Han Shimou

Chapter 1241

() said that Wenshun withdrew to Yong'an, finished the reorganization, and waited and watched the situation.Yong'an City is not far from Wu City, and the two cities are close to each other.However, when Wenshun withdrew his troops, he left behind a scouting team, paid ten days of food, and hid in the mountains dozens of miles away from Wucheng to investigate the movements of Wei Jun and Shu soldiers in Wucheng.But on the night when Wenshun withdrew, there were sudden shouts and killings in the Wei Army's stronghold. The Tang soldiers scouted, but they could clearly see that it was the soldiers of the Wei Army who were shouting in the stronghold, and then disrupted the stronghold by themselves, bluffing.Seeing such a strange situation, the soldiers of the scouting team of the Tang general sent someone to send it back to Wen Shun, who reported to Yong'an.On the third day after Wenshun returned to Yong'an, the scouts reported back and reported the past in detail.Wen Shun heard the words and quickly called Xu Shu to discuss with him.After Xu Shu heard what happened, his eyes suddenly lit up, and Fuxu smiled.

"If something goes wrong, there must be demon ears. It seems that the soldiers of Wei must make some moves. Your Highness can quickly dispatch troops and horses, set off at night, and wait until they arrive outside the other army's stronghold to observe the situation. If the other army can make moves, the stronghold will be empty , Your Highness can take advantage of the momentum to attack and recapture Dazhai!"

Wen Shun was overjoyed at hearing the plan, so he and Deng Ai and Wang Shuang led their troops on a starry night and headed towards Wucheng.

At this time, it was already the fifth day since the Tang army withdrew.That night, in Wei Junzhai, the preparations of the three armies were completed, and Cao Pixiao's eyes were shining, and he was about to raise the army.At this time, Xun You and Cao Pi talked about Taoism.

"The army is about to arrive. Your Highness can send a general to guard the camp to prevent the Tang people from taking advantage of the situation."

Cao Pi was taken aback when he heard this, and laughed.

"Mr. Xun needn't be unfounded. Now that young man from the Wen family is in Yong'an City hundreds of miles away, how did he know about our army's movements!?"

"Xu Yuanzhi has always been resourceful, so he has to guard against it. Your Highness must be cautious."

Seeing Cao Pi's proud face, Xun You frowned and said in a concentrated voice.When Cao Pi heard this, he was secretly displeased, but he remembered that his father Cao Cao had told him before leaving that he should listen to Xun You's words in everything.Cao Pi didn't dare to disobey, so he gave orders to Cao Zhang.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Xun said, so brother Zhang, you will guard the camp and prepare for the people of Tang."

When Cao Zhang heard this, he was very reluctant, but the military order was like a mountain, so he still agreed.So, after Cao Pi's deployment, he led [-] soldiers and horses under the cover of night, and hoped that Wucheng would march slowly.Cao Zhang led the remaining [-] soldiers to guard Dazhai.

At the second watch of the night, the bright moon is twinkling and the sky is full of stars.Suddenly outside Wucheng, Wei soldiers came from all directions.When the soldiers of Shu in the city saw it, they were frightened out of their wits and rushed to report to Chong.When Xiang Chong heard the words, he immediately turned pale with fright, and hurried to the city.Outside the north gate, Cao Pi led an army into formation and taught Xiang Chong to come and answer.After a while, Xiang Chong rushed to him, stood on the enemy tower above the city, his face was cold, and he shouted sharply.

"What do you mean by waiting for Wei Ren!!?"

Cao Pi fixed his eyes, saw Xiang Chong, grinned, drove his horse forward and shouted.

"The emperor of Han has been in charge of my father, and now the Great Wei has replaced the Han Dynasty and controlled the great things of the country. Xiang Boji, you were originally a Han minister, why don't you quickly surrender and join the imperial court!!?"

Xiang Chong had heard about Cao Wei's takeover of Han for a long time, now his eyes widened like copper bells, and he pointed at Cao Pi and hissed.

"Old thief Cao forced the emperor to death and replaced the emperor, and everyone will be punished!! How can I be surrendered to a traitor!!?"

Cao Pi listened and smiled coldly.At this moment, suddenly there was a burst of shouting and killing at the east gate, followed by bursts of rapid and intense fighting.Hearing this, Xiang Chong's expression changed drastically. When he came back to his senses, a soldier suddenly came to report that a group of Wei soldiers had dug a tunnel into the east gate. !

When Xiang Chong heard it, he staggered a few steps as if being struck by a thunderbolt, his face turned blue and purple, his whole body was churning with blood, and with a sound of 'wow', he was so angry that he almost vomited blood on the spot.

It turned out that Xun You had explored the terrain of Wucheng earlier, and found that the east gate was thick with soil inside the gate, and a tunnel could be dug in, so he taught a group of elite soldiers to stay in the back village and dig the tunnel at night.At that time, Xiang Chong saw that the Wei soldiers had dispatched the soldiers and horses of Houzhai, and then saw that the Wei soldiers were attacked by the Tang troops. How could he have expected that the Wei soldiers would secretly use authentic tactics.Xun You has always been good at cunning schemes, and this scheme can be described as ingenious, but by the time Xiang Chong found out, it was too late.

The east gate of Wucheng, the city gate was opened suddenly, and the Wei soldiers on the city fought bravely and let go of the suspension bridge. There was a loud 'boom', and the dust flew up. Xu Chu's majestic tiger eyes shot out two Jing lights, and he suddenly raised the tiger-headed machete, and with an order, he led the soldiers to swarm into the city.The soldiers of Shu hurriedly blocked the gate of the city, and Xu Chu rushed forward like a giant beast, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, with a tiger-headed machete in his hand, dancing imperceptibly, charging straight in, and the sharp and fierce wind of the sword swept the seats Then, the blood rained into the sky, and the Shu soldiers were killed and turned on their backs, screaming incessantly.Xu Chu took the lead, like a peerless demon, coming to the world, one person and one rider, but with overwhelming majesty, he killed the Shu soldiers retreating steadily and collapsed.In an instant, Xu Chu broke through the crowd and entered the city. The soldiers of Wei rushed in, and the soldiers of Shu were frightened and fled in all directions.At this time, Dongmen Shu will rush forward with a group of soldiers and horses, looking at Xu Chu with a ferocious expression, and rushing away.Xu Chu's expression was cold, as if he regarded human life like nothing. Suddenly, the horse flew his sword, and the Shu soldiers in front were killed and scattered, and rushed straight to the front of the Shu general. flashed.When the surrounding Shu soldiers came back to their senses, the Shu general's head had already been severed in two, with brains and blood continuously gushing out.

At the same time, Xiang Chong hurriedly ordered the gate guards to lead troops to the east gate.Under the city, Cao Pi's face was cold, and he hissed again.

"The fate of the Han Dynasty has come to an end, and the power is at its peak!! The so-called good birds choose trees to live in, and virtuous ministers choose their masters to serve! Xiang Boji, what a pity that you die for it!? Surrender quickly!!"

Xiang Chong's eyes were like fire, and he pointed at Cao Pi and shouted desperately.

"You don't need to talk too much!! I'd rather die than surrender!!!"

When Cao Pi was scolded by Xiang Chong, the coldness on his face suddenly became more ruthless, his eyes widened, he swung his gun, and shouted.

"Stubborn and stubborn, I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and death is not a pity!!! All the troops obey the order, break this city for me, and capture this scheming man for me!!"

Cao Pi drank it, and Wei Bing moved with emotion, and rushed to the north gate as if there was a tendency to destroy the dead.Xiang Chongjijiao sergeant intercepted, and the crossbowmen on the city fired arrows at once, and immediately saw arrows and stones flying randomly.But at this time, Xu Chu had already captured the east gate and led his troops to kill at the north gate.In the scroll road, suddenly several Shu soldiers came rushing towards them.Xu Chuyuan stared strangely, and shouted sharply.

"Those who block me will die, get out of the way quickly!!!"

Xu Chu's roar was like thunder, and he drank it in one bang, which was soul-stirring.I saw Xu Chu suddenly raised his knife and ran into the crowd, rushing from left to right, as if entering an uninhabited land.At this time, several Shu generals came from left and right.Xu Chu raised his knife horizontally, the gun broke, and was cut in half by the iron-cut blade.Xu Chu rushed forward suddenly, slashed left and right, and the two Shu generals fell off their horses almost at the same time with a scream.When the Shu soldiers saw Xu Chu's bravery, it can be said that the more they killed, the more frightened they became.On the contrary, the Wei soldiers' momentum was greatly shaken, and each of them charged bravely, and the chao formed by several Shu soldiers was defeated in a short time.Xu Chu dashed away, his whole body covered in blood, like a Demon Lord coming out of the sea of ​​blood in hell, he galloped away and rushed to the north gate in an instant.When the soldiers at the north gate saw a bloody general approaching, they were all frightened, and soon many soldiers recognized that the general was Xu Chu, and shouted in horror.Xu Chu shouted loudly and ordered the soldiers to seize the door.At this time, Xiang Chong heard that Xu Chu was coming, and his body trembled.The moonlight was cold, as cold as ice, shining on Xiang Chong's face as if in pain, full of endless despair.The country will not be protected, the family will be destroyed, and the family will be destroyed. How can a man take care of himself alone? Alas! !

At this time, several Shu generals rushed over to persuade Xiang Chong.

"General!! The general situation is gone, and Wucheng is no longer safe. The general will withdraw quickly, and I will wait for you to end the queen!!"

When Xiang Chong heard the words, his eyes widened, his chest was full of blood, and suddenly boiled up, and he shouted sharply.

"A certain is deeply favored by the king of Shu, relying on his trust, and guarding Jianping. Now that a group of thieves are coming and the country is about to perish, how can I be greedy for life and fear death, and take care of myself!!!? Wei thief!!"

After Xiang Chong drank it, all the soldiers shouted angrily, and followed Xiang Chong to watch the turbulent city below the city and kill them.At this time, Xu Chu's deployment had opened the gate of the city, Cao Pi led the army to enter, and Wei soldiers surrounded the north gate tightly.

On the other side, it is said that Wen Shun and Deng Ai, Wang Shuang and other generals led the army on a starry night until the Wei army's Dazhai. At that time, there was no movement from the Wei army.Wen Shun first taught the soldiers to rest.Until the second watch at night, most of the Wei soldiers rushed out of the stronghold.Wen Shun was overjoyed, so he taught the armies to prepare.When it was three o'clock, there was a sound of cannons and a loud drum beating. Outside Wei Junzhai, there was a sudden roar of shouts and killings from all directions.It was as if there were thousands of troops slaughtering them.Cao Zhang was in the village when he suddenly heard the sound of shouting and killing like a landslide, his face changed drastically, when he rushed out of the village to look around, he saw Tang soldiers and horses everywhere outside the village, and the night was dark, I don't know how many came soldiers and horses.The Wei soldiers in the village were unprepared, and rushed out of the tent one after another. Most of the soldiers had not had time to put on their armor, and they were extremely embarrassed.

At this moment, Wen Shun galloped wildly, brandished his guns, pushed aside the antlers, and led his troops to rush in, straight into the village.Wei Bing rushed to meet him, but was killed by the powerful Tang Bing who came to him.Wen Shun took the lead, and his spear was like a shower of rain, stabbing violently, killing patches of blood rain, Wei Bing retreated repeatedly, unable to resist.At this time, Deng Ai and Wang Shuang each led a force of soldiers and horses to rush in from both sides of the stronghold, and the three groups of soldiers and horses attacked together.Seeing this, Cao Zhang's complexion changed drastically. He rushed into the account and took the weapons. He mounted his horse and charged into the rebellious army, commanding the troops to fight back.

Suddenly, a sharp roar erupted.Wen Shun suddenly raised his gun and stabbed obliquely to kill him.Cao Zhang's eyes were slightly golden, they widened suddenly, and he slandered inwardly.

"If this person can be captured, the other army will definitely use a weapon of fear, which is better than thousands of troops!!"

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