Xu Chu's abdomen, the internal organs seemed to be turned upside down, and the blood was churning.This battle can at most be a tie.However, Xu Chu's single-manpower battle with three generals is enough to show his superb martial arts skills.

Wang Shuang felt dizzy for a while, his eyes were like gold stars, he suddenly opened his huge palm, slapped his face fiercely, stared at his huge eyes, and roared sharply.

"Evil thief, I will fight with you!!!"

After Wang Shuang finished speaking, he galloped his horse and charged.Xu Chu's eyes turned cold, and he reined in his horse and withdrew suddenly.Seeing the murderous look in Xu Chu's eyes, Wen Shun's heart skipped a beat, he rushed up and shouted at the same time.

"Zi Quanxiu is careless, beware of fraud!!"

As soon as Wen Shun finished speaking, Xu Chu suddenly shot several featherless arrows from his back, and shot at Wen Shun, Deng Ai, and Wang Shuang one after another.Wang Shuang quickly twisted his knife to resist, and with a bang, the castration was hard to stop, and he was knocked over and fell off his horse.Both Wen Shun and Deng Ai were on guard, and shot through the flying stones.Seeing that he didn't succeed, Xu Chu shouted loudly.

"Good boy!! I will have a good time with you in the coming day!!"

After Xu Chu finished drinking, he rode his horse and whipped his horse, and led his troops to retreat quickly.Wen Shun saw that the flying stone was powerful, so he didn't dare to chase too close, so he asked loudly.

"I heard that among the Cao and Wei Dynasties, Elai and Tiger Crazy are invincible warriors in the world. And the Evil Marquis uses the halberd, and the Tiger Marquis uses the sword. Could it be that the Lord is the Tiger Marquis!?"

When Xu Chu heard this, he didn't answer, but laughed out loud.That laughter was like looking at all the heroes in the world, and there was a bit of admirable boldness between the madness and admiration.Wen Shun heard Xu Chu's laughter, his complexion sank, his brows were deeply furrowed, he knew the answer, and said to Deng Ai and Wang Shuang.

"Cao Cao's attack on Wu Daye is imminent, but he sent his general Xu Chu to come. It seems that Xichuan is bound to win. We must be careful not to underestimate the enemy, otherwise our many years of fighting in the Western Tang Dynasty will come in vain!!"

Hearing this, Deng Ai's expression was extremely serious, and he nodded heavily.On the other hand, Wang Shuang did not have any seizures. He thought of Xu Chu's earth-shattering knife just now, and the giant tiger with two wings facing each other.Wang Shuang asked himself, if he fought alone with Xu Chu, he might be cut off by Xu Chu in less than fifty rounds! !

It was dusk when Wenshun withdrew his troops and withdrew to the camp.Xu Shu rushed out of the stronghold to meet him, but saw the three people headed by Wen Shun, each with a heavy and worried face.Xu Shu's eyes are so vicious, so he knows that the situation is definitely not optimistic.Afterwards, Wen Shun and others returned to the tent and sat down one by one.Wen Shun saw the look in Xu Shu's eyes, so he told the past one by one.After Xu Shu heard this, he couldn't help feeling deeply sad, and sighed.

"According to what His Royal Highness said, that man must be Xu Zhongkang, a tiger idiot. This man's martial arts are at the peak, and it is rare to find an opponent in the world. Now that General Huang has passed away, only Shenlonghou and Longdanhou can match him in our army. From now on, when you meet him, you should be extremely careful, and you must not act on a whim and fight alone with him!!"

Xu Shu condensed his voice to warn, Wen, Deng, and Wang all knew the advantages and disadvantages of it, and they all nodded in response.Then Wen Shun's expression sank, and he asked Xu Shu again.

"Now that the Wei army has reinforced the army, and there is even a formidable enemy like Xu Zhongkang, in Xu Gong's opinion, what should we do?"

When Xu Shu heard the words, he pondered for a while, and then spoke.

"Although Xu Zhongkang is invincible, he is no more than a general in the army. With him in charge, no one can match the other army's charge. But the most important thing in an army is the general of the three armies. Your Highness can wait and see what happens. First find out how many soldiers and horses the other army has, and who will lead them. If there are no men, the soldiers and horses do not have the potential to be massive, so we can plan to defeat them."

After hearing this, Wen Shun also had this intention, so he taught the three armies to guard the barracks closely in preparation for war.But he said that Xu Chu withdrew his army, and Cao Pi led the army to arrive that night.Cao Pi then went to the village near the mountain a dozen miles outside Wucheng, and at the same time sent someone to inform Xiang Chong that there was no hostility for comfort.Naturally, Xiang Chong didn't believe it, and he also taught the soldiers to guard the city tightly, lest the Wei army would suddenly attack and seize the city.

That night, Cao Pi discussed with a group of civil and military officials in the tent.Cao Pi first asked Xun You for advice.Xun You's expression froze, he attended and said.

"Our army has just arrived and is not familiar with the terrain, so don't rush to seize the city. In my opinion, we can defeat the Tang soldiers first, and then plan for the future."

Cao Pi listened, nodded slightly, and followed what Xun You said.

On the next day, the Wei army's Dazhai was beating drums, and Cao Pi personally led [-] soldiers and horses, and rushed to the Tang army's Dazhai in a mighty manner.Wen Shun heard the report from the scouts early on, set up a battle in front of the stronghold, and taught the archers and crossbowmen to lie in ambush in the trench, just in case.

In a short time, [-] Wei troops swarmed in overwhelmingly.Cao Pi gave an order, and the Wei army immediately set up their positions and strictly rectified their prestige.I saw Cao Pi standing under the gate flag, wearing a silver armor and tiger robe, with bright eyes and a six-foot dragon spear in his hand, very majestic.Cao Zhang and Xu Chu stood on both sides, one on the left and the other on the right.The two are huge, like two evil gods.Seeing this, Wen Shun's heart sank, he rode out on his horse, and asked in a loud voice.

"I am Wen Zixi, the son of the prince of the Western Tang Dynasty. I don't know who the commander of the army is, so please come out and answer!"

When Cao Pi heard that the general of the Tang army was Wen Shun, the only son of Wenhan, the king of the Western Tang Dynasty, his eyes shot out two jingles, and he was secretly overjoyed.

"I am Cao Ziheng, the son of the great Wei Dynasty! The battle between the two armies is imminent. If you have anything to say, come quickly!!"

When Wen Shun heard that it was Cao Pi, his face was also tense, and then he cupped his hands and bowed to Cao Pi.

"My Western Tang Dynasty and the Great Wei originally had an alliance agreement, and the two countries became good friends of Qin and Jin. According to the agreement between the two countries, Wei took the land of Jingzhou and Dongwu, and my Western Tang Dynasty took the land of Xichuan. I don't know why your highness broke the alliance and sent troops out of Xichuan. yeah?"

Cao Pi smiled coldly when he heard the words, and shouted in a concentrated voice with sharp eyes.

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