Han Shimou

Chapter 1243 Heroic Warrior

() Don't try to humiliate us, we would rather die than submit! ! "

After Xiang Chong finished drinking, he roared, broke out suddenly, and rushed out of the door.After hearing this, Cao Pi's face was extremely cold, he snorted coldly, turned around and left.Seeing that Xiang Chong was about to rush out, Wei Bing immediately fired arrows, but Xiang Chong didn't know how to dodge. In an instant, blood sprayed, his body was full of arrows, and he didn't know how many arrows he hit.Xiang Chong's eyes were red, his face was ferocious, and he yelled loudly, but he rushed up and killed Cao Pi with his knife.At this moment, a trace of respect flashed in Xu Chu's eyes, his expression froze, and he let out a loud roar, like a tiger howling, a sudden gust of wind rose, facing Xiang Chong who was rushing out, he raised the knife in his hand and dropped it, and suddenly a pair of wings appeared on the knife The appearance of the black and white giant tiger is extremely majestic.Xiang Chong's facial features were ferocious and distorted, without any fear, he swung his knife to resist.I saw the tiger-headed machete cut through Xiang Chong's big knife in an instant, and with a flash of cold light, Xiang Chong's head suddenly flew up.I don't know if it was God's mercy, but the broken blade of Xiang Chong's big knife flew towards Cao Pi.Several Wei generals saw it and shouted anxiously.

"Your Highness, be careful!!"

Cao Pi suddenly heard the sound of breaking through the air behind him, and then heard the call, and turned around quickly, only to see a broken blade with a cold light shooting towards him.Cao Pi's complexion changed drastically immediately, but he is worthy of being the son of the hero Cao Cao. At the critical moment, he drew his sword and slashed, and the broken blade bounced off immediately, but it fell on a Wei general who had kindly reminded Cao Pi just now. With a scream, he fell to the ground, dying extremely bleakly.Cao Pi's face was cold and even more angry.At this moment, there were bursts of earth-shattering shouts of killing not far from the city, which shocked Cao Pi for a while. . .

But it is said that Cao Zhang's army was defeated and retreated, Wenshun and Wang Shuang led the army to pursue them in great momentum, and the Wei soldiers panicked and pushed each other.With a loud shout, Wang Shuang rushed to the first place, entered the rebellious army, and led the troops to stir up a mass fight among the Wei army.In a moment, Wen Shun also led his troops to kill them, galloping across the chaotic army.At that time, the sky was slightly brighter, and Wei Bing was killed and ran away with his head in his arms, and he was defeated.Wang Shuang went straight to the center of the rebel army to capture Cao Zhang.Wang's eyes were ill, and he happened to see Cao Zhang's figure not far away, and shouted sharply.

"Huang Xu'er, don't even try to escape!!!"

Wang Shuang's voice sounded like a thunderous bell, and he suddenly shot out a meteor hammer with one hand.Cao Zhang was in a turmoil when he heard the sound of shouting, and suddenly a gust of wind hit. When Cao Zhang turned around to look at it, the meteor hammer had already hit Cao Zhang, just hitting Cao Zhang's chest.Cao Zhang yelled bitterly, and fell headlong from his horse.Wei Jiang, who was next to Cao Zhang, was so scared that his face turned bloodless, and he was eager for help.Wang Shuang was overjoyed to see the meteor hammer hit, and rushed over suddenly, and the five or six generals Wei hurried to block it.Wang Shuang twisted his saber and slashed violently. The sword flashed like a flash, and the attack was extremely fast. Two Wei generals fell off their horses one after another. The remaining Wei generals roared in unison and surrounded Wang Shuang to fight.At this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes on the other side, and one of them was wearing green scale armor. He was heroic, and the majestic major general charged forward on his horse. With a stab, he overturned two Wei generals in a row.Seeing that the general is Wenshun, the son of the king of the Western Tang Dynasty.Suddenly, Wang Shuang burst out suddenly, his tiger's eyes were red, it seemed that his eyes were red from killing, and he and Wen Shun rushed out on horseback, and rushed towards Cao Zhang's place.At this time, Cao Zhang had already got on his horse in a hurry, and with the support of a group of soldiers, he reined in his horse and fled.Wen Shun and Wang Shuang cast a look, Wang Shuang understood, and the two reined in their horses and turned around, stabbing diagonally from left to right into the crowd, to intercept and kill Cao Zhang.Cao Zhang endured the severe pain, and his heart was full of anger. Since the battle, he had never suffered such humiliation even in the face of such peerless generals as Gan Ning and Zhou Tai.At that moment, Cao Zhang became bloody, reined in the horse suddenly, and roared.

"Little thief, you are too bullying!!!"

Cao Zhang let out a violent roar, his momentum surged like a dragon's roar shaking the sky.It was too late and then it was too late, Wang Shuang was the first to kill, Cao Zhang slapped the horse, swung the black iron giant sword and slashed out, Wang Shuang stared wildly, and slashed with the knife. With a loud 'bang', Cao Zhang struck in fury, and it was really extraordinary. He slammed Wang Shuang's wide-mouthed sword away, and then stabbed Wang Shuang in the chest with lightning speed.Wang Shuang's complexion changed, as if seeing a golden dragon, it opened its bloody mouth, and its mouth was full of fangs, rushing towards it, how could it dare to neglect the slightest, and hastily moved to avoid it.The giant black iron sword pierced through the air with a sharp sword aura.Cao Zhang's viciousness continued, he swung his sword and slashed horizontally, but Wang Shuang quickly twisted his sword to block it.That violent force almost knocked Wang Shuang off his horse.At this moment, Wang Shuang's heart was full of bitterness. Cao Zhang seemed to have suddenly changed from a living person into a monstrous beast, and that move was even more violent than before!Seeing that Wang Shuang was in a hard fight, Wen Shun rushed to kill him in time.Cao Zhang's golden eyes were shining brightly. He first danced his sword to force Wang Shuang back, and then turned his horse to meet Wen Shun. The giant black iron sword was suddenly raised, and it fell from top to bottom. .Before the giant sword arrived, the sword wind was already coming. It is conceivable how powerful this sword is. If it is smashed, let alone a person, I am afraid that it is a copper wall and an iron wall, and it will be smashed to pieces .When it was extremely critical, Wen Shun's heart was as calm as a mirror, and two jing lights shot out from the eyes of the knife, and the Qinglin spear suddenly exploded, and countless shadows of the spears penetrated everywhere and shrouded away.As if the black iron giant sword was hit by a sudden rain, the attack slowed down instantly, but it still fell down obliterated.Cao Zhang's golden eyes widened, and with a loud roar, he threw out all his strength, twisted his sword to break through the force of heaven and earth, and slammed it down.Wen Shun's complexion changed drastically, he quickly retracted his gun, and quickly moved to avoid it. The giant sword slashed dangerously, and the violent hurricane almost overturned Wen Shun.Just after the crisis, Wen Shun was already covered in cold sweat, secretly thinking that this yellow bearded boy was extremely brave, and he was worthy of being the devil king of the world.Cao Zhang failed to succeed with one move, so he immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue the attack. He swung his giant sword again and again, and smashed it like lightning.

In the struggle of life and death, Wen Shun did not dare to be negligent, and tried his best to resist, but was killed by Cao Zhang in a short time.At this time, there was a sudden loud noise, and Wang Shuang rushed over from behind.When the crisis came again and again, Cao Zhang was struggling between life and death, and suddenly his momentum rose sharply. The dancing earth black iron giant sword actually set off a series of extremely sharp sword energy, like a series of sharp blades, blowing towards him quickly.In an instant, Wenshun and Wang Shuang were forced to leave.Wen Shun and Wang Shuang's expressions were extremely solemn, seeing the sword aura coming from Cao Zhang's continuous sword dance, and horror flashed in their eyes again and again.Concentrating the sharpness of the sword and pulling it out is the ability of a great swordsman who has practiced hard for many years.Look at this Cao Zhang, who is only 25 or [-] years old, has such high-strength skills!

However, Wenshun and Wang Shuang didn't know that Cao Zhang studied under Wang Yue, who was known as the "Sword Master", and Wang Yue devoted himself to teaching him.And Cao Zhang was very talented. When he was only 78 years old, he had already mastered the giant sword swordsmanship taught by Wang Yue. Later, after repeated life and death honing, his understanding of swordsmanship improved by leaps and bounds.Now the breakthrough in swordsmanship is a matter of course.I saw Cao Zhang dancing the black iron giant sword weighing [-] catties as easily as a willow branch, lifting the weight as if it were light, and the sword energy attacked one after another, forcing Wenshun and Wang Shuang to retreat steadily.

At this moment, in the direction of Wucheng, there was a sudden and earth-shattering shout of killing.Wen Shun's expression changed, and he knew that it was the reinforcements from the Wei army who came to meet him.Wen Shun's thoughts turned, and seeing Cao Zhang's breakthrough in martial arts, it was difficult to defeat him for a while, so he shouted to Wang Shuang.

"Ziquan!! Reinforcement from the other army has arrived, there is no need to entangle, withdraw the army quickly!!"

After Wenshun finished drinking, he reined in his horse and left, ordering the soldiers and horses chasing him to withdraw.Wang Shuang's face turned cold, he gritted his teeth and reined in the horse and retreated.Cao Zhang was so motivated to kill that he clamped his horse's belly with his feet and came after him with his huge sword.Cao Zhang yelled sternly from behind, and the sword energy from the giant sword caused bursts of violent noise, and dust flew up.However, Cao Zhang's sword qi ability has not yet been cultivated to the extreme, and the sword qi can only be shot within three feet.Therefore, behind Wenshun and Wang Shuang, it seems that there is a lot of momentum, but there is no real threat at all.Wen Shun and Wang Shuang looked at each other, and they could see through each other's mind at a glance.Both of them know each other.As a result, Wenshun and Wang Shuang suddenly slowed down.Seeing that Cao Zhang was about to chase after him, Wang Shuang suddenly roared and shot a meteor hammer from his back.The meteor hammer shot towards Cao Zhang as fast as lightning.Cao Zhang's golden eyes are brilliant, he has repeatedly suffered from this hidden weapon, how can he be unprepared! ?

"You villain, don't even think about succeeding!!"

Cao Zhang yelled violently, the sword fell like a dragon's cry, and a sword slammed down, and a sword was shot out vigorously, hitting the meteor hammer shot by Wang Shuang. There was a loud bang of 'Zheng'.The meteor hammer, which was flying rapidly, suddenly fell.But at this moment, Cao Zhang only felt a gust of wind blowing towards his face. Wen Shun didn't know when he reined in his horse and came back. The blue unicorn with the dragon's head is lifelike, extremely majestic, and has bursts of auspiciousness.I saw Qilin suddenly opened its mouth wide, its fangs were like forests, and it seemed to be roaring.As Wenshun's Qinglin spear stabbed out, Cao Zhang felt endless crises rushing over him, and hurriedly swung his sword to block it.The spear carried a unicorn, as if piercing the sky, and hit Cao Zhang's black iron giant sword. Sparks splashed for a moment, and Cao Zhang felt as if he had been hit by a bull on his chest, and he flew away violently.Wen Shun's face turned happy, and he patted the horse quickly, watching Cao Zhang, who was leaping in mid-air, pursue him.Wen Shun's horse galloped suddenly, seeing him eagerly, his momentum soared, he twisted his spear, and was about to kill Cao Zhang who had no power to fight back.Just at this critical moment, there was a burst of bursting sounds, and Wen Shun's face changed drastically. He raised his gun and pressed it quickly, only to see four powerful arrows without feathers, looking at Wen Shun's head, chest, Call from the shoulder position.These featherless arrows came so abruptly, Wen Shun didn't dare to neglect, and tried his best to pierce the three flying stones that were shot towards the head, turbulence, and left shoulder in time, and the one that was shot towards the right shoulder could not be avoided in time,' With a bang, Wen Shun's shoulder pads shattered instantly.Wen Shun endured severe pain, reined in his horse and fled to Wang Shuang's place.The two quickly led their troops away.

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