Han Shimou

Chapter 1339 Hao Bodao wisely crosses the Yangtze River

() Jisheng reported that a group of troops from the opposite bank had rushed into the Dongwu stronghold, and there were more than [-] soldiers coming.When Cao Pi heard the report, his brows were deeply furrowed, and he said with a bit of sadness.

"Wu Thief's reinforcements, and Zhuge Jin's strategy is extremely high. Even my father and emperor praised him very much. He must not be an idler. In this way, wouldn't it be difficult for him to cross the river?" Is it even more difficult!?"

When Hao Zhao heard the words, his expression was shocked, and he came out with emotion, and answered with cupped hands.

"Your Highness, don't worry. There are thousands of Wu thieves in the area, why worry!? There is a plan, and I will be able to cross the river within three days!!"

When Cao Pi heard this, his heart was shocked, his face was overjoyed, and he asked Hao Zhao for advice.Hao Zhao's eyes were sparkling and dazzling, so he was taught to do so.When Cao Pi listened to the plan, he was startled, and all the generals in the tent praised him one after another.Cao Pi laughed out loud, and talked to the generals.

"Hao Bodao is really talented!!"


So Cao Pi acted according to the plan and made arrangements for each.Let's say that Zhuge Jin led the army into the stronghold, listened to Xu Sheng's report, and heard that his army had won many times. He was overjoyed and rewarded him heavily.Zhuge Jin was also afraid that the Wei people would come to attack the village, so he instructed Xu Sheng to send a team to investigate on the river.

That night, some Wu soldiers traveled long distances and fought fiercely. They were all exhausted. Except for the patrolling soldiers on the river, they all went to rest.At the second watch at night, suddenly there was a loud drum beating, and there were waves of shouts and killings from the river.Zhuge Jin woke up with a start, and hurried out of the stronghold to look without thinking about getting dressed, only to see the lights on the river, and I don't know how many boats were coming.Zhuge Jin thought that Wei soldiers were coming to attack the stronghold, so he quickly taught all the troops to prepare.Suddenly, there was a commotion and noise in Wu Junzhai, the sound of weapons and hurried footsteps.Just when all the troops were ready, the shouting and killing suddenly stopped, and the lights on the river gradually went out.When Xu Sheng saw it, he thought that Wei Bing had withdrawn seeing that his army was well prepared, so he asked Zhuge Jin to return to his tent to rest.Zhuge Jin frowned deeply, looked at the river, and after looking at it for a while, seemed thoughtful.Suddenly, a strong wind hit the river, blowing Zhuge Jin's hair all over his head, and he felt a chill all over his body.Xu Sheng was afraid that Zhuge Jin would catch a cold, so he invited him again.Gradually, the wind and waves on the river were calm, Zhuge Jin looked away silently, nodded slightly, and went back to the tent to rest.The night was silent, and from time to time there were a few sounds of turbulent waves hitting the shore, which made people fall asleep.Unknowingly, the lights on the river came on again, and the shouting and killing sounded loudly. The soldiers patrolling outside the village hurriedly called out, and suddenly there was chaos inside the village.Zhuge Jin hurried out, seeing the bright lights on the river, the shouts of killing and the sound of drums shaking the river, but there was no momentum.Seeing this, Zhuge Jin laughed and said to Xu Sheng.

"It seems that the son of the Cao family is not an ordinary person! He actually wants to use this false strategy to disturb the morale of our army, making our soldiers panic and unable to rest. The Wei Kou troops are waiting for work, ready to go, waiting for the opportunity Once they arrive, forcefully cross the river and enter our stronghold, if this happens, our army will definitely be defeated!!"

Hao Zhao's reputation has not yet risen, but Zhuge Jin did not expect that it was his plan.Xu Sheng was startled when he heard the words, his brows were deeply furrowed, and he said in a deep voice.

"It seems that this Cao Ziheng is not like Xu Huchi's unscheming generation. Now that the chief Sima has noticed the strategy of the Cao family's son, how should he break it?"

Zhuge Jin smiled lightly, his eyes flickered with wisdom and wisdom, and taught Xu Sheng.

"The essence of the art of war lies in adapting to the situation. It turned out to be the case. We might as well use our strategy and teach the other army to think that we have caught the trick, but teach the soldiers to withdraw secretly at night and station troops a few miles away to rest. In the next day, Wei Kou forced to attack our stronghold. I am going to ambush everywhere, ambush them in one fell swoop, and kill them all!!"

As soon as Zhugejin came up with this plan, Xu Sheng was overjoyed and praised with clasped hands.

"Da Sima Guo has unpredictable tricks, so he can't do it well."

Zhuge Jin laughed, high-spirited, then turned around and went back to the tent to pack up.Xu Sheng ordered the soldiers to set up tents a few miles outside the stronghold, and ordered the soldiers to plug their ears to rest.On the river, Wei Bing later bluffed twice.It didn't stop until after dawn the next day.Then, at noon, there was another sound of beating drums and shouts of killing on the river.And so on, day and night without interruption.However, there are many soldiers in Wei, and they take turns alternately, but it will not affect the rest.

Three days later, a detailed report came, saying that there was a lot of movement in Wei Junzhai, and it was suspected that there would be a large-scale attack tonight.Zhuge Jin was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly taught the soldiers to lay an ambush.Gradually at the beginning of the night, the river was full of lights, and the sound of killing was loud, but this time it was not a bluff, I saw big boats and small boats, looking at Wu Jun Dazhai, galloping towards.Zhuge Jin was watching the battle not far away. Seeing the Wei army's ships approaching the shore one after another, his heart tightened and he ordered to prepare.At this moment, the people on the Wei Jun ship were flooded, and Cao Zhang led an army himself, hoping that the Wu Jun Dazhai would kill them.When Zhuge Jin saw the Wei army coming to kill him, he sounded the order, and saw Cao Zhang rushing into the village. Suddenly there was a loud drum beating from all directions, and Wu soldiers from all walks of life rushed out from the back of the village.Seeing this, Cao Zhang's complexion changed drastically, he was in a hurry, and exclaimed.

"Not good! You have been tricked by Wu thief, get out quickly!!"

When Cao Zhang shouted, Wei Bing was in a panic and retreated in a panic.Wu soldiers rushed up from all directions, and those who escaped too far were captured.Cao Zhang ran wildly and looked at the boat. Xu Sheng shouted angrily and led his troops to hide and kill him until he reached the shore. He saw Wei soldiers fleeing to the boat.And on each ship, there are many figures.Xu Sheng expected that Wei Bing would be in chaos if he ran for his life in such a haste, he laughed wildly, and ordered the soldiers to board the ship and fight.Wu soldiers listened to the order and rushed to kill.Xu Sheng jumped onto the boat, and suddenly he saw Wei soldiers jumping into the river one after another, and saw that the boat was surrounded by firewood, and the figures he saw just now were all straw figures!

A general of the Wei army led dozens of soldiers to splash fish oil everywhere.Seeing this, Xu Sheng felt as if he had fallen into an abyss of ice, he was so cold that his whole body was frozen, he knew that he had hit the trick, and hurriedly ordered the soldiers to retreat, but the Wu soldiers behind were all eager to fight for success, rushing forward, so crowded that they couldn't retreat at all.All of a sudden, as the Wei soldiers on each ship threw their torches away one after another, the flames of the ships soared into the sky and quickly spread to all directions. The Wu soldiers who rushed on the ships were unexpected, and countless people were trapped by the fire.Xu Sheng panicked and ordered his soldiers to jump into the river.

At this moment, there was a wave of shouting and killing, several times louder than the one just now, countless small boats rushed over to rescue the soldiers who fell into the water, and anyone who saw Wu soldiers jumping into the river immediately threw arrows As a result, the Wu soldiers dared not fall into the river, but the fire on the ships was getting bigger and bigger. When the strong wind blew, there was a violent sound of "cracking", and the fire was spreading, and the red piece was burned alive by the flames. More and more Wu soldiers died, and the screams were endless.Gradually, many Wu soldiers jumped into the river frantically, and the Wu soldiers behind them seemed to be crazy, pushing and hugging the soldiers under the boat, and they all ran for their lives, so there were more than a thousand people who trampled and fell into the river.Standing on a small boat, Cao Pi was overjoyed to see that the Wu soldiers had no power to recover. He immediately drew his sword from his waist and ordered all the troops to fight.As soon as Cao Pi's order fell, drums vibrated and horns sounded, small boats rushed to the shore, and Wu soldiers were killed when they saw Wu soldiers raising their weapons.Wu soldiers scattered in groups of three or five, fleeing for their lives, and were killed by Wei soldiers so that they could not fight back.But it is said that Xu Sheng jumped into the river, and a small boat came. The Wei soldiers on the small boat all had hideous faces. He grabbed a gun, pulled a soldier into the river, and got on the boat.The Wei soldiers on the small boat flocked to kill them. At the critical moment, Xu Sheng had no fear, twisted his gun and swept wildly, sweeping the Wei soldiers on the small boat into the river one by one.Seven or eight Wu soldiers swam over, and Xu Sheng quickly taught the soldiers to sail the boat to the shore.Unexpectedly, just as the boat touched the shore, there was a roar, accompanied by a violent hurricane, like the howling of a giant tiger.Xu Sheng was so startled that his complexion changed drastically. Wu Bing, who was in front of him, suddenly screamed and flew upside down. Where blood gushed out, Xu Chu's face was fierce and murderous, and he rushed towards him with a knife in his hand.

"Wu Thief!! But you still recognize me, Xu Huchi!!?"

Seeing that it was Xu Chu, Xu Sheng was terrified, and before he recovered, Xu Chu suddenly swung his knife and slashed at him.Xu Sheng hurriedly dodged and jumped towards the bank. Xu Chu slashed at nothing, and immediately swung his knife again, flying towards Xu Sheng's back.

Xu Sheng couldn't dodge in time, there was a loud bang, a flash of fire erupted from the armor behind him, Xu Sheng screamed miserably, rolled and landed on the bank, the icy river rushed over quickly, Xu Sheng choked, coughed violently, coughed up Come, but it is blood Linlin river.Xu Chu jumped down on the shore suddenly, his face was fierce, and he shouted in a cold voice.

"Report your name, and I, Xu Huchi, will not kill the unknown!!"

Enduring the severe pain, Xu Sheng stood up slowly, his giant copper bell-like eyes widened, without any fear, he shouted loudly.

"I am Xu Wenxiang!! Xu Huchi, you have repeatedly lost to me, don't go crazy!!"

"Hahahaha!! Good! Good! Good!!! Today, I'm here to avenge my shame!!"

After Xu Chu finished his drink, he took a step forward, like a raging mad tiger, rushing towards him.Xu Sheng gritted his teeth, twisted his gun and greeted him.It was too late and then it was too fast, the weapons of the two men came into contact instantly, and there was a sudden sound, the gun in Xu Sheng's hand suddenly swung away, and his body fell backwards.With a cry, Xu Chu kicked up and hit Xu Sheng's abdomen.Xu Sheng yelled bitterly, fell to the ground, and a wave rushed towards him, dragging Xu Sheng into the river.Xu Chu watched coldly, and suddenly took a few featherless arrows from his waist pouch. Xu Sheng just stood up from Jiang Nei, when suddenly there were several bursts of air and loud noises, and he got up suddenly.When Xu Sheng looked anxiously, the flying stones had arrived, and there were three muffled 'bang bang bang' sounds, one hit Xu Sheng's helmet, and the other two hit Xu Sheng's chest.After the muffled sound, Xu Sheng fell down in response.Xu Chu showed some appreciation in his eyes, and shouted to the soldiers on a small boat not far away.

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