Han Shimou

Chapter 1341

() Suddenly, a sneer appeared on the corner of Cao Zhang's mouth, he yelled the word 'kill', and slammed the horse, and the horse rushed.Zhu Huan's face was cold, but he didn't go out to fight. He shouted angrily, and more than a thousand Wu soldiers shot arrows one after another.At the same time, Zhu Huan secretly cast eyes on Zhuge Jin earlier, Zhuge Jin understood, retreated into the formation, got on a horse, and rushed to Jianye City with the support of dozens of Wu soldiers from cavalry.

Let's say that at the moment, thousands of arrows burst out and flew out, densely packed, looking menacingly at Cao Zhang shot over.Cao Zhang shouted angrily, and danced the giant black iron sword. Behind him, the golden dragon kept scurrying around, baring its teeth and claws. Following the swing of the giant black iron sword, sword energy shot out horizontally and scattered the incoming arrows. Suddenly, There was a crackling sound.Cao Zhang's heart twitched suddenly, and suddenly he saw a three-tailed white fox leaping forward, his expression changed, and he quickly raised his sword and slashed.If the sword had the potential to break the sky, it would suddenly fall from top to bottom, and an incomparably sharp sword energy would shoot out immediately. The golden dragon opened its mouth wide and bit the three-tailed white fox that was rushing.There was a sudden sound, and the two arrows were pierced by the sword energy one after another. The last arrow, with unparalleled momentum, suddenly broke the sword energy and shot towards Cao Zhang's throat.Cao Zhang saw it eagerly, and hurriedly moved away, and the arrow whizzed away from his ear, narrowly avoiding it. ..

Of course, Cao Zhang fought fiercely all night, and then he was tired of chasing Zhuge Jin. He lost [-]% of his strength, and he had resisted a wave of arrows before. It's amazing.Zhu Huan also saw that Cao Zhang's strength was weak, and he thought that he would be able to kill him this time, but Cao Zhang was so powerful, he couldn't help showing his face full of horror, and said in his heart.

"This general is young, and his martial arts are so good. In time, I am afraid that no one in the world will be his opponent. We will get rid of him immediately!!"

After thinking about it, Zhu Huan quickly ordered the soldiers to shoot arrows, and then he drew the bow and loaded the arrow, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.In an instant, with bursts of violent bangs, arrows rushed towards the sky and covered the earth.Cao Zhang was so angry that he shouted violently.

"Using more to bully the less, what kind of hero is he, dare to fight me to the death!!?"

But Zhu Huan didn't hear it, his aura surged wildly, he saw a gap, and he shot the arrow immediately.Three consecutive arrows lined up side by side and shot suddenly.Seeing this, Cao Zhang knew that it was difficult to win, and he didn't want to make any more entanglements. He tried his best to cut out a sword qi, and after breaking Zhu Huan's Lianzhu arrow, he turned his horse around, dragged his sword behind him, and fled.Zhu Huan snorted coldly, but he saw that Cao Zhang wanted to use a sword trick to lure himself to chase him, so he would not fall for the trick, so he let Cao Zhang escape.Cao Zhang rushed back to his soldier's horse and saw that Zhu Huan was not chasing him. He turned back to look at his horse, his eyes glowing with golden light, murderous, and he shouted and asked.

"Wu thief, how dare you report your name? One day, I, Cao Ziwen, will take your head!!"

"Hmph! I, Zhu Xiumu, am not afraid of anything, why should I be afraid of you, a yellow-bearded bastard!!"

Zhu Huan snorted coldly and replied coldly.Remembering his name, Cao Zhang gave Zhu Huan a hard look, then reined in his horse and led his troops back.Seeing that Cao Zhang led his troops away, general Wu hurriedly came to persuade Zhu Huan to go ahead and cover up the killing.Zhu Huan hesitated for a while, but finally resisted the impulse in his heart, and said solemnly, shaking his head.

"That Huang-bearded man is not an idler, and most of Wei Kou's troops don't know when they will come. We will go there rashly. If there is an emergency, we will be forced to be wiped out. We will withdraw our troops and return to the city first, and then plan for the future."

After Zhu Huan finished speaking, he pulled up his horse and turned around, and all the soldiers followed one after another, looking towards the direction of Jianye City.When Zhu Huan returned to Jianye City, he rushed to the county government office to see Zhuge Jin after finishing his army.Zhuge Jin had been waiting for a long time. Seeing Zhu Huan's return, he hurriedly asked about the past.Zhu Huan cupped his hands and bowed, then elaborated one by one.It turned out that Zhuge Jin led troops to support Xu Sheng and taught Zhu Huan to guard Jianye.Zhu Huan has always been cautious and sent scouts to investigate the enemy's situation along the Yangtze River. Last night, he suddenly heard that some scouts hurried back to report, saying that there was a fire in front of the Zijun Dazhai, and the sound of fighting was earth-shattering.Zhu Huan was shocked, fearing that his own army would be defeated, he hurriedly led more than a thousand Qingqi to rescue, but he happened to meet Zhuge Jin's team of disabled soldiers.When Zhuge Jin heard the words, Fu Xu sighed and thanked Zhu Huan.

"Fortunately, Xiu Mu came in time, otherwise, I'm afraid that Xing's life will be in danger this time!"

Zhu Huan bowed in return, then his expression sank, and he also asked Zhuge Jin about the battle last night.Zhuge Jin's complexion was gloomy, full of shame, and she spoke one by one.After hearing this, Zhu Huan's eyes were full of worry, and he said.

"Now that Wei Kou is crossing the Yangtze River, Danyang has no natural danger from the Yangtze River to rely on. In addition, our army was almost completely destroyed last night. There are only a few thousand soldiers left in Jianye City. Wei Kou has a large number of troops, and it may be difficult to reach them. Potential!! If the generals in the army listen to it, the army will definitely be in chaos!!"

After hearing this, Zhuge Jin trembled all over and sighed.

"I ended up in such a situation because I underestimated the enemy. I wanted to plot against others, but I didn't know that my every move had already been predicted by others!!"

Zhu Huan closed his eyes slightly, and clenched his fists tightly. After pondering for a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, shot two rays of light, and shouted generously.

"Great Sima, don't worry! Whenever two armies confront each other, the victory or defeat depends on the general, not the widow. The former Grand Sima didn't know the treachery of the bandits, and underestimated the enemy's carelessness. Now he has prepared for it. Cao Ziheng uses troops to march. How can he compete with him?" Compared with Da Sima!?

There is a saying in the so-called art of war, so the main defense and the guest attack, the main side only needs half of the troops to resist several times the guest side's troops.Among them, they are all in the plains, without the defense of the city.

Now the Wei Kou trekked long distances, forcibly crossed the Yangtze River, and the men and horses stopped being trapped. Da Sima and Huan occupied the high city together, waited for work at ease, and dominated the guests.Although it's Jia Wenhe Zilai, it's not enough to worry about, what's more, Cao Ziheng is so evil! ? "

Zhuge Jin's face was shocked when he heard the words, his face was full of shock, and he looked at Zhu Huan, as if he had changed into a different person.After a while, Zhuge Jin came back to his senses and exclaimed.

"Xiu Mu's high-sounding remarks are really good words of gold and stone, and they are a hundred times better than a certain one!!"

It turns out that Zhu Huan is not only brave and good at fighting, but also has the essence of mastering the art of war. Zhou Tai once said privately that Zhu Huan is not a thing in the pool. Lu Ziming is comparable to Lu Ziming, so I try my best to cultivate!Zhou Tai and Zhu Huan can be said to be like brothers, with deep feelings.Therefore, when Zhu Huan heard Zhou Tai's sad news, the blow was so severe that ordinary people could empathize with it.

Now Zhu Huan listened to Zhuge Jin's praise, although he was modest, he cupped his hands and bowed.

"Great Sima's praise, Huan He De is so capable, how dare he receive such great praise! I hope that with the hard work of a dog and a horse, we will drive back the Wei Kou for the country, and keep Danyang safe!!"

When Zhuge Jin heard the words, a smile appeared on his face at some point, he nodded slightly, and then asked Zhu Huan for advice.Zhu Huan expected that Cao Ziheng must be arrogant and arrogant when he strengthened the Yangtze River. It is better to stop the flag and drums and show his weakness to lure Cao Ziheng to lead his troops to attack. So attack it, you will be able to win it.Zhuge Jin was overjoyed by the plan, so he followed Zhu Huan's plan and made arrangements.

In addition, Cao Pi was able to defeat Wu soldiers, capture Xu Sheng, and forcefully cross the Yangtze River by virtue of Hao Zhao's strategy.On the bank of the Yangtze River, Cao Pi, supported by the generals, walked forward, full of vigor, majesty, and the attitude of an emperor.Xu Sheng was escorted by a group of Wei soldiers and fell to his knees.Xu Sheng gritted his teeth, his face full of hatred, and before Cao Pi could speak, he yelled at Cao Pi, begging for pleasure.Cao Pi's expression sank, but he actually shouted at the soldiers behind Xu Sheng.

"Presumptuous!! Xu Wenxiang is a hero in the world, how dare you treat him like this!!"

After Cao Pi finished drinking, he hurriedly helped Xu Sheng up, and then made a move that shocked all the Wei army officers and soldiers, and wanted to untie Xu Sheng.Xu Sheng let out a cold snort, then broke out suddenly, knocked Cao Pi away, and roared sharply.

"Children of the Cao family, don't be hypocritical. I was defeated by you. You can kill me or cut me up as you please!! But if you want to teach me to betray my master and become a thief, you are wishful thinking!!"

Cao Pi was hit by Xu Sheng, grinning his teeth for a while, his chest was in severe pain, all the surrounding Wei generals were furious, all staring and raising their eyebrows, just about to attack.

At this moment, Cao Pi waved his hand and shocked the generals.Cao Pi's expression froze, and he said to Xu Sheng.

"Mr. Xu, don't misunderstand a good man. Don't you know that Mr. Xu is loyal and courageous, he is greedy for life and afraid of death, and betrays his master. How can he ask for trouble? It's just that he pities Mr. Xu's talent, and he doesn't want to see such a hero and suffer such a shame. So let it go for you."

As soon as Cao Pi's words fell, Xu Sheng's expression shook, and his heart trembled.Then Cao Pi came striding forward, pulled out the sword at his waist, and cut the hemp rope on Xu Sheng's body.Suddenly a fierce light appeared in Xu Sheng's eyes, he struggled violently, the hemp rope broke, stretched out his ape arm, and made a gesture to snatch Cao Pi's sword.Xu Chu, who was behind Cao Pi, had been prepared for a long time, roared angrily, and stepped forward.In the blink of an eye, Xu Shenggang's outstretched hand was suddenly grabbed by a strong palm. Xu Chu stared wide-eyed and shouted angrily.

"Xu Wenxiang, my majestic His Royal Highness Wei Shizi appreciates you so much, what are you doing!!?"

Xu Chu's strength was boundless, this grasp immediately made Xu Sheng's face change, and he couldn't struggle no matter what.Xu Sheng felt all directions, and murderous gazes shot towards him, as if to pierce his heart with ten thousand arrows.Xu Sheng knew that he was already a fish on the chopping board, so he just gave up and shouted angrily.

"You waited for the Wei Kou to invade our Soochow without righteousness, occupying the territory of Soochow, and harming the people of Soochow. They did a lot of evil, and the people and gods were all angry!! I, Xu Wenxiang, was born as a minister of the Wu people and died as a ghost of the Wu people, but I wish I could eat you Waiting for meat, drinking your waiting blood, don't talk too much, just kill me!!"


Suddenly, Cao Pi let out a furious roar, and his body suddenly surged with power like a raging wave, causing Xu Sheng's face to change in shock.I only listened to Cao Pi's stern words.

"Since Shi Changshi's misfortune and chaos, the collapse of the Han Dynasty, the overthrow of the country, the world has been in chaos for a long time, and the people everywhere have suffered unspeakably. They all hope that the world will be unified as soon as possible, so as to usher in a peaceful and prosperous world and live and work in peace and contentment. Today, Your Majesty is dedicated to Emperor Liu Xie. The Zen, the great treasure, is orthodox in the world, and the destiny belongs to it. The Sun family, for their own self-interest, has separated the land of Jiangdong and Jiaozhou for decades. As a result, people are devastated, with ulterior motives!!

Today's His Majesty has set up a benevolent and righteous teacher to conquer Wu's great cause, but it is the hope of the people all over the world, and it is the general trend!It is by no means a selfish act.You Xu Wenxiang should focus on the overall situation, how can the hope of the world be compared with the self-interest of a family! ? "

Cao Pi yelled enthusiastically, his voice clanging loudly, and Xu Sheng was speechless for a moment, his eyes couldn't help but a little bit more bewildered.Seeing this, Cao Pi took advantage of the victory to pursue, and repeatedly stern words, which made Xu Sheng's heart flutter, and the overall situation of the day fell on Xu Sheng's shoulders.Xu Sheng's firm belief was shaken violently, and he didn't know where to go.Cao Pi's eyes were vicious, and he saw Xu Sheng's vacillation, but suddenly he changed the subject and said with a shake of his sleeves.

"The so-called differences do not conspire with each other. You don't want to be congenial, and I don't want to be strong and persecute. You just leave!!"

After Cao Pi finished speaking, he cast a look at Xu Chu.Xu Chu realized it in his heart, snorted coldly, and gave it away.Xu Sheng didn't seem to expect that Cao Pi would spare him his death, so he couldn't react for a while.At this time, Cao Pi told a general to tell him to fetch a BMW and give him a gift to go back as soon as possible.The so-called scholar died for his confidant. Seeing Cao Pi respected so much, Xu Sheng was confused. For some reason, he knelt down on both knees, blurted out, and kowtowed.

"A certain wish has come down!"

Cao Pi was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly helped Xu Sheng up, his eyes were full of undisguised joy, and he laughed loudly.

"Hahaha. My big brother Wei Dewen is like-minded, and I will be able to complete the great cause of unifying the country as soon as possible!!"

Cao Pi then rewarded Xu Sheng heavily, and Xu Sheng was very grateful.Xu Sheng concurred, and Cao Pi's confidence soared. After finishing his army that day, he sent scouts to Jianye City to investigate.When Cao Pi heard the words, he thought that Wu's soldiers were all timid, and wanted to march on a large scale, and killed them to Jianye City in one fell swoop.When Hao Zhao heard the words, his face tightened, and he quickly remonstrated.

"Wait a minute, Your Majesty! The Taifu has ordered that if Your Highness crosses the Yangtze River, do not act rashly. You should wait for the Taifu's rear army to arrive and prepare enough supplies before fighting again. Although our army has crossed the Yangtze River, we only have seven or eight rations in reserve. It is for the purpose of the sun, but I have heard that Jianye City is also called "Stone City". The city walls are all built of solid stone and rock.

As soon as Hao Zhao said this, Cao Zhang also frowned and said.

"What Bodao said is reasonable. What's more, our army has traveled a long distance and fought fiercely again and again. The soldiers are all exhausted, so it is not appropriate to force a war!!"

Cao Pi's face darkened when he heard what Cao Zhang and Hao Zhao said, and he couldn't help hesitating.At this time, Xu Chu's face was shocked, and he shouted loudly.

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