Han Shimou

Chapter 1295

() "The Yangtze River has fallen, and Soochow is exhausted. It's extraordinary, it's extraordinary. The war between me and you is not long."

For some reason, in Cao Cao's mind at this time, there appeared in Cao Cao's mind many years ago, the figure of an arrogant and indulgent young man from a poor family who was talking nonsense in the Wangyue Tower.

Following the fall of Cao Cao's order, the fleet of the Wei army swarmed in pursuit and attacked aggressively.The Gan Ning army fled in embarrassment, and most of the ships that escaped were intercepted by Wei army ships. The soldiers on board either resisted tenaciously until they died, or turned and surrendered to save their lives.Gan Ning only attracted dozens of small boats away in embarrassment.

Let's say that it was when the Wu army was tricked and besieged.Just as Lu Su was worried, Cao Cao sent Dian Wei, a major general under his command, and Jiang Wei to lead the horse army across the opposite river bank in secret by boat.Dian Wei and Jiang Wei quickly led their troops ashore, and led three thousand soldiers to rush to Dazhai of the Wu army by land.

At this time, all the soldiers and horses of Wu Jun's Dazhai were out, and there were only more than [-] people guarding them.Sun Quan was waiting for the good news in the stronghold, when unexpectedly a group of soldiers rushed into the tent in a panic, and hurriedly reported that he had fallen into the ambush.When Sun Quan heard it, he felt as if he had been shocked by an electric shock, and his face was in disbelief. When he came back to his senses, he realized that this was not a dream, but a reality.Gu Yong and Bu Zhi were also scared out of their wits, and seeing Sun Quan vomit blood, they hurried to visit.After a while, Sun Quan stabilized his mind, trembling all over, and shouted like crazy. . .

"Soochow is dead, Soochow is dead!!!"

Gu Yong was the first to regain his composure, and quickly persuaded him.

"The matter has come to this, the king must not give up, or the country will perish!! Although our army is defeated in this battle, we can still defend the gorges and cities. Although the other army is numerous, as long as we work together and unite as one, the country It will definitely be able to bring the dead back to life, who will win the deer, it is not yet known!!"

After Gu Yong finished speaking, Bu Zhi on the side also shouted solemnly.

"Your Majesty is the ruler of a country, and countless talented people in Jiangdong are willing to fight to the death for you!! Your Majesty is like this, isn't it heart-piercing!!?"

Sun Quan is worthy of being a hero in the world, now hearing what the two said, he immediately slammed his spirits up, got up angrily, and Bimu shouted angrily with a bit of madness.

"The words of the two Qing families are very true!! The foundation of the Eastern Wu Dynasty is the result of the orphan father and brother's entire life, and a group of martyrs risked their lives in exchange for it. How can it be completely destroyed by the lonely hand!! Even if the lonely is dead, he will die with Wei Kou Fight to the death, resist to the end!!"

Seeing that Sun Quan cheered up, Gu Yong and Bu Zhi were overjoyed.Gu Yong's expression froze, and he remonstrated loudly.

"According to reports from the front, the soldiers and horses sent by our army may have suffered more than half of the casualties at this time. Wei Kou has the upper hand, and he will definitely cover up and kill him from time to time. Things should not be delayed, and things will change if they are delayed. Your Majesty, quickly rectify the troops and horses. Go back to Nanchang City and plan for the future!"

Sun Quan was shocked when he heard the words, and nodded in response.

"Yuan Tan's words are true. Send Gu's order, order all the generals in the army to quickly prepare and deploy, each carry ten days of dry food, and set off lightly!!"

Gu Yong and Bu Zhi looked at each other, and quickly took orders to retreat.In a short time, three thousand soldiers in the village were ready to go.Sun Quan rode on a scarlet horse and hurriedly led his troops out.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of iron hooves outside the village.Sun Quan's complexion changed drastically when he heard this, only someone outside the village shouted angrily.

"Bi Yaner don't want to run away, evil will come!!!"

Dian Wei yelled loudly, like thunder and thunder, Wu Bing listened to it without change, chaos before the battle.Sun Quan was even more frightened, whipped his whip and galloped away.So all the soldiers and generals looked south in a panic, put down the turbulence and ran.There are countless people who abandon their guns and drop their helmets for a while. People are like a tide, and horses are like landslides, trampling each other.Dian Wei saw that the Wu soldiers were in disarray, he laughed loudly, flicked his horsewhip, took the lead, and flew over like a thunderbolt, rushed into the Wu army's stronghold, as if he had entered no one's land, while hissing and shouting, he galloped the horse galloping pursue.When Wu Bing heard Dian Wei's continuous yelling to kill, he was frightened into a mess.Dian Wei came to him suddenly, with two halberds in his hand, he rushed straight to kill, shouting loudly, whoever blocks me will die.Wu Bing was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and he fled back one after another.Behind him, Jiang Wei led his troops to catch up with them, and rushed to kill them. The Wu soldiers who could not escape dared to resist. Except for hundreds of people who fought desperately, the rest of the troops wanted to flee in all directions.Dian Wei didn't care about chasing and killing the deserters, as if breaking through the crowd, he pursued in the direction where Sun Quan led his army to flee.Sun Quan saw Dian Wei getting closer and closer behind him, his face paled with fright, he beat the whip wildly, sat down on the BMW and neighed repeatedly, and galloped all four hooves, also extremely fast, galloping forward, looking like a horse.

It was said that it was too late, Dian Wei was about to get behind Sun Quan's army, the two Wu generals looked solemn, opened their mouths and shouted at Sun Quan in unison.

"King Wu don't need to panic, I'll wait until I'm done!!"

After the two Wu generals had finished drinking, they pulled together their horses and each led dozens of warriors to meet Dianwei.Dian Wei's evil eyes were full of fierce light, and with a roar, he galloped his horse to kill him, his two halberds stabbed and swiped continuously, to block the Wu soldiers, they couldn't resist, and they were killed immediately.The two Wu generals shouted loudly, one on the left and the other on the right, each raised their weapons and hoped that Dian Wei would charge towards him.Dian Wei was not afraid of being overjoyed, he slashed out with one halberd, and swung the other halberd across.In an instant, two sprays of blood flew up, and the two Wu generals were killed by Dian Wei before they could make a move.But with this moment of resistance, Sun Quan had already escaped.With a sneer on his face, Dian Wei galloped away, chasing after him again.

Gu Yong saw Dian Wei chasing him again, although he was not shocked, he was eager to offer advice to Sun Quan.

"Dian Elai is extremely brave. He is invincible all over the world, and he can withstand thousands of troops. If the king wants to resist this person, he can only use calculations!!"

"What's Yuan Tan's plan, tell me quickly!!"

When Sun Quan heard this, his face brightened and he shouted loudly.Gu Yong's brain turned, squinting at the terrain ahead, he quickly came up with a plan, and talked to Sun Quan.

"Not far ahead is Luohukou. The terrain there is extremely dangerous. If someone is not familiar with the terrain, it is easy to fall into the pit. The king can give a general his armor, teach him how to dress it up, and lead a group of people to rush to Luohukou. , to lure that evil to fall into the pit!!"

Sun Quan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and secretly thought of a trick, so he exchanged armor with a confidant of soldiers, and then divided into two soldiers and horses, one of them was heading for the tiger's mouth, and the other was heading for the dense forest along the southeast path.Dian Wei came chasing him from behind. Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Wu Bing suddenly separated into two groups.Dian Wei stared evilly, and soon recognized Sun Quan's armor, and was about to gallop his horse after him.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted from behind.

"Hold on, Shahou!! The other army split into two, or Sun Zhongmou's plan to steal the dragon and turn into a phoenix. If I fall into the trap and try to go back and chase after it, it will be too late, then Sun Zhongmou will have escaped long ago!!"

When Dian Wei heard this, he frowned, and looked around, but saw that the person who was yelling was none other than Guo Jia's disciple Jiang Boyue.Dian Wei's face suddenly improved a little, after all, Jiang Wei saved his life regardless of life and death.From then on, Dian Wei, a carefree and upright man, regardless of his seniority or military position, called Jiang Wei a brother.Dian Wei knew that Jiang Wei's strategy was extremely high, so his expression sank and he said in a concentrated voice.

"What Jiang Xiaodi said is very true. It is so, what should we do in your opinion?"

If Xu Chu was here, he would be shocked to see Dian Wei being so polite to a fledgling yellow-haired boy.Dian Wei fought with Cao Cao all his life, and made great achievements, which shocked China. No one in the Wei army, no matter how big or small, dared not disrespect him.Jiang Wei was also flattered, and quickly replied in a deep voice.

"The other army has not many troops. Why don't Shahou also allocate two soldiers and horses, the last general and Shahou each take one, and go to pursue it!!"

"Okay! Just as little brother Jiang said!!"

Dian Wei was very forthright, and without hesitation, he followed Jiang Wei's plan.Of course, this is because Dian Wei trusts Jiang Wei very much and treats him like a brother.When Jiang Wei saw this, he couldn't help being moved, and then his expression froze, and he asked Dian Wei.

"I don't know which soldiers and horses Shahou wants to pursue!?"

Dian Wei glanced at Jiang Wei and said meaningfully.

"Jiang Xiaodi has such a strategy at such a young age, and he also has extraordinary martial arts skills. He will become a great weapon in the future. Your eldest brother Dian is old, and you won't be able to stay with His Majesty for long. You should do your best to assist Great Wei, and your achievements in the future will surely surpass For me, I am the Great General of the Great Wei Army. But you are not a member of the royal family, so you can earn more achievements now, so that you will be less troublesome in the future! Go and chase the southeast path!!"

Don't think Dian Wei is a rough guy, but he is extremely careful, not to mention that he is with Cao Cao day and night, some truths have already been seen through.Jiang Wei's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and he didn't feel the water curtain rising in his eyes, but he didn't know how to answer.Dian Wei showed a simple and honest smile, and without waiting for Jiang Wei to answer, he pulled up his horse, ordered a group of soldiers and horses, and chased in the direction of the tiger's mouth.Jiang Wei came back to his senses, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he thought in his heart that he must not let down Brother Dian's painstaking efforts, so he shouted sharply, held the crescent silver halberd in his hand, and led his troops to chase after the dense forest on the southeast path.

Let's say that Dian Wei and Jiang Wei each divided their troops and horses to pursue them.Dian Wei chased after him all the way, and when he was about to fall into the tiger's mouth, he saw the soldier wearing the dragon pattern gold armor not far away, regardless of whether it was Sun Quan himself, he immediately shouted loudly.

"Byan'er!! Don't even try to escape!!"

Hearing Dian Wei's drink, the golden armored soldier exclaimed, and fled in panic with several hundred followers.Dian Wei hurriedly galloped his horse after him, suddenly he felt that the front of the horse fell when he sat down, when he looked anxiously, he knew that there was a big pit in the ground, but he couldn't react in time, he fell down suddenly.And there are countless pits, big and small, around. Most of the pursuers who came with Dian Wei fell into the pits, and they fell on their backs, screaming in pain.Dian Wei fell heavily into the pit, and the horse moved wildly, causing Dian Wei pain all over his body.At this moment, there was a sudden cry of killing, and around the mouth of the tiger, more than [-] to [-] Wu soldiers rushed over with their weapons.Dian Wei heard the shouts of killing, how could he dare to neglect, his evil eyes widened, he shot a fierce light, roared angrily, turned over and came out.Seeing several groups of Wu soldiers swarming to kill, Dian Wei waved his double halberds and killed them whenever they encountered.Each of these dead soldiers of Wu soldiers rushed forward like desperately, but they still couldn't resist this peerless Dianwei beast.Seeing the bloody light constantly appearing, Dian Wei killed wave after wave of people, but the Wei soldiers around were not as brave as Dian Wei, and they were caught off guard by the rushing Wu soldiers, and most of them were killed or injured.After an unknown amount of time, Dian Wei was covered in blood, his face and armor were all red.Seven or eight dead soldiers of the Wu army had been killed and were terrified. They screamed and ran away.Dian Wei rushed forward at a brisk pace, pierced a man's vest with a halberd, and split a man's head with a halberd.Dian Wei's face was grim, and he raised his halberd and went to the fighting places everywhere. Wherever he rushed, the Wu soldiers there were immediately scared and broke up and fled.

But it was said that Sun Quan changed his armor and led his troops to the southeast path. After driving seven or eight miles, suddenly there was a loud cry of killing behind him.Sun Quan's complexion changed, and he exclaimed.

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