Han Shimou

Chapter 1337 Xu Sheng laughs at the tiger

() "Your Majesty ordered me to seize Danyang. At present, I am short of brave soldiers under my command. You, Ziheng, have come here, but you have relieved my urgent need."

As soon as Jia Xu's words fell, Xu Chu, Cao Zhang, Hao Zhao and other generals were all overjoyed, they all stood up and worshiped, willing to serve their lives.Jia Xu smiled and saluted the generals one by one, then looked at Xun You, wanting to invite him.Xun You was shocked, and when he got up, his complexion suddenly changed, and he coughed violently.It turned out that Xun You's illness hadn't recovered yet, and his repeated travels made his condition worse.Jia Xu, Cao Pi and others rushed to visit.Seeing that Xun You's face was pale and lifeless, Jia Xu's heart trembled and he wanted to open his mouth.Xun You secretly cast a wink at Jia Xu, and waved again.Jia Xu understood clearly in her heart, and there was a bit of sadness in her eyes.Cao Pi said anxiously.

"Xun Gong's condition is not recovered, so don't move lightly, why don't you just stay here, so that you can rest and recuperate, how about waiting for the good news?"

After hearing this, Xun You let out a long sigh, then looked at Jia Xu, and said earnestly.

"That would be a waste of time." ..

Jia Xu nodded heavily, then called for a doctor to diagnose and treat Xun You.

On the next day, Jia Xu had already made a decision for dispatching, so he ordered Xu Chu to be the vanguard, and led [-] sailors to cross the estuary first to look forward to Danyang.He also ordered Cao Pi and Cao Zhang, Hao Zhao and others to lead [-] soldiers and horses into the Chinese army, and then marched forward.Jia Xu led the remaining soldiers and horses to escort the rear army's supplies.Jia Xu's military order came down, and the three armies moved together. Ships, large and small, sailed on the river, flags fluttered, drums were beating, and the momentum was mighty.

Besides, Zhuge Jin guarded Danyang with [-] soldiers. Now that he heard that the three armies of Wei Bing had come to kill him, he hurriedly gathered people to discuss.General Pingxi Xu Sheng shouted out loudly.

"Danyang is the gateway to Eastern Wu. If it is lost, Wu County will be in danger. I also heard from soldiers before that Wei Kou has already defeated Nanchang and is looking forward to Nanchang going north to attack Wu County. If we lose here, the two roads Wei Kou attacked Wu County, even though Wu County has copper coins and iron walls, it will be difficult to defend!!"

Zhuge Jin narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, his face was solemn, and he nodded in response.

"This theory is exactly what I want. General Xu can lead three thousand sailors from the river, and I will order the army to come to meet them. But obey the order and march together."

Xu Sheng got the order to lead [-] sailors and divide them into [-] boats. They set off on the same day and went to the river mouth first.Let's say that Xu Chu led [-] sailors to the opposite bank of Danyang. He had just set up a camp when he suddenly reported that [-] warships were coming on the water.When Xu Chu heard the words, he went out of the stronghold to look at it, and saw that the boats were approaching the shore next time, and there were about a hundred people on each boat.Xu Chu looked at it for a while, laughed loudly, and said that he was talking to the generals.

"The Wu thief is here, but there are only 3000 people, so why not be afraid! The army is just tired when they first come, and they will rest for a day. Come here and see how I can kill the Wu thief on the other side!!"

So Xu Chu only ordered the generals to look out, and went back to the tent to drink.It is also said that Xu Sheng was secretly happy when he saw that the defense of Wei Jun's water village on the opposite bank was lax, so he sent a secret agent to investigate in a small boat.That night, he made a detailed report, saying that Xu Chu and other Wei generals were drinking in the tent, and all the troops went to rest without defense.When Xu Sheng heard the news, he sneered again and again, and talked to all the generals under his account.

"Hmph! This tiger idiot has always looked above his head and despised the heroes of the world. Now seeing that our army has only [-] soldiers, he thinks that we are not enough to be a threat, so he doesn't defend himself. But tonight I will lead you to attack his stronghold and teach Then Xu Hu is crazy, he knows how good I am at Dongwu Erlang!!"

After Xu Sheng finished speaking, he issued orders, and all the generals took orders one after another, and each went to dispatch.At the beginning of the night, Xu Sheng put the word "boat" on the water, which means that all the generals will be the way.

"A real man should serve the country loyally, throw away his head, sprinkle his blood, make a name for himself, and get rich! You can work hard to move forward, and if there are those who back down, they will be decisive!!"

When Xu Sheng drank it, all the generals took orders angrily, and they all had the ambition to fight to the death.At the middle of the night, Xu Sheng led his troops across the river in a boat, watching the Wei army's water camp on the other side rushing to kill them.The sentry outside Wei Jun's stronghold noticed and hurried back to the stronghold to report to Xu Chu.When Xu Chu heard that the Wu soldiers were attacking, he jumped up from the bed, pulled out a big sword with a tiger's head, rushed out of the tent, and ordered the generals to prepare for battle.All of a sudden, there was a series of riots in the village, and groups of soldiers rushed around like headless chickens, making a mess.All of a sudden, the cannon blared three times, the drums rang loudly, and seven or eight ships docked. Xu Sheng took the lead and jumped ashore.Wu soldiers all danced their weapons, went ashore with Xu Sheng, and hacked into the Wei village. The Wei soldiers were caught off guard and retreated in succession. .

Seeing Wu's soldiers rushing into Zhongzhai, unstoppable, the soldiers and horses were scattered everywhere, and there was chaos, Xu Chu was furious, and roared like a giant tiger roaring in the mountains, declaring his kingship, shocking all directions.Xu Sheng had no fear, he clashed with swords, and killed everyone he came across. The big sword in his hand swung wildly and slashed wildly, raining blood.Suddenly, a violent hurricane hit.Xu Sheng's mind was shaken, and he moved to avoid it.Xu Chu was like a tiger pouncing on his prey, rushing forward, slashing with fear.Seeing that it was Xu Chu, Xu Sheng quickly ordered the soldiers to charge and kill together.A Wu general waved his halberd to meet him, Xu Chu shouted loudly, his voice was so terrifying that the Wu general's soul seemed to be blown away.Xu Chu raised the saber in his hand, and the light of the saber flashed like lightning, knocking him to the ground.At this time, another Wu general roared angrily, turned out from the left, and hurriedly stabbed Xu Chu with his spear. Xu Chu flashed suddenly, and suddenly grabbed the gun.The general Wu was so frightened that he abandoned his gun and ran away. Xu Chu immediately flew away with a knife, hit his left shoulder, and fell down after looking at it.Xu Chu stepped up to catch up with him, and stabbed him with a spear. The blood suddenly appeared, and the man was dead.Xu Chu killed the two generals in an instant, and the surrounding Wu soldiers were terrified. At this moment, Xu Sheng rushed from behind, looked at the back of Xu Chu's head with a big knife and chopped off.Xu Chu, however, seemed to have eyes behind his back. Hearing the sound of the knife, he suddenly turned around and stabbed with the gun. There was a loud 'bang', Xu Chu used too much force, and broke the barrel of the gun.At the same time, Xu Sheng's big knife had been stabbed open, and his whole body was almost turned upside down. Fortunately, Xu Sheng stepped on his feet suddenly and stabilized his castration.Xu Chu stared fiercely, and roared fiercely.

"Wu thief!! You dare to offend the tiger, aren't you afraid of being bitten to death by the tiger!!"

Xu Chu drank and moved his footsteps, hoping that Xu Sheng would charge over.Xu Sheng suddenly lowered his body, and when he gave an order, there were bursts of bowstrings and twitching sounds in the Chaos of Wu soldiers behind him.Xu Chu's face was startled, and he quickly drew the knife to block it, and there was a burst of metal collisions.Xu Chu was forced to retreat by random arrows. Seeing this, Xu Sheng swung his saber and killed him.

Behind Wu Bing shouted in unison and rushed forward one after another.Without fear, Xu Chu shouted loudly, and the scattered Wei soldiers rushed to help.

The two armies fought together, and the Wu soldiers were full of vigor and had the upper hand. If Xu Chu hadn't resisted the front line, the Wei soldiers might have been killed and scattered.Xu Sheng was also heroic, he tried his best to catch Xu Chu, and the left and right soldiers attacked together.Xu Chu roared repeatedly, and a giant tiger with black and white flying wings appeared behind him. The fierceness increased sharply, and he just killed Wu Bing's surging attack.Gradually more and more troops came from the Wei soldiers, Xu Sheng's thoughts changed, he thought to himself that Xu Hu is a tough guy, if Wei Kou stabilized his position and then counterattacked, his own army would suffer heavy casualties and be defeated instead.So Xu Sheng retreated quickly, secretly gestured to several soldiers behind him, and those soldiers realized it, and retreated immediately.The moment Xu Sheng retreated, Xu Chu showed great power and hacked to death two more soldiers.Xu Sheng hurriedly embraced him, bravely brandished his sword, and attacked Xu Chu like a sudden rain.Xu Chu swung his saber to meet him, the tiger's eyes widened and his roar was astonishing, he slashed wildly with his saber.At this moment, the troops in the rear of the Wu soldiers withdrew quickly, rushed out of the stronghold, and watched the ships on the shore retreat.Seeing this, Xu Chu knew that Wu soldiers wanted to withdraw, so he was not willing to let them succeed, so he shouted loudly and ordered the soldiers to kill them.Xu Sheng led a small group of people to resist angrily, fought and retreated, and gradually retreated to the shore.Xu Sheng shouted anxiously, turned around and jumped towards the boat on the shore.Xu Chu yelled angrily, like a raging tiger, he jumped into the pack of wolves, killing them all, and came to catch Xu Sheng.When Wu soldiers on the boat saw Xu Chu coming to kill them, they all listened to their spears and halberds, and stabbed them wildly. Xu Chu couldn't get into the conflict and was killed back.Xu Sheng hurriedly ordered the boat to sail away, only to see dozens of Wei soldiers rushing over from the village.All of a sudden, the sound of shouting and killing was like a tide, shaking the river to surge like it was churning.Xu Sheng shouted loudly, and arrows rushed from all the ships.Wei Bing was immediately dispersed, and Xu Chu drew his sword to resist.Wu Bing fired repeatedly, and by the time the arrow stopped, Wu Bing's ships had already retreated.Xu Chu saw Wu Bing's boat gradually sailing into the river, he gritted his teeth with hatred and roared angrily.

"Wu Thief!! Xu Zhongkang will surely repay me for humiliating me!!"

Xu Chu's roar was loud, and within a radius of several miles, a wave rolled on the river suddenly, and there was a sudden crash on the bank.The Wu soldiers on the boat all looked horrified when they saw it, it was clear that they had won for a while, but they all had lingering fears and expressions of happiness, as if they had just escaped from the tiger's mouth.

"I have always heard that the heroes of the world say that there is no such thing as a fierce fighter like Xu Hulu. Seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation!!"

Hearing Xu Chu's roar, Xu Sheng's face changed continuously, and he spoke to the generals behind him.

When Xu Sheng withdrew to the camp, it was already dawn, and the sun rose slowly, shining on the Yangtze River where the stormy waves lapped on the shore and the waves rolled.Xu Sheng quickly ordered all the armies to rest and prepare for war.On the other side, Xu Chu's face was full of ferocity. After listening to the statistics of the soldiers, he reported that Wu soldiers attacked last night, and his own army lost nearly [-] soldiers and horses, while Wu thieves had only a few hundred casualties.Xu Chu was so angry that he seemed to be smoking all over, and ordered all the troops to get ready immediately, go to rest first, and wait for the lunch to be full, prepare the ships and go to the battle.As soon as Xu Chu's order fell, all the generals, seeing Xu Chu's murderous aura, dared to neglect him, took the order and went away one after another.

At noon, when the Wei soldiers were full, suddenly the drums sounded, and Xu Chu led four thousand sailors, and the boats were arranged in a line across the river.With the sound of beating drums, the sails of all the ships were raised, and they sailed through the wind and waves to look at the river.But it was said that Xu Sheng was in the village, when he suddenly heard the waves on the river sweeping up, making a loud noise, and then the sound of drums beating came over.Xu Sheng's expression was startled, and he hurried out of the tent to have a look. As soon as he stepped out of the tent, some soldiers rushed to report.

"General!! Xu Zhongkang led four thousand Wei Kou, and they are coming by boat!!"

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