Han Shimou

Chapter 1332

() "The people of Shu and Wu are separated, and now is a good time for our army to attack in one fell swoop. I want to prepare my troops and horses tonight and go to attack. Who dares to go forward!?"

When Xiahouyuan landed, all the generals of Wei rushed to the scene to plead for orders.Only Jiang Wei was anxious and attended the lecture.

"This matter has not yet been settled. The so-called tight action will lead to no good steps. Why should the general be so eager, but if the people of Shu and Wu are really renounced, it won't take long before the other army will be in chaos. We are just watching the changes in the city and preparing for it. The momentum is ready to go, but seeing that the other army is in chaos, wouldn't it be good to march forward?"

As soon as Jiang Wei's words fell, it immediately aroused public anger, and all the Wei generals scolded Jiang Wei for being cowardly and cowardly.Xia Houyuan frowned, stopped everyone, and then turned to Jiang Wei and said.

"Bo Yue's plan is good, but it is extremely time-consuming. What's more, the morale of our army is high, and all the generals are looking forward to fighting in battle. The general will be unstoppable. There is no time to delay, we should act quickly!!"

When Jiang Wei heard the words, he was very anxious, and quickly remonstrated. . .

"What the general said is wrong!! The other army is eager to save Wu County, and if it is anxious, it will be chaotic. Even if our army does not fight, in time, the other army will definitely show its flaws. Our army waits for the opportunity, and when the flaws appear, we will attack in one fell swoop. In other words, if you are sure, why rush for a while!?"

After hearing this, Xia Houyuan also felt that it made sense, but he didn't want to wait any longer, so he fell silent and hesitated.Now all the generals begged for orders one after another, shouting in unison.

"General! We, the generals, are deeply favored by the country, and we are eager to make achievements to repay the imperial court. What's more, His Majesty taught us to take the land in the southwestern part of Dongwu. It has been more than two months now, and we have nothing to do. We have failed His Majesty's high hopes. .Now is a great time, but the general is still reluctant to send troops, hesitant and indecisive. Wouldn’t it chill the hearts of all the soldiers!?”

The loud voices of the crowd shook the government office.Xia Houyuan's heart was shocked when he heard it, and he no longer hesitated, his eyes flashed brightly, he slapped the table fiercely, and roared sharply.

"Everyone is right! If I delay any longer, how can I show my face to Your Majesty!? Send me an order to prepare troops and horses, and set off to march tonight. Divide the army into two and attack the other village. It will be difficult for him to take care of both ends! !"

Xia Houyuan shouted down, except for Jiang Wei, all the soldiers were overjoyed, and shouted that they must fight hard, and they are willing to do their best!Seeing that the situation was unstoppable, Jiang Wei sighed inwardly and remonstrated with Xia Houyuan.

"It turns out that the general decides to send out the army, Wei Zi is obliged to lead an army!!"

Xia Houyuan's expression froze when he heard the words, Jiang Wei was incomparably brave, although he was injured, he was naturally able to catch the ordinary youngsters.Xia Houyuan's brain turned and he quickly made up his mind, so he talked to Jiang Wei.

"Bo Yue is willing to fight. I am like a tiger with wings added. I will surely succeed in the first battle!! In this way, you can lead most of your troops to attack the Wu camp. This general will lead a group of elite soldiers to go around and kill the Shu camp!!"

When Jiang Wei heard this, his face became anxious, as usual, he should go to attack the camp of the Shu people, and Xia Houyuan should lead the army to attack the camp of the Wu people, but Xia Houyuan turned his attention in the opposite direction.However, Jiang Wei soon understood Xia Houyuan's intentions. Although there were not many soldiers in the Shu camp, there was Zhang Fei, a peerless warrior, who alone could be worth tens of thousands of troops.But in Wu Renzhai, although there are many soldiers and horses, there are no good and brave generals. As for Zhu Zhi, he is an old general who is old and can't be used.Xia Houyuan must have thought that he was injured, so he went to gnaw on the hard bone of the Shu people.

Jiang Wei was about to open his mouth.At this time, Xia Houyuan shouted in an irresistible and majestic tone.

"The military order has been issued and cannot be tampered with. It is decided on this point. Get down quickly and prepare!!"

When all the generals heard the words, they all bowed their hands and took orders.Seeing Xia Houyuan's sharp gaze cast over him, Jiang Wei finally complied and retreated.

The night color is as thick as ink, and it is the first watch of the night.On the other side, on the high slope not far behind Wu Junzhai, Zhuge Liang stood with his hands behind his back, wearing a pure white crane cloak, which seemed to be shining slightly under the moonlight.A gust of breeze blew by, Zhuge Liang waved his feather fan, with a somewhat solemn expression on his face.Not long after, Cherigi came to report, saying that there was a lot of movement in Changle City, and it was suspected that Wei Kou was about to mobilize the army.Zhuge Liang's expression froze when he heard the words, as if he had expected it long ago, he showed a faint smile, and whispered to Cheriji that this is the case.Cherridge took the order and quickly retreated.

Gradually, it was the third watch of the night.Jiang Wei led [-] soldiers and horses, divided into two armies.Jiang Wei cited the [-] soldiers of the former army, and first looked at the Wu army's Dazhai to set off quickly, and most of the rear army waited and watched the changes, and moved at random.Suddenly, a hurricane hit, and a banner in Wu Junzhai was blown over and fell to the ground, making a loud noise.Jiang Wei's heart was shaken, he waved the crescent silver halberd in his hand suddenly, and shouted loudly, the [-] soldiers behind him shouted in unison, with a huge momentum, scrambling to see Wu Jun Dazhai swarming to kill.Jiang Wei took the lead and galloped his horse to the front of the stronghold. He pushed aside the antlers and looked straight into the stronghold.

At the same time, Xia Houyuan led [-] elite cavalry behind a high slope and dense forest not far away, galloping forward, and heard the sound of killing in front of him.Xia Houyuan knew that Jiang Wei had already marched, his tiger eyes widened, he raised his spear high, and shouted sharply, three thousand elite cavalry swarmed and galloped, and killed the small battalion not far away.Xia Houyuan was the first to charge, so he rushed straight into the camp, looked around, but saw that there was no one in the camp, Xia Houyuan's complexion changed suddenly, his whole body was extremely cold, as if he had fallen into an ice abyss.

Suddenly, there was a sound of shouting and killing, and flames lit up all around like stars.When Xia Houyuan saw this, his face turned pale with fright, and he shouted loudly.

"Not good! I fell into Zhuge Villager's plan, quickly withdraw the troops!!"

As soon as Xia Houyuan finished speaking, the rockets shot out one by one, turned into pieces of fire rain, and fell down.Wei Bing was in chaos and was shot so that people turned their backs on their backs.

Soon the surrounding tents were on fire, and the fiery red one spread out at a frightening speed.Wei Bing was in a mess and fled in all directions. Frightened by the fire, the horses screamed and ran away.Many people were thrown off their horses and trampled to death.Seeing the situation, Xia Houyuan knew that a catastrophe was imminent, so he didn't care about commanding the soldiers and horses.Suddenly a fire surged in front of him, Xia Houyuan reined in his horse abruptly, and suddenly stopped, the flames were like a flying dragon, almost rushing towards Xia Houyuan's eyes.Xia Houyuan was so frightened that he turned his horse and fled to another place.At this time, the four rocket attacks were still firing continuously, and the fire became more and more intense.After repeated adventures and conflicts, Xia Houyuan finally rushed to the camp and escaped from the fire. At the same time, hundreds of Wei soldiers rode their horses out of the raging fire.Bursts of fire roared, burning and crackling, as if coming from the abyss of Abi Hell!

Just when Xia Houyuan fell into danger and was in danger, he was in the Wu Jun Dazhai.But Jiang Wei rushed in majesticly, but saw figures all around, all straw people.Jiang Wei's complexion changed drastically immediately, he knew he was up to the trick, and just as he was about to order the troops to withdraw, there was a sudden burst of shouts of killing that could cause mountains to collapse and earth to shatter.I saw two soldiers and horses swarming in from outside the stronghold, one on the left and the other on the right, like two huge dragons, looking forward to Jiang Wei's attack.Wei Bing was caught off guard, and there was a great chaos, pushing each other back and forth, forming a mess.Jiang Wei was shocked, and his heart was full of bitterness.At this moment, Zhu Zhi led his troops to attack from the left side, his eyes widened, his eyebrows raised, and in a blink of an eye, he came suddenly, with a big knife in his hand and slashed down.Jiang Wei hurriedly moved to dodge, but Zhu Zhi slashed down with his sword.Jiang Wei reacted quickly, twisted up the silver halberd, and slashed fiercely.Zhu Zhi had no fear, he laughed out loud, it was a good time, and with a turn of his sword, he blocked Jiang Wei's silver halberd.With a loud bang, the two weapons swung away.Jiang Wei's face froze. At this moment, if he didn't fight desperately, the casualties would be heavy.Jiang Wei had a certain idea, his eyes shot out brilliantly, like two groups of golden flames, and he shouted loudly.

"If we don't fight to the death, we will suffer heavy losses and lose our lives. Why don't the armies fight hard and fight to the death with Wu Thief!!?"

Jiang Wei's voice was like a thunderbolt, and the ground exploded, shaking in all directions.A group of Wei soldiers in front heard this, and all of them were strong, and they all twisted their weapons and rushed to fight.Zhu Zhi's face was cold and cold, and he stared at Jiang Wei. With a movement of the sword in his hand, the horse suddenly rushed up after sitting down, and hoped that Jiang Wei would kill him.Jiang Wei yelled, and suddenly a golden roc and a big bird appeared behind him, and the crescent silver halberd struck like a lightning bolt, slashing and slashing fiercely.Seeing Jiang Wei's sudden change of momentum and fierce attack, Zhu Zhi knew that Jiang Wei was no ordinary person, so he dared not neglect him, so he twisted his knife to resist.Jiang Wei's immense strength, coupled with his youthful vigor and unstoppable aura, made Zhu Zhi feel miserable.Seeing that Zhu Zhi was completely at a loss, he suddenly roared like wild beasts, and several Jiaozhou generals besieged Jiang Wei.Seeing this, Jiang Wei knew that he must not retreat at this time, otherwise the morale of the army would plummet if he retreated. <Lei, with a roar, the silver halberd slashed impressively, repelling Zhu Zhi violently, and rushed forward with the silver halberd in his hand, stabbing violently, the two Jiaozhou fierce generals were unable to resist, and were stabbed off by Jiang Wei Down.At present, a member of the Jiaozhou fierce general brandished a giant hammer and hoped that Jiang Wei would hit him on the head.Jiang Wei had nowhere to dodge, his eyes were about to burst open, the golden light was overwhelming, he raised his halberd, and resisted the falling hammer. With a muffled sound of 'bang', Jiang Wei seemed to have the supernatural power of Jinpeng, and a halberd actually knocked the falling hammer away. The Jiaozhou soldier's mouth was shattered, and he hissed in pain.But in an instant, the roar stopped.Jiang Wei rushed out with a halberd and hit his throat.Just when Jiang Wei was invincible and killed three generals in a row, Zhu Zhi reined in the horse, full of murderous aura, raised his knife and rode the horse, looking at Jiang Wei's back, he stabbed.Jiang Wei only felt a murderous aura coming from behind, and subconsciously turned around to dodge, Zhu Zhi stabbed nothing, and the horse and man were separated.Jiang Wei got up anxiously, suddenly there was a loud noise, and when he looked around quickly, dozens of arrows shot from the right.Jiang Wei's horsemanship is very good, this time it can be said that he is a brave man with a high skill, he fell down suddenly, grabbed the stirrup with his foot, dozens of arrows flew across, and the Wu soldiers who were about to kill him on the left were caught by surprise. They all fell down.

Not far away, Zhuge Ke saw that Jiang Wei had escaped, his face was extremely dark, he gritted his teeth, and quickly ordered the crossbowmen to shoot arrows.Jiang Wei heard the bowstring vibrate, turned his horse around, and avoided it.At the same time, under Jiang Wei's bravery, the morale of the Wei soldiers was greatly shaken. Fortunately, Jiang Wei was cautious earlier and left most of the rear army to prepare. Hold your ground.

Suddenly, accidents happened suddenly.Just behind Wu Jun's Dazhai, there was a fire that filled the sky at an unknown time, illuminating the scene for several miles around in an instant.Jiang Wei was terrified when he saw it, his face changed drastically, and he immediately exclaimed.

"Not good!! General Xiahou is in danger!!"

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